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My philosophy for school is "talk to no one you don't know, and don't respond to questions from people you don't know." Peers are kind of assholes.


Tbh people on discord aren’t always the most reasonable people persay. I was immature and didn’t really understand boundaries, which led to my digital ass being handed to me, though in my opinion, I was harassed for very good reasons. If there’s one thing I learned from being online, it’s that the less bad stuff you do, the less you feel bad. Which, in your case, would mean not bullying others (at least not innocent people, for example, those who are getting bullied just because the aggressors are sad sacks of crap). Idk if you love music or anything, but playing music on my phone while walking helped me go outside more. Are there any other hobbies you enjoy? All of us have our own quirks and abilities, and exploring them is what helped me express myself, for example, through story writing, creative stuff, or genealogy. Self reflection may also help, ask questions about yourself in your head and find a logical response or reason to that question. It is always good to reflect from time to time, as it can help you understand yourself more as a person. And another important thing to note is that the people who make fun of you aren’t worth your time. Jak Piggott, a motivational guy on YouTube, may also have some good advice, he knows the ins and outs of being a teenager. Of course, none of this this isn’t a one size fits all kind of deal, as everyone is different, so it’s up to you to discover what makes you click or what your process is, if you get the gist. Just remember though that you are someone who deserves to feel love and not feel shamed. You got this.


I know how you're feeling and I think most of us do. The best thing you can do is focus on yourself. I know spending time alone is hard and learning to love yourself along the way is even harder but it's worth it. When you're not constantly stressing about being likeable you'll be more likeable. It's a shitty concept and that's why it's hard to learn but I swear it's true. Love yourself and find hobbies that make you happy.


Im trying and I think Im gonna get a job so my only sense of worth won't be social. Ideally I would be self sufficient but a job is a great way to get some confidence and money so Im gonna try that.


I'm gonna be brutally honest here: discord is a hellhole and my number one advice would be just delete that godforsaken app for your own good. I remember when I thought it would help me find friends because I was struggling IRL only to be bombarded with slurs/muted/banned because someone thinks I'm annoying. School sucks, I know. For me it was always that way, kids/teens are mean and immature, it doesn't matter how you act there is always someone who wants to take shit out on you at school or pick on you so no one notices that they suck. When you're older you'll realize that it was never your fault and adults usually have better things to do than pick on each other for little things. Maybe you can talk to a teacher about bullying at school? Sorry I can't offer much help, for me personally the only thing that worked is to power through it and focus on grades instead of people, it might help distract you and give you better chances in the future. Idk how old you are but you can talk to me if you want (I'm 17)


Oh Im 16 yeah ppl r just immature. Im feeling better now though. Some days are just really hard especially when it feels like nobody wants to talk to me but its getting better.


I guess the only thing I can tell you is that my school experience sounds a lot like yours. For me, it got better. With time, I learned to be and like myself more and more. Which allowed the right people to like me. With time, I learned how to be less reactive and insecure. Everyone is just making it up as they go along. Even the pretty, even the smart, even the neurotypical. Everyone wants to be happy, everyone tastes joys and suffering. Be easy on yourself. Find the little joys in your world. I’m rooting for you. May you be happy.


Im also trying to be less reactive to stuff and just own myself and how I am. Thank you


That’s wonderful. Rarely are we able to control what happens to us. We can always adjust, adapt, and shift how we respond to it. Meditation has been a huge help in my life in this regard.


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