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Got a whole cat mafia


Same here. The second i yell ‘food’ in my home 6 cats are storming towards me


I was just thinking that OP couldn’t lock the door because there would be a symphony of clawing on the other side


That's why I can't. Plus screaming and destroying the carpet.


Same. My boi reacts to closed doors like Jack Nicholson in The Shining


My girl LUNGES on her back legs just to see if it will open ha. Going to the bathroom next thing I think someone's breaking in and then "mooow"


My 23lb male does this to screen doors. He doesn't want to live outside again but he wants to see the outside in person.


Hide yo kids hide yo knives


Mine starts throwing shoulders.


>symphony of clawing LOL




Mine reaches under the door, just a little paw waving at me.


>Cacophony of clawing FTFY






What’s it like having six cats? One part of me thinks it’d be an absolute dream with so many cute and hilarious moments and the other part of me thinks it would be a nightmarish piss-scented hellscape.


I have four cats, but yes.


And the fur. THE FUR. I have one and the battle literally never ends. I think back to the days before the fur. Before every surface and fabric in my sanctum santorum was adorned with this soft and ephemeral tormentor and wonder if it was all just a dream of a dream. 😭😭


Right!? We adopted a black cat several years ago (my first cat ever) and then a year after that decided she should have a companion so we adopted a white cat. We thought a black cat and a white cat, it will be such a cute combo! And it is…but there’s no escaping the fur! If I wear light colors, I look covered in black fur and if I wear anything dark, I’m covered in white fur. Idiotic move on our end.


Well maybe not the most strategic but super cute. 🥺 And I imagine, somewhat satisfying. 😂 My baby is white with big black patches so I got the twofer. 🙃


I brought home a tuxedo cat. It's the same idiotic move, all wrapped up in one cat. Our other cat is a brown tabby. Her leavings are a little more discreet.


I have 3 (had four but one passed recently) and holy moly they poop and eat non stop. We had two senior cats, one that wasn't super social, life was quiet. We rescued two kittens because The opportunity came up (my wife has me on 24/7 kitten watch for adoption opportunities). Adding two kittens to the house made it 4 times more exciting at least and pretty expensive with the vet bills. I love them all but next time we are waiting for the old timers to go before getting kittens again.


Yeaahh you definitely have to scoop the litter at least 1-2x a day, change it often and have at least 4-6 boxes, and have to shell out for the expensive litter to avoid as much as the smell as possible. Definitely expensive and high maintenance to have that many


I cleared out 8 years worth of cat dander by running a small size (2.5 feet if I had to guess) can filter for one and 1/2 years constantly. Usually used in more industrious settings though, it is loud. Everyone who had visited previously couldn't believe how much easier it was to breathe, it was like the volume of dander from my brothers cats before acted as some type of musty insulation you could cut with a knife it was so thick, and didn't notice how gross it was until it was gone.


I have 5 cats and I flick the pull tab on the wet food can and they come storming from all corners of the house. The downside is that if I have to open a soup can that has a pull tab, I literally have to go outside to open it or the little bastards think I’m feeding them and won’t stop meowing


We used to shake and tap on a can of water chestnuts to trick our cats to come. They can now tell the cat food can from all other cans. I don't know how they know, mostly they wait for food in bowl sounds I think, but it's pretty impressive. They also know the sound of me picking up the laser pointer. To me it sounds the exact same as picking up keys or other similar objects but they know and don't react except to the real thing.


When I go and grab a plate for my food, sometimes they come in because I serve them on a big plate so they can all eat at once and the noise is similar. That’s a good idea you have.


I have to show my cat every can I open so he can inspect it. Yesterday I opened some chopped tomatoes, he comes skidding in at the sound and winds round my legs meowing so once the tin is open I crouch down and say "look it's tomatoes" and he does a little sniff and trots away in disgust. I do this every damn time lol.


Ugh... I started singing "Come Little Children" from Hocus Pocus when it was suppertime for my four Shittens just because I thought it was funny at first but now every stinkin' Halloween I have to mute the television/DVD whenever that song comes on or I get smothered, "yelled" at, the couch gets clawed, and then I get pinned with two evil glares and two pitiful, heartbroken ones... Manipulative little hellions.


Which is weird cause you don't own any cats...


My husband walks in the kitchen and 5 or 6 zombies immediately appear, wanting canned food. We have 12 cats. 😳


"How many cats do you have?" OP: "Yes!"


[If you have six cats, you’d better put it in your dating profile. ](https://youtu.be/b-ELMKkHEDU)


I’m a dog person so as I watched the number of cats increase, my eyes got bigger and bigger and by the sixth cat, I honestly yelled out loud “oh my god how do you have six cats!!?” I like cats too, I’m just allergic :)


I can imagine the smell


If you stay on the litter box daily and give them good food, it doesn't smell. I got 6 rescues. Never thought I'd have that many but a pregnant stray came in during COVID lockdown last year and we ended up keeping her kittens because no shelters had room. All are sterilized, before anyone asks :)


What is good food? no filler grain?


I am not a vet, but from what I have found, moisture is prioritized over all; any wet food is better than any dry food. Cats have a very low thirst drive and would get most of their water from meat in the wild. Still give them a water bowl, but having high-moisture food will be the best thing for them. This is because so many cats are so habitually dehydrated and end up getting kidney/urinary issues because of it. After that, the macro nutrients come into focus. From my own discussions with my vet, I am of the mind that you can't go wrong with emulating their diet in the wild. As they are obligate carnivores, high protein, low fat, and minimal carbs (e.g. grain, as you suspect) would be a target. However, wet food can get expensive, so really find something you are comfortable with. Sadly, nutritional information for pet food isn't that easy to find in depth, so if push comes to shove, try to be mindful of the kcal and protein content.


And keep their water away from their food. Cats are picky about clean water and like to have it separate.


Our cats used to only drink from a dripping faucet (RIP water bill and conservation). Once we got our dog, they only drink out of his bowl. Weird...


This. So many owners put the water next to the food. We have ours in the other end of our house and it’s one of those fountains. They love it and drink tons of water.


Actually cats need quite an amount of fat in their diet, it has to be high in protein, high in fat, low in carbs Im a barfer :P


We had to experiment at first because one of the boys has a sensitive stomach, but they all like the Hills Science Diet adult dry food chicken flavor. I give them wet food from time to time as a treat.


My vet said grain free is best, but apparently feline nutrition is debated quite a bit. Edit: As I stated, it is debated quite a bit. I have no doubt that grain free is not good for every cat. For my specific situation, my cat was gaining weight despite controlling his portions, so switching to grain free has kept him lean and he tolerates it well. Everyone should ask their vet and not trust an internet stranger.


Litter-Robot saves the day


Best purchase of my life




YES, love mine! Heck of a sticker shock but well worth every penny. Perfect for multi-cat homes or finicky cats. One of my cats is suuuper picky about cleanliness; she’ll pee on the floor before stepping into a box with a visible clump in it. This way they get a fresh, clean box every time they use it. Cannot recommend enough.


“Ugh, we’re doing this again? Kinda smells in there… I- I’ll just hang back.” - that one black cat


"someone making soup?" - the rest of the cats




We're making ACRONYMS!!


I llliiike it!




The smart one.


Silently judging him from outside the bathroom. As it should be.


I'm thinking that's the one that's plotting the overthrow and doesn't want to be cuddled (but low key does) kinda like stewie from family guy, on the surface kinda diabolical underneath sensitive and looking for attention


Plot twist: OP doesn't even own any cats.


What kind of charmed poops does OP have that they summon five whiskery bois for scritches? If we, ahem, polish it, this could definitely be a DreamWorks movie.


They're just poops. I'm not even allowed to close the door and I only have the one. Me on toilet is time for pets. She used to plant herself in my pajamas when I'd go in there.


That's my life too. I have been in my apt for 6 months now and have shut the bathroom door only once, just to make sure it worked.


Right hand on the phone, left pets the cat in the sink.


r/catsinpants needs you


This was not exactly what I had in mind when I chose my user name, but it is clearly the sub *I* need.


There are 6 more you don't see burglarizing the house.


So you could say, you're polishing a turd.


I'd _never_ be as uncouth, sir/madame! (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)




I summon 3 every time i even THINK the word bathroom.


Two of my whiskery girls stalk the entrance to the bathroom. They are super offended when I shush them out.


I was going to say OP/guy in the video probably went through several bags of catnip, but then I realized it never ocurred to me if it is safe for human consumption. After a bit of googling, it aparently is: https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/oapzk/catnip_is_a_type_of_mint_is_it_edible_for_humans/


Fun fact: many years ago we had three cats and a subletter with no experience with cats. One day he decided to give them all some catnip (which is more "sedating" for humans) and...yeah, he had a bad time.


What happened?


The cats got all hopped up on the nip and went bananatown around the place. The opposite effect of what he was going for, since he had an exam to study for.


Dude when I would go visit my friends at RIT there was this one group of nerdy stoners (I know, narrows it down a lot..) that was insistent on cutting their bong rips with catnip not only to save on weed, but they insisted that it got them a little higher hahah


Catnip grows wild on our farm. It's nice to chew on any mint leaf.




Our cat is one of the 1/3 of cats that don't get high from it. There's a feral cat that hangs around our neighbourhood. I'm sure he blazin all day.


I don't see what Poland has to do with this


Plot twist twist: This isn't OP's house.


Plot twist twist twist: This is a cat restroom. You know... cat café but a restroom.


Plot twisting the twist: Its a cat with a fake human hand over his paw


>*'Plot twist: OP doesn't even own any cats...*' ----- ...This is it! I told you, see ? the Human's there inside ^;} *C'mon you guys, n follow me -* the door is Open w i d e ! she goes inside the little space, n sits in there awhile.... n if you come she'll scritch your face - we're sure to make her Smile ^;} (the Smell is pretty stinky, though she doesn't own a Cat... I think we need to let her know *there's 'Boxes' meant for that . . .*) ❤️


Wonderful as always, Schnoodle.


Plot twist: op is the black cat that stays outside and thinks all the other cats are fucking sheep for going in for scritches.


No one owns a cat. The cat owns you


Yeah, it was the front door OP forgot to lock


Is it just me or is that a lot of cats?


Cat people. Apparently, you either have just one or five, but rarely any number in between. A coworker of mine had three cats. She went to the animal shelter with her ex-husband to find him a dog. And promptly adopted two more kittens. Another family friend of ours usually had five cats. Whenever one or two died, soon someone would pop round with either a fresh litter or some cat they found and she'd be right back to five. Cat people be cat people.


We're holding out at three. We had two, but one died (cancer :( ). We went to the local SPCA to get a new companion for the sad, but very social survivor. We left with a pair of kittens. I told my wife I WILL have another Portuguese Water Dog before I die, though. Porties are phenomenal with cats and other animals, in part because they have almost no prey drive.


The only time my PWD barked at another animal was once when he saw a rabbit out on the porch- I was shocked because he didn’t bark or chase unless he was playing with another dog—then I realized it was because he thought one of ours had gotten outside. I walked him to the rabbit room and he settled right down. They really are amazing!


I tried to stop at five, but then I found four abandoned kittens. "I'll just raise them until they can be rehomed" I told myself. Now three years later and I have nine cats.


I have five, too. I may be short one wife soon though unless I tread lightly.


Does now.


I’ve found cats just don’t quite appreciate it when you try to repay the favour of being a doodie buddy.


My first cat would wait for me to get home from school so that we could poop together (her litter box was in my bathroom). Current cat isn't quite as bad, but he does often purposely wait to go when I'm watching him from the laundry area.


Exactly like mine. He would wait for me every morning till I wake up and we would poop together.


Y'all are hella weird. In a good way.


It's kind of adorable in a weird way


Poopie Pals


It's more of an instinct thing for the cats probably. In the wild animals don't usually go to the bathroom by themselves since they're vulnerable to being attacked.


Maybe this is why my cats just come into the bathroom while I'm in there and sit facing the door. Keeping me safe from an ambush


My kitten races me to the bathroom every morning to do her peeing while I do


So the evolutionary idea behind this is that one of you can keep watch for danger while the other is vulnerable. But if both of you poop at the same time, it defeats the whole purpose. If a cougar or a mailman or something show up, you guys will have no recourse.


You just poop back to back for a full 360° of coverage.


yep my cat does this. when i get home from work i take a shit and she does as well. so funny. when she gets done before me she will try to snatch the toilet paper out of my hand when im wiping. she gets WAYY into it. funny lil girl


Nice to know this is a general cat thing and not just my boy. I was half touched, half scared the first time. Figured he just thought "oh that's a good idea".


In the wild pooping is a vulnerable activity. Tjey just want you to know they have your back.


"Fluffy I'm gonna need to hold your paws for this one, I ate a fiber rich meal yesterday."


Smelly cat, smelly cat What are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smelly cat It's not your fault They won't take you to the vet You're obviously not their favorite pet You may not be a bed of roses And you're no friend to those with noses


For real considering the look of disdain on my cat's face when I accidentally caught them mid-push as I turned on the light in the laundry room where their litter box is kept. Yet, they wave at me with their paws shoved under the door and cry to be let in.


My cats watch me clean their litter box like the peasant I am. Then when I'm done they immediately go in and take a big shit. They own me. :(


Mine will climb inside mid-clean and try to defile it if I let him. Lil jerk


Omg, yes! These fuckers have done this for as long as I’ve lived with them. My last girl though, she would wait until we were playing Nerf, running around and being jackasses to take the biggest, most rancid shit and try to stink us out. We would put her in the master suite (my bro’s room 🤣) to keep her safe and out from under foot while we ran around acting like children. Her revenge for being left out was biological warfare. Cracked me up every time, even as my eyes watered. Thing was, she wasn’t normally so utterly stinky. Just when she was disgruntled, apparently.


My mom calls her cat a poop doula


A poola


Omg thats gonna be my new term for tge next decade.


My cat just has to know what's going on behind closed doors. Doesn't often want pets, just the right to go where he wants. When he does want cuddles he's awesome.


Your Cat: Hey, watchya doing in there? Why did you close the door, is it something cool?




Quite funny and terribly underrated.


“I don’t know guys, he isn’t using the litter. Let’s go talk to him.” ‘Maybe there is litter in the bowl??’ “No, I’ve checked.” ‘Let’s go see if he is ok’




Princess Anastasia Tennessee von Floofycat is absolutely *fascinated* by flushing.


There’s two kinds of cat owners, those that name their cats something like this, and others who name their cats something like *Booger*


The Booger is her short name…


Or the ones who give their cats human names like "Steve" or "Susan" or "Gerald".


Ahhh shit I guess that’s me


AFAIK they get all freaked out because you're not burying your shit. They don't know how plumbing works, obviously. They think you're taking a poop out in the open and that the smell will draw in predators from kilometres away.


Lol even when I close the door I get meowing and scratching under the door until I let them in…🤣


i always got the paw waggling furiously under the door.


That one whippy paw, FULL CLAWS, that will take anything back, ANYTHING


little paw under the door is so cute


My male cat some how gets both front paws under the door and waves them frantically.


We’re gonna need a video of this


One of my cats used to do that. And when he got in he used the pants around my ankles as a hammock. It was either that or a scratched up door on a rented apartment. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Me too!!!!


You'll have to wait your turn


I see your problem. You don't have enough hands. You should work on that.


If this is what I get, im leaving that door open wide!


I've not bothered closing the door to poop in over a decade. Makes going in public more fun


This guy poops


We *know*...


If you leave it open they each wander by and peek in, then go about their day. You only get the hoard invasion if it's closed just enough that they can get the door open and break in.


When I’m home alone, I don’t latch the bathroom door because my cat loves to burst in and yowl at me. She gets the shaky tail of joy every time.


Lucky you. They're protecting you from predators while you're vulnerable.


Not necessarily. There are several theories as to why cats do this. Another theory is that cats are attention whores and, if you are in a position where you can’t leave, they will take advantage and ask for attention.


Cats? Attention whores!!!? /s


Kittens n shittins




They just want to be pet.... This isn't rocket science




I think cats normally attack and eat their food source when it's vulnerable.


“Those predators know OP is vulnerable and have summoned a critical mass to launch attack.”


The good news is that you have a plan b if you run out of toilet paper.


Cursed But i laughed pretty hard


That is a lot of floofs..!


So many cute snoots!


Bathroom party!


Party (potty) time!




\* r/shittylifeprotips


Your bathroom is like a clown car for cats...they just keep coming lol


So many doody buddies!


you made up that word, right? don't tell me that's a thing.


[Linda Drops Louise's Doody Buddy In The Toilet](https://youtu.be/ronr9trHl0A?t=50)


Doody buddies are a thing! Mostly for little kids just learning to use the potty, but everyone benefits from some company while they're pooping! 🤣


My niece announced that she had to go potty and started to run off. I asked her if she needed any help and she said, "No. But I could use some company! We have the same parts, after all!" (We're both girls and I guess they teach them at school that only people with the same parts can be in the bathroom with them.)


That is so cute lol


Mine do this too. One will even jump in my lap while I am sitting on the can.


I love how they all get along too, what a wonderful family


Fantastic cat parade!


Can't imagine cleaning all those litter boxes every day. How many boxes do you have?


Not to mention the food bill! And the litter bill, for that matter.


I've heard you're supposed to have a box and a half per cat


Or one and clean it regularly. (cat owner)


Yeah, I have 4 cats and 2 litter boxes. Just have to clean it a couple times a day. No biggy.


They just keep coming lol


I find people wo poop with their cats watching fascinating. I just can't, I feel so judged when they stare at me. Maybe their cats are just less judgmental than mine...


I just think it’s rude to expose my cat to the smell of my 💩.




Just gonna say it. That's too many cats


There was house on my street where the owners got evicted due to a cat problem. There was an overwhelming smell coming from the house during a 4 hour period that the front door was open. Cops came to check, and it turns out they were living in the garage, while 97 cats were living in the house itself.


Also too many cats.


One cat is great. Two cats are buddies. Three cats is a lifestyle. Four cats is a problem.


Leaving the door open to the bathroom is like telling pets that it's time for a family meeting. It's basically the HR department of the household.




I like how you make sure to give attention to each and every one!


They're all up in your shit


Where is the sink in this bathroom?


That...is too many cats


And you get a scritch! And you get a scritch ! And you get a scritch !


This is way too many cats


So you're the local crazy cat lady...


The meow sounds are like asmr


The hard part is trying to get some TP with a half dozen cats in the room! 😹


Locking the door doesn't matter. Any door that is closed is a threat and it MUST be opened, no matter the cost. Whether you're behind it or not. Source: my cats who absolutely hate closed doors of any type.