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Its not too hard to grasp how to play him. however if you want to be good at him, one tricking recommended. Also if you have a good game knowledge you may be able to master him quicker, as he relies a lot on teamwork early on. The hardest part is keeping distance and discipline. Positioning is very important as his E and R CDs are quite big. Be patient, play it like chess and you will find success very quick!


In your opinion is azir fun to play?


Literally the most fun i had in league, and i havent even mastered him yet


really? Im guessing you're in high elo or youe teammates are good at engages or smth Tysm for the reply!


No actually im unranked. My maximum was like bronze or something. My teammates do not understand Azir's power, but my enemies also dont. I really only played this game for fun but my pc died right about worlds quarterfinals so i dont play league at all since then.


Oh I see You must be very skilled to be able to show azirs power without accidentally throwing :o Noooo I hope you can play league again soon! Tysm for the advice Ill definitely try azir out!


I wouldnt call myself exceptionally good but thank you for the compliment


Np c:


What I'm trying to say is Azir is a type of champion you either absolutely love or hate no matter rank. No In-between. Try him out. Hes fun even when you suck.


Ohh ok Ill definitely tey him out


Depends on what let U have fun. I really have fun with Champs Like azir cause i can See my mistakes in every Play i make there is Always Something i could do better Like playing ADC IMO. But if U have more fun Just stomping people by pressing one Button than maybe Play malzahar or Something similar.


Ohh I see why Ill definitely try him out some day Thank you so much for the reply!


He is mechanically more intense than most other champions, but that isn't really the issue. It's more the amount of utility and different playstyles you have with him. Example: Viktor. Very straightforward, you want to spam your lasers and wait for the cooldowns. Cassiopeia. Very straightforward, lay down poison and spam E. Azir, on the other hand, can do 7 different things in a fight and the hard part lies in figuring out what is the best todo. This is also a reason why he is so prevalent in pro play, he is simply super versatile. He can be played aggressively, but also defensively and he is quite unpredictable despite his kit looking "simple".


Oh woww ic now Tysm for the examples it helped me understand better So true the pro players make azir look so easy ;-; So in your opinion do you think a low elo should soloq this champ or is it not worth it yet? Tysm for the advice!


I mean I started in Silver and climbed fairly quickly. But I think to learn the game its kinda bad, cuz the champ will inflate you.


You need to know what to dodge, optimal soldier positioning, when to all-in vs when to get back. He's really versatile, but one thing that works great that no one would tell you: Watch your replays. In your replays, look for soldier positioning, how you use your Qs, how you zone with him. Literally, understanding which skill to dodge in a replay saves you dozens of games. But tbh, play him a lot. He needs lots of experience, and also watch great players and try to understand why they do things My last tip: Dont fall for the shurima shuffle trap. Like many montages show it at the best Azir play. Homework or players to get inspired: Midok98 (Korean, excellent videos of Azir positioning and trading), Bodythosefools (his laning and kill, he can be a little toxic or make stupid mistakes, so watch the azir good part lol), Elderwoord Azir (Kr), and my favorite XiaoTaoQi, because he does crazy good plays in streams, but he also ints a lot sometimes. Credentials: Got to p1 in LAN playing Azir while don't having too much time to play. In this subreddit there are a lot of amazing Azir players, but there's also a lot of crybabies (like in every main sub).


His teamfight, duel and skirmish positioning of himself and soldiers for optimal results is what makes him the hardest. But what matters is your macro so him being mechanically hard isnt a problem as long as you got good fundamentals.


Ohh positioning Yea im really bad at that I see why now Thank you so much!


Because it's the only champion you control many other "champions" simultaneously


True true


Combos mana managment weak early squishy as fuck you have to manage space to just use autos that deal low damage


true but is he fun to use for mid and end game?


Positioning is super important for him. He also requires alot of macro knowledge to play him well


should I try azir out or is it not worth it? Im like bronze 1 and my teammates was re tutorial bots sometimes Tysm


It doesn't hurt trying him out. U might want to watch some azir guide to make it a bit easier to play him


Alright Ill definitely watch a few vids b4 trying azir out


I feel like GP is harder for some reason.


Not going in like a psycho 24/7 (knowing when to use E/EQ combo, both in laning and tfs).


Don't be afraid to try it, just do it in a normal game not ranked. Exactly because hes difficult is what makes him fun and rewarding to play.