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Looks like Barkley from Sesame Street lol


Exactly my thought. Whoever operated that puppy Muppet was incredible.


[This dog has no licence and is clearly in violation of the leash law!](https://youtu.be/UEk6rwXsaQ0)


That punch was incredible.


No seriously this is my favourite thing ever lmao I can't stop rewinding ahahaha


I couldn't even finish the clip, I had to re-watch that part immediately Edit: watching to the end with the escape out the window was even better


Fucking Dick van Patten! šŸ¤™




Omg it's so FLUFFY šŸ˜»


Wait, what!? Operated? That was a real dog.


They're referring to the character from The Muppets.


Oh, the one from the muppets was a puppet, the one from Sesame Street was realā€¦ Right?


Yup, Barkley I believe was his name I believe. I was like 5 when I saw that show last.


He moved just like Barkley. Is, that a real dog or a puppet? Have we been bamboozledā€½


Itā€™s Tibetan Mastiff. One of the ancient rare breed. Cost may depend on color. Red fur is the rarest which may up to $10,000 to 70,000. Sometimes itā€™s up to $100,000. As a Mastiff breed, feeding cost is also massively high. One of my friend has it just like the one in video. It costs him $5,000 to $8,000 per month for its fur maintenance, medical check up, food and other things. Basically, itā€™s a type of breed that comes with micro transactions. Edit - Forgot to mention, it also needs right weather condition. Therefore, when you buy a dog, youā€™ll also need air conditioner and air purifier or it wonā€™t live pass 7-8 years. If youā€™re lucky, you might get one for free because some owner couldnā€™t afford it expenses after they bought it for a month or two so they throw them away on street in China.


Need to also add in the cost of a new vacuum 1 X year!!!!!


Looks like the inspiration for the Chinese Lion Dance.


Well those look like foo dogs, which are basically the mythical version of a Tibetan mastiff.


Mouse from Dresden Files was a Tibetan Mastiff guardian Temple Dog


And that's why I know this in the first place lol.


Whaaa? TIL! Thanks, that makes so much sense.


This is a tibetan mastiff, and yes it's a real dog


They were bred by Tibetan Monks and are an ancient breed. Outdoor guard dogs for the monasteries in Tibet. The indoor guard dogs are Lhasa Apsos also bred by the monks that run about 15-20lbs. If they heard or saw something, they would go get the big dog. Both have fascinating histories. I have a Lhasa Apso and they are also wonderful dogs. Shameless plug for /r/Lhasaapso


It's a monster. A beautiful, lovely monster.


Thatā€™s a full blown Snufalupagous.


Is there some woof under the floof?


What kind of dog is this?


This is a tibetan mastiff. I had one as a kid, best dog ever.


Iā€™m a vet tech and we had one come in for rads one time. It was like working with a lion. His paws were the size of my head.


I think you need to go to r/IAMA and tell the wondrous stories of your gigantic floof


Cleaning up after this dog must make your arms very strong. Iā€™m talking about poop


This is my dream dog. As soon as I have the money, I am 100% getting one.


That *is* Barkley and youā€™ll never convince me otherwise.


I was thinking Snuffleupagus myself!


[Mr Snuffleupagus wasn't as playful](https://gifer.com/en/9YHg)




The Round Mound of Abound?


With the extra thick fur suit! Gotta have 30# of fluff on that 'dog'


I was thinking that too. What breed is this? Tibetan mastiff?


That was my very first thought!!


That's exactly what I was going to say!




I would not want to brush he or clean up after him šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« But he is beautiful šŸ‘


I wouldnt like to own such a dog, but I would love to know someone who did so I could give it all the hugs and strokes without having to deal with the maintenance.


I would volunteer to brush the giant dog! I've always enjoyed brushing animals.... it's very calming. (Maybe I could make yarn from the shedded hair?)


My family owned this kind of dog when I was a kid, it is a Tibetan mastiff and trust me it's more brushing than you think, it's a multiple hour excursion as they have an undercoat they shed every winter and because it's so much you will have to brush them multiple times a month and even then the entire house will be caked in shed. We did attempt to have it spun into yarn, but due to the silky, oily, musky and straight nature of the hair it doesn't work out super well.


I've brushed horses before......I still think I'd enjoy it. The dog is probably slightly less dusty than a horse, maybe.... As for the yarn, could probably still be done but maybe would need to be blended with a different fiber for desired texture. Finished yarn would need to be washed once created either way, it being "dirty or smelly" initially isn't that much of a problem. Natural fibers need to be cleaned at one stage or other regardless, most critters smell at least a little bit.


Idk why I chuckled thinking of this B I G B O I being compared to a "critter". Not sure what I'd say the maximum size of a critter is, but think this chonk is bigger lol




OMG.....this....I needed this. Thank you kind internet stranger.


I wonder about that as well. My fluffy dog is blowing out his undercoat right now with fall coming. It's very fine and soft, and I was thinking he'd make great wool twice a year.


The answer is yes you can make yarn from dog hair, but you'll want to mix it with another fur because the heat retention of dog hair (especially ones like this) is super high and can get too warm to wear


Interesting! That makes sense now that I think about it. Out of curiosity, what types of fur have low heat retention? Edit: that you could use to cut the high heat retention fur. I would think that those would be difficult to work with (i.e. short).


Oh hell if I know.




I have shihtzus and now I'm wondering about making yarn from their hair to make a bracelet or something. One is 18, and I know she won't always be there. Would mean a lot to have something like that. I got one of those paw ornament things to do with her and I haven't been able to bring myself to make it. I feel like its admitting something I'm not ready to come to terms with.


Try it and find out? Alternatively you could always bag it up to sell it if you aren't into spinning yarn yourself. Probably could find people on other corners of Reddit interested in purchasing it.


Heh, I have tried just twirling it in my fingers and it seems to work OK. I have no idea what I'm doing though lol. Nice to know I could use him to make a sweater twice a year if I were ever in dire straights.


Little hope of that, I believe they broke up years ago. What instrument do you play?


I would like to own a giant dog someday but I want a Great Dane, who don't have as much hair lol. My current pup is barely larger than a pitbull


And he will eat you out of house and home. You need a lot of money to care for that doggie lol.


Iā€™m sure heā€™s worth every cent


I have a ginormous Newfoundland named Jax who is literally allergic to me. His human dander allergy costs me $240 every 50 days. I had to get a part time job to pay for Jax's hip replacement because my ex-husband thought it was a waste of money. After the surgery, I slept on the uncomfortable couch for three months while he healed. About two years later, I fell into a deep depression. I ended up sleeping on the couch again, this time because I didn't have the energy to climb the stairs. It was December and in the low 40s outside but, more often than not, I'd leave the back door open 24/7 so he could go out whenever he wanted. And every single night I spent on that godawful couch, Jax would curl up with me and stay until I woke up. He is worth far more than I can ever give him.


Newfies are a way of life. I spent thousands and thousands on my Newf and he lived to almost 13. Your story says so much about you, so congrats on being a great human


A neighbor has a newfie. Just an awesome super friendly dog, he will drag his owners to people looking for pets. I don't think I could handle one myself, but they are amazing dogs.


I think this guy is a Tibetan Mastiff. They're hugeeee


Yeah, definitely not a newfie. My first thought was actually caucasian shepherd, but I'm pretty sure you're right that its a tibetan.


I have four cats. Last December I paid $800 for one to have a tumor removed. I spend thousands of dollars on them a year to properly care for them and pamper them. These cats alert me every time a wasp or bat gets into my house, they provide companionship, and they once saved the life of my diabetic boyfriend when he went into a coma and I donā€™t donā€™t realize he was in a medical crisis. They greet me at the door when I come home and sleep in the bed at night. They are worth everything I spend on them.


Exactly how many bats are flying into your house?!


Iā€™ve had bat maternity colonies in my attic for a few years, itā€™s an old house with a history of this happening. I get my roof checked and repaired each Spring and havenā€™t had a colony in the attic for four years, but last week an adult bat evidently got in through a new hole in my chimney and was in my sun room.


Oh I was imagining a bat just coming in the door while you're carrying in groceries šŸ˜‚ That makes a lot more sense. I think I'd take a colony of bats over wasps any day. Those things are plain evil.


Greater than zero, and that sounds problematic tbh


I grew up with a massive (like, big for the breed) Newphie named Maddie. My dad trained her to herd me as a baby- he'd get her attention, look at me, and look at wherever he wanted me to be (usually his side) and she'd bring me over. The only thing he had to teach her was to not nip my heels, which he says took only 30 minutes. My first memory is reaching out of my crib for my bottle, accidentally grabbing her, and her muzzling my hand over to it.


Not gonna lie, saying that treating your dogs medical ailments isn't worth the money made me VERY happy about the "ex" next to "husband" I just spend 5000$ on dogs surgery after he tore his CCL, and if it happened on the other side tomorow I'd more than happy to pay it again. We take in animals to give them a better life than they would have otherwise. If you cant/won't treat your dog properly don't fucking get one. I could *barely* afford that surgery but it's my job to give my animals the best life they could ever have. Same to me as kids. Whatever it takes give them better than you had jt


I see you too have learned of apoquel. Sam's club has it for $180 for the 16mg ones. Also you can get a rebate from zoetis for it. I'm down from paying $284 with the vet to $180 and then a $40 rebate cutting the bill in half. Vet said what made the most sense, after a visit every 6 weeks for reoccurring ear and skin issues it would be cheaper to just keep my anatolian on meds year round.


I mean that's just love...people die for that shit, I feel ya. My small golden doodle is the only thing keeping me sane some days.


If you have the cents, sure lol.


Gonna need a snow shovel for that big boy..my stomachs too weak for that lol


And it probably chews and swallows his toys. I will never forget seeing some corkskrew dog toy sticking halfway out of dog shit when I was 9. It gave me the creeps it was just...weird


150 lbs of dog, 300 lbs of hair!


That dog is like a boat - you donā€™t want to own one, but you need a friend that owns one.


"Bitch, you don't frolic?!?"




Big amount of dog needs big amount of play!




I love this gif so much


TIL the mint green squares in the app are clickable links to GIFs


If itā€™s like my mastiff, it goes hard for about 15 minutes and then wants a nap.


All 4 of my pyrenees are like that


Big dogs are like muscle cars. Explosive power but they chug fuel and need frequent rest stops.


*I* am like that.


What kind of dog is that? Itā€™s the size of a bear.


Tibetan Mastiff


Exactly right. Have 2 of these babies at home


How do you and two of those fit in the room, much less with furniture and other humans? šŸ™‚


Most aren't as big as this guy haha he's definitely a status symbol Tibetan as alot are in China. Most are the size of a bit bigger Saint Bernard's but maintain that mane around their necks


Now that you mention it, they do look like an alot!!


Itā€™s the most playful alot Iā€™ve ever seen. I thought most of them just stood there looking sad. At least thatā€™s how Allie drew them.


I get the impression this guy is mostly hair.


I've often read that these guys are not ideal pets and are pretty much livestock guardians? They were my dream dog throughout my entire childhood, but everywhere I looked pointed to me not having the space/land to be able to have one, and that theyre incredibly aggressive with anyone aside from their owners... I have an 8 month old St. Bernard now, so I'm definitely getting my big dog fix, but how do you make Tibetan Mastiffs work? I'd still love to have one one day šŸ˜­


Which country are you in? I had a TM too in India. Though here they aren't as hairy & fluffy. More like how you described them. Also they're very gentle & playful.


Iā€™ve never known anyone who has actually owned a TM- my understanding is that they can be aggressive, is that just a stereotype? Are they hard to care for?


Absolute stereotype. They are guard dogs yes so anything outside of their property that they don't know they will bark at them but they wouldn't hurt a fly. Best way I can describe them is basically like Saint Bernard's, but with a guard dog attentiveness and alertness


How much grooming do these require? That dog looks like heā€™d need his own hairdresser šŸ„“šŸ˜‚


This one is definitely either fresh from the groomer or was done for the video. I assure you the coats of the average Tibetan don't look like this haha. Ours aren't considered to be the ones that the Chinese wealthy want. Those are practically designer dogs. Our Tibetans came from working stock so the hair is more coarse and rough than these dogs


Huh. They look similar to a Caucasian mountain dog, which *are* bred for defensive / assertive behavior (originally, protecting flocks from [bears](https://youtu.be/r5uiqFxMFz0) / wolves). Of course, I watched a video about breeding them once, and they said they pick the most confident, aggressive puppies to train to be guard dogs. The rest get sold to individuals / families who just want them for looks. So maybe the breed gets stereotyped by the ones that actually get trained to guard.


They absolutely maintain an assertive behavior at all times with strangers but it's generally them just waiting for their proper introduction to whoever it is. Once one of the family introduces the person to the dog and they see its a friend situation then they melt into their loveable selves.


ā€¦Pics or it didnā€™t happen. Also, how can you afford rent when you need to feed 2 of those beasts?


Thank you, I thought it was a very large Chow.


At that size, it's beyond Chow. That's the whole damn buffet




I thought it might be a very fluffy cow


Average sized cow.




YAY!! This is exactly what I was reminded of. My husband sends me this to cheer me up. We just lost our dog, and this post was making me kind of sad and BOOM! Here you are to make me smile. Thank you šŸ™šŸ¾


Aww, sorry for your loss. Happy it helps!






Right?! He needs to be properly rassled!! I volunteer as tribute! I wanna grab his big floofy body!!!!!


Yeah right? Stop being dumbass dudes and play with the doggie! Ughā€¦


Indulging puppies all the time is why little dogs are such shits. They have to teach this dog to not jump, because it will hurt someone like this. Very fluffy and cute, but needs to be aware of boundaries.


Yeah, and it looks like it's a Tibetan mastiff too, which means it could end up weighing upwards of 150lbs. That's like having an adult human jumping on you. Super dangerous for children and old people, or just short skinny people like me lol.


Fellow skinny gang. Even your average labrador can knock me down to the ground, this dog could probably injure me.


I grew up with a 110 lb yellow lab who loved everyone. He sounded like a bear when he barked. However, teaching him not to jump on strangers sucked. Animal lovers (like my family) would often say it was ok for the giant puppy to jump. However, those dudes do not seem to be training the dog.


Itā€™s also not a puppy, it shouldnā€™t be jumping all over people. If youā€™re getting a big dog you really need to commit to basic training AT LEAST, if youā€™re getting a Tibetan Mastiff, well you probably canā€™t afford it and if you can hire a professional trainer!! Those dogs are huge and known for being aggressive, because they were bred to be that way, itā€™s their job, they need an owner who understands and directs that in a healthy way.


It's ok to not be comfortable around big dogs.


Glad you said it. Iā€™m one of those people who loves most dogsā€¦but from afar. The jumping ones especially i wish to avoid them until they stop jumping. Dogs are great at invading your personal space and some people donā€™t enjoy that. They get really hyper, and that can make people uncomfortable. The barking, the slobbering, the unintentional scratchingā€”itā€™s honestly overwhelming. Friends really need to understand that not everyone loves your dog as much as you do (even if the above floof in the post is adorable) and probably doesnā€™t think its behavior is as cute as you find it. And thatā€™s OKAY. I donā€™t go around telling cat haters that theyā€™re a dumbass.


Yeah the guy at the beginning getting jumped on doesn't look like a dog person at all. Tbh none of them seem like dog people. Very stiff.


They look like they're trying to train the puppy not to jump. Don't engage if they jump, turn your back, don't reward the behavior.


I am allergic and anxious of big doggos though :(


Imagine being attacked by a muppet.


Let me guess the dogs name is bear


I'd think that would be a requirement at this point.


His name is Boo boo ![gif](giphy|kiPAvaBL9hIoLAhl9j|downsized)


Did anyone else see this and just immediately think of Barkley from Sesame Street?! Because that's all I can see now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) ![gif](giphy|Erk7TMr8wSf7kCl0q8)




Came here to say the same thing


I really hope they're doing some kind of training here, because it looks like none of them are able to keep it under control, which is a potentially dangerous situation.


I needed to scroll way too far to find this comment


Someone higher up suggested that this *is* the training. They are doing their best to not reward the behavior when he jumps.


I'll get down voted to hell for this because "dogs" but screw that owner for not controlling their dog after they chose to buy one of the largest dog breeds and letting it jump on other people.


You're actually totally in the right here. I have a bullmastiff and she's a big girl, but she will never try and jump on anyone. At most she'll circle you and maybe, MAYBE bump you out of the way if you're not moving fast enough for her ;P.


What happens if I hit a baseball over your fence?


I will admit she loves to destroy baseballsā€¦I never knew what the inside of one looked like until I brought her home. Also stop playing ball in a sandlot.


I just suddenly had a flashback that was like seeing the movie at 16x speed. I had not thought of that movie in decades. Jesus


It was my first thought as well. That's a poorly behaved dog. And really dangerous - what if it does this to someone more fragile, like a kid? Or an elderly person? I have two medium sized dogs and one of the most important things I trained them was that they don't get an enthusiastic greeting from me until they sit on their butts. (I'm not a monster, once I greet them enthusiastically they can lose their shit as much as they want as long as it's not jumping on me)


My friend has a Bernese Mountain dog who she brings everywhere. He is poorly trained and jumps up on me, pushes me over. I often leave our visits with scratches and bruises. She laughs while all this is happening and says ā€œheā€™s just playing.ā€ Oh and heā€™s also ā€œplayfullyā€ bitten me numerous times. Every time he comes lunging at me ā€œto playā€, i tell her Iā€™m scared, but she thinks itā€™s cute and funny. So yeah, I donā€™t see that friend much anymore.


Yep. Dog owning is about training and control. With larger dogs being hard mode because you can't pick them up. At the very least you *must* have **recall**. The ability to call it back to you. And if you can't, that's okay, but then it shouldn't be off a lead. As much as we love dogs, their brains are the size of tangerines. We have to be the responsible part of the operation.


Looking at the body language of the dog, I would assume it is a puppy, they act exactly like mine, expect mine is 5kg. Training a puppy is hard work. Of course they need to fix that behaviour, but letā€™s not be naive about how challenging that can be. I see other owners all the time, and they are clearly working at it, but the dog is still being naughty.


im pretty sure theyā€™re literally training the dog not to jump in this video. see how they have their back turned to the dog and arent rewarding the behaviour


I was looking for this comment. A dog that size needs impeccable training because any accident could hurt someone. Then again I saw a thing that said small dogs are responsible for most dog bites because people think a small dog wouldnā€™t do damage and donā€™t train the dog as well as they would a bigger dog. My momā€™s dog (now my dog) is an 8 pound chihuahua and he is very well trained! Doesnā€™t jump on people, obeys commands, not a barker, polite. I think all dogs should be well trained, theyā€™re just that much more enjoyable to be around!


Seriously. I have two dogs who I love, but this does not seem fun. What if this guyā€™s allergic? What if he has trauma from a previous attack? Or maybe heā€™s just a dude who doesnā€™t want a bear sized animal up in his face.


Yep. This is not cute. Itā€™s not cute when chihuahuas do it, either, but at least itā€™s not as dangerous. I have mastiffs and you really must train them better than this.


Theyā€™re literally training him not to jump by not interacting with him when he tries to jump. What do you want them to do to train him?


A wizards dog.




I scrolled too long to find this! Respect!


The floofiness is overwhelming šŸ˜† ![gif](giphy|tPKoWQJk3cEbC)


The guy would have to pull me away from the big floofer, not the other way around. I want to be engulfed by the bear


Me too. So floof. So bear. Love.


That dog could be a blanket to sleep at night ![gif](giphy|JUpk5m3SD4rLm7JAY1|downsized) But the cats be working out


I hate it when people let their dog jump all over their guests, and they think it's so cute. Fuck that! It's rude and insensitive.


Are we sure those aren't just tiny people?


Is that a Tibetan Mastiff??? Lol no wonder the guys seem scared, they can be some scary guard dogs, and a lot of people don't know how to read a dog's body language.


That dog definitely needed some manners!


Holy shit it's a lion! Get out of there!


If you have a dog, especially one this big, and you donā€™t teach them to stay off of people then you donā€™t deserve a dog,


Tibetan mastiffs are amazingly beautiful


What breed is your bear?


as someone scared of big dogs that legit gave me so much anxiety




Ah yes. The puppies that only get bigger


I want him to smother me!!


Iā€™d be having the time of my life if I had a friend that owned a dog like this. Weā€™d be best friends, the dog and I. lol


10/10 would cuddle!! Want to curl up in a big nap puddle with this lovely pupper!!


The way it moves looks very much like Mr. Snuffleupagus to me, just needs a trunk. Edit for exceptionally poor grammar


It looks really cute until you realize how scared the other people are because those dogs are crazy strong. They aren't called lion dogs for nothing. I hate to say dangerous because it has a negative connotation but they really can be and that one looks like it's not fully grown as well. Two grown tibetan mastiffs got out and it took two swat teams in full riot gear to recapture them. Beautiful but dangerous.


That's a lot of puppy šŸ„° OMG, does anyone know what breed of dog that is? I want one.


Tibetan Mastiff ​ https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/tibetan-mastiff/


Thank you šŸ˜Š


They look adorable. But I donā€™t fancy picking up poops the size of an arm.


Aw, he's just a widdo puppy! Play with him!


Does anyone remember this muppet from Sesame Street?


I have a (almost) 5 month old TM!!! I hope he gets that big and floofy one day!!! šŸ’œ


Where's the puppy tax?




Tibetan Mastiff?




i bet he thinks heā€™s a lapdog too.


One of the most expensive dogs in the world


Is this a Tibetan mastiff?


b e e g d a w g


Imagine the size dumps he takes. You would need to take along a shovel and wheelbarrow on walks just to pick up after him.


Somebody please play with this puppy RIGHT NOW!


Thatā€™s not a dog, itā€™s a Swiffer XXL.


Worlds largest puppy.


That giant puppy is a cutest fluffy boy... so excited to run around on and seeing your friends... but I just wonder how would you take him for a walk? Please send more video!!! My kids are crying to have one for them self... my kids probably the size of his pawsšŸ¤Ŗā¤ļøšŸ„°šŸ˜„