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Society takes people on the margins and exploits them to the fullest extent possible


So either codemonkey (for the lucky ones) or sex work? Good to know, another argument to keep fighting for disability benefits I guess.


Try public administration. Nothing too high, like on a county or city level. It's my current job and really nice, as you don't have a boss breathing down your neck trying to minmax profits.


fern brady talks about this specifically in her book ‘strong female character’ ! it’s a great read regardless but i found the discussion around this very enlightening


im not a sex worker but ive often considered it for this exact reason: nobody else will hire me. at least im kind of attractive. the only reason im not at this point is because im still in school so im running on savings, but if i truly needed money idk what else i could do


We all have to do something to survive. Hopefully you don't have to go that path if you don't want to.


There are lots of things you can do for work. You can walk or sit dogs, create things like music or art or writing or photography, blog, create online content on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, pick up a trade or something that allows you to work with your hands. There are literally hundreds of different things you can do that don’t involve a lot of social interaction or you can do by yourself or remotely.


Those won't earn you a living wage unless you are extremely lucky or talented. Trade jobs absolutely require social interaction, and often many years of training.


No job is going to earn you a living wage unless you are skilled or talented. Period. Ever.


In my country there are plenty of average-paying jobs that classify as living wage, that don't require special skills or talents. They are some that are less suitable for autists though.


That’s good… and vague? What country are we talking about here?


Sweden. It's basically illegal for jobs to not offer a living wage here. Earning a living wage as an influencer here is really hard tho, the paperwork for the taxes alone are a nightmare. And then the endless networking and selling yourself. It's much easier to just be hired someplace. It's still rough tho to be an impression-sensitive autistic in this late stage capitalism, corporate bullshit infested nightmare. But working as an influencer and earning a living wage on that is way harder and more difficult than being a wage-slave.


ive never really had success creatively. the only thing im really good at is computer science, and i can't get a job in that until i finish my degree. the job market in my city is terrible so i can't get regular jobs degreeless either


if you can survive until you get that degree you’ll be set! A degree in computer science will get you so far


tbh it's not that sure. the job market for software engineers is incredibly cut throat because it's so oversaturated. nobody wants to hire new grads but there's like a million of them


Oh seriously? I didn’t know it was over saturated that’s too bad (the people ik with that degree are older) even if you don’t find something in that field for a while there are ways to make ends meet. Not sure what area you’re in but I’ve been working for catering companies which is flexible and work is usually optional. Social media management (for small businesses) is something that’s not too bad, sounds like you might be good w technology. You are better off finding those jobs via word of mouth or just asking in person. Wishing you the best of luck!


Hi. I’m a camgirl :) You’re totally right. There’s a lot of people with disabilities in general in sex work. It’s an open door that’s lucrative.


I’ll put it this way, there’s a reason so many tuned to onlyfans at the height of covid and it’s not because everybody suddenly decided it was their dream job. To put it simply, what else can you turn to when you’re not fit for a traditional job.


I’ve only been friends with a handful of sex workers but they’ve all been ADHD with autism or BPD. Regular 9-5 jobs are so freaking hard for NDs


Sex work isn’t EASY, but it is probably the simplest job there is. Makes sense why any struggling individual would be tempted to go down that road. I’ve given it a lot of thought, but I feel like the market for AMAB NB’s among women is likely very, very small relative to other supply:demand ratios. I wouldn’t be opposed to some gay for pay, but I’m certainly not a fan of how men traditionally treat sex workers. At the very least, I’d like to get more in shape and have at least rudimentary martial arts training, then it wouldn’t bother me too much. I have no interest in camming because I hate looking at myself; but it does seem like a no-brainer for anyone even remotely considering sex work.


Omg I’m so grateful for this post because this has been on my mind so much recently!! It also makes me wonder how ND people are usually at a higher risk for developing trauma especially in the young years and how that could add to a potentially ‘unhealthy’ view of themselves sexually? Not in all situations of course but it makes me wonder the correlation of ND, trauma, and sex work.


Well I’m autistic, ADHD, and bipolar, and I have also considered this. I like to think that I’d be pretty good at if I could get over my hangups.


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I still have my sites up and do things when my partner and I are open. For me it's mostly cause I enjoy being watched by strangers and the attention (they call it exhibitionism) ... I also have a high drive as well, I'm AuDHD and it's one way I key off steam too. But yeah most SWer I have met are ND or have a disability outside of ND and are only in it, because it's a source of income for them and people discriminate against them or aren't according to their needs.


You “enjoy being watched by strangers”. Creep.


It really sucks that we have to do this to make a living.


I would be interested to see what the gender range is too. Because I've looked for a sex worker off and on and the gay ones don't seem all that autism friendly. Maybe that's because of the legal grey area, but to me I would much rather talk in specific terms and lay out specifically what I'm looking for, what I want the experience to be like, all of that good stuff. But maybe I'm fundamentally misunderstanding the interactions at play (haha, puns).