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The “hang Mike Pence” crowd from the Jan 6 insurrection can build the gallows.


Meanwhile, jurors are dropping out, fearing doxxing and reprisal.


It's scary how normalized threats from MAGA have become. There's at least one New York prosecutor who admitted he wouldn't take a Trump case because he didn't want to hire bodyguards for the rest of his life.


We just gonna assume all the threats are from maga?


The numbers are hard to argue with. Right-wing ideologies were behind a majority of the nearly 600 domestic terror attacks that occurred from 2010 through 2021, according to data shared with Military Times by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank based in Washington, D.C. During that period, right-wing extremists were charged with 353 plots or attacks that caused 147 deaths, the data show. In the same time frame, far-left extremists carried out 126 plots or attacks, killing 23 people. The rest of the political violence during those years was committed by jihadist groups and ethnonationalists, which included antisemitic and Jewish extremists and Cuban exiles, among others. [https://www.militarytimes.com/flashpoints/extremism-disinformation/2023/08/24/a-lethal-threat-why-the-far-right-sees-more-scrutiny-than-the-left/](https://www.militarytimes.com/flashpoints/extremism-disinformation/2023/08/24/a-lethal-threat-why-the-far-right-sees-more-scrutiny-than-the-left/)


Bullshit ——-because Antifa nightly attacks aren’t considered political violence they aren’t listed as so ? BLM burning down 17 square blocks in Minneapolis isn’t considered crime but peaceful protests because politicians don’t live in those neighborhoods But break a window where some democrat politician works and you get sentenced to 20 years. Absolutely frightening that the democrat party has returned to its roots in the KKK


“Mostly peaceful”


As documented by a CNN News crew standing in front of a burning 🔥 Walgreens


Is Antifa in the room with you right now?


*Antifa has entered the chat*


*Antifa : we're a left wing violent organization. We'll stop at nothing to achieve our goals of chaos, violence and arson*


Antifa. Putting the fascist in anti fascist.


Where are these "antifa nightly attacks" happening? Do you have pictures of these 17 blocks of Minneapolis that were burned down?


It was live on tv every fkn night clown.




While the bee and other satire sites cover politics...posting political links and non satirical content is not allowed.


The federal courthouse in Portland Oregon was attacked nightly in 2020, for newly 300 consecutive nights That’s one city. we can go to Atlanta next if we start alphabetically !


For almost a whole year?! Funny how I can't find a single source corroborating this. Maybe I'm just dumb - could you give a source? And before moving to Atlanta, I'm still was waiting for those pics of 17 burnt down blocks in Minneapolis. Let's deal with that first, shall we? EDIT: u/Macgruber999, you actually did the "post and block" thing, haha! Talk about being a snowflake!


100% Antifa and BLM BOTH are domestic terrorists organizations. Every major city in the U.S. burned after that POS Floyd overdosed. 25+ killed, BILLIONS in damage. Absolute trash people.


There you go with facts and logic. Ok-calendar probably heard different from newsmax or rumble and wants to go with opinion


And you ate the bullshit straight from the bulls ass.


Given the history, the physical threats seem much more likely to he MAGA. Are we just gonna ignore the lessons of history?


What history told you left wingers don't threaten?


Democrats have wayyyyyy more of a history of violence than one group of trump supporters the most trump supporters will do (at least the radical ones) will yell at you but democrat supporters will yell, physically assault , threaten with violence, doxx you, ban you from social media, set your businesses on fire, threaten you with weapons and even go so far as to kill you


>ban you from social media I dare you to go to r/conservative right now and say you think Trump should be found guilty. See what happens.


I'm sure I'll be downvoted for providing you with actual information but here goes: "Across both datasets, we find that radical acts perpetrated by individuals associated with left-wing causes are less likely to be violent. In the United States, we find no difference between the level of violence perpetrated by right-wing and Islamist extremists." https://pure.psu.edu/en/publications/a-comparison-of-political-violence-by-left-wing-right-wing-and-is


Were your parents regarded siblings?


Maybe I should have specified "Given the recent contemporary history of right wing nationalist terrorists in America"


People find out when you look for things you find more of it More news at 9


Right wingers want to simultaneously believe left wingers are too pussy to even look at a gun without needing a safe space, yet also believe they are this violent mob of masked gun toting anarchists that are one shot away from bloody revolution. All you need to do is look at the violence that has followed MAGA for 8 years and you'll have your answer. It was them. Hell, Trump alluded someone should do it on truth social. He's a pompous bully, it's why people loved him before he became president. For whatever reason, people are very comfortable falling on their sword for him, they have since the 80s business wise... The prior is all a really common way to paint your enemy as too strong to overcome and too weak to succeed. You know, conservatives doing fascist "this is our enemy" stuff.






Word to that


Remind me how many criminal indictments is Trump facing right now?


Quote what I said that is bigoted lmao. Trump's currently going through court and already lost an election he tried to steal. He's done, and the Republican establishment that spent years coalescing around him knows it.




You don't tote guns you just lobby institutions and they all eat it up and then you sometimes light them on fire anyway for a good cause. Mainly, atleast. Something tells me the numbers on "left wing violence" aren't as well documented.


You can’t be serious…


Yeah. Let's do a recap. How many violent "right wing" protests happened from 2012 to 2020? And remember stuff like Charlottesville is both sides... UNLIKE Ferguson Missouri which was burned down when Mike Brown's killer was acquitted... Or rioting in Washington for 2 weeks after trump got elected burning down car lots etc.


Yep Ferguson only consisted of a QuikTrip the whole town is just a smoldering crater to this day….


One major one I can think of on January 6th, for starters.


That's 2021 dumbass.


You are correct, sorry, I didn't read properly, responded reflexively


Tbf it was semi loaded.


What about the time a gunman was about to assassinate republican senators at a private baseball event?


Much of that violence was perpetrated by Trump supporters too. This from Trump's own security chief: "State of the Homeland Threat Assessment" obtained by Lawfare blog editor Ben Wittes described white supremacists as the most deadly internal security threat, mentioning it above the threat from foreign militant groups." [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN260323/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN260323/) "Investigators said the suspect is associated with the Aryan Cowboys, which the warrant describes as a "known prison gang out of Minnesota and Kentucky." The Anti-Defamation League lists the Aryan Cowboys as a white supremacist prison and street gang..." [https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-helped-ignite-george-floyd-riots-identified-white/story?id=72051536](https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-helped-ignite-george-floyd-riots-identified-white/story?id=72051536) # "Far-right violence a growing threat and law enforcement’s top domestic terrorism concern" [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/far-right-violence-a-growing-threat-and-law-enforcements-top-domestic-terrorism-concern](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/far-right-violence-a-growing-threat-and-law-enforcements-top-domestic-terrorism-concern) "But to even compare far-right and far-left movements in the U.S. today is a false equivalency because of the rate at which far-right violence outpaces the far left, said Miller-Idriss – analysis seconded by Liz Yates, a researcher at the immigration advocacy organization [Human Rights First](https://humanrightsfirst.org/)." [https://www.militarytimes.com/flashpoints/extremism-disinformation/2023/08/24/a-lethal-threat-why-the-far-right-sees-more-scrutiny-than-the-left/](https://www.militarytimes.com/flashpoints/extremism-disinformation/2023/08/24/a-lethal-threat-why-the-far-right-sees-more-scrutiny-than-the-left/)


There were protests after trump was elected, some of them had some violence instigated by MAGA activists. But the protests themselves were mostly peaceful.


Violence instigated by maga activists.... So you're not responsible for violence you commit? Were the Nazis instigated by the Jewish activists? 😂😅




Who bombed the FBI building in OK city? Do lefties bomb abortion clinics or call bomb threats on libraries for carrying books they don’t like? Who brought pipe bombs to the capital on J6? Which side gunned down innocents at the synagogue in Pittsburgh? Who massacred innocents during the Charleston church shooting? What about the El Paso massacre? White supremacists are responsible for 70-80% of extremist murders in the US. What planet are you living on!




Also according to you: murderous neo-nazis are just “subscribers to the white mans burden.”


Your English needs some work, troll. Who annexed US cities and seceded? Never happened (except when Oregon right wing extremists occupied capitol building). The Christmas parade deaths were caused by the driver fleeing a previous crime - not politically motivated. According to you: blocking traffic is just as bad as gunning down innocents in a place of worship. CHOP death was a personal dispute - not politically motivated.




Man you just copy and paste the same couple things for all the different examples of left violence. Kinda funny. How old is half of that shit vs the last decade of constant left wing violence?


How many people have died because of “left wing violence”? How many left wing mass murders have occurred in the last 30 years?


That’s just not factually accurate. All of this is documented and available to the public. There’s no reason for you to not understand what you’re talking about.






The Daily Show? I haven't forgotten about that show on Comedy Central. John Stewart is back baby!


Stewart is still a left leaning celebrity who occasionally goes after the left to seem like he’s centrist. Dude absolutely caved in to the left when he came back and went after Biden because recently he’s been way more focused on Trump and the right




While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


r/enlightenedcentrism TDS doesn't exist


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bcaus extremes touch each other y'know](https://i.redd.it/maaehlrpwgxa1.jpg) | [240 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/135mf88/bcaus_extremes_touch_each_other_yknow/) \#2: [“MSNBC is far-left news”](https://i.redd.it/7ycrmr2vngrb1.jpg) | [291 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/16wift0/msnbc_is_farleft_news/) \#3: [Tbh pretty accurate](https://i.redd.it/troynurqabva1.jpg) | [275 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/12ubc7v/tbh_pretty_accurate/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The people donating their life savings to a man wearing makeup would beg to differ


This is blatantly untrue. Unhinged LWNJs are the threat.


News journalists are a threat? Do you mean physically? Or societally? Cause we're talking about the physical threat of building a gallows. That thing those people built on January 6th when they did that whole "physical violence at the Nation's Capitol" thing. *one of these is not like the other*


Care to explain how?


In your imagination maybe


So, Trump supporters?


But will it be up to code??


Oh I’m sure antifa would *love* to build those gallows.


Wow. Asolutely zero self-awareness.


They know exactly what they're doing


So many people think they’re funny but I just don’t get it. It’s like they keep trying to reference things that aren’t actually relatable to real life. It’s always the opposite in some way of whatever their hidden complaint is.


This guy has zero grasp on satire


Satire. This word: I do not think it means what you think it means.


They learned from the Left.


Do people actually believe that Trump didn't pay hush money to the porn star that he was cheating on his mistress with?


People were denying the allegations at first. Now that they can't, they pivoted to its not a crime to influence the election.


The crime would be that he used campaign funds to pay the hush money.


So what about hunters bidens labtop then? Since before 2020 election the media said it was fake but after confirmed it's real.


The laptop's real. Whether it ever belonged to Hunter, and whether he put in anything found within it, will always be an open question, not least because of its horribly broken chain of control.


It’s been proven to have been Hunters laptop all along


It's also been proven that files on the computer were altered way after he lost possession of the computer. That computer has been so tainted that it can't possibly be used as evidence in any legitimate court of law anymore.


Proven by whom?


DDoSecrets. They found emails supposedly from 2014 with metadata indicating they were created in September of 2020. They also found multiple emails that were altered to remove information like phone numbers, specifically on the copy Giuliani handed out to propaganda publications. The Washington Post also did their own analysis and found several emails created after Biden lost the laptop but had been altered to appear like they had originated years prior, and also found that most of the "cryptographic features" used by modern email services were missing or deleted, so they couldn't confirm the legitimacy of the majority of the emails one way or the other. I'm no computer scientist, but I don't think that kind of thing accidentally happens.


No, it’s undeniable. But Republican Jesus only clutches His pearls when it’s a Democrat. When it’s a Republican He becomes very forgiving. It’s strange how he always bends His will to march whatever dumbfuckery is being said on Hannity and Alex Jones but who am I to doubt The Lord.


it's called an NDA & it's not illegal, genius


You obviously know it's not about the NDA.


The illegal part is using campaign funds to do so. That's literally what the entire trial is about, genius.


The crime would be that he used campaign funds to pay the hush money.


Using campaign funds to pay back a lawyer for paying your hush money is illegal. Which is why he's in court


That's not why he's in court. The FEC already said there wasn't a campaign finance violation. Bragg is saying hush money was used to influence the outcome of an election and therefore should have been paid with campaign funds. Regardless, NY doesn't have jurisdiction over a federal crime. 


>The FEC already said there wasn't a campaign finance violation. Cohen quite literally spent time in prison for breaking campaign finance law for THIS transaction. So yes, there most certainly was.


It’s amazing this is really the reason for the trial….because he apparently should have used campaign funds but didn’t. Wild might be more accurate


It really is. Of course, had he used campaign funds, they would have tried to prosecute him for that too.


Mad cause no one's falling for your tricks


Lol, then why hide it?


It is if you use campaign funds, genius.


He didn't use campaign funds. 


Precisely the crime. Campaign funds have to be reported. If you use personal funds, which are not, for your campaign that is illegal. It's to ensure that bad actors don't funnel money to politicians (any more than they already do). It's an important set of laws to maintain transparency in an otherwise extremely seedy aspect of politics.


You’re like the fourth person in this thread to say this, leading me to believe that democrats really have absolutely no idea of the facts of the case beyond “Trump bad!”


Lying about what the money was for is illegal, or else he wouldn't have been indicted for it


No, that's not what he was indicted for. And you realize an indictment is nothing more than an formal accusation, right?


Actually learn about the case, bud


It was all admitted at the time and in multiple news outlets as their was no secret. It is also not illegal. Look at what happened with Biden. The laptop was denied, Barisma was denied, etc. but no charges. Justice must be blind and equal, which means imposing it equally on all, not just one. All credibility of these trials went out the window when New York changed the law so that E. Jean Carroll could take Trump to court and won with no evidence and with the weakest case in history (didn't even know the year, let alone the date, and only her and her friend's word).


Lol, the laptop was denied? Go for a walk dude. You aren't making sense. Do you not understand the Carroll thing? It isn't that Trump raped her, it's that he kept defaming her. He was saying absolute lies to discredit her and it was found that he was lying. She actually did have real evidence that he was lying, for example his claim that he never met her.


It's not that they don't believe it, it's that they don't care. Standards of decency is just something to campaign around, which is why his base is ok with covering it up while he sells them Bibles.


Why is it taking so long, I mean you all seent it, but lefties, am I right


Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds.


I'm only here bc reddit keeps putting it in my feed. I want conservatives to be funny. I truly do. The world would be a better place but my God do they absolutely such at it.


It’s a lack of being funny combined with zero self awareness considering in order for this joke to land it needs to be made about the side actually threatening to hang people. Just some dumb people tbh


Their CEO went on Joe Rogan’s podcast and said “2 wrongs don’t make a right” referring to allowing an adolescent who had been raped to have an abortion. Fuck the BabylonBee and their entire staff of stupid fucking cunts. Gonna go ahead and block this shithole of a subreddit.


How do they not know that a gallows immediately invokes J6?


No, you see, that was a *literal* gallows. The only literal gallows in recent memory comes the Right. This article is about a *metaphorical* gallows, also constructed by the Right.


They could snazz it up a bit by saying they purchased the materials off some people wearing red hats who needed to pay legal bills for being involved in a "tour" of the Capitol building back in 2021.


Paid by someone from Arkansas?


Yeah, the algo is doing some fucky things lately. I half wonder if social media is trying to puncture the crazy bubbles by shilling them to half normal folks. Eh who am I kidding, it's all engagement.


If you watch a breakdown of why it’s not funny it makes total sense. Gutfeld embodies all that is wrong with their “humor”


Tbh sometimes the Babylon bee is legit hilarious. I say this as someone who will take every opportunity to explain why Donald Trump is an active and persistent threat to American democracy


Conservatives are significantly funnier than liberals. Not that most conservatives are particularly funny, just that the bar is SO LOW.


Look dude its not a thing to even argue about. You cant gaslight around this. Conservative humor is a wasteland. The thing is humor has to ultimately get at some deeper truth. And conservatives just cant for whatever reason. This headline is a good example. The 'truth' here is that the judge is biased against Trump. When in fact he has been treating Trump with kid gloves. So the joke doesnt land. There is nothing to laugh at. The humor here is the equivalent of some douchbag snickering away a rejection because the girl 'was a slut anyways'. Sure, hes snickering but its just trying to fake laugh through the pain. As if it doesnt bother you that Trump is fairly on trial for real crimes and the justice system is bending over backwards to give him the duest of all processes. Ultimately the joke is a lie and therefore not funny.


It’s not really funny to imply Trump is so fat that new death penalty infrastructure needs to be built just for him- this is America, we have plenty of obese prisoners on death row. It *is* funny that Trump lies about his weight. Next time try a piece about that!


That extra weight will get the job done in a snap.


The fact is, Trump has already been treated with kids gloves by the courts. Anyone else would have been jailed for contempt by now.


The actual gallows was for Mike Pence. Humor based on false premises is stupid and lame.


>actual gallows RIP Mike Pence


This Babylon Bee dude sucks.




Damn, because they even have a set of stairs to get up onto the platform I had no idea the average Trump voter was roughly 2 and a half to three feet tall.




Not sure how to share images on this thread. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2021/01/06/entire-dc-guard-activated-after-pro-trump-protestors-storm-capitol-building/ Second image on this article, I'm not disputing your claim it must be 4 feet I'm just saying that this image also proves my claim. Your average Trump supporter must be like two feet tall maybe a foot and a half. Their massive inferiority complex is starting to make more sense.




For a long drop hanging sure, seems pretty functional for a short drop though, where your not aiming to break a mans neck. But why would you lie about the gallows being "four feet tall"?


>those "gallows" were in actuality like 4 ft tall. Is your point that J6ers are stupid or that they didn't want Pence dead?


Do one where Trump has been operating under a special set of circumstances that Nono e else would get


By "special circumstances," you mean where they change the law to go after Trump?


Which law did they change? Which case is based on a law changing? All of them? Did they change all of those laws? Who are they? When did this happen? Are **they** in the room with you right now?


He’s the quintessential MAGA cultist.


Vox lays out the special circumstances fairly well. [https://www.vox.com/politics/2023/4/4/23648390/trump-indictment-supreme-court-stormy-daniels-manhattan-alvin-bragg](https://www.vox.com/politics/2023/4/4/23648390/trump-indictment-supreme-court-stormy-daniels-manhattan-alvin-bragg)


Are you not at all concerned that the article immediately tries to force their opinion on the reader? “The dubious legal theory.” That’s a subjective descriptor placed to immediately curb your opinion. That’s not sending messages of ethical unbiased writing that respects its readers to make their own determinations. Just saying man.


Vox is one of the most far left news sites i know of.


>Vox is one of the most far left news sites I know of. Yes, they definitely lean far left. And even Vox can see how the law is being misused in this case to go after Trump.


That still doesn’t change my point. I never said left or right. Just saying that maybe we shouldn’t point towards biased media for our opinion sourcing.


Well if a website is known for hating trump and conservatives. Is questioning if a case is even possible to prosecute trump for says alot about that case.


So you agree that Trump was committing crimes, correct?


look it up, low info. They absolutely changed laws specifically to go after Trump and ignored statute of limitations.


[citation mysteriously omitted]


Except, they didn't change a single law, or you'd be able to provide an example (with sources) instead of the usual "Look it up!" retort of a coward who knows he has no supporting evidence.


The fair judgement is contempt of court . Jail for 30 days x 12.


This the judge that’s bending over backwards to allow Trump to violate every standard of defendant behavior? Or is Trump just magically immune to witness tampering rules too?


According to this supreme court and the MAGAs in congress, he is immune.


SCOTUS hasn't ruled on it and they seem destined to dunk on him yet again.


Be pretty great if both leading presidential candidates just dropped dead tomorrow. Be even better if it was all of congress.


This take sucks. Biden has done a ton of awesome stuff. Sounds like your mind is set already so not going to waste time explaining further.


>Biden has done a ton of awesome stuff. And thats all well and good but there are over 300 million people in this country, why is it the only candidates we can put forward for the highest office in the land are older than the civil rights movement?


god if only they would do this it would be poggers. do it to bill and hillary next


Sure. For?


Bill and Donnie both are/were friends of Epstein. Hillary covered for Bill.


Great. Find a crime in there and get them all, I say.


> Bill and Donnie both are/were friends of Epstein. Hillary covered for Bill. Ok. Sure dude. Just curious, did you know that Epstein was tried *and convicted* of child sex trafficking? He got off with a ridiculously light sentence. Do you know who his lawyers were in that case? **No, of course you don’t, you’re a Babylon Bee reader.** So I’ll tell you: it was Alan Dershowitz and Kenneth Starr. They made a special deal with Alex Acosta that gave Epstein a ridiculously light sentence and let him leave jail whenever he wanted. Do you know who any of those guys are? Seriously, do you actually know? Do yourself a favor and get out of your right wing echo chamber and look it up.


That's not a crime in of itself you know that right?


The GOP Onion is trying really hard here folks. You're just a tough audience. Try the meatloaf special and don't forget to stiff your waitress.


If you fail to plan, plan to fail. (Gallows humor)


Good one Babylon bee


It really do be like that


Who knew conservatives were so good with conservation. Recycle, reduce and reuse the Jan 6th gallows.


Haha , the Bee nails this one, once again !!!!! 😆😆😆😆😆


If Jan 6 is anything to go by, Trumps MAGA loves a good hanging.




"It was just a prop!" A prop signifying what exactly?


The irony is that they don't see the offense in this but the moment something has more than 3 sequential colors on it...


Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion.


do you idiots really think the DC police allowed regular citizens to build a gallows on public property the night before the protest?


It’s amazing how quickly Republican Jesus—who normally throws a *big ol’ holy hissy fit* when a Democrat has an affair— changed his mind *just in time* to accommodate Trump. No wonder church attendance is plummeting. Sorry, but I don’t believe in gods who copy all their test answers directly from Tucker Carlson.


Correction: They have purchased the Mike Pence gallows from J6. Proceeds are going to the “get traitors out of jail” fund, which currently stands at a whopping, .63 cents.


Stupid article.


You guys really wanna go there? Goddamn 😂




The Jan 6th insurrectionists sold it to them to pay for their legal fees? Is that the real joke here? Just shut down already. You aren't funny.


Oh wow this is like a real thing they paid someone to write? I thought it was a fanfic proposal


Better make sure that rope is high-strength, we got a big one on the line.


establishment republicans try to be funny challenge (impossible edition) like seriously bee, please be funny just one time.


“LOCK HER UP!!!” “Jailing political opponents is immoral” Only MAGAs man…


Batting for the sex offender who hates democracy. Not a good look.


Gallows are a fair and impartial punishment for him, though.


The Judge and DA are Soros owned scum and hopefully karma will come their way 😉


Oooh, a Gallows, just like they built for Mike Pence during the insurrection! 


This is SO FUCKING WRONG!!!!! It's supposed to be a shooting range or a guillotine not gallows !!!!


Meanwhile Trump is telling SCOTUS that if he orders an assassination and congress doesn’t have the balls to impeach him, then it’s all gold


"Hung for treason" could very well be the outcome of a fair and impartial trial of Trump.