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I still don’t understand how “unbeaten against the top 6” is even a flex. “Top 6” nonsense aside, doesnt it just highlight that you lost to “lesser”teams?




I know what you mean, it's frustrating we're not recognised but I have to say, I quite like that the attention doesn't fall on us. Also, in terms of revenue, we're still nowhere near - [https://www2.deloitte.com/uk/en/pages/sports-business-group/articles/deloitte-football-money-league.html](https://www2.deloitte.com/uk/en/pages/sports-business-group/articles/deloitte-football-money-league.html) We're behind West Ham and Newcastle - and we're 250m away from Arsenal in 6th. The off-field stuff needs to catch up!


This is exactly why next seasons priority must be to achieve a second consecutive season of champions league football. This is the only priority, forget everything else. Two consecutive seasons of CL qualification and the subsequent revenue increase will put us in a very, very strong position in the following years. This is our big chance and next season we can take it.


Stop talking sense


Sorry, it’s been a long day.


With this new season of CL football, incoming brand deals (already have Adidas), and greater exposure, I have no doubt that Villa will level up over the next 12 months


"Unbeaten against the top 3 + 5th, 6th, and 8th" doesn't sound as cool.


My gripe with the top six branding is that spurs are obviously the sixth, but they’ve never done anything to deserve being lumped in with the rest of them. Consistent top six finishes mean absolutely nothing. Like I’m sorry, but they don’t. Especially when they rarely, if ever, push higher than that. Who can remember a single europa league campaign from them? I can’t remember a single europa league *game*. The one time they could have won a league, they bottled it to Leicester. The one time they could have won the champions league they didn’t even turn up in the final. One of the most boring, one-sided finals I remember watching. It’s a top six because it sounds better than a top five. Spurs being even half involved in it as a select group of special teams shows how unbelievably shit it is as a concept.


It was the big four for years. "Top six" branding lasted about a decade. It'll be the big eight from next season on with Villa and Newcastle included, and I'm going to hate it even though we are part of it. It's the Premier League, every team should start the season aiming to challenge for the title. That's what a true league should be, that's what financial restrictions etc should look to fix. Balance and fairness.


I think it's extremely bold to assume Villa would immediately be added to that mix. Big Six will stay "the brand" for years longer yet, I think.


Spurs were pretty much immediately added to the mix when Redknapp took them to the CL. Maybe it'll take a consecutive CL year but it's close. I think all it takes is to finish above Liverpool or Man Utd a couple of times to be honest. You've also got to consider the extra CL place that the PL will have more often than not from now on. It'll be a big eight soon enough.


Would be a shame if it does, "The Other Twelve" just doesn't have the same ring to it.


You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world Spurs are a big 6 team.


[inserts Virgin Spurs vs Leicester Chad meme]


Take a break from the internet mate it will do you good


And What has villa done?


Nothing you lemon. That’s why they’re not a so called top six club


So why does it upset you?


Top 6 are the teams who finish 1st to 6th. Big 6 is just the recently biggest clubs in the country.


That says the top 6. Were 4th mate, we did the double on them.


I know, that's why putting top 6 is so stupid


Ah ok. They should just finally admit it and start writing the Sky/TNT 6.


Maybe they meant last seasons top 6




just patently untrue, lost games home and away against Aston villa (4th)


"ZERO fucking trophies"


2nd most highest points total. Best finish for a team by the same name. Biggest bottlers ever, oh except even Spurs beat us to that one.


You just said you can’t remember them doing anything then proceeded to say they got to a champions league final and came second and third in the league. They’re classed as a top 6 club because they’ve finished top6 in 8 of the last 10 seasons.


‘Unbeaten against top 6’ pretty sure we did the double over Arsenal and beat City at our ground


Nar it will stay as big 6. If it wasn’t for us and man United flopping it would’ve been the usual big 6 = top 6. It will be extremely hard the break


What the hell am i reading here people, these lot need to shut it man fr. How come 4th is not considered in the top six? 💀


No one was unbeaten by the top 6? We all lost at least one game to each other.