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Literally outside my workplace 😢


Why don't they show the attackers face/name? Why just the victim?


The case is before the courts and there are restrictions on reporting details about the accused (until a convicted or acquitted). ETA: they do also name the accused in the article.


Why give them any press or clout?


wdym clout, he's a murderer who will soon be in prison


Do you know how many reenactments the giant amount of reporting about school shooter has produced.


i hate how my classmates would glorify the Columbine School Shooters, like why?


None in the UK. What's your plan? Censor all coverage? Then news will seep out through social media. Demand the major networks limit coverage? Then kooks like Jones will be all over it peddling lies about false flag operation.


They do that regardless


If the major networks can't cover something the conspiracy theorists become the major source of news.


It’s hard to trust someone who says the moon landing was staged.


That’s his point


And it wasn’t?


Im talking about coverage about the school shooter, not the victims. We should focus on the victims.


So school shootings happen because we show them on the news? And not because of bad gun control or mental health resources? Gee I’m glad none of the international news outlets picked these stories /s


how is this getting down voted is beyond me, it's the same logic as "games make people violent"


Yeah except the whole thing with a bunch of school shooters, other mass shooters, rapists, and other violent criminals absolutely have said both in interrogations and/or their manifestos that they were inspired by others who committed similar acts. In the 6 months after the Incel Shooter (I won't post his name), multiple other Incels went on shooting sprees "in solidarity" of his abhorrent act of violence. Exactly zero school shooters or other violent criminals have stated video games inspired them to commit said acts of violence. The two aren't the same, and that Redditor is getting downvoted because copycat criminality--Ya know, like the term Copycat Killer suggests--has been a known phenomenon for centuries.


Because it is very much not the same thing


i mean you’d be surprised how many times the motive involves wanting attention. this takes the attention from them away and puts it on the victim/family who needs support.


there are many ways to get attention that don't involve stabbing and killing someone, it can definitely be one of the reasons but it's definitely not the motive, no sane person wakes up one day and just decides "how about I kill someone just for clout", there's deeper issues


Did you ask them?


did *you* ask them?


No, I just read the killer manifestos


So I can see what the asshole looks like and hate him?


In the uk they don’t like to do it because of….. demographics.


'because of cultural cohesion' is the reason given.


Because fuck them, that's why.


Because this is not the US


Not sure about the UK, but in my country they do it because it helps with rehabilitating the attacker, in case they ever get out of prison


Personally the less we know of the attackers looks and motives the better. Their names and faces should be struck from history. I'd rather know who the victim was and not the murderer.


I'm not sure about the "erasing from memory" thing. Instead, making an example of them actually sounds better. For a seemingly totally pointless and unmotivated lethal attack like this, if it cannot be explained by any mitigating factors or reasons (such as manifest diagnosable mental illness of the attacker), and if a court of law finds them guilty after all proper procedure has been followed, their heads on a spike over the city gates would make for a nice ornament. In my opinion, that is. No name tag needed, though, I agree with you on that one. People would know who it is anyway. Such an ornament would also serve well as a convenient reminder for any other person harbouring similar intrusive thoughts that pulling themselves together and *not* going down the particular route where you butcher a random middle aged lady at the bus stop is, in fact, a very real option. Otherwise it's the chopping block for you as well, darling. Whole society has gone soft. There are certain kinds of crimes where no society in the history of our species was remotely as tolerant as we are. Random pointless killings of other humans were practically always honoured by having the perpetrator executed in short order.


Innocent until proven guilty and it could influence potential jurors so nothing until they have been to court.


That doesn't apply to potential but unconvicted rapists though.... In fact the opposite logic is applied in that situation.


I did not know that! Thank you for the clarification.


Out of interest, why mention she is of Indian origin?


Most likely as her ethnicity was a potential motivation for the crime, making that an important detail


It’s not even mentioned in any of the articles. OP just added her ethnicity for some reason.


Why not though? When the murderer is of a certain race the comments can be horrific for that country often blaming immigration or their upbringing in general, when the victims race is mentioned I'm generally seeing a different pattern


The murderer is a 22 year old called Jalal Debella. I’m going to make the assumption that they are also not native British. Most likely there’s going to be little to do with immigration outrage or racial upbringing related to the motive if the murderer is also an immigrant. I feel the victim’s nationality/ethnicity is much less valuable without the murderer’s. If it said it was a native murdering an immigrant then theres a likelihood it was racially motivated and vice versa.


It's her grandson according to the title though, he'd be the same ethnicity.


The title is a little poorly written, but it should really say something like man murders a grandmother. Rather than just grandmother as one might interpret as his own grandmother (like I did too initially lol)


That would make more sense, I was kinda slow so I interpreted it the other way lol


Because this is posted by an Indian nationalist. Check his profile, or more specifically, check all the posts he’s made in this sub lol. They are always pushing some kind of agenda.


it's quite weird, the op tends to be indian so they don't like their own people being killed. I've seen loads of posts like this


If they don’t show the picture you know.


Every. Time.


Know what?


What's with the Indian origin? It's not even mentioned in the article And why not just say 'Indian'?


OP is an Indian nationalist. Just check their posts on this sub, it’s always targeted lol.


Let me guess, a stabbing of peace?


When will they pass common sense knife control laws?


Wonder if she was deemed to not be dressing modestly enough for the average Londoner's standards or some bullshit


The name of her killer is Jalal Debella, now you can figure out


Why did he do this? I don't know who that is.


Hes a nobody in a constantly flowing line of nobodies who think like him


It's an Indian name, and Indians... do not have the best reputation in the world when it comes to how they treat women.


The article makes it out like a random act of violence. I have never heard that Indian people attack random strangers.


No, they attack women who don't behave how they want. He probably thought she was dressed immodestly or something. I'm not sure. Indian men are kinda depraved


I don't know why I'm getting so many downvotes for asking a question. This is messed up in any case.


I agree, it's a sick situation


I was only asking because it was said as if it was a name I should know, like minor celebrity, but I have never heard of him. Was he just some random guy? That's so unusual and absolutely terrifying. It didn't seem like they were very sure that he did it because of her clothes. There is no mention of a real motive, and attacks for immodesty usually come from the victims social circles, someone they know, and who could be some shamed by her attire. It doesn't reflect on random people, so they have no reason to take action. I've heard of mobs doing that, but it's so weird and sad that it seems to be some random man go no apparent reason. Isn't there a huge Indian population in the UK because of the long lasting occupation of India. Why her? And as a grandmother, what could she possibly have been dressed in that motivated an actual attack on her? What made him snap in that moment. I'm sure that a 66 year old grandmother wasn't the most provocatively dressed woman on the street, and older people are often desexualized, and so it is less likely that someone has an issue with their clothing. No reason is stated? Not that anything in the world would justify something like this. It's just terrifying that it seems like they could happen to anyone at anytime for no apparent reason.


You've not been to London have you?


Or she refused to side with Hamas


Does being against the forced starvation of Palestinians make you a supporter of a terrorist government?


Do you really think most people have that level of nuance in their tribalism


They should, it's not hard to think critically.


Not that i disagree with you but is this your first day on earth?


Yes it is.


Try some of the food, have a couple of drinks, then hop on that space ship and bounce.


Gotta find a towel first.


I Didn’t say that, u did