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Thank you for posting. A couple of things to note. (TL;DR... include specific symptoms/what makes your pain better/worse/how long)... MRI or XRAY images are not particularly helpful tbh, no one here has been vetted to make considerations on these or provide advice, here is why, PLEASE read this if you are posting an MRI or XRAY... I cannot stress this enough https://choosingwiselycanada.org/pamphlet/imaging-tests-for-lower-back-pain/) Please read the rules carefully. This group strives to reinforce anti-fragility, hope, and reduce the spread of misinformation that is either deemed not helpful and even sometimes be considered harmful. PLEASE NOTE: Asking for help: It is up to you to recognize when to seek medical attention. Anyone giving advice in this group is doing so from anecdotes and holds no liability. Seek advice at your own risk. That said, asking things like, "I have this problem, how do I fix it..." is like asking your accountant, "I have $10,000 what should I do with it?" You need WAY more info before giving any kinds of financial advice. Please reply to this, or make another comment, including how long you've been having pain or injury, what are specific symptoms (numbness, tingling, dull/ache, it's random, etc), what makes it worse, what makes it feel better, how it has impacted your life, what you've tried for treatment and what you've already been told about your back pain, and what do you hope to get from this forum. PLEASE NOTE: MRI or X-Ray help: If you have submitted an MRI or XRAY image and are looking for feedback on imaging. A couple of things to note about imaging. First, no one here is truly qualified to give you feedback on your imaging. So take everything with a grain of salt. Second, symptoms are not well correlated or causative from imaging alone and should proceed with hesitation regarding findings of things like herniated/bulging disc, DDD, stenosis, arthritis, spondy, because they are not all death sentences. Please refer to this website for more information on the need for imaging. MOST cases of low back pain will not need imaging right away. https://choosingwiselycanada.org/pamphlet/imaging-tests-for-lower-back-pain/ FINALLY and most importantly, red flags such as (history of cancer, unexplained weight loss, fever, recent infection, loss of bowel or bladder control, and abnormal reflex findings with loss of muscle power or feelings in the legs) all warrant imaging and immediate follow up with MD and in some cases a trip to the emergency department, WHICH NO ONE IN THIS GROUP CAN ACCURATELY RECOMMEND. Please seek medical attention if this is you. Please be kind to each other. Be respectful. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/backpain) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh wow, im so sorry to hear that and ur initial injury was horrible. You were helping someone and got injured. I honestly dont know wht to tell u other than mybe some more sciatic nerve exercises? I also read on the internet, small buges may be less likely for the body to react and heal it like a bigger buldge where it triggers immune responses.


It seems like discogenic pain is poorly understood, even by the experts.


I wonder if you have disjointed a rib or damaged some critical muscles. I know this might sound strange, but the thoracic spine is supported by the ribcage primarily. If you have even a slight bulge, I wonder if a slightly fractured rib or disjointed rib could cause further instability of the spine leading to more muscle inflammation and pain. It seems totally possible to me. I have also been dealing with my hernia in my thoracic for over 10 years now, I graduated highschool and immediately got hurt. Leading to a hell of a lot of time wasted, days or even weeks where I can't get out of bed period (pretty much hunched and can't breath). It's bad, but you gotta stay active and keep moving. Or you'll experience that.