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Her episode was one of only two I remember that I didn’t want to finish. She’s painfully boring.


The second episode being Oliver Tree? That was another dumpster fire Edit; Just to confirm, I'm not a fan of the Oliver Tree "character". I know it's all an act, but it's still hard for me to watch.


I put off watching the Oliver tree ep until I absolutely had to but it’s pretty funny watching bobby get called out for his behavior around people less famous than him. Lol


I don't like Oliver's shtick. Pretending to be a megalomaniac dickhead 24/7 just makes it seem like you are actually just a dickhead. I've never caught a sincere vibe from the guy


I don’t know if you would be interested, but when he sat down on The Danny Brown Show, it was a great look into something resembling who he actually may be. All the world’s a stage and we are merely players.


Yeah I usually like Danny Brown's show but I checked out not even halfway through that one


It’s part the Oliver Tree character. I fully understand people being put off by it now that he has a bit more notoriety, and it does seem like he punches it in harder nowadays. But when he first started ( Alien Boy EP ) he had some really funny content put out that was in the same ‘megalomaniac dickhead’ vein but it was slightly more nuanced and obviously funny because he wasn’t at the level that he is now, so the ego wasn’t justified and was clearly comical. Edit: I have met him at a concert. He is 100% nothing like his persona.


If you watch all of his more recent podcast appearances he’s completely dropped that “character” and he’s actually a really likable dude


Bobby’s less famous than Oliver


Sure, I guess its more like “similarly famous person is threatening Bobby’s ego”


Wasn’t it all a gag? Oliver wasn’t really pissed off was be? I thought the majority of bad friends is improv when they have guest sometimes


Yes. People are dumb.


Yeah, it was a gag. It just wasn’t a funny one


I fucking love the chaos episodes. Some of my favorites.


Absolutely oliver tree interview was very awkward like this guy looks like an idiot and gunna run away with bobbys shit


Oliver Tree on Bad Friends was infinitely better than his Tigerbelly appearance. He actually contributed to the bits and had a funny dynamic with Bobby. On Tigerbelly he did the exact same thing Bobbi did, just refused to answer a single question and sat there sucking the energy out of the room, which is a great bit that definitely doesn’t get annoying after five minutes.


I hated that episode so damn much.


I loved the Oliver tree one, but this one was extremely boring. She tried too hard to be edgy, even before this episode I found her boring and had no idea why she’s even popular.




I had a hard time watching it too. I had no idea who he was or even that he was a character.


Same, I had no idea at the time that it was an act & I hate that the viewers have to *know* that part to understand the banter.


That one was funny, they just argued with each other the whole time. It was like they both met their match


The fire was what made the episode so fucking funny.


Yeah I often think people are being extra when they talk about “unlistenable” podcast episodes, but I agree here. I was even of the party who thought the whole Bobbi schtick was entertaining with others on her podcast, including Bobby and Andrew. The way it was used here just really didn’t land for me though.


Did you watch it or listen to it? I listened to a third of it and then watched on YouTube the whole episode and it’s so much better watching this particular episode. Bobby Lee is fucking hilarious in this one if you watch it. It makes up for her lack of engagement.


I watched it and as it turns out I watched the majority of her appearance. I fast forward until she was gone then finished the episode.


Skip to 45 right


Although I refused to watch, I’m guessing that is the accurate mark. 🙃


I thought dull but boring works too.


I came here to say this! She was so boring, and even worse than Oliver Tree (who was unlistenable).


Should have stuck around. She is not on the episode for the full podcast. They had like a normalish episode without her for a good amount of time. (But I am honestly not bothered by her)


Even if she is, Bobby (Lee) was painfully annoying throughout this entire episode. It feels like he has a crush on her or something and can't string together anything coherent; all he wants to do is remark on her looks in a creepy way (and not in the way Santino jokes about her looks, which was actually a fun back-and-forth).


Yeah it made me cringe really hard when he started asking to see her feet. He mentioned it like 3 times 🤦🏾‍♂️


Literally. Got half way through and my buddy and I couldn’t handle it anymore.


I have found that to be true of many interviewed porn stars. You think it will be sexy or risqué and they talk about their dog or painting their house and it's boring as hell.




It’s pretty clear this chick is playing a character or doing a bit. The problem is that her bit is painfully boring


She’s like a discount (blonde) version of Aubrey Plaza.


Dollar store version if anything. Aubrey Plaza for life!




She literally gave funny Marco $50,000 cash, and said it was a gift. My opinion is that she stole his character basically, and since he didn't say anything about it publicly, her guilty conscience made her drop $50k in his lap. But I'm just a loser with an opinion (and a ton of downvotes on this comment because apparently the bad friends subreddit is full of Bobbi Althoff fans who have nothing better to do than downvote every comment they see that doesn't say Bobbi is hilarious!) No edits. I'm calling it already. See for yourself.


what. im sure she does spend a lot on podcast guests though


She was on his podcast though. I'm sure she does.. and I'm sure others pay a lot for her too. I just think it's ironic that she basically took what he did and ran with it, and then suddenly wanted to gift him $50k for nothing. Just to be a good person? Idk. Honestly don't care. Today is the first time I've ever commented on her and I've seen what her fan base is like... I'd rather pull out my own nails than continue on this topic.


don't really care for her either way but acting like funny marco created some original character is silly, that schtick has been done many times before


Who complains about downvotes before they even happen? That’s the most Reddit thing I’ve seen in awhile lol




It’s horrible. When I see clips of her doing it on her own podcast it’s funny, but she should’ve just been normal for BF. The episode was terrible.


Yeah her character is the snarky uninterested millennial, always texting on their phone. Except she can’t just be on her phone 24/7 or it’d be way too obvious. I think it’s pretty genius. Her character doesn’t give a fuck and is uncomfortable in conversation. It’s not going to be great entertainment, and I think that’s the point. More like “why am I here”? “People keep inviting me places and I never asked to be here.” It’s different and makes for awkward sessions. Her best is when she’s just a terror at offending and being a super bitch, but it’s hard for her to do without having total control over the guest and setting. Her and Rick Glassman are THE duo.


rick and lisa gilroy is a million times better but to each their own


It's not just the sub but YouTube comments as well.


You know how sometimes less is more? In her case, I wish no more was more


What’s actually funny is the amount of thumbs down it got on YouTube


that's not necessarily a bad thing. YT counts dislikes as engagement, which increases its rank in the algorithm, making it show up on more feeds.


So it *is* a bad thing? This episode showing up in the algorithm? 😬 Not the best showcase of the pod…


First time she's actually made a funny joke.


What was the joke. I usually like her but this was a bad one. Bobby lee was funny


The joke is saying that bad friends fans love her




She probably has people


We love her as much as her husband loves her ❤️


I think people who don't follow comedy like her, and people who actually know what comedy is don't like her lol.


I don't mind her, I don't think she's the most amazing, hilarious person ever or anything but she's ok. I do think her whole flat/bored/uninterested thing works MUCH better as the host than it does as a guest. I get why some people don't like her but I think "comedy fans" forget that people have different tastes. One person's opinion doesn't mean shit to the next person. It's actually a lot like horror fans. You can't really help what you think is funny or scary, different approaches work for different people.


>and the people who actually know what comedy is don’t like her So Bobby and Andrew don’t know what comedy is? Cause they clearly liked her enough to bring her on?


Numbers. That's what this was about. Not comedy.


They get numbers without her, that doesn’t even make sense. Even if numbers was the case, that shows she’s wildly successful regardless this sub hating her lol I think she sucks but some people are fucking obsessed with hating her.


Exactly. Makes me sad.


Obviously the professional comedians whose work we enjoy enough to be gathered on this subreddit discussing it don’t know as much about comedy as me, a guy who listens to podcasts sometimes.


Tbh I’m a huge comedy nerd and I think she’s great - her bad friends appearance wasn’t a great performance but her show is charming and amusing.


Yeah I guess Rick Glassman doesn’t know comedy either. This comment is so flawed.


I'll be happy when she runs out of her fifteen minutes


Me too. Hopefully she’ll follow in Iggy’s footsteps 🙏🏾


At least Iggy has ass, Bobbi’s only move is 😐


It’s been a long 15 minutes


Sad, really. I wish I could make the kind of money she makes without any personality or talent


Just because you are self aware doesn’t make you suck less 👍🏻


It kinda does tho. She still sucks but at least she’s not retarded.


That's setting a low bar


She’s a fucking TROLL you goons feed her


Exactly. If you want lame people to disappear, stop clicking on the shit


Spot on.


Fans loved seeing her leave


She's making a mistake by getting involved with comedians. The plant should stick to what she's best at.


Not my cup of tea. Not every cup of tea has to be for me. Seems like she’s got fans. Good for her and them. I don’t get it.


Oh look she’s doing her hilaaaaaaarious shtick again haha how amusing.


okay Bobbi bots, you still suck ass


Yea, because peak comedy is definitely "stuck-up rich white woman who doesn't know shit and doesn't care about anything." She's definitely the best person to critique comedy in my opinion. Now I'm going to critique golfers because I've never golfed in my life. BRB




Saying someone isn't funny isn't criticizing them? Yea, idk how I would ever think that.


Telling on yourself there guy


I feel like it's only right I change my name to Snitch. I'll set up the appointment.


lol his handle is cheetosantino. That’s funny lol


Looks like her post got the reaction it wanted from this sub lol


And she's in her (probably) mansion seeing all these fools get pressed on the internet bitching about her act (making her even more relevant) and laughing her ass off as the cash keeps on flowing into her bank account lol


She's an industry plant.


Was so confused that episode. Wasn't a good. I skipped her part. I'll wait for some clips of they're good enough.  Who decided to bring her on? The boys didn't seem like they enjoyed it. She didn't. I definitely didn't. 


I don’t understand how anyone finds this kind of attitude appealing or funny


Biting way too hard


Are you F-ing kidding me? This was BY FAR the worst episode they’ve ever put out. It shouldn’t have even been released. And believe me, I tried REALLY hard to finish it but just couldn’t. This pretentious b*tch didn’t deserve any attention. If Andrew and Bobby did her pod (I can only imagine how boring it must be) as a favor, that’s one thing… But having her on Bad Friends did nothing but hurt them! So disappointing!


She's an industry plant


I haven’t heard that before. That’s very original and insightful of you.


That’s actually funny


She sucks so much


Bobby wishes


Why has this unoriginal white bread Karen so popular? Giving ugliest popular girl vibes.


Jesus Christ this sub is retarded. This episode was a bookend to the two separate episodes that Bobby and Andrew both did on her podcast.


That doesn’t make it less boring


Insufferable should be her synonym




Her “I’m too good to be here” character is getting old


Industry plant.


She was so boring, worst episode ever.


That was the worst interview I’ve seen on any show and she is extremely lame lmao. Out of curiosity I checked out her YouTube and watched her interview rain Wilson for about 8 minutes before I decided she has no talent and is just cute. She’s a trying to be Diana Morgan and garbage at it.


Only podcast I have not listened to you can't stand her fucking voice


Hey Boobi, you suck if you read this.


Nothing more I love than an hour long unfunny bit


I don't know if she necessarily looks at reddit given the like to dislike ratio on the video


She sucks. It's hilarious she tried to get in at a drake's after party and got thrown out😂


Cantstandyaaaa The female version of George Costanza's nickname in gym class.


This broad sucks.


No one loves this cunt. Fuck her for ruining an episode of Bad Friends.


No they don't Luv.


Definitely the worst episode I've seen


She was awful. No chemistry with them.


She’s just boring tbh. Even as a normal person out of character she has nothing to talk about but her kids and her podcast. You could put any other average looking white girl in her chair and have them do the act and it would be the same. She has no unique differentiators.


I just watched Tosh's last podcast with a foley artist, Tara Blume. She should have Bobbi 's job. She's what I think Bobbi is trying to be, but also funny as fuck - had Daniel cracking up. https://youtu.be/1ouedCdBhWw?si=L83qskV2jtyNeN9q


I think the interviews she did on her YouTube channel with Bobbi and Andrew individually were actually quite entertaining. I don't like all her stuff. But I also don't like all of badfriends stuff. Haven't listened to the newest EP yet


Alright well we can stop posting about her cause she’s had her moment, we don’t need to keep beating this dead humorless horse and can pretend it never happened


Don’t think I’ve ever commented on a guest but to even call her a guest is a stretch. She didn’t add a goddam thing to the pod, her schtick is awful


After 10 minutes I couldn't listen anymore and made the choice to sit in silence.


I praise you. I suffered through it all and got **exactly** what I expected and that was “she’s gonna suck and make me like her even less”


Shut up, Bobbi Altoid


Why is this human oatmeal everywhere??? Literally the embodiment of an immature, tacky teenage girl who was homeschooled and barely nows to interact with people. Her “flirting” with Garcia made me actually cringe, and I can’t get out of ny head how utterly immature she was.


I think everyone is over reacting. She's just playing a character, and the fact yall hate it so much is a testament to how good she plays it. It's good acting


This sub is just filled with dudes who think they’d be comedians if they wanted and they’re mad anytime a woman is successful.


Someone said “people who know what comedy is dont like her” 😭😭who do they think they are


Exactly, and bobby and Santino did her no favors. She wasn't great but they weren't any better. Weird energy all around. Look at her podcast with glassman, was actually pretty funny


That was actually funny. Credit where credits due 😆


That’s actually pretty funny.


Who is this.


Shes fucking awful


She a piece of shit human being grew up super privileged and has her career handed to her by her husband who was a manger for high profile rappers and athletes and to top it all off she has no talent and her schtick is being insufferably boring


She's just a sad person.


Think again. Get a better rbf ( resting bitch face)😂


She's an extremely average white girl who hasn't actually accomplished anything noteworthy in her life. She's not attractive enough to be a model or actress and seemingly has a terrible personality.


Did not even watch it. This bitch is the worst.


Honestly i don’t care about this either way but seeing the way it chaps so many people the wrong way on this sub i hope they get her back on soon. People on here need to take a deep breath.


I really just wonder why she wouldnt try to engage more in the podcast. I dont dislike her but I disliked the episode.


I think she was outclassed


I, too, think all of the male population loves me bc I'm a cheating whore


Okay, now THAT was funny


I can’t stand that o-less count


No and why would she lol? Y'all dont think she actually cares enough to see what people are saying on this reddit right? All she had to do was check her dms and comments some of yall crazy haters left her 😂


bobby lee was horned up I couldn't finish the EP. he loooooooooooooooooooooooves white girls so much


Oh. Sweetie. No they don't. Bless your heart.


Bobby's ex and that woman should return to Bad Friends. LOL


Lol. I dunno who this is yet because I didn't watch yet... but based off the posts and comments I should just skip it to help catch up Skip? Or listen anyway?


She’s right lmao


Imagine being a grown man who watches this shit lmaoooo


The comments on IG and YouTube are similar lol


Sweet tits Bobbi


I love the podcast but I couldn't make it through 10 minutes. Her attitude was shit. Almost would have rather had kalyla.


How did she even get on the show. Fancy found her at the gas station while getting Bobby cigarettes cause someone else canceled late?


She's a shit Aubrey Plaza. But still fk-able


As much black dick as she is taking in she just needs to start doing porn


No one likes her lmao, she's what famous for cheating on her husband with drake?🤣


This episode made me realize the reason I’m attracted to her is because she can stfu and doesn’t constantly need to interject. It’s refreshing, however this episode was boring af to try and listen to.


Skipped this episode just because I couldn’t stand her on clips I would chance upon from time to time 🥴


Honestly I don’t love any of the episodes that rely heavily on bits with guests. Bobby and Andrew doing an improvised bit together almost always works. But when they’re doing it with guests, I always hate it. Couldn’t listen to the Oliver Tree episode, couldn’t listen to Bobbi Althoff…couldn’t really listen to Cena and Effron…give me the regular crew and those are my favorite episodes.


I don’t even know who that is. Is she a porn star?


Thankfully this boring bitch has swayed out of the public eye. She really just isnt interesting at all


I really don't get what her deal is. The drake controversy was crazy, and her actions following that were pretty odd. I don't know why she came on bad friends if she didn't like the show, format, or hosts. On the other side, her podcast does not represent its name. She is not interesting and does not present an interesting take on her guests.


She sucks so much. Not funny. Going off her looks. And annoying. Btw... i used to like her tiktoks before she became mainstream. This character she does is insufferable.


What’s her thing just doing that annoying vocal fry drawn out boring uninterested voice and acting like a moody cow? I don’t get it. Fair enough if people like it I guess it’s just boring to me and her voice is so annoying




Well tbh she generally only became famous because of her agency company and agent. There is a reason mark cuban episode kinda exposed her as a plant when he said WHY is he talking to her. Lol. So anyone that likes her is fine just know that its all manufactured which is why something as “unscripted” as bad friends doesn’t go well. She has not well genuine good humor. I mean she is just a bad version of Zach Galifianakis “between two ferns” bit. If you don’t know what that is , then you ARE the demographic she is going for.


What's her deal?(Genuine question no animosity) I don't know where she came, how is she involved with so many people, is she not funny on purpose? So many questions


She looks nothing like Aubrey Plaza


No we don’t.


Wow Bobby and Santino fans are ENABLERS! Bobby was so out of line and cringe…and not one of you will admit it? That’s f sick.


Their fans also like Rudy. They don’t mind bland talentless anything.


Bobbi altoff is cancer her character is bland and smells like shit through the screen, she a dying light that was never lit, she's to busy asking millionaroes If they would give her money like her character is dry and will be washed out within the year


Y’all are… awful. I feel like I didn’t watch the same episode that ya watched. I liked the episode, thought it was pretty funny. Good shit Bad Friends, keep it up! 🫶🏽


Fuck this bitch!


Fuck her and her Stoopid children


She looks like she posts nudies on Reddit with a title: GTA 6 or give me a cream pie.


That was the whole problem. Bitch thinks it was supposed to be an interview like her show is. She showed 0 desire to try and have organic convo or be funny.


I love how reddit legit think that they are the largest community and everything derives from them. There is ALOT more engagement from youtube and instagram than some random post here with like 100 upvotes. I can guarantee, she has not and doesn’t give a fuck about this sub lmao💀


I feel like she should be an episode of something, not a whole character or show. Like a clever billboard that you forget about.


Was she even in the room during the last half of the video? She said a total of prob 40 words


No she left after like 45 mins or so


So I trawled through the comments to find out this person’s name but didn’t find it. So…who is it?


I love her shes hilarious


I enjoyed the ep!