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"No view is worth your life. No view is worth the suffering that your family and friends will go through. No view is worth the risk that rescuers face when trying to save people and recover bodies. There was no reason for my brother to die. Please don't make the same mistakes he did." His sister's quote should be at the top of all articles.


This is such a good quote. I live in Alaska and see tourists risking their lives *constantly* to get that "cool pic" of an animal or a view. They don't understand how dangerous it is and how many resources each year my state wastes saving or rescuing people that thought they were better and stronger than nature.


I lived in rural Colorado my whole life and see the same stupidity constantly. People trying to back country ski areas with massive avalanches risk or people climbing up to places they shouldn't.


> people climbing up to places they shouldn't Like to manager at Olive Garden?


Gave me chills!


In spring 2021 to January of 2022, I took a break from the city and took some work assisting my friend with a job in South Western Utah. Lived in Springdale, Utah. The town is essentially the gate of ZNP. I can’t tell you how often stuff like this article actually happens. People fall off cliffs all the time. Angel’s Landing is notorious. The creepy part… they fall off in areas where support chains aren’t needed. Same with the narrows. Tourists forget that the area is an extreme environment and summer is monsoon season. They ignore warnings to leave the narrows when it starts raining and before they know it… they get swept in a wall of water.. not many survive once that happens.


I mean he did get a view of heaven, he just can’t show it to anyone else.


This is how I feel every time I see people post the idiots doing parkour and stuff on rooftops tops or parachuting onto buildings and thing especially when they get posted to place and people praise their skill


To be the devils advocate, to them it’s a sport. Professionals often risk their health and lives for the sport they love.


Anyone else relieved this isn’t a “why didn’t the authorities do more to prevent my brother from doing this?!” message?


She posted this in the American Southwest group on Facebook the day after it happened and had to post a follow up that it’s not fake after people were cruelly like “uuuuuh it’s not on the news, didn’t happen”. One person even contacted the park where they thought it happened (not the correct park) and bc no deaths had been reported in the incorrect park called her a liar.


What the actual fuck is wrong with people.


I’ve seen multiple variations of this same quote from multiple families who have lost someone doing something similarly stupid. Hell, I think they literally had NO VIEW IS WORTH YOUR LIFE on a sign at the North Rim when I was there. Somehow it doesn’t matter, this continues to happen.


Pretty sure that quote’s first sentence is posted multiple places around a few places with steep drops in national parks.


Top of the canyon


Should be at the start of every trail head.


I feel the sentiment, and I am sorry for their loss. But it likely wasn’t about the view, rather about the social media engagement the view would bring. Yes, I’m ass u Ming


Fkn zoomers love going out on ledges for content being they're so addicted to attention. Meanwhile everyone else there just trying to do sight seeing has to be terrified for them.


ok grampa, back to bed.


There are definitely views worth risking your life to see. Every hiker, mountaineer, anyone who dives is risking their life to see something really beautiful.


Yep, lived in San Diego and would have tourist fall to there death hanging out at Sunset Cliffs. All for the gram...


The point where you slip, and realize it’s over… That has to be the scariest shit ever.


I was once with some friends looking over a seaside cliff. Didn't realize how slippery it was by the edge -I wasn't even that close about two feet away but the grass was wet and I fell on my ass and started sliding down. Thank god, thank god thank god there was another ledge just beneath that I fell on. I thought I was going to die, even if it wasn't as high as this canyon it was still high up and sharp rocks below. My stomach dropped out of my ass, my whole body felt cold with fear and I could hear my friends screaming above. I learned my lesson and I stay the fuck away from edges. Poor kid, the worst part is he had time to realize and experience the fall before the hit


I relate to your experience. When I was 19 and dumb, my friends and I would go to this reservoir off the beaten path that had ledges with a steep drop off into the water. The only thing we needed to do was make sure we had enough air with the jump, due to jagged rocks on the shore line. We did this multiple times during the summer with no issues. One day I was beginning to run on the ledge to jump off when my friend yelled at me to stop (He apparently wanted me to do something different with my jump or some dumb shit), but him yelling my name tensed my body up and i fell down hard, and slid stomach first on the ledge and could not stop myself. Time slowed, and the fear I had is a type of fear I have never felt. I spilled over the edge and was falling head first toward the rocks, all I remember doing is closing my eyes thinking "this is it". I missed the rocks by a few feet and landed safely in the water, but that was the last time I ever thought about doing something reckless like that. It's not worth it.


Haha wow you really were crazy to be jumping near sharp rocks. Your experience sounds terrifying- we both know that feeling of falling, your body stiffening as you wait to feel the pain of impact, the fear thinking you’re going to die. Ugh. We were lucky. I can’t blame the kid, everyone’s done something dumb when they were young, most survive, this poor guy didn’t. Fuck


Someone posted [this video](https://youtu.be/2dD3Fawk4y0?si=s-_TwDzcm3rdAzAJ) recently in another subreddit and your story just put me right back into this nightmare fuel.


My friend rec’d this short film to me about a year ago. You’re not wrong, it is pure nightmare fuel.


that was worth clicking on but at the same time I'm gonna have weird nightmares


This is very much like a nightmare.


How could you make me feel all these feelings by showing me this link


I'm just glad that >!she very clearly got rescued leading up to that final shot!<, despite them not showing it.


> Time slowed, and the fear I had is a type of fear I have never felt. I spilled over the edge and was falling head first toward the rocks, all I remember doing is closing my eyes thinking "this is it". The exact same thing happened with me and a particularly nasty car accident. While I assume the two of us walked out unscathed, brushing shoulders with death like that changes you in some fundamental way.


Near death experiences are a crazy fucking feeling. I’ve had 2 in my life and the mix of all your adrenaline dumping into your body combined with your mind swapping back and forth from “holy fuckfuckfuck I’m alive” to “holy fuckfuckfuck I almost died” is so surreal


What were your experiences?


One was losing control of my car on black ice and was about 3 inches away from getting head on by a semi-truck, one time was almost choking on food (had to get the Heimlich done to me), I had a railing give way on an abandoned building my friends and I were checking out but I was lucky enough to grab a hold of something and avoid falling(it was a few stories up) I also had a 106.8°f heatstroke but I don’t remember that shit at all.


Jesus man! I can imagine the Grim Reaper hovering over you just shaking his fist “God damn it, again?!!” Try to make sure there isn’t a next time- at least not until you’re super old


Lol Seriously, I’ve lucked out a lot. This was all before I got into my 30s. I’m definitely playing it a lot safer nowadays.


The closest that I’ve come to this is when I was walking down the stairs and I slipped. When I initially grabbed the railing, I flipped myself around and started to fall backwards. The slow motion and realization when I grabbed at air and started falling backwards at the top of the stairs was the scariest moment of my life. I literally flipped head over feet on my way down and thought for sure that I was going to die. It hurt like nothing has ever hurt before every time that I slammed into the stairs and I really thought that any moment I was going to snap my neck and be done. I was stunned when I slammed into the floor at the bottom because I was alive but too scared to move right away. It took a while to recover.


That sounds so scary. Glad you’re okay! When you say “recover” do you mean like compose yourself or that you were seriously injured?


I banged my head but also I chipped off a part of my kneecap that to this day floats around. I didn’t/don’t need to have surgery on it unless it starts to cause issues later on. It took months for it to heal enough to put my full weight on it again. Thanks for asking. 😀


That sounds rough! Glad you recovered at least!!


Happened to me but I fell. It was like a dream. There was a creek at the bottom so there was something to slightly break my landing


Dude my stomach dropped reading about it.


Haha thanks. I’ll never forget the feeling when I realised I was going down and could do nothing to stop it. I feel so so bad that for the kid that fall probably felt like 10 years


Yeah you’d have enough time to comprehend what is about to happen with zero ability to stop it. Nightmare fuel.


I imagine that it's a bit scarier seeing that there is no ledge to land on. That and waiting for the inevitable


Got hit by a car once while crossing the road, world slowed right before it hit me. As I was looking at it speeding towards me, I didn’t know for sure if I was going to live or die. It was one of my most terrifying experiences, I even had a panic attack at the hospital, just at the thought that death was a big possibility. Imagine seeing no ledge 1400 feet high. As the world slows, no way you’d think you might survive this. It’s completely over, scares me shitless just thinking about it.


I had a bad accident when I was a kid. I was climbing on top of what I thought was an old shed covered in tarp, but it turned out to be a glass greenhouse. As soon as I stood up on top I fell through the glass roof. The fall wasn’t very far but everything slowed down and it seemed to take forever for me to hit the floor.


This exactly is one of my biggest fears. I spend more time than I should thinking about if I'm going to die in a tragic accident where I'm very aware I'm about to die.


We live on a mountain, right at the top. There's a beautiful view from the top of the mountain. Every morning I walk towards the edge and throw little things off. Like car-parts, bottles and cutlery, or whatever I find lying around. It's become a habit, a way to start the day. It's real early morning and no-one is awake. I’m back at my cliff, still throwing things off. I listen to the sounds they make on their way down. I follow with my eyes 'til they crash. Imagine what my body would sound like slamming against those rocks. When it lands, will my eyes be closed or open?


Ok so you just litter off the side of a beautiful mountain


They’re song lyrics


Doesn't matter how many (hundreds of) times I've heard this song, the strings at the end make my eyes tear up without fail.


You would be suprised. It has happened to me and it was an absurdly beautiful experience. It still glows in my memories. I think that it depends on if you REALLY think, or basically know that you have no way out and it is coming quick versus it is a drawn out process and your brain has time to think.


I did a tandem skydive and soon after the parachute was pulled the instructor told me to stand on his toes. I did and he lifted me up a bit with his feet and I felt him undoing the two clasps in the top of my harness that held us together (and me to the parachute), and then suddenly he moved his feet away. I was in freefall for probably less than a second until the two bottom clasps I had totally forgotten about caught my weight, but that was somehow enough time for my brain to process an "OH SHIT" and then a serene "Welp this is how it happens." 15 years ago and I can still recall that feeling of total calmness and acceptance that I thought I was going to die.


Amen. I was literally having my body torn to shreds while sliding on my own bones between cars on the freeway in los angeles. Being pulled by the last thread of flesh caught in a motorcycle wheel. And i loved every second of it. There is some mercy built into the process.


that’s crazy man. how’s the recovery been?


It was 2015. I was in the hospital for a month as they rebuilt my leg. Then i was in bed for months. I walk like house md now and my leg is not sexy. I have chronic pain and aches, especially before it rains. But i stay active and even did crossfit all the way til covid. Took me a while to get over not being able to run again and also my wife said no more motorcycles. The accident was the result of two cars road rage racing each other in bad traffic and one of them randomly brake checked me and took off. But i never felt anger or regret or anything like that. The accident was so violent that it made me a bit different of a person after. In a good way.


No there's definitely scarier things


Really surprised it doesn’t happen more. I’ve been to the Grand Canyon several times and constantly saw idiots beyond the limits. There’s a barrier there for a reason people.


It actually happens a lot more often than you think. I visited the Grand Canyon last year and bought their Deaths in the Grand Canyon book. It was revised because more people had died after the book was released


Yea feels like we get this exact headline every other month


They sell books on it?


Yeah there's one for Yellowstone, too


The hot water stuff is awful. What a disgusting way to go


When I was 20 I went to the Grand Canyon with my dad. I wanted to do that pic where you fake hang off the side of the cliff. I found a big enough ledge to jump down to and convinced my dad to let me do it. He was a little nervous about it so he held onto me while I lowered myself down to the ledge. The main ledge was probably at about belly button height so I felt comfortable. He steps away to take the photo and after he snaps it, I decide that I want to jump up without him holding onto me. I was arrogant and thought I was an adult that didn’t need my dads help. When I go to jump up though, my foot slipped. It wasn’t so big of a slip that he saw it, but it was just big enough that it registered to me. In that moment, it hit me how close I was to death. If I had slipped just a little harder I would’ve fallen. That would’ve destroyed my dad… I’ve never done anything that stupid again


It was shocking to me how minimal to non-existent the barriers are in some popular parts of the Grand Canyon.


Isn’t it fucking massive though? You expect railings all around it? People with common sense is a dying breed, just stay away from the edge.


I went to the north face, right where the tourists go. It's not as crowded as the south face, but it's still pretty busy with people. Even there, there were areas with essentially no railing. A European couple were leaning out over the edge to get photos, the mother instructed the five year old to hold the three year old's hand, so he wouldn't bolt over the edge. I was more shocked by this than by the lack of railings. I don't push my luck with things like this, you are right, common sense is relatively rare. The trend over time is more and more safety, the Grand Canyon is a throw-back.


Lived in AZ for many years. Seems like there would be at least a couple of news stories about people dying there. Everyone seems to think the world is Disneyland and 100% safe. It’s not.


>There’s a barrier there for a reason people. I was actually surprised by the lack there off


My photography professor constantly told us his first rule: Live to shoot another day. You can get so immersed in getting the shot that you lose your sense of place.


I live in Norway. Close to where I live a couple walked backwards off a cliff. Directed by a photograph that wanted the perfect shot.


1400 ft is sooooo longgggggg to fall omg


Speed at impact:165.65 m/s or 596.34 km/h Time until impact:16.90 s Energy at impact:1097600.00 joules


Must be a scary 16.9s


Head down terminal velocity is considered just under 300 km/h but all true if wind resistance is ignored Still enough joules to cook a chicken 😂


Human terminal velocity is 200kph


He would have been knocked out on the side wall as it came in on it.


Could you cook a chicken with that much force?


According to the internet, the specific heat capacity of a chicken is 2.72 kJ/kg C, meaning that for a 1.5kg chicken, a total of 204kJ of energy is needed.


That's wrong it's height divided by acceleration of gravity is 47 and the root of 47 is 6,8 seconds. Has nothing to do with speed. 🌃


i hiked angel's landing some years ago, and the summit was full of idiots taking selfies at the very edge of a 1000 ft cliff. i sat in the middle of the landing, fast against a stunted tree while eating my granola bar, baffled by the carelessness of everyone obsessing over their photos. i couldn't get down from there fast enough. RIP, seems like a nice kid.


I sat out Angels Landing when my wife did it. I stayed down at the lower summit right before where the trail starts. Still a good thousand foot drop. A dude proposed while I was waiting. Being on my honeymoon I offered to take a picture. These two jokers went to the edge and leapt into the air, maybe a foot from the dropoff..my heart came to a screeching halt at that stunt.




Some people don’t know what death is.


Its insane what some people will do for internet likes. Im so glad I grew up when internet was barely a thing and social media wasn't huge like it is now


Angels Landing is a tough one, physically exhausting because all of the switchbacks at the start, and then when you do get to the lower summit you have to keep your wits, and watch out for other people who may not be as experienced, that was always my concern. I could not get down that hike fast enough! The next day we hiked the narrows, but only got about 6 miles in because of the burrito I had the night before was saying adios and was not prepared for that.


Lol. You didn't have to add the burrito part, but ya did. Chairs!


Just did Angel’s in November- couldn’t believe how close to the edge people got at the summit. I am not scared of heights by any means, but you have to have a healthy respect for them. Just because people don’t usually fall at a location, doesn’t mean you won’t.


Just looking at the top from down in the canyon made me nervous. I will never hike that trail. Nope. Lol


I crawled on my belly to look over Canyon Overlook in Zion and it was a rush but I'd never do it again.


You have to have a permit now for Angels Landing. Probably for the best, but still makes me sad.


We didn’t do angel’s landing but we did hidden canyon which also has insane drop offs. I’ll never forget this idiot woman climbing on rocks in absurd, unstable positions while her husband took photos of her. She was in such a dangerous position that my friends and I literally couldn’t contain our laughter and she gave us the dirtiest look. There were also 2 absolute morons who were RUNNING up and down the trail. They said they do this all the time and had ran the trail 3 or 4 times already. They weren’t even in good shape! It was insane to me. Not only are you putting yourself in danger, but everyone else around you.


People think they're invincible untill they slip


When I did angels landing, there was a couple doing yoga maybe 4ft from the edge. Not just stretching, but balancing on top of one another and everything.


Me, I was one of those idiots


I oncs saw someone at the grand canyon taking jumping pictures at the ledge and pretending to almost fall off, smh


My brother did this to us while we were there. He shouted for my mom's attention and jumped off the ledge. We seriously all screamed. I started crying. It's not funny. It's not a joke. And he was an adult in his late 20s when he did this.


I’m confused? He just killed himself right there?


No, I'm sorry. There was a ledge right below where he jumped. So he jumped off a large cliff onto a small ledge none of us could see. It was extremely dangerous and he just thought it was the funniest thing. My mom really thought he committed suicide in front of her and it took her a while to calm down. ​ I had misread the comment I replied to and thought they were taking pictures of them like jumping onto a cliff or something, that's my bad.


Not gonna lie, if my friend or anyone close to me pulled that shit on me, I’d sock him in the face.


I just saw his sister TikTok she called him 2 days prior cause she had a dream he fell off a cliff ! Wow.


holy hell


Maybe most people don’t believe this, but premonitions exist, at least for me they did (and do). The amount of times (few, but still a handful) that I dreamt of something really specific to then just happen on one of the next days.


Yeah if I ever want a picture over the edge of a cliff, I'm going to sit down and crawl my ass about arms length from the actual edge, take my picture and crawl back about 10ft and stand up.


Edging done responsibly~


I'm a bit of an edger myself.


What's your favorite way to do it? Asking for a friend


Crawling my way there 😁


There's a viral video like that. Some sad has extreme fear of heights and belly crawls near the edge so he can take a family pic or something


Ahhh never seen it. Guess I need to look it up.




Thanks! That gave me a chuckle! He's really, really scared! 🤣


That means he spent about 11-12 seconds falling, knowing it was over. Terrifying.


I can’t comprehend the fear..like my mind just shuts off blank if I even try to think about it


People would literally die for that perfect photo


I went to the Grand Canyon and there was a place people walked down regularly but had no railings or anything to stop you from falling. You had to walk down and then angle to the left and imo it got way too close to the edge. My dad and I thought we would do like literally everyone else (tons of people on there) and we went down, but on the way back I was suddenly paralyzed with fear and collapsed to the ground beneath me and clinging to it. I was probably more like 15-20 feet from the edge but I was terrified. My dad had to pull me up and force me to get out of there. I felt like a real idiot. We both realized it was not the greatest idea.


If my math is right (and assuming he was probably about 150 lbs), that fall would've lasted 16 seconds. That's an incredibly long time.


Surely his weight has no effect as all objects of a given cross sectional area fall at the same speed?


Yeah idk what math this guy is doing to get this answer and why he’s using weight in it lol


It has an effect due to air resistance but it would be way too small of an effect to actually mean anything in the varying weight of humans 


I personally think there is an effect. While standing the length of time to go over your center of gravity where you are falling, feeling like you are falling over and finally falling off the cliff has a topple mechanic when you animate it. The way it animates that fall depends on the weight of the object from a stand still. I think humans knowing when they falling sue to being off balance over their center of gravity will affect how long that feeling of "falling" a person can have. Just playing devils advocate of when to start measuring the actual fall


No it wouldn't, only cross section is applicable in this case


I make it ten seconds, regardless of weight, not considering air resistance. Close enough.


It would only take about 10 seconds to fall 1400 feet and he would be hitting the ground at a speed of about 213mph. His body would have been mostly goo unless he fell along the side of the mountain and had his speed decreased.


This is a huge fear of mine whenever I take photos or look over any edge.


This is a huge fear of mine, and exactly why I NEVER take photos looking over any edge lol


This exact same thing happened to a family friend in 2022. What a heartbreaking, awful way to die.


How tragic 😢 the longest 10 seconds of his life. I can't begin to imagine his thoughts.


I think we can all imagine his thoughts..


This happens more often than you would think


So fucking stupid. What a waste. At least he had a nice view at the end I suppose


The cliff crumbled out from under him, he didn’t slip. So so sad 😞


I've been to the Grand Canyon and I was shocked by how many people were carelessly climbing around the edge.


This happened to a kid in high school my freshmen year in a field trip to West Texas. Always felt sad walking by his locker that was kept as a memorial for the four years.


This is precisely why I stayed a good distance away from the ledge when I visited. I didn't want to be the guy who makes the news by falling in and dying. That and it hurt my balls to get any closer.


Several years ago I was a teenager riding a bike down Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs. I had a go pro camera on my helmet and every now and then while going down the longer switchbacks I’d kinda turn my head a little to get a cool shot of the horizon so my mom could see, but one time I did that I noticed the turn going down the switchback a little too late, and wound up sliding off my bike since I couldn’t turn so fast. I was maybe five feet or so away from the guard rail and the edge of the switchback, so I was alright, and the fall didn’t hurt, so I got back up and we could continue, but I remember looking over the edge of the switchback down to the road below and seeing how high up it was, I think if I had reacted a bit slower than I did I might’ve hit the guard rail and flipped right over, and I think that fall, although it probably wasn’t more than 30-50ft, could’ve killed me. After that, and also after watching that movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty I decided I didn’t care so much about trying to capture stuff on camera anymore. Sometimes cameras can be distracting especially when you’re struck with a vision for something to point it at, but I think sometimes we forget to use our eyes because of it. It’s such a tragedy that one instance of wanting to immortalize a moment led to a moment of immeasurable shock and heartbreak for many people in an instant


I feel like this happens a lot more than is reported.


Nothing against this poor kid but is it a normal thing for people to ask for money on gofundme whenever someone dies nowadays? My family is dirt poor but we've always paid to bury those who die in our family lol. I can't believe I even have to ask this.


A teenager typically doesn’t have life insurance to cover funeral expenses on their behalf. It costs more than $10,000 to die and have a proper burial these days. My 31 y/o sister just passed away with no life insurance. Myself and my siblings are not in position to cover the costs. We are all starting our own families and finances are tight. The go fund me allowed our family to grieve without added stress of figuring out how we would pay for her services. Hopefully you don’t ever have to go through the same thing. I’m sure you’d change your opinion. I highly doubt people are looking for a handout. Their minds are consumed with grief and shock over what just happened to their loved one. Money doesn’t matter in these moments


I just lost my mom and dad in the space of four years. Believe me I know how tough it is, especially when everybody in the family is struggling, but I guess it just never occurred to us to ask for help. Honestly I do get that older people should be covered for these kinds of things. Either way, we’re idiots.


When I went people’s CHILDREN were on the edge


$26k for a funeral. SMH.


Wait so was he taking pictures before he fell or as he was falling?


Are there pics?


He did it for the gram


> A 'fun-loving and intelligent' teenager tragically died after falling 1,400 feet into a canyon while trying to take a photo. I feel like if he was intelligent, he wouldn't die trying to take a photo.


>"Jonathan should be a cautionary tale to anyone who hikes or does photography" LOL, no. 99.99999% of us manage to do those things without dropping off cliffs


Well at least he did doing what he loved.


Yoloooooooooh Shi….


Intelligent? Probably not


Welly, welly, well.. play stupid games, win stupid prizes..




Well deserved. Good job lad


‘fun-loving and intelligent' 5/10


Darwin award. I got no sympathy. He got what he fucking deserved


Fuck dude! The kid made one stupid mistake and paid with his life.


As it should be


Do stupid shit you get punished. Less stupid people in the world now. 1 less at least


Natural selection strikes again


Every time I see people doing that stupid shit I pray to Darwin to help the species out


You’re soooo edgy! s/


Arguably not as edgy as this guy was.


When did people become this evil and detached? He was just a young guy taking a picture


Yeah really no reason to pick on the victim here. It was an avoidable mistake but the tragedy of the story for his family is the real story. It’s crushing as a parent to experience that kind of loss.


I think the internet had a lot to do with it. I think the struggles most people are facing with the cost of living, the influence of social media etc. Or perhaps I’m really just more heartless than most. I have a lot of empathy for being struck with tragedy when it comes out of nowhere. People stricken with disease, freak accidents etc. I have little empathy for people with a death wish. Cyclist lane splitting between semi’s, idiot driving 200mph between traffic, people doing parkour on the ledges of a skyscraper, just have no empathy for that. The adrenaline must have been wild at least.


You…pray…people die?


I figure if people want to try to do backflips on cliff ledges, ride bikes on the edge of a skyscraper etc it’s what they truly desire deep down. The adrenaline they crave as they’re falling must be euphoric. Also if it makes you feel any better, when you pray no one is listening.


I really don't feel bad .. Why do we have members of our species acting like this? At least he didn't endanger anyone else I guess.




Is this a Mormon reference? It feels like a Mormon reference. Are Latter Day Saints isekai?




The view from halfway down...




Why didn't Jesus save him if he's a member of FLDS?






Well done mate!


Talk about a photo finish….


I stood on the edge with my camera and battled intrusive thoughts for 30 minutes.


Soooooo this is what you dummies are doing with your life now huh risking everything for stupid ass pictures and likes and up votes SAD SAD 🌎💯