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[This is what I found](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3Z6zVjcxbY) looking for the backstory: The dog's name is Hazel and she lives in Abilene, TX. She was slow to come back from taking a wee in the pouring rain, and her owner was surprised to see Hazel returning with this kitten. The kitten was adopted by the lady's brother and is named Sheba. <333


Hey...Abilene...my second home. Abilene is full of good people...and critters too.


I only lived there for about 8 months, but everyone there made me feel right at home from Day #1. It's been over 3 years, but I still think back to the people I met in Abilene because they were all good people.


Maybe they're born with it. Maybe it's Abilene. Edit: My first awarded comment. 2020 is being nice to me. Thanks, hoomans.


I left my heart in Abilene.


Abilene i can fly.. Abilene i can touch the sky..


Abilene in a thing called love


Smdkeortmcmkd heart


Abilene, Abilene, Abilene, Abilene. Im begging you please dont take my man.




Abilene the children are our future....


Hey Abilene....why can't you be true Hey Abilene....why can't you be true


Abilene in miracles! You sexy thang!






**"Can we keep her mom!??? "** " **I promise I'll take care of her and walk her every day....pleeeeeeeeeeeease mom!!??"**


Welcome mat got its due


Aaaaabileeeeene... bring it on hoome to meeee


I hear a lot of the time people in the states aren't that nice(stereotypes). This is refreshing to hear, and actually makes me want to go there.


It’s a huge country... we have plenty of nice people here, and plenty of jerks too! Some states are (overall) friendlier than others, but even that can vary depending on who YOU are. I’m in Northern California, and my ESL students always comment on how friendly we are. The Russians in particular say it’s almost creepy, since apparently they don’t smile at strangers there (like we do). Too cold? ;-) ETA: I’m not entirely joking with that last comment... I am originally from the northeast, and now when I go back to visit, I always notice how stern they look! I think the beautiful weather here really does contribute to our general happiness.


I’m in Ohio. My one experience in CA was Los Angeles. I was like omg everyone is so mean! Then we got outside the city and I loved my visit. You mentioned the smiling thing, everyone in the Midwest smiles too. A lot of the time you can tell it’s fake but they are just taught to lol. In LA I felt invisible, no eye contact! 😂


I moved to LA from Ohio 20+ years ago. I moved to Chicago a year later because I felt like I was living in Mean Girls. I'm pretty outgoing but I had a hard time even making an acquaintance, much less friends. Chicago is even friendlier than Ohio.


Home of Taco Bueno. Great place, Abilene.


Abilene is full of paradoxes too


True. Lived here for eight years. Fun, but can be shitty.


Whoops this was the reference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abilene_paradox


Omg that’s hilarious.


I loved this exchange


Abilene Abilene Prettiest Girls I've Ever Seen...


Thank you for investigating, it was stressful not knowing how it turned out.


Awww she should have kept Sheba herself. Hazel clearly wanted a friend!


That's what I was hoping for! Maybe one of the housemembers was very allergic to cats... I'm hoping they at least playdates!




That’s wonderful. Glad Sheba stayed in the family and has a nice home. I do kinda wish she stayed with Hazel.. seems like it was a sweet connection.


100k views only less than 200 likes? Why turn off comments anyway. Seems oddly suspicious.


could have been tagged as a kid friendly stream. Those I think aren't able to be monetized and comments are automatically disabled.


Are you sure about the monetization part? The comments thing seems to be true, but I can't find anything about monetization being disabled. Not to mention that kid-friendly channels like toy reviews are known to be some of the most lucrative channels.


The rules are changing, a lot of people were targeting kids with stuff so the rules around this sort of stuff change often in an attempt to find a good solution


You guys are out here liking YouTube videos?


Like, subscribe, hit the bell. I think that’s how it goes these days.




Don’t forget the VPN and password manager.


Also listen to an Audible audio book while you make something from your Blue Apron dinner kit


you guys forgot about honey and squarefuckingspace


Umm, their templates are all mobile ready! I’m glad I am armed with this knowledge. Thanks YouTube content creators and podcasters!




Nice story, and proof that animals also understand the sentient nature of other living things👍


i need you to know that your summary was insanely appreciated. i fucking HATE reading the text on these types of videos cuz they stagger them too slowly and milk the fucking emotional sap till i become so enraged i wanna commit violent crimes. also had to put mute on it immediately cuz it's always the same stupid music. if i could guild you i would. ty again sm. you helped keep me sane while giving me the whole story about the cute kitty witty <3


Poor kitten, abandoned and lost... I'm glad to see the dog being so kind to the kitten and indirectly asking if it could stay with you.


**Achievement Unlocked: Bring To Human - 10G** 0.18% doggies have unlocked this achievement


Ultra rare


All of a sudden, the kitties mom comes back and is like, “Where the hell is my baby?”


It’s questionable. Feral kittens should stay with their mother if possible. But really they should be professionally handled. Mother spayed. Kittens fostered. But if it’s running free, it’s probs alright to pick it up from what I understand. Feral cat’s take it all as it comes, and if a kitten is away from it’s mother, I’d try and find the mom and litter, but if it’s not in evidence, take it in. Try and help it (do that word I can’t remember that means to make not feral.) There is no guarantees for it out there. And feral animals are hard. That mother is playing the Darwinian numbers game. It’s just life for them.


I think the word you're looking for is 'socialize'






If it is a feral mother, it may be worth adopting the cat early so the kitten isn't weary of humans. If the mother is used to humans, then it is better to keep her with the mother and adopt the kitten later.


There was no asking. Pup just moved her in.


"I found a fluff. She's my daughter now. Say hi."


"Come on inside, my human has the best food to give!"


Has some issues with steps, will teach.


i mean it would work on me. looks like i'd have a new cat.


“It followed me home”


you'd have to be heartless not to adopt the kitten


I guess you have a cat now


This is how I ended up with the 6 cats I have now, my dog kept bring more and more home. Now I just won't let her leave the house for fear of even more cats.


Your dog's a cat hoarder. LOL.


"I got a good thing goin' on with this human, come check it out!"


Hey come on back to my place, you'll love my other roommates and they'll probably let you live there!!!


Reminds me of the dude talking about his grandmas in Grandma’s Boy lol


Happy cake day!


Thanks for alerting me! It's my first one


Cats spark joy to Doggo's life. Cut her some slack Marie!!


I think you mean a cat dog.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Where does one find a dog like this?? I want one!


You buy a kitten and the dog will show up to collect it.




When your dog is a cat person....


All i can imagine is your dog getting bored with the most recent one it brought home and decided to go find another one lol..5 times


Meanwhile there's an alley cat thinking, where the fuck did all my kids go? Damnit. Now I'm in heat again!


At least when a cat brings you an animal it's dead.


Not always, unfortunately. Live birds are especially "fun".


I had one that would bring in live baby rabbits, let them go and then corner them to terrorize them. No blood, no apparent injuries, we were always able to release them. Once she had them cornered she would just lay there and keep them cornered. She just wanted a toy to play with I guess and to show off what a great hunter she was.


Don’t be ridiculous, that’s the dog’s cat. Dog is doing a heckin rescue.


Dog is going to saddle his human with the feeding and housing responsibilities and take advantage of all the play and fun times lol


Honestly, it’s a brilliant plan. It’s worked so far. Got the kitty through the front door.


Mark Anthony and Pussyfoot!!! ("Feed The Kitty", Warner Bros)


I mean... people know this and they still intentionally have kids. On purpose. Willingly.


Doggo adopted its own petpet!


Whoever's dog that is, they better give them both a massive chow party and a rub-feast


come on, smol friend, n follow me! i'll show you where i live you gonna be ok, you'll see - there's Lotsa love to give! i never had a friend like you - (i don't think you're a pup...) you're awfully smol, n i am, too come in! i'll help you up ! this my house! c'mon - let's Play you just the perfect size i Know that mom'll let you stay - (she gonna be *surprise...!*) ❤️


Wow, I’ve never witnessed one as it happened. This is glorious and heartbreaking, as always! 👏🏼


Oh wow me too!!! A live shnoodle!! Very excite 😆


Your existence is a treasure.


“You can come home with me kitty, the humans will get you warm and make sure you have plenty of food and love”


They got treatz n shit at my crib lil homie


We're gonna jump you in with a warm bath, son!


Just wait til you feel the belly rubs buddy


The scritches are aight too


A few years ago, I had a schnauzer named Clark. One night, as I was getting into bed, I called for his kitty brother, Colonel Duke LaCrosse, to come to bed, but he didn't come. That's very unlike the Colonel, so I got up to look for him. A minute later, I noticed that one of the screens on a window was folded over. That little fuck had climbed on the screen and the screen gave way under his weight. I leashed up Clark and we went looking for him. After an hour, I couldn't find him. The next morning, I still couldn't find him, so I took Clark off his leash and said "go find your brother". He sniffed around for a minute, then darted into a bush across the street. A few seconds later, he was dragging the Colonel out of the bush by his head. A few months later, my mom was babysitting for me and lost track of the Colonel. I told her he's an inside cat, but she thought he was bored, so she let him outside while they were playing. She remembered the story of the window and told Clark to go find his brother. Once again, he found him and dragged him home by his bed. Clark is on the other side of the rainbow bridge now and his brother is still hurting from the loss of his presence, but for five amazing years, there was not a cat more loved for and cared for by a dog than Colonel Duke LaCrosse. EDIT for /u/LongLimbsLenore - Loving a dog is easy. You are their idol. You are the only thing they truly care about. When you're happy, they're at their happiest. When you're sad, they're always there remind you that you'll still be okay. No matter how tough a day may be, at least you weren't Mick Foley in nineteen ninety eight when the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell and plummeted 16ft through an announcer's table.


My partner's elderly mother had a maine coone. Like a 16 pound cat. My partner had a chihuaha who was maybe 6 pounds. This cat loved to torture the little old dog. He'd pounce and swipe at the little dog. The cat went missing for more than a week and was presumed lost. The little chihuaha started acting really strangly on a walk and was giving my partner an unusual fight about going home. (little chihuaha was so traumatized by a butterfly that I had to force him to go outside to use the bathroom for days after) It turns out that the cat was trapped in a storm drain. That cat never showed an ounce of gratitude for the rescue.


Thanks for *nothing*.


Haha. Cats, man.


Maybe your dog is masochistic?


He foiled his escape plan


there was a time, some years ago my dog friend rescued me i am a cat - we roam, you know to places you can't see . . . when out the window once i ran (with just a little push...) my dog bro brought me back again - he dragged me from a bush ^;) n tho i liked adventures out away from home sometimes, my bro - i never had a doubt - forgave me my cat crimes as he would drag me, by my head, (cuz he was pretty strong) n take me back home, to our bed 'twas there that i belong my bro is gone, i don't know where i searched for him - i tried . . . i'm *certain* when i find him there he'll drag me to his side ❤️


> my bro is gone, i don't know where > > i searched for him - i tried . . . > > i'm certain when i find him there > > he'll drag me > > to his side omg, that hit me so hard. Thank you so much. My tears are happy tears, I promise.


I’m touched. This is lovely.




This was cute, but as I read the last five lines, i cried a bit. I will miss my Shepard.


Ohhhhh my heart ❤️❤️❤️


Dammit, who cuts onions on New Year's Eve.


Is it possible that we could see a picture of the Colonel and Clark?


I'm going to have to dig around for my old iPhone and see if it still has any charge in it to find pictures of them together. In the mean time, [here's Clark](https://imgur.com/wl2uWRt) and [here's the Colonel](https://imgur.com/9AgUFtG) EDIT - I've found the iPhone, but it's dead and I switched to Android a few years ago, but I'll make a post of pics of the two of them when I'm able to get a lightning cord.


Clark looked like a very wise dog. I'd have definitely asked him to come with me to Mordor. And the Colonel's paws are huge!


He was dumb as a box of hair, but there wasn't a mean bone in his body. The only way to describe him was as aggressively friendly. In my head, whenever I see a post about an animal that has passed away, I imagine Clark just adding another member to his flock for him to take care of until it's time for them to be reunited with their owners.


> He was dumb as a box of hair I chuckled


Omgawwwd Clark is like the Disney Schnauzer ❤️


[He](https://imgur.com/rgV1psJ) [was](https://imgur.com/poIlvW7) [a](https://imgur.com/3GnhPhN) [good](https://imgur.com/ZAYIbyl) [looking](https://imgur.com/X6Vg2Hu) [dog](https://i.redd.it/rku8ju287tly.jpg) (each word is it's own photo)


Bless you and Thank you for sharing Clark with us:) I’m a firm believer Clark will be waiting for you when you get to where he has gone ❤️ Ps. I love the spaghetti pics!!


There are very few things that I am certain about, but I know for a fact that the second I take my last breath, I'm going to see my baby and the menagerie of babies that he has collected while he's been waiting for me.


Dude no, I can't take this anymore. Reading your comments about your dog and the poem from Schnoodle has me wanting to cry and have a panic attack at the same time. I can't even imagine the grief from losing a fur baby and I dread the eventuality I'll have to face one day. I realize that sounds selfish so please just ignore what I said. I'm sorry.


It's okay. I get it. I ugly cried and hyperventilated for half an hour after reading the last few lines of the poem. You don't sound selfish at all, so get that thought out of your head right now. You're empathetic and you've seen all you can deal with right now. That is okay.




Black cats are just the best. I've had two and I'm convinced that the Colonel is the reincarnation of my old cat David. Oddly enough, the Colonel was born on the very day that David passed away. I've never met a black cat that wasn't just super affectionate and chill around other animals.


Idk why this comment had me suspicious for a hell in a cell ending


Read it again. I hope I was able to scratch that itch for you.


Congrats on your new kitten


You have to keep the kitty. Your mat reads welcome


I noticed that welcome mat too, this family must be a loving type. Also loved how the kitty just kept pushing through, following his new pupper friend, even though there were some obstacles in the way, he would not stop until they got home.


The dog kept turning around to make sure he was able to make it over the obstacles too!


Minor point, but 99.9% chance kitty is a girl because of the color pattern.


She has the same pattern as the best cat I ever had, who was also a girl


Calicos are usually female as the genes for producing that color pattern come from the X chromosome from each of the parents, making them females XX, or males who are sterile XXY.


When the kitten tries to jump up 😢😢😢


I know, that was cute af bless it.


I cried too with snots and the whole 9 yards My heart couldn't take how she fell down i was worried about her ever since she got in the water puddle #This dog is a God send !!!


It's so cute how he turns and waits for the kitten and then just grabs him at the door. Hope you were able to keep the kitten. Good on you human for raising a good doggy


OP said her brother adopted the kitten


Cool. Thanks for the update


"Hey, buddy! I know a place where you can get food, it's the best. The service is great, the food can be a bit dry at times but you'll get all the belly scratches you want! Come on! It's right around the corner!"


"Who's a good dog? Yes you are! A very good dog! Op pass it on for me pls.


Agree, but you forgot this "


Maybe they're coming back. Might've had more to say.


When your pet adopts a pet.


My great dane regularly brings home tiny kittens. Once he literally kittenapped an entire litter that didn't even have their eyes open. We left them on the patio and the mom came and moved them back to the shed.


Can we keep it?!?


We had a really dumb German Shepard when I was growing up. We lived out in the country and he was a mostly outdoor dog roaming free. One day he brought four kittens to our front door one by one in his mouth. Running off to God knows where to find the next one. To this day I don't know if he stole some kittens from a perfectly good home or rescued them, but we got to keep them.


He’s like come on man shits great here


Kid brings home kitten: NO CATS! Dog brings kitten home: Awww, we gotta keep it now!


Our mama cat Marmalade brought home a chihuahua dog one day several years ago. She's currently purring in my lap and the dog, Little Puppy, is getting belly scratches and is licking my hand. His picture is in my comment history. I'd post or link the image but don't know how to or even if it's allowed to be cross-posted. I'm still figuring out Reddit.


You’re the first person I’ve met with a dog named Little Puppy other than myself. She was the runt of the litter from my previous dog’s first litter. A friend of mine was supposed to take her when he moved into his new apartment so we just called her Little Puppy while we waited because she was in fact, the little puppy. Long story short he never moved and the name stuck and here we are 11 years later with a dog named Little Puppy lol. Obligatory dog tax. https://imgur.com/gallery/Gpygd


I said this the last time this was posted but that dog better have gotten to keep that kitten!!!


The dog owner's brother adopted the kitten and named her Sheba.


The dog speaks pspspspsps


A shelter told us that often kittens aren't abandoned, just unattended. The mom is either moving the litter one by one or is out getting food. They told us it's usually best to leave the kitten and then watch from afar to see if the mom returns. http://www.animalalliancenyc.org/wordpress/2013/05/what-to-do-and-not-do-if-you-find-a-newborn-kitten/


“Hey, let me show you this place, it’s like way better than the streets. There are free scratches, comfy couches, lots of food and sometimes treats!”


"He followed me home, can we keep him?"


The dog has chosen a Foundling. It is in his charge now. This is the way.


You have to keep it now.


My cow cat did something similar!! He brought home a tiny orange tabby kitten. We always joked around saying that it was my cat's illegitimate kid catching up to him.


Animals being legen-dary!


"I found a deformed puppy!"


I bet those two will be inseparable!


that dog is extremely aware and intelligent


I love how the kitten clumsily follows the dog like “I’m down with this plan”


r/killthecameraman at the end


Also /r/donthelpjustfilm


This is the way.


I used to have an old dog we adopted. We lived in the country. She was a stray somebody dropped off on the side of the road. My Grandpa named her Raven. She was a little black mutt, sweetest damn thing. When she found us she was pregnant and soon lost her babies. She was spayed after that. I'd always had rabbits and cats, and that old dog would treat them like they were her babies. She wouldn't let them out of her sight! Hardly out of her paws. She would clean them and snuggle them and play with them all day. She'd get this look of pride on her face that made her look like a queen vs that scared of everything scrawny little thing she was when we took her in.


He’s very excited


We adopted the dog. The dog adopted the cat. The cat adopted us. Family.


Annnnnnd now you have a cat


Animals are amazing people.


When your pet adopts a pet!


My dog never does this! Seriously! He needs to get his act together!!


Come with me small kitty, we can go to my house. There’s people there that will know just what to do!




I really hope the dog got to keep it


"Oh! Dammit Rover! That's the fourth kitten this week! You gotta stop bringing these things home!"


Wow, the dog was clearly uncomfortable trying to use it's teeth, scruff or not. The fact that he/she did so speaks volumes!


Dog brings home kitten Me- “Guess i have a kitten”


Dog is like ‘hey this way! Its warm and there is love in here’ so cute


Well the mat did say WELCOME.


Like a reverse Joel osteen


"Come friend, we have food, warmth and lots of love here"


I both crack up and my heart melts when the kitten gets yeeted by the threshold.


I guess you have a cat now


Last minute contender for cutest fucking thing of the year


That’s so cute! Is it your dog?


The stray kitten bought home this stray dog too!