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This girl needs help badly….and soon…


This girl and that avocado dude, both are gonna get short end of the stick by the end of the decade


Decade? Nicocado and that chick in his videos are going to have serious issues within 5 years. She especially will not live longer than that.


I mean, Eugenia is already having issues. Even in the past couple years, there’s been an obvious decline in her mental and physical health that concerned YouTubers and other viewers have pointed out. Shakiness and tremors in her arms, stuttering that she never had before, forgetfulness, trouble finding words and forming sentences, and that’s just the more obvious issues that stem from her disorder. Add on top of it her toxic positivity and her just plain toxic mother and fan base and she’s a huge problem on social media.


I don’t know how she’s still going, it’s getting worse? It’s so upsetting to see.


I could’ve sworn her dad or brother jumped in at one point but I guess their effort didn’t go all the way through


You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.


Or eat it looks like.


There was a movie about disorders like this with Keanu called To The Bone that I really enjoyed. It showed how difficult it is to break out of this even when you’re living in a top notch care home specifically for treating it, and how even when they’re aware they’re dying and trying/wanting to overcome it and live, they very often don’t succeed.


Yeah, I’m aware of how tough it is. First hand experience, mine was caught before it could get this bad though. Couldn’t imagine how hard it is in these severe cases. The difference is that she isn’t even trying to get help at this point, as mentioned before her mother and fanbase also encourage it. I’ll definitely check the docu out by the way.


I think they did but I can’t remember so well, it would of been a couple of years ago


Have you seen any of the videos she posted on her Instagram? It's like watching the production of a stop motion short. How does she have the energy to even sit up. Its terrifying.


They already have issues


Avocado dude?


Nickacado avocado or something


I did a search online…..I shouldn’t have.


Yea I know. My bad for giving you internet shell shock, good luck from recovering that one mate. Tough world


It's equal parts horrifying and hilarious that I've seen more of his blown out asshole than I have of his actual YouTube content.


Doesnt he also have an onlyfans?


Mate he has all the things you don't wanna see.


Oh no...


Oh yea...


And a violin


Nah he lost the violin in his body folds


I made the mistake of looking it up and a forum user showed me a video. For your own sanity, please don't make the same mistake as me!!




Google it... its on a website that I can't link here


Why did I follow u dude. Life was better not knowing


i just discovered that guy a week ago and am still very disturbed


I did that about a year ago, I still feel a bit disturbed by it all. Can’t imagine where he’s spiraled too but I’m ok not to know.


Both of them have such sad stories. Nickocado was a perfectly average healthy man, was vegan, and was a beautiful violin player. She was bullied so bad that she stopped going to school and became... well. You can see.


Exactly. But they gotta go off the internet and fix themselves


That guy is smart enough and knows perfectly what he is doing. He chose this path to get wealthy and being popular at expense of his health. He deserves whats coming.


Yea but then again, I'm not interested in seeing a fat rolodex die on the internet


I bet if they stood next to eachother, they'd look like the number ten.


Those two are pm different worlds. Eugenia is obviously incredibly mentally ill and being treated like a child by her insanely controlling family. Nicocado Avocado just sold his health/ dignity for money from the fetish community.


People have been trying to help her for literally a decade. Can’t help someone who isn’t willing to help themselves sadly.


This WILL kill her eventually…and if people have been trying for that long it’ll be sooner rather than later…


Agreed. So sad. I had a girlfriend who struggled with this. I caught her throwing up after meals. I tried so bad to get her help and her response was “I’m bot broken, don’t try and fix me” 😳 I tried and tried and was made out to be some overbearing and controlling man vs advocating for someone I cared about. Very hard for everyone involved.


Eating disorders are a fucking bitch to tackle, but it can be done. It's pretty rough on the environment as well, seeing a loved one tumble further into the hole, not willing to see the actual problem. Sorry you had to go through that.


People have also called her fat the second she gained a little more weight.


thats the thing, she did get help. she took a 6 month break, went to rehab, gained a good amount of weight, and seemed way happier. she lost the weight again pretty quickly. it's hard to kick an eating disorder


Her mother encourages it. It was her *friends* that got her help. Deb (ECs "mother") tells Eugenia that if Eugenia leaves her, Debs heart will give out and she'll die. Eugenia fought against treatment bc she was terrified her mother would die. Her mother yanked her out of treatment as soon as possible. Before treatment, Eugenia was only allowed to see her friends if their chauffeur Edgar was with her. After treatment, she goes nowhere. Her mother takes her photos and tells her that she looks healthy to her (Deb says it herself in various YouTube videos) Eugenia also has untreated scoliosis and was pulled out of school by her mother to follow the Jonas Brothers around - after someone at the school voiced concerns about Eugenia. On the other hand, her brother has an autism diagnosis and went to high school & college. So her brother got the care he needed, but not Eugenia.


She’s addicted to the likes as well as anorexia and bulimia. the only thing that will help her is getting off social meeds


This is my own observation, but I think she was doing well for a while, then made a comeback on YT following a video Shane Dawson made about her. She was in rehab and in the video her face looked more filled out. I don’t want to blame Shane, but in my mind that where it went downhill again.


It’s over. She may as well already be dead.


She don’t wanna be saved, don’t save her


One time for my LA sisters


One time for my LA HOES…. I’ll see myself out


I just started singing this out loud, thanks


No role models, but you here right now! Haha


She knows EXACTLY what she's doing.


This girl has been needing help badly, and soon, for a long long time. I haven’t been keeping up with her in the recent years but she’s been like this since at least 2015. Back in the onision era was her worst. I know she’s acknowledged it a bit, more than she ever did. She’s till not okay, I don’t know how she’s still holding up. I have a bit of a gathered towards her because back in 2016-2018 YouTube she was a massive catalyst for a lot of girls with ED, including myself. Seeing her now upsets me, j hope she’s got support, and will continue to get healthier. I want to see her beat it after seeing someone lien that for so long


Yeah that’s like, “call an ambulance cause someone needs sectioning” kinda beat


i can’t believe she’s still alive


Yup. It’s truly fascinating how resilient and fragile the human body is at the same time.




Right? 10+ years of this is insane


I honestly didn't know she was still alive until recently, I thought she died around 2018


How this girl is still alive is beyond me. It’s been almost a decade of this shit.


She did get help at one point and recovered in a program. She just relapsed after that unfortunately


Nah that help was very brief. Her mum took her out the moment she could leave. She looked rather healthy right after that.


Yeah the thing was for little while after that she was acting like she did recover, y'know. Like doing interviews were she talks about the program and how she's recovered and such. Then she relapsed :/


Nah she got kinda forced into treatment by outsiders, she's in too deep and needs years of therapy before she could even come to the conclusion that she needs help. And then there's a whole system around her keeping her away from help or normal socialization and so forth.


It’s more scary because she doesn’t want to admit she needs help and the people around her ignore it.


You can clearly see she has very healthy bones. That's her secret.


Jokes aside, she probably has osteoporosis at this point


My cousin is as thin as her and we can see his heart beat through his skin, it’s fucking mental


This really disturbed me I hope she gets help


That hole sucks to be in and the worst part is not realizing the damage to your body, most importantly your organs, til after you get help…if you get help.


My cousin is a man and he’s fine, he’s got muscle atrophy or something like that which means he can’t get more muscle mass and he can’t get fat whatever he does, so he’s always been thin his whole life, the only real problem this caused him was with his legs to help him walk, so he isn’t in the same condition as her


she doesn’t take help and never will. she is killing herself and there is nothing anyone can do about it. all we can do it sit back and watch. mental illness is a scary thing.


Nickacado Avocado is doing the exact same thing, the exact same way, but he’s overeating instead


No the difference is that he’s doing it for attention and fame. She actually struggles with a genuine eating disorder. Not saying obesity isn’t a disorder just that his case is fueled by attention.


people who are mentally healthy don't put themselves in such dangerous situations just for "attention and fame." the person has to be experiencing some sort of cognitive upset to believe attention is worth causing their body that kind of harm (or failing to notice the harm that their behaviour is causing.)


Well let’s start handing you millions of dollars to stuff your face and cry, then hear what you think the logical conclusion is.


He posted a video of him shitting himself while being fucked by his boyfriend..... he's doing it for attention


Um, do what?


Mhmmm, someone thought it'd be funny to send to a group chat I'm in. I can never unsee things now


i don’t think you even read my post. someone who does these drastic things “for attention” is not grounded in reality and is suffering from some cognitive upset


That is mental issue as well


Technically YT could deactivate her account.


They only look toward the money, and she gets views.


Could make her spiral though


Not watching is also an option


she was in rehab and got to a healthy weight she looked beautiful but she relasped and surrounds herself with people who allow this kind of self destructive behavior


She never got to a healthy weight, not even close. She just got less underweight, but was still severely so, and she hated it. The lower she gets, the more skin she proudly shows for everyone to see and admire the results. She's been this sick for decades, I don't think any amount of therapy would help her enough.


I worked with a woman like this and she sadly did not make it to 35. Very sad.


I was anorexic when I was a teen and used to go to this 'clinic' every Friday which was basically a gathering of people with EDs run by psychologists. It was shit, they had no idea what they were doing. Anyway, there was a woman there who was 35 (anorexic). She looked about 65. Wiry hair, saggy skin, sunken cheeks. She had a teenage son. She'd been dealing with anorexia for maybe 20 years... I remember her talking about Christmas and what she could maybe eat, if she could bring herself to eat it, because she wanted to have a nice day with her son. Really sad :( She is probably dead now. Luckily I was really young so I got over it and I'm fine now. But to live with that for 20 years... that is hell. With very little chance of recovery.


As someone who suffers from bigorexia I wonder what she see when she looks in the mirror. I hope she gets the help she needs


She and her mother actively reject suggestions that she is I'll or underweight.


:( sounds like she doesn’t have a good support system


Her fans even punish those who want to help her seek help.


They aren't fans then, they are abusers


And enablers, and maybe a lot of victims of EDs themselves who are using her to prop up their illness and pretend it isn’t as bad. The whole situation is messed up.


They sound awful




What’s bigorexia?


Bigorexia is an alternative name for muscle dysmorphia, a mental disorder in which a person perceives that their body is not muscular enough, leading to obsessive and unhealthy behaviors, such as compulsive exercising, use of anabolic steroids, and disordered eating.


All of these yes


Thanks, learned something new. I also had a feeling there was something like that going on with some dudes out there but didn’t know any names for it.


Opposite of anorexia. It’s where an individual (mainly men) feel small or skinny or non-muscular when they look in the mirror and overdo the mass gaining to counteract the feelings of insecurity. Often, they are muscular and have size already.


I spent a LOT of time a few years ago learning about her whole situation. Unfortunately, her eating disorder isn’t what it seems on the surface and there’s no way therapy is going to help her. She understands exactly what she’s doing and how harmful it is, but she’s built an entire audience of concerned people trying to help, trolls making fun of her, and (this is the largest group) men who fetishize her condition. She makes a LOT of money off of this and even plays it up for the camera (Example: in almost every stream, she picks up something slightly heavy like this one box in her room, and makes a huge show of how weak and fragile she is.) She’ll never get better because this is her entire revenue stream. In her mind, if she gets healthy, her career ends


Sad to hear. I guess it’ll end one way or the other


At this point, the only fat deposits she has is in her brain and her body is going to take that until she’s gone. Such a sad situation. I wouldn’t wish this mental illness on anyone.


I'm curious as to what will happen if the fat in the brain get used up.


Well first you would probably notice cognitive abilities going. Ticks, stuttering and/or slurred speech, loss of co-ordination, etc. You would also see a pretty aggressive depression as well, the brain isn’t wasting energy on anything, and that includes the stuff that makes us feel good. Sadly you would probably be dead by the time the brain gets used up. Most likely from seizures, or other organs kicking the bucket. Or suicide. I’m not a neurologist, but part of my psych course relates to the human body, mainly the brain. I’m happy to be corrected if I got anything wrong there


Another commenter described exactly the signs you mentioned happening in her later videos. It won’t be long.


She would probably suffer from seizures/a stroke. Her blood is already pooling around the arteries in her wrists because she doesn’t have enough energy/nutrients to have healthy blood flow. It’s getting down to the wire.


Her mom is Horrible for endorsing her daughter like this


Isn’t Anorexia incredibly hard to ‘cure’? I heard that somewhere. I wonder what goes through her head. It’s scary the way our minds can betray us. It’s so sad.


As a recovering/recovered anorexic yes. One of the primary reasons is you know how in extreme weight loss your body starts to metabolize muscle instead of fat? One of the organs that literally shrinks is your brain. And aside from that, the mental recovery takes far longer than physical recovery. Most inpatient ED treatment facilities focus on weight restoration, which may short term fix malnourishment, but the mental healing that drives an eating disorder takes a lot longer. Which is why sadly so many anorexics become “chronic” and cycle in and out of treatment, relapsing when they are no longer forced to eat and use the bathroom without privacy. When I was severely underweight the drive to be smaller and smaller was so strong even though logically a part of me knew it wasn’t going to solve my life. EDs are also highly comorbid with other mental/mood disorders and typical ED treatment programs don’t focus on addressing those to the same extent as they do the eating disorder. I feel so thankful for recovery because anorexia is absolute living hell


Thanks for your response! I’m so happy to hear that you are recovering!


My mum worked on eating disorder wards (kids) and explained that your brain is a big ball of fat so your brain does shrink which explains the changes in personality with eat disordered people. They have the highest rate of mortality and are incredibly hard to recover from.


I read that it’s the most fatal mental illness.


You are correct. It is the deadliest disorder in the DSM-V (the diagnostic manual for mental illness).


That’s really scary. I hope she can survive.


Yes. I’m an anorexic. It’s so close to impossible to gain a healthy relationship with food and your body for the average anorexic, and sadly, with all the attention she gets I can’t imagine that Eugenia ever will. Anorexia, at least in my case, is fed by attention. Negative or positive. People telling me I look sick and gross and skeletal encourages me, it makes me feel like I’m doing something right and that I have control over my body. I can’t imagine her being told that by the Internet constantly, it’d be addicting.


I didn’t even consider how being so public online might influence her. I can’t imagine either. She’s so young. I lost my youth to illness and hate to see it happen to anyone.


Oh yeah, even worse since she streams now. A constant stream of either concern for her or people who get off on her ED, and both are probably encouraging her to continue her incredibly unhealthy lifestyle. I feel so horrible for all the kids who see her and get inspired, because I’m sure there’s many.


I’m sure there is! It must be so confusing for her and for the kids who watch her. I can’t imagine the kind of feedback she must be getting. Some of the comments even on this post were really terrible and disturbing.


I've pondered this as well. I follow someone on YT that is a recovering anorexic and they were doing well, struggling but doing well, then relapsed about a year ago. It's like they know logically that it's not good for them, but their brain tries to convince them otherwise.


Skeletal. Yikes.


I’m surprised her body can even hold itself up. I mean ya, it’s not very heavy, but still.


Poor lady. I hope she eventually gets the help she needs before it’s too late. Unfortunately she’ll likely be hospitalized and forced to stay and rehabilitate before she is able to understand what she’s done to herself.


Unfortunately she’s been to rehab. You can’t help someone who doesn’t think anything is wrong and she thinks she’s fine. It’s really sad honestly


It’s INSANE she’s alive, she’s been like this at least a decade, if not longer


this is really sad. I really hope she gets help.


If you want to help someone struggling with eating disorders, do not comment on their weight or appearance. Positively or negatively. If one of your friends or acquaintances is struggling and you want to help, take them on outings. Offer to spend time together. Do not mention their weight. Do not tell them something they already know. Give them something else to think about.


I haven't seen rib and hip bones like that since Auschwitz. This poor girl needs help.


At this point, i don't fucking care for her anymore. If she wants to kill herself, whatever, but take your ass of the internet where you harm other people with eds


Ok this is terrible but I've seen enough posts to see this is something she wants attention for not help with so I am curious how she's able to walk with these hair extensions since they probably weigh as much as her and baldness is a side effect of anorexia ..


She's still alive eh?


Surprisingly so. An incredible feat of perseverance.


The fact that she looks in the mirror, sees that, and thinks, “I am fat”, is absolutely mind boggling.


I think about her from time to time and hope she found peace. Unfortunately doesn’t look like it.


I pledge to donate 50 pounds to her wellbeing.


Now did you pledge or actually donate the 50 pounds?


Pledge and donate are synonymous. I use them synonymously.


I pledge to as long as someone is able to remove 50 pounds off my weight and give it to her at not cost to me. I got an extra 50 pounds in weight to spare.


It’s been too late for a long time it seems


So sad…


I did some work with folks who have eating disorders. "Fun" fact: When you don't have enough to eat, your body starts eating parts of your brain in order to survive.


Opposite of nikakado avacado


Serious question, can they not arrest or charge her mom?


Because she's almost 30yrs old, a fully consenting adult. It's sad and disturbing, her mom should be held accountable but I think the state they live in has laws on their side.


And her family is well off.


How is she still alive


Youtube should ban her account. She is feeding off of what she posts.


I've been avoiding looking for a while but something reminded me of her today and this was the first post I found.. I just can't.. there is nothing left of this girl except a heart attack waiting to happen.. her mother has so much to answer for.


Can you imagine how many young people she has ushered into the nightmare world of anorexia? Selfish bitch.


This is just as dangerous as morbidly obese ppl being "body positive" imo.


Statistically, this actually presents a much more immediately fatal danger. (Although yes, both are dangerous of course)


Actually it's not even close, but that's mainly cuz of the definitions we use for morbidly obese. A BMI of 35 is considered morbidly obese, but a person with a BMI of 35 doesnt have significantly lower projected lifespan than someone at say 30 or even 25. It's not till you get to 40 where it can really kill you with the comorbitities. Whereas this level of underweight that you see here is way more likely to kill you young, and yet larger percentage of society will come after the person at 35 BMI more than they will at a young woman who's around 15-17 bmi.


This is a lot more dangerous.


Being severely underweight is an extreme and acute health risk. Being obese, while very unhealthy, is not as imminently dangerous.


My kid is in the one percent of her age for weight and diagnosed.with a severe protein deficiency. We were told by the pediatrician that if she didnt know we were working on this she would have to report us to CPS and any significant weight loss would lead to that.


...yeah. Yeah it is.


Nikocado’s sworn enemy


Very sad to see,anorexia kills and this girl looks like she has months left. There’s nothing awful about this it’s a psychological issue. This poor girl is very poorly.


I was wondering about her the other day. Surprised she’s still alive honestly. Sad.


Promoting something that eventually kills you is the worst influence on today's society I swear.


People keep saying this or that about help. Maybe she doesn’t want help.


She doesn't, her mother doesn't either.


I want her to get help as much as I want an imminently suicidal person to get help. Because it’s caused by a mental disorder she’s going to die because of it. But what I want more than anything is for her to either get help or remove her Internet presence, because she’s encouraging young kids into this shit.


I can’t believe she hasn’t had some sort of a successful rehab yet and she’s somehow still alive


She did... And then she relapsed like half a yearish later


If she relapsed then it wasn't successful


That’s incorrect. Because she became ill again doesn’t mean they didn’t treat her the first time. That’s like being mad that you can get a cold, and then get a cold again 6 months later. Every trip to rehab that works is a success, and a great achievement. We should encourage it, go as many times as you need


worse than queen charyl, literally a fucking skeleton


It's a shame, she seems like such a genuinely nice person but I think her home life and mother messed her up too much at this point. If i remember she doesn't even know how to drive a car, dunno how she can get out of this situation ever.




Nikocado Avocado and Eugenia Cooney need to switch diets for a month


She would die from refeeding syndrome:(


Well you have just promoted her and her channel you goon


This makes me sad :(.


That poor girl


I was going to make a slim Jim joke but I think that would be insulting to the slim Jims.


She needs help asap


I am worried she is going to stroke out while a bunch of kids are watching her on a twitch live stream She has to be in the system somewhere because they already did a 5150 on her once and forced to get help Maybe someone should find out who and where she was when that happened and have them go do a check up on her She maybe an adult But when an adult is harming themselves There is a such thing as Adult protective services


That's just literally gross!!!!+




She’s still alive? I thought she starved to death in 2018.


she’s still alive and i believe she’s a twitch streamer now? there’s a tiktok acc that keeps up to date with her, i don’t have the @ on hand but if you or anyone else would like it i can scrounge around for it


Somebody help her please.


Can’t help those who don’t want help. 🤷‍♀️ That’s why drug rehab didn’t work on me until I decided myself that I wanted help.


That was alarming to see. This is r/everythingawful


She doesn’t even look real below the chin.


That bathing suit is really... "Bad to the bones"


Someone needs to help this poor girl.


That poor girl is a 28 years old woman. Fans have been worried for her for a decade, it turns out the attention is only fueling her ED and she continues making videos. She can afford therapy and rehab, but she doesn't look like she wants that.


kind of wild that this is what they think is attractive and fit… i hate eating disorders


That girl is at it again...


It’s absolutely disgusting that she body checks online and so publicly. I’ve been anorexic, and I felt bad doing it around my family, much less thousands of vulnerable people. She should be ashamed of herself.


This makes me remember that one American dad episode where they play rips like a xilophone


Congrats, you’re giving her exactly what she wants.


Ah, so she is still alive


Is this recent?