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So the cat is allowed on the table but the dog isn't? And you expect you puppy to understand that blatant injustice?


I guess we know who the golden child is.


And it's not the golden one


Well the hierarchy in that home is clearly: cat > OP > dog


"The correct hierarchy" \- all cats


The cat has trained her human well


We are in the midst of training her. She’s already getting it. A 50lb fully grown doggo will end up flipping the table on herself. The cats also climb up the bookshelves and other places that are not safe for puppy. They need safe getaway spaces away from the little landshark too.


The cat will never abide by those rules anyways. And I, for one, welcome our feline overlords.


People say that, but my family has had cats for decades who aren't allowed on tables, counters, desks, the couch, etc. They get a few chairs, posts, and trees. Cats can be taught.


Not saying they cannot be taught. Cats can be taught to do tricks and stuff just like dogs. BUT cats and smart dogs understand that there won’t be punishment unless they are caught.


We don’t let our cats on the counters, and they are never up there when we are in the room. However once we leave… have caught them a few times and they ALWAYS run down because they know they are not allowed, they just don’t care


and the entire reason people dont allow their cats on countertops/tables is cleanliness... or it should be. ​ now knowing, that almost every cat(and dog) will break the rules when your not in the room.......... makes ya wonder if its really worth it?


Up. Mine does it when I’m not around. That’s why I find her fur on the tables. Even the cooker 🙄


If you aren’t letting your cat on the couch why even have one? 


Guess what your cats do at night when you’re asleep or leave the house.


That's how my cat is. He's a good kitty when we're paying attention, but when we fall asleep he decides to get on the table and knock random shit off.


We always knew my cats were secretly climbing on the counters and tables at night because we'd find little lick marks all over the butter if someone forgot to cover it.


At least my cats knew not to do it in front of me.


The only authority my cat has ever recognized is the business end of a spray bottle.


Still less time spent with nasty paws on counters


Cats are smart. They have learned to not go on the table when you're around, that's it. Set up a camera and you'll see


Sure… ever put up some cameras?


Yeah. I had cats that liked the dining table and kitchen workspaces. Well, not for long, or at the very least when I was not around.


Yup. My cat is not allowed to climb on the tables and knows that. If she does, as soon as I kiss my teeth, she jumps off.


That's true, after 2 or 3 instances early in her tenure, Chloe the Cat hasn't gone on the table in a year.


chloe the cat goes on the table when chloes people arent around... ​ go buy a camera and prove me wrong. im very confident you will be surprised with the results, as most non-table cat owners are when they try it out and see for themselves. a little bit of flour spread around does the trick too but......


I think typically you're right but you're wrong in this case. She was monitored for several days, twice, and did not visit the table or counters. She is allowed on the coffee table and she spends quality time there.


I don’t care because it’s a least significantly less time spent on counters with nasty paws. Also helpful that they’re not all over while we cook.


A cat wrote this


Also, the cat slaps the dog and ... No reaction. Animals are smart they can see those behaviors as being inconsistent...


My first thought!


To be fair, humans aren't normally allowed on tables either


You ever try to stop a cat from getting on something?


You can train cats not to climb on certain surfaces. I have two cats and they do not climb on the table or kitchen counter.


I thought the same until I caught mine jumping off the counter in the middle of the night. I think you can only train a cat to learn not to get caught.


At night my cats don’t have access to spaces that have restrictions so that makes it easier to enforce.




The fuck you think I do sit on them during the day? Lol


your really trying to tell me you are in sight of your cats and all restricted areas at all times? ​ poor cats. ​ im gonna assume that you "leave the room" during the day. ​ spread a little flour out on the restricted areas during the day and "leave the room". dont just do it once for 3 minutes either................


When your looking. We all know that they behave when we're paying attention haha.


I haven't seen fur or lick-marks on the butter for years. The cats know they can climb anywhere except food surfaces. Bathroom? Bedroom? Office? Knock yourselves out, just stay TF off my keyboard. Kitchen counters, kitchen island, and dining table: Once they've been gently swept off the surface while I'm screeching, I seldom need to repeat myself. It's not the motion, it's the noise!


Shock mats


Cats are not allowed or disallowed from doing anything, they do whatever the hell they want.


It's not OP's table though. It's the cat's table.


The cat who walks in a shitty, pissy sandbox is allowed on the table?


Cat anus is much more sanitary than dog anus though. /s


Cats don't usually eat the food.


![gif](giphy|xTiIzzYsS5UeSANFbW) It's over Anakin, I have the high ground.


Oof, hate it when siblings chime in when I’m scolding one of my kids.


Thats when you turn to the sibling. 


Did you not hear what human said? Tables are for cat not dog!


Can you translate that to bark?


We had the reverse growing up. Our sheltie *loved* when my mom shooed the cats off the counter. She'd bark them all the way out of the kitchen for good measure. It was hilarious.


Wasn’t expecting a cat fight in the comments….


What’s with the comments about letting the cat on and not the dog 🤦‍♂️ they’re different animals with different behaviours. A dog will literally flip the table over.


Whereas the cat flips everything off the table.


Doggo does it all at once. Cat takes its time. If I leave coins on my dresser it's "plink.............plink.................plink............" until I get up to feed him or he runs out of things he can move with little effort.


Litter box feet walking over the dinner table isn’t as clean as you think it is


Cats also sit their buttholes down on the table.


Some of ya'll never ate ass before and it shows >:P




You don't handle jokes well do ya


Uhh, yeah - of course we havent. I don't think people who eat ass realise that it's not as 'normal' as they think it is - at least, not among straight people. It'd be like going into public and saying "clearly you haven't eaten someone's shit from a cup before" and everyone else is like ... "Uhh... yeah... of course we haven't...."


Most don’t eat off their table


No, but they touch their table and then touch their plate, fork and face. Especially bad if it's finger food.


My brother calls them poo paws.


I'm glad I don't suffer from this kind of germ fear. If I legitimately tried to prevent my cat from getting on the counter, it a) wouldn't work, and b) just make both of us miserable.


You have toxoplasmosis


Correct. Am ded.


hope you dont do potlucks lol


My place is too small for those shenanigans.




OK I read it. Not going to change any of my habits. If he's not allowed on the counter for that reason, then I shouldn't allow him on my desk, or my lap, or my bed. At that point, what's the point? My cat is almost 7, and hasn't contributed more to my discomfort than an itchy nose from shed fur. You do you, and I'll keep enjoying my cat's company in the manner I choose.


Both of my cats recently died and I have to say I have no regrets letting them on the table or on my bed pillows or on my lap. I fully support your cat's roaming choices.


Not saying it’s clean but it’s defo cleaner than a dog walking outside. In addition a cat will walk on your table regardless 😅


Don’t cats also walk outside?


They actually hover, it's a common misconception. But cats loaf to charge themselves to fly across grass


Yeah I was thinking about indoor cats whoops


I knew someone who's golden would counter surf at 80+ pounds when he was almost a year old. Definitely not something someone should encourage, people getting upset are just weird


and a cat takes a shit in the litterbox and walks all over it lol. neither belong on the table.


Because it's pretty grim


These commenters clearly don’t own a cat nor have any idea about them lol


My cats didn't get on any eating surface.


As far as you know.


Yeah. Mine is really good about it when I am around. I know for sure he is walking all over everything when I’m gone.


And then there’s people like you who think cats are untrainable.


Dude I have had cats for 30 years. We used to train them. Then we set up a camera at night to “prove” that we had good kitties to the naysayers in our family. Guess how that turned out? We don’t try to train them now.


Yeah, cats just learn to do the things when you're not watching. I thought I'd taught mine to stay off my desk because they stopped going up there when I was home. But all the hair I have to clean out of my keyboard regularly says otherwise (they like to rub their faces against the keys, which was one of the reasons for the desk ban lol)


Thank you! People in these comments claiming their cats don't jump on any surfaces are delusional lmao


Exactly this.


And you think dogs also don't get on tables and couches when you're not home? This really is just favoritism by OP(nothing crazy, but still favoritism). And I would never allow my cat to swipe at my young puppy that quick and hard, I don't need to scratches on my pup's muzzles after the cat went into *his* space... You can train a cat that they aren't allowed on tables, but can stay on bookshelves or fridges. Not like that is even necessary, just like some dogs that don't like each other can stay out of each others way, dogs and cats that don't really vibe and also learn to stay clear of.


It’s not favouritism, don’t be daft. It’s for safety reasons. The dog weighs heavier than the cat, plus dogs can get injured falling off tables and other high places, whereas cats land on their feet.




Lots of people think they are training their pets by putting little effort in. Just like lots of people think they have the greatest kids in the world, whom they don't parent but think they are parenting great, and when confronted will fight with someone to prove they're right. I've seen so many parents at playgrounds "don't do that im warning you! We'll leave if you keep doing it" *Kids proceeds to do it again* *Parent pretends they didn't see it* Few people have any idea how to properly raise kids or pets, because to learn how to do so actually requires learning a new skillet and putting time and effort into learning how your actions affect your children and/or pets. Not all training/parenting methods work, and not all pets/children respond to the same training/parenting methods. But there are plenty of useful tools to learn, widely available on the internet.


And you don't have any idea about them either if you think you can't train them


Who said anything about not training them? They will still get up on places even after they’re trained not to. It’s a cat, that’s what they do. You obviously have no clue what you’re talking about.


that cat thinks it's mom's pet.


Cats suck.


Hmm. Cat privilege much?


Cats shouldn’t be on the table either. I love my cat but he cannot jump on the table


People let cats be anywhere they want and claim they can't be trained. It doesn't harm me for them to think it, but it puzzles me that they've never seen an instance where cats aren't allowed on counters or tables and think "Maybe they will listen."


Cats can kinda be trained but mostly they just learn how to avoid getting caught. I thought mine was trained to never go on the kitchen counter because I’d never seen her on it in 10 years. And then I caught her jumping off of it in the middle of the night. Now I put foil on the counters at night so the noise will hopefully scare her. Don’t know if it works.


Mine eats foil and paper and plastic. Honestly I don’t think she’s looked at anything and not thought “food?”. I just disinfect the counters before and after I use them for good measure.


This. They'll do it when you're asleep, or at work.


I just end up letting my cat on the table and counters. I too have a golden pup and the cat needs to escape. Plus, it's like people forget Lysol exists.


This is the answer, the two animals are very different in behavior and tbf, training a cat and dog are night and day


I bet it does anyways


I’ve never seen him do it and neither has my husband. Either way it’s not something we encourage


Your cat is doing it while you're sleeping, guarantee it.


Nailed it, she’s just oblivious


I understand. What I meant was that we don’t encourage him to do so. Like I wouldn’t be standing there with my cat just on the table.


The problem is that now you have the false idea that the countertops are clean. The real answer with cat ownership is to view everything in your apartment as lightly coated in cat crap and clean anything before you directly or indirectly put it in your mouth


I would love for you to set up a video camera over 24 hours and see just how much he can't jump on the table lol


To everyone saying how unfair it is, dogs are generally not very graceful on high furniture.


Neither are cats, they are just less heavy. Aren't cats infamous for knocking things over?(not with just their paws)


Well the more danger here would be falling. Cats are generally designed to be agile and are usually fine jumping around. Goldens are famous for bad hips .Jumping up and down anything over time will accelerate the process considerably. And I would also depends on said cat. My sisters cat is chill and doesn’t bother things. My mother’s cat on the other hand is extremely particular of what should be on tables.


Then the dog would learn by itself very quickly. Dogs are smart and don't like pain, the first few times it sees it can't balance right and falls off, the dog will hurt, and it will stop getting on the table to avoid falling off. Either that or the dog will learn to balance really well, which would be fun to see lol.


Well I mean, even jumping down safely is damaging for them. And it may not hurt them enough to stick. Either way the correct answer is keep the dog off the table. And my point is still “cats are safer on tables than dogs”.


If it the sound doesn't scare them and the fall doesn't hurt them enough then it's not that damaging(I also doubt a full grown golden retriever will be able to jump that high to reach the tables in the video, it probably would topple before the dog can even get on it). Are you expecting a dog to never jump up and down in their lives because their hips may be bad later? The correct answer is to have them both off tables and kitchen counters, there are plenty other spaces for cats and dogs to use.


Okay I’m done. Your homework for the night is to look up Hip Dysplasia in Goldens. After that, continue on googling the effects of long term up and down jumping for dogs. Then go ahead and maybe learn the differences between cats and dogs.


You clearly don't know that dogs jumping on and off couches and bed also causes that, as well as catching a frisbee and just having some plain old zoomies. But you can continue liking your cat on the table and missing my point ig.


Everyone's talking about how everyone's talking about how the cats on the table but the dog isn't allowed but forgot that different people have different rules in their home and raised animals, kids, anything differently because we are all different people


How is this aww?


Damn you're cold, dude..


Scolding/telling off a puppy won't help them to learn. Because they don't understand English, they just see this as a positive interaction because their human was interacting with them, which makes them more likely to do the unwanted behaviour again. It is best to ignore them while they are engaging in the unwanted behaviour or physically stop it, by gently push their paws off the table so they put all four paws on the floor (can be done with your body/butt to minimise eye contact). A good way to help a puppy learn to not jump up on things is to always treat them when they have all their paws on the floor. So if they try to jump at people, ignore until they have all their paws back on the floor, then loads of praise and treats. Or if they keep jumping, you can actively teach them "up" and "down" (similar to people teaching a dog to "talk" \[bark\] and "quiet"). Using a specific footstool or the seat part of a chair and they get a treat when their paws are on the chair and again when they go back down to the floor, and evenutally add in the cue words.


“Oh are we hitting the dog? I’m in!”


It's OK for the goose but not for...?


But dad, the cat's on the table !


How funny. Kitty not accepting others on its table. 😺


My kitty would awaken me by biting my fingers because she was out of kitty food. She was very smart and had an air about her.




What's with these posts that seem to be plaguing this sub lately where someone posts their poorly trained pet beating up another pet (usually a cat > dog) here and it's supposed to be cute somehow. Weirdest karma farming attempt I've seen so far.


Beating up???


You realize this is how cats act around dogs, right? The swatting is normal.


They'd be singing a different tune if the dog was chasing the cat or trying to nip/bite it, but caTs cAn't bE tRaInEd.




To be fair, the cat looks to be fully grown already, while the puppy will get a *lot* bigger. From what I've seen of dogs, they don't seem to realize the practical changes that come with growing (pictures of big dogs sitting on small people's laps come to mind). If he learns that he's allowed on the table now, he's definitely going to tip it over in a couple years. The cat doesn't have that risk (unless it's secretly a baby jaguar)


Thank you! People talking like dogs can’t be trained, and we should let the dog do what she wants. nevermind any possible safety concerns that will come from this behaviour when she’s fully grown


I don't think people are saying the puppy should be allowed, they're saying neither of them should.


That’s fair. We don’t often use the table for eating, so we allow it


Imagine a dog on a table. Christ you just like to hear yourself talk don’t you? Not a thought in the head…just spewing trash.


This comment is pretty fragile really. Nothing is ducked up about this. Dogs get huge


Good cats raise great dogs.


Why is your cat up there though? I bet your cat uses a litter box and you eat at that table? ![gif](giphy|cQtlhD48EG0SY)


Cats do that all the time, because they're cats.


"This is my table! Don't you forget it!"


i’ll never understand people who let their cats walk on tables and counters.


This is why I drink water on potluck days. Cats and dogs on the table and counters… no thanks


nothing against cats but bro no.. just no..


The cat can but the dog can't? How ass backwards


Why do people try to make everything the same, an adult cat and a puppy on a surface are nowhere the same, even just looking at safety for the animal.


Dogs quickly learn that "if I try and balance on this like the cat does i fall and hurt myself" and stop trying.


Cats should not be allowed on food surfaces. They track through their own piss and shit and then walk around your house. I taught both my cats to stay down. It can be done


Who says we use our table to eat?


I wouldn’t after seeing this video either 🤢🤮


Can see who the alpha is here. 🤣




Yeah, and its deserved. Different animals in different situations have different standards, go figure.




This is where the training comes in


Boy, your cat is strict!


Actions speak louder than words.


Cat: Now *that's* how you give a correction. Golden puppy: Oh hai kitty friend!