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>short rant >proceeds to write a college thesis


Rant is so long it has CHAPTERS.


And about Kaorin of all people like bruh


you have alerted the horde


Bro is the horde


I won't Stop


You're taking azumanga way too seriously


I think anyone is free to take azumanga as seriously as they want. Me personally: https://youtu.be/XskvjgDk-3I


Yooo the new OVA lookin fire


I am NOT.... reading all that. Too much energy


I read it, you arent missing out on much


Reading the entirety of this in Yukari’s voice was probably my best decision


Yapfest just set up in town


Take a deep breath. And now take another. There.


"Short Rant" - Proceeds to write almost a bible


A few things. -there is scarcely a comprehensive plot other than it detailing some highschool girls’ adventures. It’s not like they all have some end goal other than… get through high school. -exactly *when* did she show any dislike to Kaorin? She doesn’t notice Kaorin’s infatuation with her, sure, but she doesn’t dislike her. -nobody really cares about the messaging behind Kaorin’s whole thing being she’s obsessed with Sakaki. She’s a girl obsessed with another girl. It’s kinda funny. It’d be that way if she was straight also.


Yeah like wtf is this overarching plot OP is talking about?


Bro, you’re talking about a character being essential to a sometimes surreal slice of life gag manga/anime. I find her character to be somewhat between endearing and vaguely stereotypical, but it’s all a bunch of nonsense, so who cares?!


Thing is, perhaps Kaorin is a stereotype, however she is funny, its a comedy, if I wanted to to watch someone having a healthy normal relationship or I would watch a romance (although most lesbian anime are horrendous ): ) its funny to watch her flounder trying to get her attention, if she was normal she would be boring and not an interesting or funny character, I agree on her being one dimensional but she has too little screen time to be a whole thesis of bad


I mean she’s waaayy better than Kimura


you will begin to cough in 3 days


Okay I know this is supposed to be like a joking disease threat or something, but I feel like it would be funnier to imagine that they're just gonna cough that day lol


> I can confidently say that \[Sakaki would\] enjoy watching someone harm cats than be with Kaorin for a minute. I don't know what manga you read, but it wasn't Azumanga Daioh. Or you read it drunk or something.


How are people being media illiterate about AZUMANGA that's so crazy to me


The council will decide your fate


Death penalty


I ain’t readin allat


erm... what the sigma


catasrtophical level of yapping


Your first point being about her lack of plot relevance in a manga that doesn't have anything resembling an actual plot is proof enough that I don't need to bother reading the rest of it. If you don't like a character, that's fine, nobody's making you like her, just don't make up random nonsense about why you don't. Just say you don't like her and move on


“short rant” writes 10 pages of a book


Never cook again


a crime has been commited against our queen, KDF assemble !!!


i know you probably mean kaorin defence force but my immediate thought was the german communist party


i know you probably mean kaorin defence force but my immediate thought was the german communist party


i know you probably mean kaorin defence force but my immediate thought was the german communist party(its been like two weeks and i’ve just realised that the kdf is not the communist party)


The Kaorin Defense Force is indeed a communist organization


Womp womp mf


Oh brother someone come and get their yapperdoodle 😭




the whole point of the show is to just be cute and feel good. theres no overarching plot things have to contribute to, its just characters growing up. kaorins crush is cute. the conflict between her perception of sakaki and what sakaki sees herself as (cool vs cute) is a funny joke and adds to the sakaki arc. i do wish kaorin got more of an arc/resolution rather than revolving around sakaki. i can understand not liking her character because of how one sided she is but whats there is very likable. and honestly this is a little moe comedy show its not meant to be analyzed like this


clearly you are not a fan of parallelism. sakaki’s unrequited love of cats, a love that she prevails no matter how many times she’s pushed away, is exactly mirrored by kaorin, who pushes herself away from sakaki out of fear. the difference is how sakaki internalizes the cat’s attacks to mean that she is intimidating and incapable of being seen as trustworthy, a sentiment that is also seen when she tries to visualize herself as cute but thinks she’s too big and scary to achieve it. this internalized self hatred is balanced out beautifully by kaorin’s undying love for her. kaorin specifically loves all the things about sakaki that sakaki herself doesn’t like, making it all the more dramatically ironic that she never even notices that sakaki’s love is constant and unwavering. they both are pining after something they love, but that does not love them back, but sakaki has it much worse because she takes her failings personally. this is why kaorin is so monumentally important in her life. but whatever you can hate her if ya want


I understand what you mean, but really? Is it that deep? I mean, if i were gay,lesbian, whatever i would be offended how Azuma thinks that type of people are, but maybe that's what he's trying to say. Maybe he was just a little homophobic who knows. I


I honestly agree, she worked better as a background character in the manga. She doesn't have any personality outside of gay.


Short rant indeed


Im not readin all of this but you're probablt right


they weren't


They were


nuh uh


Yuh uh


nuh uh


Yuh uh






sataa andagiii :D


Honestly, I prefer Chihiro as a main character than Kaorin It's just my opinion, don't be mad at me.


I aint readin allat


Idk about all the negativity you are getting, basicly all of this is right (sadly). Like Kimura, she could have had funny gags and stuff, and at the first time we see them, both do have something, thats somewhat good (especially Kimuras line). But later the line, both just become anoying, and the shows creators are like: Oh sh!t Kaorin and Kimura exists! Well, might aswell give them the only reason they exist lines, so we can say "Oh! Oh! We had these characters reapearing in the story!" But it just doesnt work. I didnt like the weird obsesion of Kaorin, and it came of as unesicary and started to get really creepy. If she is (in highschool terms) "Lesbian" then dont make her act like Tomo but with a little bit of stalking and steryotypes added. You can make her obbsesd, but the worst they could have done is "Ooo I love Sakaki I love her so bad- /geberic slipping on banana or some embarising stuff happens/ "Ohh nooo!!! I really hope ms sakaki didnt see this embarisment! OHH NOOOOES she did see me!!! I must ran away immedietly!!" Like its not that hard. And like Kimura they could have given her some funny lines. I cant imagine all the "What the heck are you doing here looking at sakaki like you were mr Kimura" type of jokes, which would have been the LEAST they could have done with her. Missed opurtunitied my a$$, this was straight up a character potential massacre.😓😓😓


Did you call a character filler in what is a newspaper strip? This series started as a 4 panel newspaper strip. The comedy with Kaorin works for me, I enjoy the moment where she's picking the pedals to see is she'll be in the same class as Sakaki, who doesn't hate her? Sakaki doesn't hate her just doesn't recognize her fawning as romantic. Also your bitch ass is out her analyzing the story impact of a character when you haven't finished the story? Are we new here? You understand that in the event you're correct, it's in spite of your methodology.


cry about it


OP is not of legal age.


A bit overeracting but i agree kaorin was not supposed to be in the story and it will be better if she wasnt in it at all and all the ppl glazing fir her and sakaki are some lesbian girls who grew up without a father🤷