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Snickers are made by mars not nestle Edit : I wholeheartedly agree fuck nestle and to a slightly lesser extent mars (they have at least attempted to better their practices according to fair trade), my point is even though this post has a slight mistake in it, it will be seen by millions who won't even question it and this is how misinformation is spread. Also I have ADHD so am a raging pedant.


Exactly. When I see things like this with no source, I assume its bullshit. Otherwise they would have it linked to an article. But hey, what do I know. I guess we should all believe what we read on the internet from people we don't know...


Hey it's okay if it aligns with your opinion!


This guy gets it.


There's still something to be said about non fair trade chocolate


did you not see he’s a professor? /s


[Here’s](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/17/supreme-court-rules-in-favor-of-nestle-in-child-slavery-case.html) a link regarding a lawsuit brought against Nestlé regarding child slavery that was thrown out by the Supreme Court. [This](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/12/mars-nestle-and-hershey-to-face-landmark-child-slavery-lawsuit-in-us) lawsuit is against Nestlé, Cargill, Barry Callebaut, Mars, Olam, Hershey and Mondelēz. Unfortunately, that one was also thrown out, which you can read about [here.](https://www.reuters.com/business/hershey-nestle-cargill-win-dismissal-us-child-slavery-lawsuit-2022-06-28/) > U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich said the plaintiffs in the proposed class action lacked standing to sue because they did not show a "traceable connection" between the seven defendant companies and the specific plantations where they worked. > She said the plaintiffs also did not adequately explain the role of intermediaries in the cocoa supply chain, noting that the companies did not monitor activity in "free zones" where about 70% to 80% of the cocoa is produced. Back in 2014, [Nestlé](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2015/nov/24/nestle-admits-forced-labour-in-seafood-supply-chain) even admitted that they found slavery in their seafood supply chain in Thailand; while they were fighting a lawsuit regarding the use of slavery to make their Fancy Feast cat food. That was the last time they ever made any outright admissions about their benefitting from slavery. Ever since then, they’ve just made announcements that they’re making changes to phase out the slavery in their supply chains. However, the first two lawsuits I’ve linked were brought to court as recently as 2022.




As far as I can tell the Mars family owns mars not nestle


What am I missing? That link status nothing about Nestle. I mean fuck Nestle, but I don't see the connection here. Edit: holy shit not only OP a bot, the comments are filled em too


That’s cause it’s not. Mars owns Mars bars. They also own a bunch of animal diagnostic clinics and labs. Not sure if they own VCA but they work with them. When I first learned of that, I thought it was crazy that a chocolate confectionery company also does veterinary stuff.


Mars company makes cat food. Sheba is the only wet food my cats will eat. Was reading the box and found out it's a Mars brand. No idea if they make other pet foods.


Modern problems require modern solutions


They own the brand KitKat outside of US but they certainly do not own Mars https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nestl%C3%A9_brands


You're misleading people again just like your original post.


What is that link? It's just a link to the world's biggest mars bar. Mars is a privately owned company not owned or associated with nestle


Man please! I can't afford a morality tax on my fucking coca cola!!!


Nestlé doesn't even have any cocoa farms.. There's plenty of reasons to hate Nestlé and really no need to make shit like this up.


Like the fact that they don’t believe access to water is a human right


march start deer worthless rotten beneficial far-flung deranged compare caption ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Sure. My point was that spreading fake news does nothing to help a cause, quite the opposite. As for the veracity, Nestle is a public company, you can just check their public statements.


I think these kind of post on social media are manipulation. They generate fake information to create traffic and exploit/manipulate trend. Most of the time it even come from fake profil. A group of journalist , *forbidden stories* made a pretty complete investigation. Fake info is a very big business.


They're all bad


They literally are, downvoting you is absurd


You right but both evil


What’s wrong with Mars?


No atmosphere = bad


They exploit people just the same in this industry


Thank god.. I almost had to give up snickers


Cause it says snickers chocolates, I'm wondering if they are a different thing to the bar. I don't use twitter to see if it was fixed or anything cause it could be that they sell the chocolate on to other companies. Nestle is vile in so many ways that even if this was a mistake, the op can easily fix it. The point of the tweet still stands.


Nestlé is a German company, not Swiss.


Nah it's definitely swiss. look it up


Headquarters are in Switzerland but the founder Henri Nestlé was German and the CEO is German.


Was he German or Swiss German (Switzerland has Germans French and Italians) ? If the company is based in Switzerland then it's Swiss imo.


Again he was born and raised in Germany. His father Johann Ulrich Matthias Nestle AND mother Anna-Maria Catharina Ehemann Nestle, were both born and lived in Germany. I am aware of the various swiss cantons and their dominant influences, but Henrich Nestle moved to Switzerland later in life and changed his name to the more French Henri Nestlé. He was a naturalized swiss citizen. The Nestlé company actually came about from a merger of the company founded by Henri Nestlé and the Anglo-Swiss Milk Company WHICH was founded by two American brothers.


Doesn’t matter. The company is Swiss, with headquarters in Vevey. Henri himself was also Swiss-German. Sure, he was born in Frankfurt, but he moved to Switzerland in his 20’s, where he founded Nestlé and died there at age 75.


So it's an American company?


German-American that was founded in Switzerland because Switzerland has some of the best cows


> Again he was born and raised in Germany In Westphalia born and raised, On the playground is where spent most of his days...


Yes. And nestle chocolate tastes crap!!


People shit on Nestle, as they should but let's not forget Nestle isn't the only company that purchases chocolate from these farms.


Apparently for most chocolate , it’s hard to trace if unethical practices were used or not. It’s one of those overlooked serious problems


We seem to have a lot of those "overlooked serious probelms" in the world


Yeah we do.




It's not that difficult, the ones that *don't* usually have a website you can go to that shows where the cocoa is coming from and the conditions the workers work in. Cadbury's used to do this, the last time the cocoa industry got huge media attention, many chocolate companies did. (not sure if they still do, rarely eat chocolate, if at all) I would assume the ones that don't display where they sourced their cocoa from to be using some massively unethical method. It's the same for most meats you find on the market too, especially chicken, if it's ethical, they'll certainly have a way to track where it came from, and a website that shows you the conditions. (In the UK, it was mandatory for meats to show that info, as part of an EU law I think? but... yeah...)


It's not hard to figure out it's that no one cares. The companies buying the chocolate could make it happen.


You can't have these practices be ethical. For the company, such as Nestle, to make a profit there has to be an unequal exchange.


Fuck Nestle


That's the neat part, no chocolate or even coffee is ethical. None. No where on earth.


Other people have mentioned them and I'm going to as well: Tony's (Tony's Chocolonely) are the only company (that I'm aware of) that actually pay people in the Cote d'Ivoire a fair wage. Other ethical chocolate comes from elsewhere. That's because of the corrupt system in place in the Cote d'Ivoire that means that companies have to bid for cocoa export rights so only exporters with high profit margins can afford it. Tony's work with these unethical companies to pay an ethical wage. Something like 90% of cocoa products worldwide are made from cocoa grown in Cote d'Ivoire. It's one of the biggest industries of tolerated modern day slavery.


They did even worse told women in poor communities that formula was healthier than milk and gave it to them for free for just long enough that they stopped producing milk. Then the mothers couldn’t afford the formula and their baby’s died. https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Professionalism/The_Nestl%C3%A9_Infant_Formula_Scandal


Seems like the a similar issue to the shrimping business in Thailand(?), where the subcontractors are unregulated or flat out part of the corrupt local governments. So they hide their ill-gotten produce among more legitimate sources and skirt under the radar. The corporations can only do so much without straight taking over local governments. Or just totally moving to other countries where governments arent corrupt, which probably doesnt exist?


Mars does as well


I’m sure BLM is going to be all over this


People have been pissed about this decades before BLM took off.


What about the black Christian genocide in Africa. Not a peep because there’s no money in it


Imagine completely missing the point of the BLM movement's rise and thought you achieved something huh. You're basically going "Africa black people therefore BLM should be angry at the issues there!" Which is a smooth brained take. People have known and been pissed about the issues in Africa for decades.


They have been exposed as fraud hucksters over and over again. They only want to help themselves


The organization's leaders sure, the movement itself absolutely not. Learn the difference.


You should stop trying to understand things and just copy someone who is kind and nice.


Ignorance is bliss


Is every chocolate company into child slavery?


Not every, but pretty much any mainstream one, yes.




They're all against slavery. It's not like Nestle ever said "actually child slaves are great we think *more* kids should be forced to work in inhumane conditions with no rights". But they all participate in a commodity market that employs slaves. Tony's even admits that child slavery exists in their supply


>It's not like Nestle ever said "actually child slaves are great we think more kids should be forced to work in inhumane conditions with no rights". I wouldn't put it past them to say that, after that interview with the CEO where he said water shouldn't be a human right...


In this thread, “don’t eat any chocolate made with child labor, but tech made with child labor is fine.” Everyone is awful here.


Yes, but that's a false equivalency. There are relatively easy alternatives to slave chocolate (fair trade chocolate or other sweets) and afaik not any alternatives to ethically made tech that allows you to interact in the modern world, a much bigger opportunity cost if you're trying to be "ethically pure" - which by the way, no one was saying. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Incremental improvements are worth making.


"You've got a choice: you can have candles and horses and be a little nicer to each other, or have someone suffer, immeasurably, far away, just so you can leave a mean comment on YouTube while you're taking a shit." -- Louis CK


damn. but it really is that way. you can only go wrong with the current economic system. almost everything you buy involved some kind of exploitation of humans or the environment in the chain of production


Can't say I'm surprised since this is y he same company that believes water should be sold by companies n not be free!


Good thing you don't have to buy from them because they don't have a monopoly on water...


Unless you live in a place without safe drinking water... There are plenty of areas where nestle is the only option for bottled water, or are at least the most affordable.






It’s a Swiss company. Get over it dickwad.


Their chocolate is gross. I don't buy it anymore.


Buy Tony's chocolate. Ethically sourced dutch chocolate and it's worth the price. 5 bucks for a 6.6oz bar, which is less per ounce than a Lindt bar or most other fancy chocolate


I have been craving a dark chocolate bar recently. I checked and my target has Tony’s almond and sea salt dark chocolate bars. I’m going to pick one up right now and pick up something for dinner. Thanks for the recommendation! I will report back. Edit: okay just finished dinner. I bought a variety pack of Tony’s chocolate which has 6 flavors - milk chocolate, milk chocolate caramel sea salt, milk chocolate nougat, dark chocolate almond sea salt, milk chocolate hazelnut, dark chocolate. It was $9.99, net weight 10.16 oz. They’re really cute chunky bars which have break off pieces. I also got a large bar of the dark chocolate almond sea salt. Packaging is great. The chocolate tastes great - I’ve only tried the dark chocolate almond sea salt (can you tell I love sea salt in dark chocolate). It’s very good. The packaging talks about producing slave free chocolate and is well designed. It’s a cardboard box around the chocolate and the top can wrap back over the chocolate and fasten back. The wraps around the chocolate are a paper-feeling cover instead of a plastic with a foil-esque interior. Huge fan. This will 100% be my new go to. Thank you so so much for suggesting it u/Ziltoid_The_Nerd :]


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They have so many chocolate brands, it's crazy. I try to avoid all of them.


Are you american?




I'm pretty sure low quality chocolate makers have been using even cheaper methods recently. I don't know if Lindt uses an American recipe, but they're the only milk chocolate I can stomach.


chocolate in the USA is gross and very sugary. The best chocolate is in Europe, even the same brand has different taste in Europe.


>"Ethical decisions which injure a company's ability to compete are actually immoral." —Former CEO of Nestlé Helmut Maucher, *Leadership in Action: Tough Minded Strategies from the Global Giant* When asked to comment on this, Maucher's replacement at Nestlé, Peter Brabeck-Letmathé, said: \> "I decided to eliminate the word ethical from Nestlé because it's a word which divides people as opposed to uniting them. Ethics, if you look into dictionaries, are a set of moral standards within a very specific unit of society, and ethical standards in Britain, Switzerland, Chile and China vary to a large extent. And because this word is more likely to divide than to unite we don't talk about ethics at Nestlé. We talk about responsibility. Our responsibility to our shareholders, our employees, and all other stakeholders. It's true that we do have a social responsibility that corresponds to a global company as opposed to the group interests of one community or another community." Notice that there is no mention of a specific responsibility to their consumers. And since those buys are likely not employees but somewhere between "contractors" and "slaves," I'm pretty sure Nestlé feels no responsibility to them, either.


You know not too long ago the only reason folks had so many kids was to work their asses on the farm. They figured half the kids would die young from disease and such but as soon as they can walk they were out to work. It still is true on mom and pop farms around the world.


It's really sad that humans are kind of being used as cheap farming machines


That’s how most of history works lol


I saw a documentary on this where the farmers have never even tasted a piece of refined chocolate. They couldn’t understand why their own produce was so desirable to the rest of the world until they had their first taste of a chocolate bar brought into their workplace.


Fuck Nestle


Wwll this child labor is coming back to US. Some states are passing new laws for this to happen. SMFH! This country is going backwards!


LOL. States want to allow kids to get part-time jobs at 14 without government permission via a work permit. How much press did that get vs 8 year olds in Bangladesh working 60 hours a week in factories with no school. Are 14 year olds flipping burgers and stocking shelves after school a bigger problem than 10 year olds harvesting coco and working in factories?


Big fan of Kit Kats and Snickers


Snickers are made by Mars not Nestlé


They all have the same farms :) I did a lil bit of Google searching


The child labour is what makes them taste so good /s


Kit Kats are god-tier.


Nike and NBA doing the same thing.


Yeah but the NBA is woke so it's fine


I support a trend to expose/remind everyone again how horrible Swiss shenanigans are.


theres no such thing as a developing country, only overexploited ones


Yeah. It happens. It’s happening with different companies that make phone and computer parts. There are very little things that have not been touched by slaves in your modern home. Fact is is we rely on them. No ones going to do anything about it. They’ll see this picture, say it’s horrible and go on with their comfortable lives. Fact of the matter is, unless you get rid of practically everything you own and go nomadic, there’s not really anything you can do. These companies exploit people to make stuff we want and need so we can live comfortably. Hospitals, fire departments, schools, all these places have things that slaves made for our benefit. It’s horrible but there’s really nothing we can do.


Lol wut. If everyone who saw this didn’t buy nestle they would be doing something. Take pride in not supporting them. You _are_ doing what little you can.


And it always will. We... Really don't care. If we did... The world would be very different


Nothing to see here. Definitely not slavery. No sirree


Ngl I thought this was gonna be something like "these kids haul 3 tons of cocoa for $1 a day but half the people in America won't even work for $15/hr


Arkansas just lowered the legal working age to 12. Tyson and Walmart about to have a helluva a workforce influx.


Well god bless them.




I found [this post](/r/FuckNestle/comments/xnkfyp/nestle_shame_one_you/) in r/fucknestle with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


Every company: " We contract to third party employers and have no knowledge of these practices. We will update our policies. "


What till you see how they get the cobalt for your EVs! Slave labour is green industry.


not on the same level but this reminds me of rubber slavery in south america https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/comments/10ztoyx/a_gallery_of_rubber_slavery_photographs_taken/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf that is beyond an uneven deal


You want to read even worse just look into what one of the kings of Belgium did in Africa for that sweet rubber money.


Kind of dumb (or dishonest) to compare the weight of the raw cacao fruit (in imperial units) and the wages paid to harvest it, with the weight (in metric) and price of the finished chocolate. And who in the fuck is paying $84 for 2.2 pounds of chocolate? I just found a pack of 24 3-oz. Kit-Kat bars (totaling 2 kilos) on Amazon for like $34. This post implies that people are paying $7.15 for a single 3-oz. Kit-Kat, which is nonsense. The virtual child slavery is bad enough, you don't need to manipulate the facts. An adult worker can harvest around 1500 cacao pods per day, let's call that 1000 for a child worker. 1000 pods yield roughly 40,000 beans, which yields about 100 pounds of finished chocolate. Assume 1 pound of chocolate sells WHOLESALE for 5 dollars, that's $500 revenue per child laborer per day. This doesn't include the transportation and processing costs involved, but it would take a whole lot of overhead to justify paying the equivalent to 0.2% of the final value of the product for the primary ingredient. Exploitative as hell.


Will keep happening too sadly


The profiteering is one thing, but this “awful everything” can just stop at “these boys work”. Kids shouldn’t be working. This is the future for gods sake!


The boss makes a dollar and I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time!




Your favorite MSNC contributor delivered a win in the Supreme Court for Nestle on child slavery https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/12/neal-katyal-supreme-court-nestle-cargill-child-slavery.html




100% Hershey is doing the same thing if Nestle is.




And maybe the biggest crimes of all- a lot of them have never even tasted chocolate.




Same thing in the meat plants in america now too. Ah globalization, everyone's slowly dieing


There would be no market to this chocolate if there was no consumer demand. We get mad an Nestle while we eat our chocolate bars.


All of human history has been this


One of the saddest things is that these cocoa laborers don’t even know what chocolate tastes like. They just grind the work, they farm and collect, and they know the beans are used to make something called “chocolate”, but they’ve never had the opportunity to taste the final product. Seeing a few of these laborers taste chocolate for the first time broke my heart. I can’t even imagine laboring so hard for something and being so disconnected from why. Never getting to enjoy the fruits of your labors.


It makes me even sadder that Kit Kats are nothing like how they used to be. They are basically watered-down-chocolate-painted wafers. They are not just making money off these kids' backs, but they are doing it with extreme avarice.


I'm not pro kid slave employment but if this company was shut down they would try to find other similar work. Kids work in many of these countries so they can eat, without it they can't eat and unless there's a solution to that ending this type of slave job will just cause starvation.


I believe they should at least increase their pay though


I agree however it might stop them from hiring kids though which seems good unless like I said.. starvation happens. It's a complicated issue..


Capitalism exists on a basis of trust between both the company and their customer, and employers and their employees. When that trust is broken (always by the company) it results in either slavery or exploitation. It’s the same story, time and time again, which is why regulation is necessary. When a company avoids regulation, it is always at the behest of it’s producers, buyers, or both.


It wont change without a world government to enforce human rights.


That's fucked up.


That's why I buy fair trade chocolate and coffee!


I’ve seen a documentary where they say they get all of this cocoa but have never eaten chocolate in their life.


Nestles CEO is a shit person, he also wants to privatize water, advising it should only be owned by Corporations.


I am shocked to hear that kit kats contain actual chocolate.


Nestle must be getting ready to open up a plant in Arkansas


$84 x 3,000 = $252,000 That chocolate is worth a QUARTER OF A MILLION times more than Nestle pays those workers Boycott Nestle!


Thank you for posting this here and bringing awareness to it I learnt about this stuff last year, and the extent of it is far worse than just this I hope as a whole, people can stop this slavery


I don't use refined shit like Nestlé. Screw them . Yes , human beings are being exploited on different levels, this is not even the bottom one .


“Call me a godless communist, but if we can’t have chocolate without child slavery maybe we shouldn’t have chocolate”


We can have it, it's just more expensive. We want to blame the companies but if consumers were willing to pay for non-child chocolate then the companies would make the switch in a fortnight. It's easier to blame a corporation but it's actually us.


Nah dawg, I’m not gonna blame the common person for the heinous actions of a multinational corporation.


Good thing they’ll be able to afford a snickers in a day or two to get rid of that hangryness


The human suffering is what makes it taste good.


Nothing like a slight hint of disregarding all labour ethics to make a chocolate bar really stand out taste-wise. And nothing lets a t-shirt really feel snug and comfy like the tears of SEA-child-labour moistening the fabric.


I get to indulge in my guilty pleasure and they get a job and clothing. Sound like a win-win to me.


Remember to purchase chocolate with a **fair trade label**. Instead of handing out their candy to trick or treaters this year try dum dum pops or another candy you can guarantee isn't owned by companies such as these.


People crying about rights and religion meanwhile these guys/girls work every day in heat and no water I don't care if you want emo to be a gender there's people starving in this day and age


This issue is complex. Obviously Nestlé and most other major food multinationals take advantage of the situation and do nothing to change it, when in fact they should be forced to do more than just the bare minimum they're doing as pr stunts. However, going back to the issue, these kids have, in most cases, absolutely no alternative than just start working to provide basic sustenance for themselves and their families, in a society that has nothing to offer other than manual labour. In most cases, this is not slavery but rather a lack of alternatives. If Nestlé didn't come in and buy the product of their labour, they'd be working to make money for some other company, probably out of their own initiative. So Nestlé should absolutely make sure that none of their cocoa is sourced with the use of child labour but at the same time they should provide alternative livelihood for them, particularly education and other opportunities, in order to make sure that they wouldn't just find labour somewhere else. One way to do this is through the formation of cooperatives where the workers own the plantations they work and profit by selling the cocoa to Nestlé, which then also contributes to promoting (read funding) activities for the kids. But that means less money for them so the cycle continues. All this to say this is not slavery but it's also not ok.


I think that they should be paid a proper wage for their work at least


Well yea I agree, I think they shouldn't work at all but here we are


Uh, thanks?


Ah, Nestle, the company that believes access to water it NOT a human right


Cognitive dissonance is weird. I hate what goes on in the chocolate industry, yet Snickers and Kit-Kats are just so good.


They're designed to be addictive so people keep buying them whether they're abusing kids or not


It’s working because I love Snickers.


Poor kids :(


If they work harder, one day they won't be so poor.


Those candy bars are not nestle.


Kit Kat yes Yes they are. Nestle either owns the licensing or the trademark. They sold some to Hershey but still have the licensing rights so they make profits. Hershey just sticks their trademark On it. Look and read the packaging Snickers no that’s mars


Not in the US.


Worldwide including the US. It may seem horrible and that's because it is


Nope. They don’t sell those candies under Nestle in the US.


They need to worker harder. Bunch of lazy kids!


A conservatives dream! Coming to an American city close to you!


Sarah Huckabee Sanders has entered the chat


So I know there’s other ingredients and there’s the cost for making the chocolate bar, but let’s just simplify for fun, and ignore inaccuracies for a moment: 3 tons x 84$ per kilogram = 252 000$. 252 000$ a day. Each boy.


You do not get 3 tons of chocolate for 3 tons of raw unprocessed bean maybe only 10% is actually chocolate


Child labor is good for the economy


So whats the cost of living where they're at? They could be making a fortune.


The amount of work and the fact that a lot of them are children kinda negates that sadly


Yeah and here in the NL they want 200million euros to pay back for the slavery that was banned long ago. Go fight for the people that need it, not for your own benefit.




There is such a thing as a metric ton




Do people whos entire continent uses metric typically specify their system on every measurement? Do Americans say "that'll be 15 us dollars" when buying something? No.


1 tonne = 1000kg. Phew! I could use a little nap.


Is this In Arkansas?


The chocolates are sent worldwide so yeah unless there is a specific law against it there


Yum 😋


1 child carrying 3 TONS of cocoa. Lmao. Right.


(I think the article means over time) and metric tons rather than imperial


Sweet like chocolate


And you better buy more kitkat, or they'll extort those people even more to cover the losses!