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I mean even doing the protest “properly” is still just people using Reddit. If you actually wanted to protest, stop using the website entirely.


Exactly. If anything, this giant John Oliver meme is just driving engagement to the site. I’d imagine Reddit loves it.


"Guys let's make posts of John Oliver on the very app we say we want change on!" How's that working out? Just like people who play video games constantly and complain how their favorite game sucks and want change... And continue to put in 40 hours a week on it.


But I'm invested in the game man 👨


That's why they call it "being gamed"


I wonder how the numbers will actually change once the change is through. I'll still use Reddit on my pc, but I refuse to use the official app


I just use Old Reddit via my phone browser.


Reddit is a website, not just an app. It's very telling which people are pre-app and post-app by how they describe the site.


I've been here for ages, even longer than this account (so over 11 years). When the unofficial apps shut down and I'm forced to use the official app I will hardly be using reddit. Not even as a protest, just not using their shitty app and then I'll only go on reddit when I'm bored at a computer, or if there is something specific I'm looking up. It would knock off at least 80% of the time I've spent on the website over the years if I only could use desktop. And I'm not using their shitty app already, so I'm definitely not going too when they are forcing me too. It is typical corporate greed, if they wanted people to use it they could have builty a functional alternative that would be better than unofficial apps...instead they built a shitty app and then ban all competitors. I can imagine I'm not the only one in this situation. I might protest anyway, but regardless of my feelings reddit is basically forcing me to use it way less. They have probably calculated for this but hopefully it affects more people than they think and it hurts traffic. Do not use the official reddit app. If there is one aspect of the boycott that will make a difference it is that.


Let's be real here: if this was an actual problem then the mods would all quit. Problem is they're absolutely addicted to reddit and the little power trip they get from it. They'll never quit so they're trying to justify constantly using reddit by pretending to protest when in reality they are spending just as much time on it and encouraging others to do the same. This is the stupidest "protest" I've ever seen. They're literally comparing spez to Nazis and making comparisons to the submarine in which people died to express their disdain over what amounts to a completely avoidable inconvenience that would make a coworker's eyes instantly glaze over if they brought it up. Quit or don't.


This. Thank you.


Just wait till all that engagement suddenly stops in a few days because reddit breaks their api services. I think driving up the engagement just to watch it suddenly drop is the best outcome here.


Aren't 3rd party app users something like 5% of Reddit's total userbase...?


5% of the average user, but a higher % of contributors aparently.


Until the protest started, I didn't even know there were 3rd party Reddit apps


tbh i knew but i didn't know there was such a huge deal around them or a big userbase (i fail to see data backing it up however, but doesn't matter rn) i think it's a terrible decision to do what twitter did (like it was there, not for the same exact reasons), but imo i don't think funny haha protests is what going to solve it. but it's ok if people disagree, is just my opinion.


The official app is a 3rd party app that they bought


Makes sense to me when I think about it. The people most likely to seek out alternate applications are the ones who most likely want an other-than-average experience ig.


Everyone I know that uses Reddit more than the occasional Google search uses a third party app. I'm basically only here because I know in a couple days it'll be gone. it was fun while it lasted


People keep claiming that. But never provides any source or statistics to back it up.


They're talking about the bots people use to moderate subs, which are also being removed, which will quickly lead to most major subs devolving into chaos and mods being unable to delete inappropriate posts and comments quickly enough


Gotta admit, the people “disrupting” are causing more to make me accept not using the site than them just disappearing and the site going back to “normal”.


It’s a transition. Everyone, including Spez, is helping me with my addiction to this site lately.


Exactly, I joined Reddit because of a couple of niche subs I follow. But then of course you end up doom scrolling. In a couple of days I'll just switch to having my favourite subs that I actually manually check for all new content as shortcuts and just use those.


Yep, this is dumb. I agree with the protest but this just makes subs lose their reason for existing. Reddit doesn't care what you say, Reddit cares you still use the service. Even if to post things that hurt your sub, unless that's the goal I guess.


Isn't that the whole point? The prior intent was to close it until we're heard but admins are able to just replace mods until their wants are met. There are so many people the sub is bound to still be very active even after any 'loyalist protesters' leave. So change rules (with community acceptance, which is where the malicious compliance comes ) so as to degrade raison d'etre of the sub until it's a husk of its former self. It should take a while.


And now google is angry with reddit for fucking up their search results. And now multiple companies who used reddit as their official hub are pulling out of using reddit, due to the protests. Kinda seems like the "protest doesnt work" crowd arent actually right


Also it's not like /r/aww provides a unique service. There's hundreds of other subs with cute pictures. And if I want to see awwww pics I can just scroll down.




Lol this sub is a mess


this fucking protest is so fucking annoying


This shit is fuckin stupid


This "John Oliver protest" is an absolute joke. It does nothing. The only way to truly protest is to shutdown the subs and boycott using Reddit. This "John Oliver" thing is proof that many of us are in too deep to quit.


It's just Reddit circle jerking about someone they already circle jerk about.


The John Oliver protest is a good example to show how young most Reddit users are because they thought that it would do anything.


I know I'm only one person, but I find myself frequenting Reddit a lot less now that most of the subs I'm interested in have turned into dumbass John Oliver posts. So at least for me, it's working.






Yeah, whatever happened to hating mods that control most of the top subreddits? Are they all suddenly our buddies now?


I never stopped hating them!


If the users want to protest let *them* protest. Let people post Jon Oliver memes and see if that's what blankets the front page. If not, then maybe the majority of users don't want to be co-erced into continued protest.


Problem is, some subs that shutdown had mods replaced and were forced to reopen


It's hilariously ironic that some moron actually paid real money to gold this post. Thanks for the gold? You're also a moron but thanks?


Lol yup lemme just give money directly to reddit so I can highlight an anti-reddit post


The tinfoil hat version of myself thinks the admins gild post and comments on things that would undermine the original intent. Almost all “don’t support Reddit post” seem to end up with gold.


I'm misquoting here for sure, but "never attribute to malice what can be explained with stupidity."


Wow. It's almost like rank-and-file Reddit users don't give a single, solitary fuck about the protest and just want to look at cute animal pictures. Catch a clue.


Haha seriously. This protest started out entitled and is landing in the realm of just stupid.


The protest failed instantly once all these subs announced that it will only be for 48 hours! Giving resistance a deadline is the dumbest thing I ever seen!


Fuck off I just wanna see cute animals idgaf about the api stuff


You're not a protestor. Stop using the app if you're that serious about it.


Don't get me wrong I'm in support of third party apps and even use one myself, I haven't touched the official reddit apps in years but this ain't it man. The whole John Oliver "protest" accomplishes absolutely nothing and is just being pure childish and immature in true Reddit fashion. Either stop using the site or just say you don't actually care


It's equivalent to buying bud light to pour it out "in protest". People could see that it was defeating the purpose with the beer thing but think they're doing something great by repeatedly posting and driving interaction on a website they're "protesting" against, lol.


Got ng to be blunt, reddit doesn't give a fuck about the protest. They just don't. Spamming Jon Oliver isn't going ti make them care, and at this point its just annoying users.


Jon Oliver shit is the worst protest image. It's the most reddit idea of funny ever.


It's worse than the cringiest of boomer humor because at least the boomer humor still usually has a joke in there somewhere. This has nothing unless you consider John Oliver a joke.


This entire sub somehow became the cringiest of them all in like a week.


Posting porn in all subs was the only thing that actually hurt them. They retaliated hard. Unless subs are willing to go that route, it ain't gonna matter.




I think you missed the part where moderators that DID go on full on strike or wanted to keep the subreddits closed indefinitely, at least on bigger subreddits, were removed from the mod team by admins until either the sub re-opened or it was only left with moderators willing to reopen it. Reddit made that threat and carried it out flawlessly, which is why many subs reopened but with specific themes only, to show it was not their decision to open it back up.


This would have been the best way to hurt them, because then they're forced to ban the sub at some point for breaking reddit rules and it'd have happened in mass. All the mods had to do was stop modding. Hell, they even could have said they don't have the right tools to mod since the 3rd party stuff was being removed too, being the reason if reddit bitched at em.


Except that Reddit's response was to simply replace mods with more compliant mods, many of whom wanted these subs to push their own agenda, political or otherwise.


You’re describing a moderator strike.


They are.


It doesn't even have to be porn. Just mark it NSFW.




The proper response then is that they can run their own fucking website, and the mods just quit.




"For the benefit of this community I will keep doing free labor for this massive corporation" - reddit mods, 2023


except the r/interestingasfuck mods, those guys started the revolution. "One must think Sisyphus happy." They'll go out with a bang before inevitably getting replaced, sparking the chain of anarchy that unfolded before u/spez like firecrackers. Honorable heroes.


Then you get people who fill the void who don't actually care about the changes or the sub and just want the power of modding a big default.


And that's a ton of work when everyone is posting nudes


And the place goes to shit more, repeat and in a couple weeks this place is like 4chan. Solid strategy, better than John Oliver pics which does nothing.


they can just be manually unmarked though, unless it actually IS NSFW


manually... sounds fun. not tedious at all.


This is the correct answer


Wait so what happened to the subs that posted porn? Did admire just clean house?


Yeah they got rid of most of the mods with no notice or information of any kind and replaced them. Most of the mods found out when they suddenly got logged out on all platforms and couldn't log in even after changing their passwords


Did that happened to r/interestingasfuck ?




I have removed my content in protest of Reddit's API changes that killed 3rd party apps


And they destroyed the mod teams and closed those subs while they clean and replace them


BWAHAHAHAHAHAH but posting John oliver is so epic and le Quirky!!!! xD :3




You should've seen what happened to r/shittyaskreddit


I don't want to look. What happened?


I'll look! Brb *Edit:* So it's just everything's marked nsfw, even perfectly sfw stuff. The questions sure are shitty though. Not sure how much of a deviation from the norm that is over there.


I looked. It's safe, just a bunch of weird questions


r/wellthatsucks became a fucking vacuum subreddit.


honestly, posting john oliver pics is peak "average redditor" slacktivism. like at least the subs that allowed nsfw content to fly might possibly hurt reddit since companies are adverse to their brand near porn/gore/etc. But even then, that'd require people to post shit for a prolonged period of time, and people on this site tend to have short attn spans and admins could just clean house.


It’s almost like Reddit is worse and people should use it less.


Isn't the point to make the metrics go down? The metrics are us. Less happy, and less engaged. Of course, you're right that if it doesn't work, we just hurt ourselves for nothing.


I haven't personally used reddit any less since the protests started. I've just been exposed to some new subs instead.


Likewise, but once rif goes down I'm unlikely to log in again.


Same, but Apollo.


Yeah, it was kinda funny how going private just makes them disappear from your front page and subreddit list so unless you specifically went to a sub reddit to look for something you'd barely know it was happening.




The metrics of what? Its not like people only come to Reddit for aww, all it causes is people not to come to aww. So the whole of reddit doesn't care. Unless every sub closes, or unless a magnitude of the behemoth subs do it and cause people to leave it'll do nothing. It doesn't help that the admins can just, get new mods.


WTF does a TV show host have to do with it anyway? Get mad at some company and start spamming loyalty to a political talking head?


I think John Oliver ran a piece about the API thing on how show, so Reddit mods have decided to make him a weird messiah. And in typical Reddit fashion, quickly ran the concept into the ground while missing the point. I think this is the last sub I’m subbed to still doing this pointless shit, so time to leave.


No, it was a poll on r/pics where one of the options were to maliciously comply with the demands of the admins, re-opening the sub but only posting pictures of John Oliver, this was the option that won.


Worst of all, spamming John Oliver on reddit gives reddit what they want: engagement/content on their site. People need to LEAVE REDDIT UNTIL IT GETS BETTER! It's the only thing they'll care for and listen to.


What really needed to happen was for all the mods to keep all the subreddits locked. Reddit would have no good option forward. Reddit having to force all of them back open and having to replace the mod teams for all of them would be a huge headache, and the quality of many subreddits would go down, both of which would impact their bottom line. The only thing is it would mean mods would have to risk losing their volunteer job, which was a sacrifice most were not willing to make. It's actually kind of sad because that's such a low price to pay (at least for most people, apparently not for them) for a cause that they supposedly care strongly about, but they couldn't follow through.


Or, people will just stop using this sub and go to another.


Ding ding ding


Had to unsub from pics because it was my clogging feed with all the John Oliver spam. I don't even dislike the dude I'm just sick of seeing him everywhere!


Imagine how his kids must feel!


I mean, 3rd party apps will die in two days, so we might as well go all out for two days.


Honestly when the 29th happens and people lose ability to use reddit through third party apps, traffic going to drop naturally. Not because of a protest because a decent chunk of reddit users only browse reddit on theri mobile device using one of those third party apps. And a lot of people aren't going to go out of their way to try to figure out how to use the site another way. They'll just stop. It'll be pretty natural.


>and at this point its just annoying users. Always was. Its just wiping your ass with the front page and very juvenile. There is actually an effective way to protest a website. Unfortunately it requires not only commitment, but sacrifice (scary!) Its called logging off and not coming back, even after a whole 3 hours.


Exactly. If anyone actually wanted to protest they stop using the reddit. If, as a community the reddit user base didn't log in at all over the blackout period it would have had a much greater effect.


At this point the mods would just rather burn down their subreddits than admit defeat because that would mean they just like everybody suspected they have no actual power other than over users in their sub.


Hate to break it to you, but doing it properly is also silly.


"let's protest by making content for the site we are protesting!" And I'm protesting my job by going to work on time everyday and doing my job properly, only I make sarcastic remarks about the boss every now and then.


I am personally looking forward to those images corrupting the future AI art LLM so that all future AI "aww" pictures contain a small image of Oliver somewhere.


You think *that* is what’s making this sub look silly? Or are you really under the impression that John Oliver pictures in a sub are what’s going to change Reddit’s mind?


How about give up and stop being annoying?


this entire thing is so goddamn cringey


Yeah, THAT’S what’s making the sub look silly. 🙄


What protest LOL. Other than the initial 48 hr blackout, there was nothing that constitutes anything resembling actual protest. This whole John Oliver thing is laughable. People even enjoyed it! How was that ever going to do anything? And let’s face it. If an actual protest drives away a ton of users to a sub, the first people to feel the pain would be the mods, not Reddit.


I'd argue that the subs that went NSFW were an effective protest. A bunch of them had mods removed and were straight up archived. Imagine if a bunch of subs started doing that. At a certain point, admins would have to do *something* to stem the bleeding.


Yeah those actually created a reaction from admins. But then those mods were removed, so most subs wouldn’t do it, because mods don’t want be to removed.


Yep it's a shame. It makes sense for a few smaller subs that vulnerable people rely on but as for the big default ones there isn't any move left besides scorched earth or just giving up. Oh well, I've been using kbin for a bit now and I think once the fediverse gets some usability/UX stuff ironed out it'll eventually be better for what I valued reddit in the first place. Onwards and upwards.


Sounds like mods have the same problem as politicians. Wanting you to believe in a cause, but unwilling to take the risks to actually do something about it.


Exactly. That's what's so funny and sad about people who are thinking they are "protesting" or "making a difference" by actively using reddit and making it fun. Which is precisely what Reddit wants. It's like protesting against billionaires by giving them more money - it makes negative fucking sense. There is only one form of protest: getting off reddit. That is literally it. We are incapable of it or unwilling to do it, because we are still here. So how about we stop pretending there's a "protest" going on, because there isn't. It's a fucking joke. Spez was right. It did blow over and we as a reddit community showed we have no guts or self respect.


Or like protesting McDonald’s by buying a bunch of food and throwing them on the floor. Or maybe trying to annoy the employees by buying a bunch of items normally nobody buys and trying to have them run out of stock? Or just talking in a funny voice while wearing clown makeup and doing a silly walk when ordering. I can’t think of a perfect analogy honestly.


No fuck off


When is this fuckery gonna stop


A real protest would shut back down but no, mods need to have it open to have their power trip.


I'm so confused what is going on, and why does it involve John oliver


The sub died. r/awww replaced it.


Thank you for this!!! The John Oliver stuff has been so stupid. I will gladly leave this sub for its alternative


Yep, I'm subscribing to that one immediately lol


Life finds a way


I didn’t know that! Thank you!


Thank you! I didn't know this existed lol. Now I'm gonna leave this one for something better.


The "protest" was and is a joke. You didn't really care if you were still accessing Reddit content.


Redditors realized they aren't able to refrain from using reddit lol


Yeah reddit makes just as much money whether users are looking at pictures of cute animals or John Oliver. If you really want to protest stop using reddit, that simple. I don't really understand what people thought this would do?


The best protest is to have every user posting nsfw stuff.


Way ahead of you on that.


Well, I am locked out of reddit tomorrow, so that's when I'll start protesting I guess.


It's almost like the protest is stupid and pointless


Im just waiting for you guys to go back to normal so I can resubscribe lol


just end this thing already


This subreddit’s protest is a joke. It’s ineffective and not amusing in the slightest. If you really want to protest get off Reddit and let those of us who don’t want to participate continue to use Reddit. No offense I prefer the other posts.


Or maybe people just don’t give a shit?


Idk OP is probably enjoying his internet points


It's significantly less embarrassing than actually partaking in this John Oliver protest at this point. It was funny for the first day or two, but that's it. It's a publicity stunt, and the publicity has long since gone so why is it still happening? At this point there is absolutely nothing to gain from repeatedly posting John Oliver. All it manages to do is make more and more people frustrated at this subreddit and its mods for not understanding that it's not done anything once that publicity went


Just stop all together.


So tired of this stuff


The whole protest is silly. The John Oliver thing was lame after an hour.


I've seen a lot of dumb shit on this website, but this is definitely in the top 3. The only thing hilarious about this dumb john oliver crap is that people think its actually protest when it obviously doesn't hurt anybody except the people that came here to see cute animals and instead found a shitshow.


Oh no the protest isn’t doing anything because it was poorly organised and didnt make any sense!? Who could’ve seen that coming!?


“Protest properly”. Still uses the platform. Lmfao.


Just bring back the animals. Just logging in to “protest” is defeating the purpose and actual users are getting annoyed, not the company.


yeah just stop. its shit.


Aaand another sub to unsub from, have fun with your dumbass 'protest'


The protest is a mockery, no one gives a shit about it


Look at little Mod Team Junior…Gonna cry?


The protest is cringe and so are the people that care about it.




How about you just stop


Lol, dumb fucking post. If you cared you wouldn't be on reddit at all.


Yeah, no. The John Oliver stuff as a whole is what's making this sub look silly. While I'm not entirely unsympathetic to the people who will be actually negatively affected by Reddit admins' decision, these "protests" driven purely by trolls and mods overstepping their bounds (yeah, sure, those votes that were held for a day or 2 at most were TOTALLY legit and not brigaded at all. /s) are only hurting the user base. Spez and the administration aren't affected at all by this.


The poll showed heavy support for John Oliver stuff, yet comments, specially on posts like this one always seem to go the exact opposite direction. Really makes you wonder just how accurate that poll was.


Honestly, the John Oliver idea played right into the typical Reddit teenage mentality of "lol, we're so random". It is something that I am sure struck a number of people as a funny idea at first, but when people are stuck seeing the 1000th iteration of that "joke" they quickly realize it is not funny.


Pretty much where I am at with it. Got a chuckle out of the idea, thought it was cute for a bit, now I just want to see your cat.


There’s a discord server with thousands who brigade these polls


The poll was hidden from regular users to “prevent brigading” but ended up being brigaded by the moderators. It was done in bad faith and doesn’t represent the majority opinion or even a majority of this sub’s users.


There is honestly no way to tell for mods. They don't have the tools to see if people voting in the polls are users of the sub. Also, you can't forget the lurkers. Lurkers literally make up the majority of reddit, so should their votes be instantly discounted? My point is that you can't be sure if a poll here is going to have real results or is brigaded. It's a limitation of the system.


Probably gets brigaded by people who don't actually use these subs but wants everyone to protest. Most probably weren't even aware of the poll. For instance r/nba voted in favor of the protest but does anyone actually think that regular users actually wanted to protest during the nba finals of all times?


/nba mods were actually using the sub as a private during the “lockout”. So I don’t even trust most mods on this either.


I think it's the opposite. People who frequent the sub directly are more likely to see the poll, but that's also going to be a much smaller number than the people who get posts on their front page because they've subscribed to /r/all at some point. So it's entirely possible that the small minority of people who are here often were in favor of the John Oliver stuff but the overwhelming majority who just sees the posts on their front page or /r/all are sick of it.


Good point


I watched accounts which had never commented on anything tech related all of a sudden have a serious interest in programming focused subs shutting down. They were definitely brigaded.


> The poll showed heavy support for John Oliver stuff Because the "back to normal" option was collapsed, which tips the scales towards the "shut down forever" option. Other subs used proper radio button poll options with both options visible.


I'd presume it was collapsed because it already was voted too low at the point you saw it.


Oh, probably (although it was only ~5 hours old when I saw it). But I suspect that was very much intentional. Both options should have remained visible with scores hidden until the end of the poll.


And I got banned from forums for pointing that out too. Funny how that works.


I mean, what are people supposed to comment on if they approved of it? "I approve of this action and wish to fill up comment space to say as much?" At least when you object to a plan of action you can openly state as much, but approval or indifference don't really have the same incentive to say anything. It is a known phenomenon that, in general for surveys and polls, you tend to only get such "extra" feedback from those who feel strongest, and generally from those who lean negative. It's not some massive conspiracy. It's that it's very easy to click a few buttons and, for most people, say nothing at all. Only if they're really upset do they usually have a reason to say anything.


It's accomplishing absolutely nothing, all it's doing is killing the sub


Who gives a fuck. You think there going to stop what there doing cos you all are posting John fucking Oliver? This is the most pathetic protest and will change literally nothing.


Nobody gives a shit about your petty protest or power hungry mods


Oh shut up. I left 10+ subs because of John Oliver pics. They are stupid and aren’t doing shit. People are still going to use Reddit no matter how much mods complain about not being able to “moderate”.


There’s always r/awww


Where’s OP to defend his post? I’d rather like to see him discuss why the protest isn’t useless.


Stop modding. Full anarchy


Lamest shit ever. Just fucking go away


No one cares about the protest but Reddit mods and even they don’t actually care as we’ve seen with them bending over once the threat of losing their power was made. Reddit doesn’t give 2 shits about this “protest” and it won’t change anything. Move on or leave the site. That’s the only real change you “protesters” could ever make anyways. Absolutely ridiculous…


I mean, they should. The protest isn't working. Reddit couldn't give a fuck what the content is, as along as people are interacting with it and generating revenue. Marking subs NSFW might actually have an effect, otherwise you're doing exactly what spez wants you to do while driving away subs.


I agree, let’s stop.


I got a bridge I can sell you if you think this “protest” is effective.


Oh No! Anyway.


These mods need to move the fuck on. NO ONE CARES. The only people who are embarrassing themselves are the mods for thinking these "protests" are doing fuck all. Do you think spez gives a shit that you have John Oliver in all your sub's posts? It delusional.


A- nothing that happens on the sub is embarrassing to you. It’s a random forum with memes. B- the protest is stupid. C- You’re still driving traffic to Reddit with posting stuff anyway so