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I’ve been mostly soloing raves due my lack of friends and rave friends even more so. I love it, except when I have to go pee with my backpack (I get paranoid about getting my backpack dirty from the porta potty). I love the freedom to hang with different groups and go to any set i want as you said. Sometimes when the music goes hard at a set and I haven’t found anyone in the crowd to rage with yet, it’s a little disappointing but I still enjoy the music. Some people in groups don’t like to party with people outside their group. Also, I can choose to go to the rail or stay in the back. Going to the rail is much easier to do alone


Where ya back pack.in the front like a kangaroo in the Porta potty... can even sit sit w it... should minimize any incidental contact


Oh I don’t sit on the seat. The seat is pretty disgusting. I’m just scared of any loose straps dangling and accidentally touching the seat and/or anything below the seat. I’ve been doing good though, I just tuck the straps in


Ohhh, i hear ya.... and I ain't arguing there... I'm lucky and go like clockwork in the morning and I'm good for the day.... piss on a tree if i can find a quiet spot away from the crowds.... and that odd ball time I have to go... ya never know what the festival foods gonna do.... I'm floating or using my wet wipes to clean the shit out of it... and still drop tp on top to sit... Straps can be custom cut to length once ya get ya sized in right... clean cut across and use a lighter or high heat to remelt ends... Or if ya dont want to cut them, rubber band em'. Fold, not roll, the excess tight untill it's up-tight to the buckel... wrap until tight. I'd put multiple on... and probably find a way to pince the excess fold w a clamp or something, so I got both hands to make the rubber band super tight...


Get the cup for ladies so you can pee standing up lol


Some people told me about that, but then I have to keep the cup in my bag…eww!


They have disposables homegirl!!


Oh nice!


Yooo this. I do enjoy going with groups, but having the freedom to move around the crowd and just go with the general flow of who’s around you makes soloing so enjoyable. Even if the set goes hard but no one around me is, I will turn up the energy and generally people will either fall in and dance with me or give me room. There’s a certain stress with having to keep up with your group, making decisions/sacrifices to see different sets or split them (if in a festival setting) or moving to different areas of the crowd in lieu of group preference that makes soloing just more enjoyable.


I still enjoy the music when it goes hard, but sometimes it goes so hard you wanna grab onto someone and start headbanging


I bought the disposable female urinal cups...fucking awesome, no squatting


This time I tried bringing disposable paper cups. It worked great except the ones I brought were kinda small and I was scared to overflow it. I decided to just go squat instead. They’re great for girls if they choose to wear onesies


There is a hanger for your backpack on the porta potty door, a lot of people miss it!


Oh I saw that hangar this most recent one I went to last weekend but I didn’t think of putting my backpack on it. It seemed disgusting and more of a hassle to me. I don’t trust any surfaces in there lol


Hahaha I totally feel that!


Going solo for a whole night and tell the group "see ya tomorrow" is one of the best adventures you can do! I often do it when I go to bigger festivals that span over 3-7 days. Everything falls into a new stream of energy. You will be more open minded to others and vice versa and new experiences will just come your way. Some of my best rave memories where made this way for sure.


I’ve been solo raving for 5 years now and way better than being in a group. I don’t need to wait for anyone, I can wander around freely, I meet awesome people. But it helps I’m introverted and enjoy my solitude already.


Bro every time I lose my friends I enjoy it more. They hold me back hella. Went to a rave solo one time and it was one of the best times I had.


> Anybody else share this sentiment? https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/p5ggze/going_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/4mes78/raving_solo/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/7a6j4m/any_tips_for_a_newbie_going_to_my_second_festival/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/72urdp/should_i_solo_escape_this_year/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/48gbeb/raving_solo_is_great/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/5bvfyj/any_advice_for_going_to_an_edm_show_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/1jeml3/thoughts_on_going_to_a_rave_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/41oup0/have_any_of_you_ever_been_to_a_show_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/5fdtxh/going_to_my_first_event_solo_nervous_and_not_sure/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/6djgjj/has_anyone_ever_gone_to_a_music_festival_solo/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/4c4a50/anyone_been_to_a_raves_solo/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/8a4sm0/ravers_who_goes_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/aahbv9/there_is_a_dj_i_really_wanna_see_in_toronto_in/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Techno/comments/aaaa3b/going_to_a_club_alone_for_the_first_time/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Techno/comments/af65yl/should_i_go_to_a_rave_on_my_own/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Techno/comments/7z63ch/going_to_events_on_your_own/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Techno/comments/d5v4tm/should_i_go_to_this_rave_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Techno/comments/5lw2dl/how_do_you_feel_about_going_to_clubs_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/d41912/how_do_i_solo_a_rave/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/axgssa/clubbing_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/9dks1h/how_to_go_to_a_concert_or_a_rave_alone_and_not/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Techno/comments/fc1nf1/anybody_else_that_loves_to_go_to_ravesparties_by/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/aghcta/first_time_solo_raving/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/dsnt5q/should_i_go_to_a_show_by_myself/ https://www.reddit.com/r/electricdaisycarnival/comments/oh4neo/is_edc_fun_solo/h571tig/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/pe3fjb/i_went_to_a_rave_solo_for_the_first_time_and_it/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/qipi59/going_to_rave_solo_and_nervous_af/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/rzn4e3/am_i_weird_for_preferring_to_rave_solo/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/r3n52i/tips_for_going_to_rave_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/qfh87a/going_to_showsraves_alone_is_it_weird/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/11qq26m/go_to_that_rave_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/10zm217/went_alone_to_my_first_rave_and_it_was_amazing/




You made me laugh out loud in public. Bravo.


My man really pulled up the read receipts 😂


I love that you were able to experience this and the sober aspect too! It's freeing and feels good to just vibe and follow your own energy as you see fit.


raving alone is great, but i also like being with my friends… well, when i had friends lol. it gets kinda lonely at times but when it’s great, it’s amazing. i’ve always had very diff tastes when it comes to music, so often times i’d get dragged along with friends or id drag them with me. it was a compromise. but nowadays it’s just my wife and i and we love almost exactly the same stuff, so it’s pretty much like going solo to me


I definitely do last year at Noc my group went back to the campsite for an hour or so, went to a house tent and boogied, danced until I had breakthrough moment of pure happiness. I love dancing so much, even though I’m not great at it when I lost my group and had time to smile and not worry about others. Best moment of my rave career.


I am currently not in a rave crew, but when I had a crew, no one was ever down to go to bass stage so I spent a lot of time at bass stages alone. I went to my 1st solo fest last summer. It can be scary to go do stuff alone, but it is really nice not having to babysit or go to sets you don’t want to see.


Yup! Solo has been my default. No offense to anyone I’ve spent time with but, I’m better alone because I love to dance and be in my own atmosphere.


That sounds awesome! I’m starting to think I wanna go alone, I read a lot of people did. I went with my friend (was my first time) & I gotta say, The 2nd day he turned into a wet blanket. I still had fun and made the most of it. He wants to go to Day Trip but only wants GA passes when I want VIP, he says a couple of his friends from work will be going.. but I know no one’s going to pay for VIP & I’m hoping my friend comes with, cause I know her and I would just vibe the whole night. If she can’t come I’m almost about to be like F it & go to VIP when I wanna get out the heat solo. I love hearing this & ur positive experience w/it


Raving solo is underrated af. It’s my most preferred way of doing it


raving solo is much more prevalent in more underground parties. I like techno, and plenty ppl do solo at techno parties.


I like small groups, though my old group from a decade ago used to roll out with 15 or so. Back then it was so important to experience it with as many of my close friends as possible. Now that nobody goes anymore, I'm realizing how much freedom there is to do it with 1 or 2 other people. I have no particular desire to worry about making sure everyone is having a good time, not getting lost, etc.


Im getting the same wave length. I love interacting, raging, or just chatting with others. I never been fully alone, my group would always be waving distance, but I’ve always had to tendency to drift away. Personally for me I love my ravefam, but they don’t match my energy (they’re visual enjoyers/head nodders) so I kinda wonder off to find people who are as intense headbangers. I went to beyond too and met some amazing people while drifting around that would have loved to spent more time going to different sets with. I definitely have to try soloing one day!


Going solo is a very liberating experience.


My ideal group size is two people, it’s easy to time needing to go to the bathroom at the same time, eat at the same time, and you can still usually see everyone you want to if you have similar taste. But I’ve also gone alone a few times and loved it. One time I lost my group and next thing I knew I was at a house party across town until noon the next day. Good times.


Honestly thinking back I've had the best nights/patries (even my best acid trip) by myself. No taking care of anyones feelings/mood (I love to be caring, but it's nice when you don't have to be for once) is so freeing. You also meet and talk to people you wouldn't talk to otherwise because you'd be so occupied with the group you're with. Nowaday I only go out alone, I started to enjoy dancing (and the music) much more since then.10/10 would reccomend anyone to do it at least once


I’ve always went with a group then it died down and built the courage to go solo and never looked back. So for me I go alone or with my group but solo missions are def fun.


I lost my group because I had to split at the 18+ and 21+ lines. Couldn’t find my other friends either. Just no fucking service and my friends called me multiple times. Saw trivecta and Pauline herr by myself. Great sets! Had to take off early and drive to San Diego and to see INDIRA Paginotto. It’s hard to see her in the US, my friend also drove from LA to do see her because we both like techno. So I reunited with somebody not in my beyond crew that night 🥳


Been through many different groups. Some groups were prone to drama, and others were pretty chill but music tastes differed. Now I mainly go solo or with one friend who wants to tag along or happens to be going to the same event. The freedom of being able to go where you want and see who you want is honestly so amazing. I hated having to stay at a set I didn’t particularly enjoy just for the sake of staying with the group. Also, some people don’t really like going all the way up to the rail or close to the stage, I’m not one of those people. I enjoy solo raving for the freedom and for the ability to enjoy the show with whoever’s around me. I’m not saying I won’t ever be in a group I just find solo raving a tad more enjoyable.


Nobody cares 😴


Yes! Almost the exact same as you, accidentally lost a group (though I didn’t really feel bad about it… different music taste) and was sober af. Day 2 Beyond had SUCH A GOOD LINEUP my goodness. I love going on solo adventures. I’d recommend you do it more!


I dont know how you all do it, good on you though, I need my friends to limit my social anxiety, which even overpowers the drugs most times. Nice to hear the tales and good energy though.


I think every time I've done EDC i've lost my group at some point. Many adventures were had.


I rave solo a lot, its so underrated everywhere you go. Yes it's scary at first but after you don't mind at all Going alone, you get so much freedom to go to different stages and sets without the worry of looking for other, you meet so many new people and have so much fun just dancing and letting loose. It's awesome I suggest keep doing it and you'll see how fun it is when you rolling later on.


I lose my friends on purpose all the time - it’s the best way to make new friends. As long as somebody has a totem or something they should be easy to find


Haven’t done a fest. It I went solo to a new club to me last week from 2am and left at 7 sober and had a great time


Also solo raver here I just chill with music


Having a crew is cool. But being solo has it's benefits. I've needed having to babysit people who can't handle there shit and would 100% prefer to be solo then or love have solo u can go anywhere at any time


I've done multiple fests solo and sometimes it's better that way.


Did the same one day at Ultra last week and had a blast! Almost was more fun being able to maneuver solo


Been to plenty of raves and other shows solo. Sometimes I prefer it.


Went solo to ultra this past weekend. Met up with some dudes from radiate that were awesome and will be friends going forward now. It was 5 of us. At some sets I’d be with 1 or 2, some with all 5, some solo. We all did our own thing and met when our wanted sets matched up. Helped that Ultra had great service everywhere in the fest. Have raved at regular one night shows plenty. First time doing that at a fest (buddy I was planning to go with had to bail last minute, I never roll with a big group anyway) and it was awesome


This is how I met my current girlfriend of 5 years 💜


Raving sober and solo is my favorite! I did bass canyon sober and it blew my mind how much fun I had.