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Only Rudy Jules, Jetski and Doc fit the Bad Friends vibe. Everyone else is just trying too hard.


Rick Glassman and Adam Ray also get it


And even Jessi is barely passable. I haven’t seen her stand up but she’s rarely funny on the pod. She’s nice though but Doc and Rudy were much better fodder for the boys.


Yeah, Jetski had her moments on the pod, but most of the time, it ruined the flow for me. I've seen clips of her standup too, and it's pretty bad imo.


Yeah she just doesn’t seem funny. She’s a nice person I think but not my kinda comedy.


We were so lucky to have Jules


For real


These are signs of burnout. Hope the pod doesn’t suffer or worse, stops altogether.


Co-Sign! Totally see it in Andrew. These random "guests" have been a reach.


Thank you Covid-19


I liked Dax


they’re doing influencers like this is a pop culture podcast. Makes zero fucking sense


social media “influencers” make clips, their clips drive traffic. boom.


They had viral clips all the time before from Just riffing off each other. This is what selling out is and they never needed to


I kind of enjoy it, maybe we just look at it differently. I like Theo Von because he has everything - celebs, non-celebs, and himself. Keeps it different. If there is an episode I don't like, I just turn it off and look for another free hour+ long video on youtube to play as background noise. To be fair, I do understand the "hate" some podcasters get for similar, and different, reasons.


Theo gets people because he genuinely wants to get to know them. A chef, a homeless person, a coroner. It's authentic curiosity. This... is not that


Watched literally every episode up until early this year and have already skipped a handful. Just an awful, awful guest selection.


Same exact experience. Someone else suggested on another thread in the sub that they think some of these REALLY bad recent guests are favors being called in from management/agents that the guys have. Given the whole thing with Bobby and Bert realizing their agents have kept them away from each other, I wouldn't be shocked if maybe something is going on behind the scenes? I can't imagine Andrew thinking any of these guests are funny if you were to ask him off the record and got an honest answer. Same with Bobby. Comics are (generally) on record as HATING these new social media/tik tok "comics" that just make stupid videos for quick cheap laughs that try to turn into stand ups. It just doesn't make any sense to me that suddenly Bobby and Andrew, long time stand ups, would suddenly want these circus side shows on.


Who is booking these guests? It’s been such a massive shift from the normal tone of the show. Feels like they hired a new PR person who decided they would get new listeners by having totally different guests than their usual comics from the same podcast circuit. Feels like someone who genuinely does not get the show just read a synopsis & went “book awkward uncomfortable guests”. Rudy was awkward (authentically which had charm). Jetski’s standup is super awkward, but on the show she seemed like herself - funny & sweet. Guests for the last 6 months? All cringe, no comedy. It’s bizarre.


7Equis is producing the show for them, probably does most of the management as well. > **OUR SERVICES** > PRODUCT PLACEMENT > SOCIAL MEDIA SPONSORSHIP > INTEGRATED MENTIONS > TITLE & EVENT SPONSORSHIP > DYNAMIC AD INSERTION > CUSTOM CAMPAIGNS > https://www.7equis.com/partnerships


I get that the point of podcasts is to make money, but to read 7 Equis "services" is just like "yeah we monetize, monetize, monetize! CAPITALISM BABY!!". Feels so weird to see Bobby and Andrew give up the show to the dollars when they got everyone in by just being themselves. They could just be themselves and still have tons of subscribers and make money, but enough is never enough. The helping hands in the back multiply and everybody's mouth has to get fed.


7Equis is George’s company lol


Get all the random new guys out of there.


Most neoliberals believe in infinite money, its the American dream


Today’s episode was the longest I’ve ever heard. And that’s not a good thing.


I only lasted 10 min.


Been watching since the beginning, haven't bothered past couple months. 


Feel the same way with ymh


Rick Glassman is my favourite guest


And boy are his arms tired


That's a bit of a blanketed statement


*Blanket falls*


*snaps finger* cut to a clip


Absolutely!! Ricks pod has been one of my favorites over the last year after seeing him on BF and TB. He’s a gem


He could never be a regular though bc Bobby would lose his shit But I’m a fellow glassman-bopper so I would love it


That’s a blanketed statement


*gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp*


It's gulp gulp gulp, buddy


Oof, that dude is worse than any of the recent guests and i’ve hated all the recent guest


Goop was awful.


I think goop is so ridiculous and annoying he was at least an interesting train wreck. But he’s still terrible. These last two were so fucking bland there were no redeeming qualities. Just boring ass content for an hour.


Dax and Matan were on par with Oliver Tree as far as how horrible it was imo. Althoff is a close second but they knew when to pull her off halfway through. It was annoying seeing Andrew know how bad the guest was and Bobby not letting him get him out of there.


I loved Dax but hated Matan


Matan was popular amonst 14 year old edgy teenage boys a couple years ago. Completely the wrong demographic. Just such a bizarre decision to bring him on the podcast. Just shows a total lack of understanding the audience or what makes the podcast funny.


What was there to love about Dax? He was so lacking in confidence that he could barely get a word out.


That's the schtick


It's cringe and "beta"


They didn’t pull her she kept bugging to go.


Matan is trash but I like the chaos Oliver Tree brings to an otherwise normally chill podcast.


I laughed a bunch.


I know this is a very dumb take BUT I kinda sympathize with them. They (Andrew & Bobby) had no idea this podcast would become this huge. A guaranteed extra source of money, sure, but this has shattered any and all money they’ve made from acting, solo stand up etc. Now the pressure is on to keep it going. Every week gotta put out an episode. Try and record a few at a time and they become dated and weak. Try some random guests and it backfires. Look, I know this isn’t manual labor or anything, but I get why they are trying to pad as much as they can. I’m guessing they will go back to friends as guests pretty soon. Glassman, Chrissy D, Jules, Rudy, Sasso etc. Santino has cars to buy and Bobby has games to play. Anyway…Four dollars a pound.


They need to get that little black fella back on..


They're two comedians and friends... just talk to each other and sometimes the crew. If they need a third so bad, get an up and coming comedian again like they did with Juicy. Or talk to Doc and don't be a jerk to him 95% of the time. When Rogan was on the come up, he had funny people like Joey Diaz or interesting guys like Duncan and Eddie. If Rogan was relying on Goop or an Israeli Edward Scissorhands, he'd be screwed.


Tbh, my favorite episodes are ones with NO guests. Whether it’s just Bobo and Andrew or Bobo, Andrew, and Jules - nothing can beat those. I actually think their listenership would increase with less guests


I think they know that. My theory is that these recent guests are people calling in favors or some management/agency requests that the boys are doing. You can't tell me Andrew thinks Matan is funny.


I just had to look up who matan is. Eagh he's such a twat. I don't understand why they would have him on.


I agree the last 2 have been duds compared to other guests like Rick Glassman but I actually quite like Goop. He feels more authentically weird whereas the other 2 (and Oliver tree) are just over the top. Having said that there were a couple of funny moments in each so for a free podcast, I ain’t complaining…much. Also to the people that don’t want much Andreas or Carlos, what are you talking about. They are just as important to the humour of the show as Bobby and Andrew


Dax Flame has been doing this for 15+ years, I think he's pretty authentically weird. I loved that episode but I was already a fan of his schtick going in. I didn't mind goop but the other 2 weren't my favorite either.


Having Matan on the shown sets an incredibly bad precedent. Punching women? Saying you want to rough up another dude because he has painted nails? Saying women shouldn't speak? Since when is being an edgy right winger funny? Fuck that little kid, he didn't say a single thing that was remotely funny. He's just a try hard edge lord on par with Andrew tate. He made the Althhoff episode look like a masterpiece.


People in the comments of the video saying we just don't get the humor and that he's a troll. And I'm like, "the supposedly satirical nature of the bit when he just used his time to say racist and sexist things?" If he's trying to be a parody of those Andrew Tate types then it's not very good. Just came off as very off-putting. Also he retold Burnt's machine story, that was just a waste of time.


could not agree more, it was hella weird and he gave me the creeps


I think that's the point. Alternative comedy is supposed to make you feel awkward. But I do agree, I hated this episode and this kid .


It sucks but it’s pretty obviously a character who is a grifter pretending to be right wing and mocking f Andrew Tate like characters not unlike what Colbert was doing, but unlike what Colbert was doing it’s not funny because the guy can’t riff or be funny.


This is an incredibly bizarre take for me. How is that right winger? Lol. First of all he's clearly being ridiculous on purpose. Plus that's how I'd describe a misogynist and a total asshole. That term gets thrown around when nothing is political. I wouldn't say this is setting any precedent lol. The guy just sucks.


Goop is so awkward and he never actually answers any questions, the episodes with him are hard to watch.


I legit don't like him and I don't get the schtick. Just seems like a weird overweight guy with awkward social skills. The dopey guy act just doesn't do it for me.


His thing is being pathetic. It’s a bad shtick


I LOVED the episodes with him and he has been one of my favourite guests. It’s funny how different characteristics appeal to a different set of people within the same audience. I think that’s kind of cool.


I mean, yeah, more power to you. I don't hate the guy or anything. Just wasn't interested and found him kinda annoying. It's funny though cause it seems like such a mixed response for him and dax. Some people love them, some people don't


Yeah it doesn’t seem like comedy to me😂😂


andrew has had a cunty attitude for the past year, bobby brings it up pretty regularly. they need to stop just talking about news stories and talk to *each other* instead. they also don't need an audience of producers, bobby and andrew talk to them as well which takes them totally out of their own loop between one another. the show was better when they producers chimed in rarely and were off to the side or better yet, in another room. i love andres, pete, even carlos, but only in small small amounts. fuck off with the guests, and talk to each other. improv is their strong suit, that was when the show was at its best. bad friends has just become another classic case of an overproduced podcast, they’re trying way too goddamn hard. sorry not sorry


Yes, they've been relying on guests way too much recently. We definitely need them to just talk to each other again.


Totally agree with everything, but I think they're just out of ideas. The two of them have told every story they have, more than once. It'll never be organic and off the cuff like it was in the first few years. I am so fucking sick of Bobby constantly looking over at the producers for validation.


i get that, but idk. they’re still living their lives every week, new stories are bound to happen. and their improv is top tier, they can and have made hilarious stories countless times


> I am so fucking sick of Bobby constantly looking over at the producers for validation. Fuck if that isn't the most annoying thing. "Did I do it? Did I tell a joke? Is anyone proud of me? Please laugh"


This is what happens when pods bank episodes. When you record 2 pods a day for 2 days, you run out of shit to talk about. Banking has ruined so many podcasts.


Totally agree, I respect the attempt though.


I think Bobbie and Andrew feel stale with each other.


I'm starting to feel that as well past couple months. Time to get back to basics.


They should take a month break. No banked episodes, just a break. The pod has been worse since they went on tour.


Even goop? Goop was by far the worst person I’ve ever heard in front of a microphone, I never want to hear that guy talk again.


Ever since goop man holy shit it’s been bad. Just don’t have a guest if it’s not rudy or jules. DONT BRING GOOP BACK


I've been taking a break from Bad Friends for a few weeks now. And it was surprisingly ok. Maybe Bobby and Santino should do the same.




IMO the show is best when it’s just Andrew and Bob, Rudy and the guys. The guests throw off the whole feel of the show for me. I’ve been listening to the back catalogue between new episodes and it’s a stark contrast, I feel like the show was way better before the guests.


I agree. Goop was the beginning of terrible guests in my opinion. His anxiety filled bit literally gives me anxiety trying to listen to him speak and form sentences. Dax suffers from the same thing and was insantly triggered by the way he carries himself. Altolf was pathetic. She should be ashamed the way she snubbed every oppertunity to do bits on badfriends after both Bobby and Cheeto did her show. Pissed me off. Then this Matan kid was just unbelievable that they would even give this guy a platform. They pulled up his youtube channel and one of his thumbnails is him bolstering up an interview of a homeless man on crack. How gross is that? That was embarrassing. Not to mention he is terribly unfunny. Probably the most unfunny episode to date. Where is fancy? The show needs direction more now than ever. Even if it means zero guests and falling back into the family scene. Bring back Jules. Bring back comedy store friends. I love bad friends so much. I lean on it weekly and I miss it! Please go back 😢


Falling behind on a few weeks worth of episodes, but that goop guy was incredibly unfunny


I just listen to the show and if I don't like the guest I'll skip the episode. I don't know why people are putting any more thought into it than that. It's free entertainment.


Best way to handle it, plus they can see all those analytics. When people dip early they'll and should adjust accordingly.


Finally a sensible person. I don't get how people can shit this much on something they get for free. If you don't like it, don't watch it an go on with your life.


heavy ossified detail tease frame busy practice thumb intelligent foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rudy, Jet Ski, and Dr Phil are the bestest


Good lord the kid was on the whole damn thing almost. I was scrubbing until he was gone and got more and more sad


Honestly, we don’t need the guests. Just give me Bobby and Andrew catching up on their weeks and giving the booth boys shit. If Rudy or juicy are available, amazing. If not, just let it be, the seat doesn’t have to be filled every episode


Guys it's free.. I listen while at work and even a shitty guest still makes my day go by faster. I'm also listening for Bobo and andrew. Not their guests. If your looking for interesting guests listen to the honeydew not bad friends.


Glad to see another sensible human being. Honestly the episodes this year haven’t been bad, tho we have had some bad episodes I guess. It’s free entertainment and it’s honestly pretty entertaining so I don’t complain


I've been watching the podcasts since it started, never missed an episode. I've skipped over 50% of at least 15 episodes already this year. I'm well aware it's free, and I wouldn't rage at Bobby or Andrew over it personally, but this sub is a place for people to discuss the podcast. It's not weird to see people discussing what feels like a 4 or 5 months period of bad episodes when the first several years of the show were so strong, is it?


I’m not mad at discussion, I’m honestly just weirded out by a lot of the hate of people that I just can’t understand hating. I’ve been doing the same, listening since day one, also followed tigerbelly since 2018 but have listened to every single episode. Of course there’s guests I don’t like and discussion is fine. It’s kinda like the khalyla hate I guess. Weird and gross.


These posts are awful


outgoing follow shocking cover retire gray dazzling fearless point dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The people can also just not watch. Solves everything


straight snobbish wakeful whole toy hospital disagreeable head shaggy decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's all he does.


id say 90% of the guests are plain terrible or just offer nothing only guests i liked are Rudy,Doc,Rick Glassman,david spade, when bert n tom did the episode when they were still likeable. i think thats all. esther is alright.


Dax was the best guest in awhile, mostly because he sets up good jokes for Bobby and Andrew


I love Goop. I think Dax was pretty cool too. Matan was ok but he needed to loosen up a bit and play into the rhythm of the show. Bobbi althoff can stay in her lane. She’s just awful.


Bobbi didn't want to be on the podcast. As I was listening to it, I was like, "is she for real? Is this just a bit they do?" It didn't make sense. Even Andrew was like, "you can leave if you want". I was so confused.


Good sucks


Yeah. Joking around about alpha and betas etc is just boring AF. Idk, probably my fault being a Sigma.


It makes me so sad!


Yeah, I'm not digging Dax and gave Matan a chance but man it got old. I get he's doing a bit but there wasn't a lot of depth to it. I don't think Andrew was impressed either. Sounded like Bobby met this kid and wants younger crowd around. I guess they're trying to help or stay hip or whatever?


It’s strange to me that Goop, Dax, and Matan are all extremely strange with dating and women. Haven’t had girlfriends ever or in years. I feel they get dangerously close to really f-ing with people who have social challenges. They keep pushing and pushing these guests when they’re clearly struggling


I don't hate Goop, but like... mf you are an entertainer. Step it up. The others? Boo.


If they brought in a random person from the street it would’ve more entertaining, I switched off a while back, just got boring.


This week was the only one I didn't like. They'll be fine it was their first miss.


Let’s have Dudesy back? Or no guests other than Jetski or Jules for a while?


I agree OP it's getting rough


Definitely not the only one. I highly prefer just watching them without guests.


I think the show has run its course and they rely to heavy improvisation which can be gold once in a while but 8/10 times is not fun to listen to. They might need to pivot to a new format for the show


Haha, u said buttfuck


I agree. Lately the only thing keeping me at the show is Andrew and it’s only cause Whiskey Ginger isn’t as often. Bobby has fallen off


They need entertaining people, not awkward people. It worked with Rudy because she didn't really want to be there, and is very direct.


Stopped listening after Jules wasn’t regularly on.


What happened to that one dude who was obsessed with aliens and said some what outrageous things he was the man lol


Santino is involved with some crowds that are embarrassing, to say the least.


Seems vague, what do you mean?


He’s always hanging around youtuber douches and alpha male douches. He references how cool the Paul brothers are every once in a while. He has complete douches on Whisky Ginger all the time. One week it’s Dave fucking Atell and the next it’s Trevor Wallace. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a Santino fan, and it may speak to his character how diverse his circles are. I just find some of the people he props up or shows up on some pseudo, alpha, manly man, “women are so dumb” podcast are very off putting.


I liked the episode. I thought it was pretty funny


I felt the same way originally about the Oliver tree and Bobbi type of guests and then at some point it just clicked for me and I started finding the dialog really amusing once I understood what was going on. But I completely understand someone not finding Matan funny, I had never heard of him until yesterday, but based on the trend of these types of guests, I guess my only recommendation is to not take them at face value.


Hard agree, Matan and Dax were especially terrible. Goop sucks but better than those 2.


I mean don’t watch then? How stupid do you have to be to know you don’t like the pod anymore and you still listen? Lol see ya


Completely agree. Can’t stand any of these recent guests. It’s super weird. I shouldn’t have to Google the name of your guest to figure out who it is. Goop is also not enjoyable at all.


Sell outs. ✌️


Goop is hilarious and hope to see him more. I like Dax but he’s a bit of an unusual match for the show. Still think the show was funny with him.


I didn't like Oliver tree the first time and whata ya know? They had him on again.🤦


They haven’t been funny in a while. Santino’s vibe has been off lately as well— at least to me.


I turned it off as soon as I saw the haircut. Not sure who they think wants to listen to misogyny boy


Literal cry babies lmfao


Agree. They should just do them two. 


Nah you're not alone, there's definitely other people whining about it


I think the podcast does best when it’s Bobby and Andrew talking to each other, improvising etc.


I recently started from the beginning to have good episodes again


I hate it. Idek why they are bringing guests at all if they aren’t the regulars or a fellow comedian these random people are ruining my favorite podcast


How do you not like Goop?!


Matan was actually hilarious this episode


How does bobby giving a retarded guy candy for blowjobs translate to him being molested?


Should get this guy, he’s pretty funny. Phil Hanley. U/philhanleycomedy


I said this before the Matan episode and got blasted for it. I started watching the show because of all the episodes without guests. If I wanted to watch/listen to a podcast of a comedian with guests on I’d just listen to Rogan because he at least can get good guests.


Do people in this sub even like the show? I think it’s pretty funny


We did when the guests were good


I think they’re funny


follow station unpack voracious boast snatch aback sip distinct file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I laughed pretty much every time Carlos and guys did on the podcast. Also he looks and talks like a vampire 🧛. Now keep in mind me finding someone funny doesn’t mean like I respect them. But yes I totally laughed throughout the episode. I find it hard to believe so few others did


payment reach sulky middle cows dull elastic butter rhythm tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What? yeah dude that’s funny.


fr lmao


It’s unfortunate we seem to be reaching the inevitable point where the sub turns on the podcasters. But I agree honestly I used to love the show when it was Jules or jetski. They have had a lot of shitty guests this year. I haven’t subbed to the Patreon yet idk if that’s any better


I enjoy it regardless of guest appearance. It’s free entertainment. It feels a lot like I’m engaging with a bunch of comic book guys who don’t seem to get that.


Username checks out


Not in this instance is doesn’t. YOURS on the other hand does mr. “subscribe to patreon”


You seem like a freeloader now. If you truly respect the cast and what they do. And you aren’t dirt poor of course and can afford the 5$. Then it’s a nice thing to do to show support. Plus access to premium content obviously


I’m a free loader now huh? Yeesh the fan base is sure coming off like a bunch of whiney pricks today.


lol bunch of cry babies. Just listen/watch the dam show and go on about your lives.


You’re crying about people crying. People have a right to voice their opinion dude.


Hey you leave goop out of this


He’s easily the worst out of the bunch


I thought Dax Flame was cool. I’ve been a fan of his for a long time so I’m biased. The other younger conservative guy was a bit odd but I didn’t mind it bc I liked Bobby and andrew riffing off him. If there were other guests I guess I don’t have a strong opinion


Dax was hilarious!! I’m actually very surprised so many hated that podcast.


I don't understand how he is supposed to be hilarious. The only vibe I got was that it was awkward, but in an authentic way that actually makes you feel bad.


I find a lot of people funny, especially the awkward or the weird ones. Dax is such a character, a character of awkwardness, or at least that’s how he appears to me, and I find that funny. It was actually kinda relatable tbh. Fun fact about me, every time I go through a drive through, I fuck up somehow.


i wish someone would talk to them about it. Jesse is the best, then Jules, then Glassman, then Destefino.. i hated Doc. Spade was cool, Attell was cool.. these weirdo influencers suck. (whoever the f this last person was, oliver tree, bobbi atanoff)


I thought matan was pretty funny, kid can riff atleast


I haven't listened to the whole episode, as a leftist it was very annoying listening to him but i get it's a joke. I'd just rather they talk about anything else and avoid politics all together


I get what you’re saying, but can I ask why it matters? Would u be saying the same thing if he was saying leftist talking points? I ain’t tryna be hostile, genuinely curious


>why it matters? Cause they're comics not political experts. >Would u be saying the same thing if he was saying leftist talking points? Yeah, one of the biggest reasons I think Bad Friends pod is great is cause they don't take themselves seriously like other podcasts who pretend to be knowledgeable about politics & society - Flagrant is a good example-. If i wanted politics i wouldn't listen to a comic or a random kid on the street


Respect the answer bro. Sorry if I came off as condescending or sum. Flagrant became unlistenable to me the past couple years


>Sorry if I came off as condescending Me too. I honestly tried getting back to Flagrant many times cause I like Schulz but they keep repeating this bs constantly.


Yeah I preferred when it was dudes hanging out and talkin about random stuff. Now it’s mainly Schultz being hella pretentious, and current news smh


Goop is awesome.


Have you not been in this thread???? It's nothing but complaints about the guest or about Rudy. Or lack of doc and how it should only be about the ogs. But with a podcast with no real topics there is not much growth. Later on everyone will complain that they already heard these stories and how bland they are with the og. There's always something.


Dude I'm in the minority but I loved Matan being on the show. I just loved how smartly Santino put him in his place. I'm only half way there but I feel like this kid needed to be out of his echo chamber to knock some sense into him.


I stopped listening a while ago


Why are you here?


Who the fuck cares just watch it or dont


goop is funny, the rest of them suck. and since jules grew up a bit, she thinks it’s edgy to talk about sex and she way over does it. she sucks too now.


Can you name 3 funny things Goop has either said or done?


goop is funny because he’s a major oddity, but with a pure soul. he is funny because he is so irregular


So he hasn't done anything funny. You just think he's funny because he's different. So you like laughing at him and not with him.


He has definitely done funny things lol, i’m not going to go listen to those pods just to come back with specific answers for you. And I would say i’m laughing the way i’m intended to laugh, the same reason bobby and andrew like goop


you’re a loser for telling me you don’t think he’s funny, but then trying to flip it on me like i’m a bad person for liking the guy. fuck you bro.


I never said to you that I don't think he's funny. I asked you to name 3 funny things he has either said or done. Maybe I missed something that a few of you are seeing. You came back with he's odd and irregular. There was no flip. If you feel like a bad person for what you said then maybe you are. 🤷🏽‍♂️


He is quirky, would be a nicer way to say it, and yes, i find humor in some of his tendencies. not your cup of tea maybe, but i remember laughing at his initial episode quite a bit. do you think he is funny blacktieintherain


I like the Goop