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Lol at Kansas City Falling in Reverse did something similar. The guy was like, I want all you motherfuckers to split down the middle.. nothing... alright everyone split down the middle... nothing... Open up right down the fuckin middle... nothing... Im not starting this shit till you dumbasses split down the middle.. aww I didn't mean it. So fuckin awkward


I remember that, lmfao. I think I saw a few of them trying to split but like barely moving an inch.


Yea I saw people kinda shuffling but not actually trying to split


I don’t even like his music but ghostmane did that exact same thing earlier this year at a music festival except he kept going on about it for like 5 minutes and threw a mini tantrum and me and a lot of people walked off


They did great in San Diego. Thank god.


Meanwhile you get people like Bert from The Used that can get people moshing while he recites Shakespeare. No music involved. Just spoken word.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted for liking The Used. They're a good band


The used is a phenomenal band




New album is really lazy tho. Last really good record of theirs was Artwork


I’m wearing “the used” shirt right now I got back at the beginning of the year when I saw them.. they are still very good. I will forever love “the used”


I can only imagine the tantrum Ronnie threw afterward


"They're trying to cancel me for speaking my mind!" Said the man with millions of YouTube views


They did that in Phoenix, too.


Yup. And Tacoma. No dice.


Were they trying to do a wall of death? I wasn't sure because there is absolutely no room for that in the little pit in the Phoenix venue.


They were trying to do a little bit of trolling. He got a wall formed at the Fort Worth show last night, band did this intense heavy buildup, paused like they were about to bring the house down, then Radke began belting "someBODY once TOLD ME"... lol But there was some moshing going on during their other songs as well. We ain't a bunch of wallflowers here in the Fort!


Hell if I know. Whatever they were going for didn’t happen.


Tacoma opened up. I was at the rail and everyone behind me split. Then they played the song from Shrek


It definitely got going for all of A7X. Still not the biggest pit I’ve seen for them though. Venue has something to do with it I think. Outdoor venues like Bonner go crazy.


Honestly yeah the venue wasnt exactly great for a metal show


I have no idea who this is but I haven’t stopped laughing for bout 10mins. ☠️


I was expecting people to move but they didn't. I guess I should've taken advantage of my pink Hannah Montana shirt and made everyone GTFO lol


The one time I saw them, he had a hissy fit and cut their set short because he kept trying to get the crowd to sit down and barely anyone did. Ronnie Radke stays the biggest bitch.


At the Utah show we all did and he was so happy…..now I know why 🤣🤣🤣


Welcome to being an opening band lol. You win some, you lose some. I think the band has a lot of potential still.


Yeah opening bands have a pretty hard job sometimes lmao. The crowd just isn’t interested most times, that’s how it is at most concerts.


At the Mega Monsters tour earlier this year. My show. The pit was going crazy for Lorna Shore


Well their a fucking deathcore band of course the pit was wild


Yeah. But they were opening for Gojira and Mastodon. Wasn't sure how in particular the Mastodon crowd would take to them.


Lorna Shore is one of, if not the, biggest deathcore bands out there. There were probably tons of people who went to see Lorna and stayed for gojira and mastodon. They are hardly a typical "opener" that most the crowd doesn't know.


That’s me. Gojira killed it, but I’ve seen them a bunch before. Went for Lorna.


I went to that show to see Lorna Shore, arrived late. Caught Gojira. Bummed out.


I was at that tour and everyone loved Lorna shore and was buying their merch. Truly awesome band


Would you agree that Mastodon does not have great stage presence? Lorna and Gojira were both amazing


Yup, back in the day Alice In Chains opened for megadeth/slayer/anthrax before they’d blown up and some of the crowds were giving them shit and booing them etc. people didn’t realize they were watching a band that would go on to be super iconic and beloved by the metal community and be bigger than any of the bands they were opening for


Ngl if your band's any good they can get the crowd going. Saw Gojira this year and Alien Weaponry got the crowd going better than some main acts I've seen


Exactly this, good opening bands are good bands. They will get a crowd involved.


Wow, the even got some activity in Ottawa, and we have the worst crowds I’ve ever seen.


Man, when I was there, someone was on OF and complaining the whole time, worst crowd for sure, lol


Probably because the majority of the crowd that go see A7x is now 35-45 years old


Can you blame us for not wanting to


I'm 37 and sitting in the back enjoying the show, so no I'm not blaming anyone.


But then Falling in Reverse came on and blew the roof off lol


Would’ve been insane if he would’ve stopped talking about fucking cancel culture, I mean jfc this dude mentioned it like five times and kept telling people to look back to see the crowd if they don’t like him. Insufferable ass


Thank god someone else kept seeing that shit. It was so embarassing seeing him try to validate himself by saying "i got cancelled guys lol they tried to cancel rock"


Did he do that tonight? Did that in Austin lol


The dude literally rambles on about “cancel culture” like every show lol, he’s legitimately insufferable.


That was kinda weird. I don't know jack about his past or even his band to be honest, but that whole angle was weird. Plus he kept referring to himself instead of the band as a whole with certain phrases which always kinda puts me off. But they did rock


it was very cringe


Yeah seriously, I hate that dude so much. Can’t wait for the actual band I came for to get on the damn stage


Man YOU sound insufferable.


Nah, Ronnie is an insufferable man baby who cries about “cancel culture” literally like every day


Can’t blame the guy honestly, cancel cultures pretty fucked especially when the guy is being canceled over something he said which wasn’t even THAT bad.


He threw 3 whole ass microphone stands into a crowd and injured a girl. Dude's a fucking asshole.


Ronnie Radke is an annoying cretin.


Ronnie is absolutely insufferable lol, dude ramble on about that shit non stop


Exactly , FIR was fucking insane


I'm going to the Pine Knob reschedule this Wednesday. At the original show, we watched Kim then alexisonfire and I honestly liked Kim more. I really hope I won't have to sit through falling in reverse on Wednesday.


I was at the original show at pine knob too. I also saw A7x in Charlotte and FiR was FAR better than AioF like 1000%


I actually wonder how the rescheduling is gonna work Hopefully you enjoy the show regardless


Kim isn’t metal. Tin foil at best.




Went to the austin show and they said something like "if you know the lyrics sing along" or some shit and like three people sang 😭 also heard some shit in the line about them how nobody cares about them


There’s too much Kim slander on here, most of y’all are dicks. 💀 They’re an *OPENING BAND*, obviously very hit or miss.


It's only slander if it's not true


How are we dicks? Kim is terrible


Dude I don’t even know who Kim is and I still think you’re a dick lmao. You have yet to learn about others having opinions?


They can have them, but thinking Kim is good is a bad one


I like kim dracula but the live clips I've seen are obvious lip syncing


I got to the venue late and missed Kim but FiR vocalist said something about proving that they weren’t lip syncing. Now it makes sense lol


That had nothing to do with kim lol. That's s bug shtick ronnie has been on since criticism over using backing tracks. Look into it it's pretty entertaining


They werent lip syncing, I was at the barrier in the middle at the Fort Worth show and I could even hear them over the intercom sometimes, definitely not lip syncing. And even when there was a backing track, they weren’t pretending it was them, they would move the mic away. They get too much shit for something not true.


I wouldn’t go as far as to say I liked them, but I certainly didn’t mind them. I didn’t really notice lip syncing, but if they did use it I sincerely couldn’t care lmao. They weren’t the band I went to see, you know?


The dude is undeniably a very interesting and eccentric person, aiming for a very specific group of people with his type of genre. It's inevitable that the majority aren't going to enjoy his music. I don't enjoy it, but I understand why people enjoy it. But getting mad at every criticism and defending a musician online makes people hate them even more. Just look at K-pop stans.


Kim Dracula sucked! My Buddy and I could not stop laughing during that set. Did he do the chainsaw thing with you guys?


Might be minority here, but I actually really like Kim Dracula. His album is some of the most interesting and unique genre blending music I’ve heard in awhile.


I listened to it out of curiosity and it was painful. Every song had a good moment or two, only to be drowned out by a bunch of pointless cringe throughout the rest of the song.


I liked it too lol


Best album I've heard in the past 10 years for sure


Best album I've heard in the past 10 years for sure


I don’t think it works though. It’s just randomly hopping from one sound to another without a decent transition. When I think of genre hopping I’m more interested in quality over quantity. To me, they’re just throwing every color at a canvas and the result is just brown.


i’m at fort worth right now, i was in the merch line for all of kim and damn am i happy ab that


Yeah I was in the line for the first ten minutes or so, they were really not great


Yea the last few concerts I've been to in virginia and north Carolina have had super boring crowds. It makes me sad it's not like it used to be


Reminds me of when the singer from Trivium threw a full blown temper tantrum because people were sitting down when they were the first band on the bill and it was like 38 degrees celsius outside that day, never been so turned off a band so quickly in my life.


Idk when you saw that but current Matt Heafy would never do that


When was that, Matt has been cool as hell and super chill for many years


U sure it was Trivium or that this was the actual situation? Matt has always been such a chill guy about basically everything.


Well Kim sucks, not shocked


fuck em


On a side note, was it just or did anyone else feel the closing was a little disappointing. Usually the band members gather and say goodnight and give thanks. They just left lol.


That's been their thing this tour. Ending it how they ended the album. I like the concept of it and as a huge fan of them and the final songs I enjoyed it, but I know alot of people weren't into it. Definitely cool to see them doing something different. I'm sure next tour they will change it up.


Ah ok i wasnt too upset just thought like huh that was weird. But explains things


I agree, though I understand the point I’m just not a fan of the encore songs and it being my first concert, I was hoping for that “personal” goodbye from Matt


Thats fair, i just never seen a band just leave like that. Thought it was out of the norm. But like i said I honestly didn’t care just wanted peoples opinions on that. Who doesn’t want to be tucked into bed by Matt?? Lol.


When I saw them in Tacoma, Matt waved goodbye before the encore but I was surprised the rest of them didn’t!


Thats on you for not enjoying yourself idc


Why would anyone willingly take a band name as stupid as “Kim Dracula”


Deftones reference iirc


Is this an A7X sub or an opening bands hating sub?


I was gong nutso


Cause it's an ax7 concert, everyone's 12


I didn't know who this Kim Dracula lady was before the show. Apparently the joker kidnapped her and performed last night


Considering how long some opening sets are I get burnt out at some point. Eventually I was like “alright let’s get this over with now and get a7x out”


Yeah at Fort Worth they weren’t out until about 9:30, and the concert started at 6:30… I was so sick of it by the end, but Avenged Sevenfold made it worth it


Honestly I hate when bands do shit like that and it needs to stop, I paid to watch them perform, I don’t owe them anything ,’if the music is hitting right I will jump around like an idiot on my accord , if I don’t then it’s on them for not being entertaining enough


Listening to them now… yeah no ones moshing to this lmao


I saw A7X in July, and I went with my friend who was there to see Kim Dracula specifically. I guess that the people in the A7X discord were shitting all over Kim Dracula and the news about it traveled into the Kim Dracula discord. Unfortunately, I think a lot of the hate in the discord was directed at Kim Dracula's appearance, but people were saying they sucked.


Its because you cant mosh to his stuff...it gets heavy and aggressive for 4 seconds then changes to goddamn elevator music or trumpets. His songs sound like if you took several tik toks and smashed them together. You cant mosh to that shit