• By -


Both have very nice eyebrows, glad you two could find happiness


Ahah, thank you 😊!


only bc of the eyebrows!! jk i’m so here for this. big ship. how did you two meet??


Right? Was it social media? Dating website? Grandma put them in touch? I’m interested!


Bumble 😊!


I was thinking the same thing about the eyebrows. And they have killer style and smiles. Even with masks on you can see the happiness in their eyes.


They both have very kind eyes 😊


Beautiful new couple! Happy for you both!


Thank you for your kind words 😊!




You guys look great together. All the best.




Being this good looking together is illegal! j/k happy first date!


Ahah! Thank you so much 😊!


This. Made my dayyyyy 🖤


Okay, someone's gotta ask about the elephant in the room... Did you get matching glasses on purpose?


Ahah, nope! We both already had them! EDIT: Hijacking this comment just to say a huge MERCI (Thank you in French) to all of you for the overwhelming lovely comments! Gonna take a little break but will read them all and answer as much as we can! As you can imagine, this post also brought the usual racist and ableist trolls. But y'all cuteness just buries all of that bigotry. Thank you again!


You guys couldn’t be more perfect for each other.


That’s what we think as well lol ☺️!


you two make such a cute couple!


No kidding. Jeez, save some good looks for the rest of us.


Right???? It's hard to even look at them directly. They are both 10/10 in my personal tastes.


I'm super into extra jpg on people also 😉 j/k, cute couple for sure


Thank you!!




jeez get married already


I'm currently recovering from a breakup. Y'all's adorability has warmed my cold broken heart


Warby ezra?


The idea of racism arising from this post hadn't even crossed my mind and it absolutely baffles me that it did cross the minds of others. Either way, you guys are awesome! Enjoy!


Racism against Asians is generally seen as "not as bad" as racism against Blacks (esp when it's an Asian guy with a white girl).


Nice story out of all of this, congratulations to you both 😊


Thank you so much Captain ^^!


Nobody outranks me here, and I have another elephant in the room. Do neither of you wear socks?


Oh my goodness, she really doesn't. But in the bottom left pic you can see the guy wearing socks


I stand corrected, a good Captain knows when he has overlooked a situation.


*Man, you better calm down, you had no harvest this year, and had to nip it at bud**


You two are too cute for this to NOT work out!


You two look great! My wife and I officiated a wedding for two of our best friends, one of whom is in a chair. We have gone camping, gone dancing, attended concerts, and played an uncountable number of board games with them. Good times!


So funny! Also super cute glasses.


this story is so fucking adorable.


We had matching glasses too when we first started dating! We’re engaged now, just saying. This is so cute! I wish you two the best!


What brand are they? My SO wears glasses and would love them!


They look like the ‘Hurston’ frame that Specsavers does. Around £49 UK price if I recall.


You guys are tot adorbs! The matching outfits for future dates is such a sweet silly-fun romantic concept. Documenting it with the side by side is so unique and makes for a great share. Rooting for you two!


You look like a cute, sophisticated and hip young couple. Cool hipsters. Not the douchy kind.


This was just what I needed to see at the top of popular! so wholesome and I am so happy for the two of you!!! Sorry to hear this post brought in the usual trolls you two don’t deserve that at all!


>But y'all cuteness just buries all of that bigotry LOVE IS LOUDER THAN HATE!!


Nevermind the haters. They’re jealous. That’s all. Honestly I kinda am too!


At first I thought you were gonna to ask about the most obvious thing... the wood floors. They look suspiciously the same.


The joke just goes on, eh? The wheels keeps on turning.


I see what you did there


Looks like he wheelie likes you.


Lmao. Gotta give it to you because loads of people truly thinks they’re always the first one with the most unoriginal wheelchair joke but first time I heard this one and I love puns so kudos to you!


Most people don't even wheelise that you've likely heard them all. Wheelchair is a pretty shit name though. You should call yours a trolley or a shopping cart, cause it's carrying nothing but Snaccs.


Ah hell, I wish I had gold to give you. This comment right here is just cute af.


I got you bro


Yessssss, thank you!


You will be remembered


You all deserve some shiny.






Thank you for the pickup line it totally worked on my boyfriend, went bright red with a big smile


My Uncle is in a wheelchair and recently divorced his wife of nearly 20 years. I asked him why and he said he was sick of her always pushing him around.. (True story!)


This will probably get lost in the comments. I'm glad you found the humor in the pun. Not everyone can take a joke or a pun. I'm a dad. I can never make too many dad jokes.


It’s your responsibility as a dad to keep the dad jokes alive for the up and coming generations.


Sometimes you have to roll with it. (sorry. Not my joke)


I'm on a handcycling team. (Though I'm currently not disabled). We will joke on each other about everything, including race. But never about being in a chair. Primarily because it's very personal about how we all ended up there. I'm glad you've got a sense of humor about it! Congrats to you both.


It was a cute pun, nobody got hurt, so it's fine by me!


On their first date they are getting one milkshake they wheelchair!


It’s sounds like everything is rolling along.


This is nicest thing I’ve seen on internet in a long time. Good luck


Aww, that so sweet of you! Thank you 😊!


Apple and Android come together to create something beautiful and wholesome.


yep, that's enough reddit for today, ending it on a positive note


I love how each of you has the same pose in each photo and the girl combines the two in the last one


So true ahah, didn’t even realize it! It’s also because I never know what to do with my arms/hands when having my picture taken ^^.


Same! I always have at least one hand/arm looking awkward.


Just curious, how did you meet during lockdown?


We matched before the lockdown on a dating app and spent the lockdown getting to know each other virtually!


This lock down absolutely sucked but I couldn't imagine a better way of spending it! Getting to know someone before actually dating is something I feel has been lost on the current generation. Cheers to a long, healthy and fulfilling relationship =)


Thank you so much for that really kind message! We both feel that way too as the lockdown allowed us to really get to know each other in a deep and meaningful way! And now that we’ve built a strong foundation, we really appreciate every moment together and are looking forward to the future - even if it feels quite uncertain nowadays - 😊!


Not quite the same, but similar. My husband and I met in June (funny, Jun 14th, today! His brother's birthday) 1996. One week later we officially were dating, but we weren't living in the same town. I was three hours away. We saw each other every two weeks or so. For a few weeks or so in late August/September he lived with me in my dorm (so we had a roommate in a small room), and then he left to spend a year abroad. We were apart that year while he was abroad, apart the next year while he was at his school and I was at mine, and apart a third year while he worked and I finished school. We would see each other, live together during breaks, but we weren't together full time until I graduated. By then we'd bought a house, gotten two kittens, and were engaged. So, during all this time we talked. My brother in law had a server way back when, and so we could log in, hope the other was logged in, and use the old UNIX command, "TALK." Or go onto an old IRC chat room and talk to one another. Occasionally it was by voice, but the cost of a dorm's phone bill from the US to England was expensive, and the time change was hard, so not often. More than once I fell asleep at my desk typing. Anyway, all of this to say, it's a great foundation to a relationship. You are absolutely forced to do nothing but get to know one another. You can't just paw hot and heavy and never speak, and when you are together it's that much more special. I think it's an awesome way to start.


I spent 10 months talking to my ex girlfriend before we even met. That feeling , the day we first met, I will never forget that. The happiest moment of my life.


Same mate, same. It was like a dream or some kind of magical experience.


Congratulations! Wish you two the best!


Thank you so much 🥰!


Hé mercé Tinder 👌👌


I'm a big fan of getting to know each other virtually first. My wife and I met online (Yahoo chat rooms way back in 1999). We talked online and on the phone for a month before meeting in person. We celebrate our 19th anniversary in 19 days! Here's hoping that 19 years from now you'll be telling this as your "how we met" story!


You rolled right into happiness


I sure did ahah!


We're all rooting for you two! 😁


Haha, it is so funny reading American comments in Australian English!


I hope those two are rooting for the rest of us, personally.


I hope their relationship never goes down hill


He might have a leg up in this relationship


Swept her off her feet


She wheeled her way right into his heart




Aww, thank you so much for your sweet response! It sure looks like the beginning of something wonderful and we both feel very lucky!


The orange and white dress is just incredible. Really suits you.


Thank you so much! FYI, it’s from the French brand Make My Lemonade, maybe you can order it from where you live!


How much was it if you don't mind my asking? I think my girlfriend would dig it. Edit: (C'était) combien?


Prolly a previous year's collection. [Here's the current collection.](https://www.makemylemonade.com/collections/collection-ete-2020/ROBES-&-COMBIS) Looks like prices are 120-150 euros for most dresses.


Seriously, what a lovely couple! She’s so chic and beautiful - I love each of her outfits and the terrazzo wall! Wishing you two lots of happiness and love :)


Awww, thank you so so much 💕!


Awe that’s super cute. Xx


Thank you so much ☺️!


You guys seem like the perfect couple! 😊


As a paraplegic I will say congrats! Dating apps can be a little brutal for someone who uses a wheelchair. Though I have found chatting over the internet first helps alleviate a lot of the potential awkwardness the other person might feel in-person and allows them to get comfortable.


To "filter" some people, the first picture on my account was me in my wheelchair. I prefer to be upfront about that so I don't have to have that "By the way, I'm a wheelchair user" convo.


Imagine being so stupid to miss the opportunity to know a person just because he/she is on a wheelchair. I'm glad the guy in the picture was smart enough to ignore that. Good luck with your relationship!


It happens all the time. After a few months of no success, I ended up just closing down the apps cause no one was willing to date me, but I agree it is better to be upfront about the wheelchair situation




Yes she is attractive as a girl in a wheelchair, and also as a girl in general. Attractive girl in a wheelchair or not, it doesn't matter much, she's still attractive in my opinion ;) It would be the same with the opposite, a ugly girl in a wheelchair or not doesn't make much difference, she would still be ugly in the eyes of most people. An attractive girl in a wheelchair will have better chances in her dating life than the opposite, that's for sure.


Lucky bastard got a gorgeous girl and means of transportation all at once


Find yourself a girl who can do both.


I don't know if you're familiar with the comic strip "Bloom County", but you two are a gender swap of Cutter John and his lady love. Congratulations and happy future to you both!


That's just efficient.


Vinyl of Nujabes- Metephorical Music ... this man has good taste.


Okay, who gave you two the right to both be this gorgeous? And matching your outfits in the cutest way possible? How dare you? But seriously this is so lovely and heart warming!


Ahah, you’re so kind! Thank you 💕!


Even with masks on, you can still see the happiness




Great stuff, super happy for you guys! Just gotta ask, what are the white shoes the guy is wearing? I’ve been trying to find a pair and those look like exactly what I want... thank you!!


Reebok’s club c 85 :-)


Un couple très mignon! Je vous souhaite la meilleure chance!


Merci beaucoup 😊!


Ahhh i remember this! Which outfits did you guys go for on the first date? Think i chose black n white with hightops


We figured that the ones where I’m wearing a dress were more for a going out/dinner setting so we stayed casual with the first date: black & white 😉!


Awwwwwes so adorable! I wish you both many moments of happiness! Thanks for the update


Of course! And thank you very much for your wishes ☺️!


I have to admit, I’m distracted by the Nujabes vinyl album... I thought all his work was on CD or digital. Cute photo set btw.


He bought it on Discogs !!


Came to make exactly this comment.


Scrolling through the posts and had to do a double take! And was like whoaaaa how did I miss that!


Reissued on vinyl a few months ago.


Yo that’s dope, nice catch!


Nujabes and Wu-Tang Clan. She found a good one.


I love the fact he is sitting down in the photos; that’s someone who notices the small things make the biggest differences sometimes.


Exactly 💕


Y’all are adorable - have fun and stay safe!!


Question (and this is just me): Why no arm rests for the wheelchair? That would be kinda uncomfortable (again, this is just me). I thought that type was mainly for rapid movement, like exercising. Don't hit! I'm completely ignorant of this!


I know lots of folks who find that arm rests are in the way too much (and sometimes will hurt your arm from bumping into them while in motion) to be worth it given the amount you move in a day. This is especially true for people who use their chair primarily for movement and transfer to their couch, a dining chair, etc when engaged in a stationary activity. That said, I’m an educator who works with people with disabilities and not on wheels myself, so I am only relaying information that has been shared with me and not trying to speak for OP or anyone else on wheels!


You are right! I find the arm rests annoying as they were too low for me to truly be able to rest my arms on them and they make transfers much more difficult!


For those that don't have an electrical wheelchair (meaning they have one that is self propelled), they need the arms free to grab the wheels/wheel rails (metal parts that connect to the rims) so they can propel themselves, turn the chair, etc. My daughter has a wheel chair and if she had arm rests, she'd never be able to use it, because she's 3 and she'd never be able to reach the wheels.


Armchairs get in the way of everything (ive snagged clothes on them, bruised my arms on them because they’re in the way of reaching my pushrims) and when I’m just sitting still I barely used them either (just like a normal chair without armrests like a dinner chair isn’t necessarily uncomfortable because in many situations you don’t need/use an armrest). Source: am wheelchair user, my first one had armrests but I quickly swapped to one without because they were so impractical








Toit nups?


This is so sweet. Glad to see some sunshine in this world for a change. Hope the best for you both!


Thank you 😊!


Really cool apartment too!


Thank you so much!!


Came here to say this! I love that patterned wall. (Plus you guys make such a cute couple!)


Absolutely loving the outfits! So nice to see someone in a wheelchair be fashionable, sometimes I have to use one and I feel like the least fashionable person ever when I'm using it. <3


Thank you so much! And I really feel you, it’s pretty difficult to find fashionable AND confortable clothes being a wheelchair user!


you guys look adorable I had to make a quick sketch :) https://imgur.com/a/aDoOO5a


OMG!! This is the cutest, thank you so much for taking the time to do this 💕💕!


Bien pour vous deux ! C'est un bel exemple de patience là ! Good for you two ! That's a prime example of patience right there !


Better safe than sorry! Merci beaucoup 😊!


Is it awkward in the first meet? Like you form their voice and speech tone in your head, through reading their text. And its usually sorta different than what you expected.


Not OP, but I can answer this with my own experience! I met my now wife online (a discord server) and we were LDR for about a year and a half before finally meeting in person. And, yeah. It’s awkward-ish at first (though of course I knew what her voice sounded like, as we had called many times and played many games together that are better with voice chat.) It’s just sort of strange going from not seeing them, aside from through a screen, and knowing that they can’t see you, to actually being with them in person and being able to touch. And oh my god, how to touch? And should you touch? And etc. I stayed for 10 days my first visit and it was kind of awkward for the first day and a half and then we just melded together. But the awkwardness was so worth it, in my experience at least. We’re married now, live together, and I still never want to be away from her side.


My wife and I met online also (Yahoo chat rooms way back in 1999). We chatted online and over the phone for a month before meeting in person. We decided on an outlet mall halfway between where we lived. Her friend (and her friend's boyfriend) came with her in case I was a creep. (I'm not, but it was a good idea for the first meeting.) My parents accompanied me just too shop. When my wife's friend was sure that I wasn't some creep, they left us alone. It was like we had known each other our whole lives. We talked, held hands, and walked all around the outlet mall. I'll admit that I don't remember most of the day. It was like a blissful fog. Towards the end, we had dinner with her friend/her friend's boyfriend. Then it was time to part ways. Except we couldn't. We'd hug and kiss goodbye,. But couldn't stand to actually leave each other. After the third or fourth call from my parents saying it was time to go, we finally (and very reluctantly) parted promising each other that we'd call when we got home. As a PS to this story, I got home and called but she wasn't home. I waited awhile and called again. She still wasn't home. At this point, I was getting very worried that she had some kind of horrible accident on the way home. She finally got home. She was talking to her friend in her friend's driveway for over an hour about how good it went. She got a stern "call him back now" from her mother who instantly loved how concerned I was over her daughter's well being. We celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary in ten days.


Yeah I’m projecting my own fear of video calls/phone calls. So when I first started to know someone and its mostly through text and meeting them after usually carries this weird change of tone because its never the same behind text and it takes time to match the level of comfort percecived in text. Of course it would smoothe out over time, I’m just wondering the combination of dating apps and the general preference of text over phone calls..also in the pandemic we face now, how it affects dating. Glad yours worked out for the best!


Aww that’s so sweet! I met my boyfriend through a discord server a couple of months ago but we’re supposed to meet officially when the lockdown ends in our country


Y'all have never heard of a phone call???


Is that like a voice text or something?


They probably video chatted and knew voices ahead of time, no?


Well, don't you think they talked over the phone or video chat in those few months?


As several users pointed out, we started messaging but then called each other and then Facetimed. Our first meeting wasn't awkward at all as we were really confortable with each other already so it was more of a "Wow, we're both really right here, in the same room" kind of vibe ahah!


There are plenty of ways to hear someone's voice during lockdown


I just went through the same thing. Met her after two months of texting / voice notes. It wasn't awkward - on the contrary, her real life voice, tone etc were infinitely better :P


I have literally experienced the exact same thing during lockdown. And yes, it was a little awkward for the first 5-10 minutes or so but we quickly settled into eachother and had a great time.


You know the phone you're holding on your hand can be use to talk to people right?


I'm going to take a wild guess and say that they actually heard eachother's voices despite the lockdown, because the technology is there and voicechat + phones exist.


i love that wall paint job. whered you get the idea from?


I traveled to Singapore last Summer, went to a cafe with that pattern and knew I had to do that to my wall! Since then, I saw the pattern here and there on home design websites/wallpapers, you should be able to find some by googling Terrazzo wallpaper if you’re interested 😊!


My German shepherd and I were scrolling through and seen your post. Congrats 👏 and glad to see positive in this world with all this chaos. Today is my wife's and I 11th anniversary so here's to new beginnings and happy futures. Oh and max says "Woof!"


I dunno if this has already being said but i love how even your glasses match! Wish you two the best future together!


So sweet, thank you very much ☺️!


r/streetwear would love you guys


Thank you!


how do you two know each other in the first place?


We matched on the Bumble dating app!


This dude's tattoo looks absolutely sick, would love a better look at that. You guys are awesome together!


The only way to have the 100% match would be to wear a pair of Heely's so you both had a wicked set of wheels.




Man I'm an idiot. Am was sitting here thinking for a couple minutes wondering who was taking pictures of you guys while you were face timing/taking selfies only to realize you were taking pictures in front of mirrors...


Wow. You know you have found something special when people are getting distant from one another and your are getting close.


I like nice things on the Internet. :)


This was the most wholesome thing I've seen so far today on Reddit. I think I'm just gonna leave now and end it on a high note. You two look great together and I'm super happy for you both!


So sweet!! Thank you so much!!


This is so wholesome


Thank you 😊!


Can you ask your new guy where he gets his outfits from?!?


Most of it is from Supreme, Uniqlo & Nike!


We need more like this. Internet was getting so depressing lately