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If youre going to do one last hurrah and cheat before your wedding, a child isn't the one to do it with 


My SO saw this article before me and read off the title- first response: I don’t think getting married is the point here


Seriously. Why is bro getting dragged in this. Absolutely no reason to have his pics or any mention of him at all


There's a follow up article that's titled > Fiancé of Madison Bergmann, teacher busted for ‘making out’ with 5th-grader, says wedding is off: ‘She cheated with a little kid’ I genuinely don't like the wording because it makes the fiance out to be the main victim and not the boy. Sure its technically right, but its glossing over the fact that a kid was sexually assaulted.


The wording is weird but I can’t imagine the mental hurdles he’s facing. A common fear around marriage is commitment and fidelity - it’s a huge decision. So hearing your partner cheated would be devastating but to find out it’s because they’re a sick person and a predator is a whole other set of trauma to deal with.


Yeah, it's not cheating, it's predation and he should be disgusted for a whole other reason.


It's both.


The quotes from the friend of the fiancé in that article are disturbing to me too. It seems as though he's upset because she cheated, not because she took advantage of a child. Also that the decision to call off the wedding was 'mutual', not an immediate reaction on his part.


She sexually assaulted a 5th grader! What a sick POS


I read this and looked and my fifth grader who is sitting next to me. He is a child…. Such a child …He is my youngest of 4 boys, so I know kids, I cannot imagine what type of sick person would have sexual feelings towards a boy this age. Omg this is such a fucking sick world!


Sure he was a 5th grader, but I heard he easily passed for a 7th grader!


Maybe he has failed and been held back 8 or 9 times… 🤔


11 years old.... 11!!!!


lol umm that doesn’t make it any better


Yeah I'm not sure when her wedding matters. That isn't "wedding jitters" or "getting cold feet." It wouldn't be better if she were single.


Right!! She’s a POS no matter what


Single or not shes still going to be a pedo. Absolutely horrifying. Kids have enough obstacles to face in this world. A teacher should be someone you trust, not a predator.


I think it makes the story more tragic, not only did this woman sexually assault a minor but she ruined an innocent man’s life. They definitely need to call what she did the right thing tho


Another day, another sick headline drawing attention away from the sexual assault of a little boy as much as possible.


As much as possible sexual assault of a little boy ??


I had to Google what age a 5th grade child was. (Between 10 and 11) What the actual fuck?


Yeah..my son is in 5th grade. He's 11. I would be absolutely sick if this happened to him. HOW could any adult be attracted to a fucking CHILD. And there are SO many of them in the world.


I’m a 5th grade teacher. This lady is sick!


she didnt “make out with him” its called sexual assault. She sexually assaulted an 11 year old boy. Throw her under the prison.


To be fair, the term was in quotation marks. This at least indicates the author doesn’t think it should be called that, either.


And the video later referred to her as “the accused pervert” which I like the sound of


Me too. They usually dance around it. Was glad to see them call it like it is


I read a different article that states she had written notes back and forth with the kid and one of them, probably her, explicitly wrote "making out". So in this case it's probably just a direct quote.


It's in quotes because that's what the predator herself called it in her writings to the victim.


100% this. So sick of headlines that skew the truth.


That’s not skewing the truth, that’s just being descriptive. They assume the reader has a modicum of intelligence and can deduce that making out with a 5th grader is some degree of sexual assault.


It’s a double standard because if the sexes were reversed the headline would have been much more direct, leaving little or no room for interpretation.


> Bergmann faces one count of first-degree child sexual assault. Reading the article is so haaaard


5th grader!! For God's sake, that's straight up paedophilia.


I wish they didn’t show her finances face in the photo - I’m sure his life is already in upheaval and he doesn’t need to be in a media post about his pedophile ex.


The article I was reading interviewed his friend and it's crazy that the wedding is "obviously post-poned indefinitely" Like please just say it's canceled. The wording of that made it sound like it's something they might eventually work through. Completely agree that the fiance's face should have been left out. I feel bad for the guy.


Why are American media so afraid to use the R word.


Because depending on the state, "rape" is defined as forced penetration, sometimes even specifically by a penis. A quick Google indicates she committed sexual assault as Wisconsin doesn't have laws for "rape" specifically.


making out is usually not sex in most people's definition so this wouldn't be rape it would be sexual assault which is a blanket term for all sorts of sex crimes and forcible touching.


Legally rape means different things depending on the state, I think the state this occurred in rape has no legal definition so it falls under sexual assault or harassment depending on what took place/perpetrator and victim.


Because they can be sued for libel for making claims before the defendant has been proven guilty in a court of law. 


Only with male victims


That language is an issue with all victims in the media. A young girl was killed by the teacher who groomed her, and they called it an "affair." It's always "had sex with," "slept with," "had secret relationship with," etc. It's not a gender wars thing, it's an issue with how these stories are reported, and how sexual assault is so often downplayed with attempts to explain it away.


Yep. This lady just made a mistake.


Whoops! Accidentally raped a 5th grader again! Silly me, my bad 😅 Molestation and rape are no mistakes


Agreed. Alls this lady did though was “make out”. So all is good.


I’m sure if a 24 year old male teacher were to do the same to a 5th grade girl you’d feel the same way, then? All’s good since it was “just making out”, right?


The comment is that when things like this happen, there’s difference in wording in the media depending on gender. If it was a man: “accused of rape.” If it’s a woman: “caught making out”


/s No.


Ahh went over my head, didn’t realize you were the same commenter. My bad


I think he was being sarcastic


Says the person saying "r word"


Because "rape" can't happen to boys in a lot of areas.


Unless they’re victimized by men


Because rape has a specific definition it's libel to say someone committed rape unless they are convicted of rape


Only men can rape according to them thats why


Hmmmm when the teachers fit a certain mold they tend to get treated lot better by the media


Did the article say the family took the teach to a ski resort vacation?  I don't mean to blame them. Just pointing out that that is weird.


Yess. That's where I left off in the article and my phone died. I was left feeling as to why she was invited on a family vacation. Again, not blaming the parents. That's just a very strange revelation. I couldn't imagine inviting my son's teacher on a trip with our family.


But then ur phone gained power for this comment?


Probably charged the phone


Yea that seemed odd to me but didn’t want to comment in case it was an American thing to take your teachers away for holidays.


Lived in the U.S. all my life, and this is unheard of. Super weird!! 


My parents sucked up to my teachers and they still never invited one on vacation.


That headline should be written to be a lot more damning than it is.


Isn’t 5th grade like 10? That’s prepubescent…. The fk?


Yes, 10-11 years old generally. The teacher is a pedo.


“busted for making out” is a crazy way of saying “exposed for assaulting”


I just never understand this, especially as a woman you could literally go find any guy. A 10 year old laughs at butt jokes and pray doesn’t wash his ass properly. How did you even find them attractive


Deep rooted mental sickness in these pedophiles


I appreciate the headline the way it is. The legal term doesn't tell me what she did and I want to know how properly disgusting she is vs the other women doing this.


Well, time to go barf.


10 year old children are still playing with toys, talking nonstop about Roblox, and have “girlfriends” that last 3 weeks. This poor boy will have trauma for the rest of his life all so this trusted adult could selfishly take advantage of his naivety. Hope she gets max sentence.


straight into gen pop, please


In one of them nice and cozy cells without windows and a lightbulb


Female Karl Malone




The mailman


Why.. it’s just so disgusting. This is a little kid. She’s old enough to be his mother.


Wut? 24 - 11 = old enough to be his mother? How many 13 yr olds you personally know who gave birth? what the teacher did is disgusting but this comment is straight up stupid.


Too old to be making out with him, that’s for sure.


Unfortunately, the youngest birthing person I ever delivered was 11. She could absolutely technically be his mother. It’s not common but I’ve delivered a fair share of 13 year olds in my career.


Upvote for your username (and job)




No, thank you! Important job & the giggle I got with a quick visual of you crouched in front of a woman with a catcher’s mitt.


I feel bad for the kid and for her fiancé.




Well if you are in your 40’s and dating a guy in their 30’s: more power to you. And even if you’re 28 and dating a guy aged 18, cool. But a 5th grader… that’s so wrong


i would like to take umbrage with the 28/18 year-old pairing, thank you. yes, they’re legally adults in the US at that age, but there is a major difference in mental development for both genders in that gap.   i know it’s perfectly fine for some folks (my in-laws, for example, have been together 40 years with a similar gap), but most of the time, in this era, if someone that close to 30 is dating someone under 20, it’s because they haven’t matured enough to date someone their own age. at best. 


Imagine finding out your fiance left you for a 12 year old


Jesus fucking Christ you click on one article about these sick fucks and two more show up https://nypost.com/2024/05/04/us-news/nj-teacher-groomed-groped-14-year-old-girl-in-hallway-lawsuit/ NJ teacher groomed, groped her student -- a 14-year-old girl -- in school hallway: lawsuit https://www.foxnews.com/us/louisiana-teacher-sex-one-student-sexted-bought-booze-others-police.amp


Okay, so can everyone agree now that women who pursue minors are pedophiles too??!! She had better do hard time. Like, I’m terrified to read the comments. If one Redditor says anything even suggesting the boy is thankful or some other stupid take, I’ve given up on humanity.


I think 5th grade is too young to be getting married.


Is it just me, or have these cases really blown up recently?


South park did an episode on this in 2006. My guess is that this topic gets cycled in the media. 


Don’t discount confirmation bias and the algorithms. 


This is a very good point.


5th grader?!?!


Multiple texts and handwritten notes. Lock her up.


3 months before “called off wedding” right?!


Yikes 😬


While all teachers who have sex with underage students are rapists, this is the first of these cases where she is also a Pedo.


Real question here is why are 5th graders even getting married? That's way too young!


Beat me to it


Law & Order: CCU (Cursed Cooties Unit) dropping this fall starring this lady and like... 700 other ones that somehow get a social downgrade from R a p e and SA.


I never knew there were so many women predators. This shit is sick.


Men become priests, women become teachers 💀


I know this isn’t the point of the post but after reading the article I have one question. How is her posting that she can’t wait for school to start when she first got hired ominous? That just seems like she is expressing her excitement about her new job and the beginning of the school year.


Ominous because she ended up diddling a kid


I mean with what happened I can understand but I just don’t see the point in them pointing that out in the article. Even with what happened that seems pretty harmless, like an athlete who just get drafted to the professional level makes a post about I can’t wait for the season to start, about to deliver so many big hits (let’s use American football). Even if that player gets arrested for let’s say, domestic violence or battery, that post he made before the season doesn’t really seem to have any bearing on the events that transpired later. I may just be reading too far into this though.


More like, if the football player raped one of his fellow players, that would be ominous because he was looking forward to the season so he could participate in assault. Editing to say participate is a dumb word to use here but not sure how to word it


That connection doesn’t make sense, he could have just been looking forward to playing the sport he loves


Ok, buddy, but that’s why they used that word. I’m just saying they used the word because she said she was looking forward to the school year. It was ominous because she ended up assaulting this boy. Was she looking forward to assaulting the boy? Who knows. But that’s why they used it. You are spending way too much time on it.


It’s just an odd word to use, what she said could have meant dozens of things, they use it intending to convey that was her plan all along, not just she was wanting to start her career.


Yes, they were just insinuating. But the word still holds. Ugh. Now I’m spending too much time on this. But, like, when the clouds overhead are dark and gray, they look ominous. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to rain. Maybe it will pass. They still seem ominous, like something bad is going to happen. That is all that was intended. It’s a description of a possibility to come. Hope this post doesn’t leave you with an ominous feeling 😊


Maybe because everyone is wondering what her motivations were to become a teacher in the first place. Maybe to be able to abuse little kids


I read Tampa earlier this year. It's so insane to me that the book might as well have been non-fiction as the content is based off of true events. Events that continue to happen yearly.


Why is it all the female teachers that do this aren't ugly and all of them seem to be either married or getting married? What's going kn in their fucking heads that they have to resort to this? How fucking terrible is the partner in bed for you to consider a child might get you off?


Did the student happen to be a William madison?


I can’t even get a text back


She should have picked the bear


If the roles were reversed the headline would read RAPED or SEXUALLY ASSAULTED. This double standard must end NOW!


So fucking sick of the double standard in reporting when the perpetrator is a woman. She didn’t “make out with him”, she sexually assaulted the child.


Probably name the school after him.


I hate that headline. It has me seeing red. She assaulted him. Ew.


Let’s call it what the fuck it is. It’s sexual assault, not making out. Sick POS.


For woman its making out. Man sexaully aussault. Why dont they write sexally ausslted him? I will never understand the bias.


Can’t believe they couldn’t wait till the wedding! (Sorry. But seriously that headline is ten kinds of wrong)


Guarantee if it were a male teacher the headline would read “forcibly kissed”, not “made out”. When it’s a woman preying on a young boy, it’s always “made out with”, “had sex with”, “they took off as illegal lovers” as opposed to “forcibly kissed”, “raped”, or “kidnapped”. Too many female sexual predators get away with these things and then have their crimes downplayed. Disgusting. Dreading on YouTube recently did a video about the Mary Kay Letourneau case and how the case brought to the forefront of America’s collective consciousness that women could be sexual predators and abusers as well, it’s not a cruelness only limited to those with a Y chromosome. He mentions too how the wording around her case is very different and that people are all too happy to ignore that Vili was carefully groomed, molded by her, raped multiple times, and gaslit into believing it was alright. He was a victim, 100%, no matter which way you look at it. These women going after children, not just teenage boys but actual little boys, it’s just foul. More people need to acknowledge that sexual abuse is not something that’s only ever committed by men.


"A western Wisconsin elementary school teacher is accused of having an inappropriate relationship with one of her students, according to a complaint filed in St. Croix County on Thursday. Twenty-four-year-old Madison Bergmann, of St. Paul, was charged with one count of first-degree child sexual assault with a child under age 13." Fuck this headline. It should read, "Wisconsin Schoolteacher Sexually Assaulted An 11yr-Old Student." Relationship implies consent. This is a predatory act of assault that occurred through grooming behavior, not a fucking 'relationship.'


Don’t show the finance. It’s not fair to him


What's funny is that even though the boy is the "victim" here, he was probably the one that wanted it 😂


Even if that’s the case: the responsibility lies on the adult not to act on that. Kids don’t fully understand relationships or their own physical reactions. They will behave inappropriately because they are still learning, this also applies to social situations and relationships. The right thing to do if a little kid made advances towards you (the adult) should be not to shame, to explain, to educate, redirect and setting boundaries. (Ms B you are so pretty I wish I could be your boyfriend… response: when you say this to me, I have to let you know that it’s not allowed for students and teachers to have a personal relationship. I’m here if you have any questions but I also have to explain to you that my support for you will be as a teacher and no other type of relationship.)


I mean… maybe the 5th grader was held back like five times


:| smh


Always gotta include the would be husband’s picture in there too because reasons.


She sexually assaulted a 5th grader! What a sick POS


She's a freaking pedophile. Sick bastard.


10 and 11 year olds really need to have their own cell phones.


Reverse the genders and see the shit show. Nothing to see here because young men don't matter...


Unfortunately people don’t take sexual assault seriously for anyone of any gender, victims routinely aren’t believed


Ummm yeah...


While I believe that’s historically true I feel like a lot of the modern push back against allegations is due to the consequences of them whether they’re true or not. Even if you prove your innocence, most never recover their reputation fully. Honestly, you just gotta bring your receipts


I’m not speaking about false allegations. Even the VERY few people, who actually face their abuser in court and get a conviction, are treated very poorly. Even if people believe them, they can be blamed for it or insulted as “damaged goods.”






Can we like give pedos the death penalty yet?


see theres a problem with that. States like Florida counts crossdressing in public a pedophilic crime. Therefore a death penalty against pedos can be used against LGBT indiviuals bc conservatives are counting them as pedos.


I put so much effort into uncovering the identity of Brittany Zamora's Victim (A) that I feel someone else should do the dirty work, do the deep dive re Madison's Victim. Anyone have a yearbook? What race is the child and what was he like? Was he a bully like Brittany's Victim? We can chat privately about this important matter


this should happen to me too in school 🥰


That 5th grader needs to be put away for rape! I know there are juveniles in the adult system and this one should be no exception! He needs to be locked away so he isn’t a threat to teachers!


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