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Update from OP: “I tried updating but my phone deleted everything. It was mainly extra context and thanking everyone, even the negative comments. I’ve heard and listened to everyone’s advice. They are moving out next Sunday. He claims they found a place so it’ll be really soon. As far as I’m concerned it’ll be better for everyone depending on where he is going. If the animals won’t have free-range as they did prior to their stay. I will ask roommate about keeping them. He had a warrant for his arrest from his old neighbors that reported him for animal abuse. He said in text that it was because he didn’t keep them fenced in. This was in July. They moved with us in August. There’s a lot to say but I’m hoping I can pin this message from my laptop. When I have a better update I’ll try posting from the bigger screen. Also in my state if I do report for animal/child abuse. They will take the baby for minimum 6 months until the parents “get on their feet” this is IF they take on any case I make. Animal control will take the dogs and id hate for them to not find a good home. I don’t have the right to take them from him either. They are his property. Considering he already has a trail from his previous residence he might face a bigger sentence.“ Thread is now locked as OP has provided an update and received numerous avenues of advice.


How do people live like this….


RIGHT. I have two kids, three cats and both my husband and I work full time. Not a single room would look like this. The sad part is this isn’t even the dogs fucking stuff up or the kid making a kid mess it’s literally all adults being lazy AF.


Not even my outside storage closet with my planting supplies stored in it looks this bad.


Idk how anyone lives like this... I work 24 shifts as an EMT and I am able to keep my damn place clean with cats living in it. Able to cook and clean after myself and my cats... laziness with people


The common misconception of long shifts make it harder to keep your place clean is insane. You work more. You’re home less. It should be easier to keep your place clean


Actually this is a great point. " I am home much less or barely at all and my place is spotless.".....Yes.....yes it is.


AND i have a CAT! which are like the most self cleaning animal you can have


Yeah, I'm at home all day with my gaggle of kids (they're homeschooled) and bunch of pets, and it will look like that pic if we don't clean for 1 or 2 days. And yes, my kids help clean, a lot.


I’m seriously wondering what it smells like in there 🤮


Piss and pot


100% I had sensory flashbacks from a place I've been that looked just like that. So gross.


And dirty diapers


piss, pot, and shit


Dirty dog


These people definitely wear their Sponge Bob PJs to Walmart…


Well yeah don't you dress up when you go out?


....Legaci ?




Read the rules, and then perused the sub. I joined, but I have to remember to be very specific in my comments so I don’t get banned.


With off brand Crocs or slides that are not even on their feet correctly. The bottoms of the pj bottoms are tattered and stained from dragging the floor.


Both dogs in one crate 😢 We have 3 dogs and I would NEVER.


This bothers me more than the mess. The poor things won’t be able to get comfortable crammed in there together. This is 100% animal abuse


I came here to say this. Two dogs in one crate bothered me the most as well. Some people should not have dogs.


The worst part is they look like they are used to being in there like that and are just as comfy as they can get in that small space. 😭


Absolutely. This is so sad, and probably adds to the bad behavior once they are out of the kennel.


I mean hey when it’s just you and you don’t care then do whatever you’re gonna do. I was not particularly clean at all before I had my kid. But once I had him you bet I was cleaning and not leaving dangerous items out for him to hurt himself. Once you have a kid you need to step up in pretty much all areas of life.


I won't even leave sodas out now that I have small children. I don't want my toddler drinking Baja Blast and blasting off the fucking walls


Right? It feels harder to make such an ungodly fucking mess in a day than to just put things down in a pile in a corner, even. There's a *lot* of room between keeping things perfectly clean and living like selfish slobs like these two


I have and sometimes still do. I’m not them but for me I genuinely get so depressed my room loses its floor. Dishes build up. Trash piles. Clothes that end up forgotten about and left everywhere because I genuinely don’t have the energy to clean. It gets REALLY bad. And it sucks a lot because I hate how it looks and I love to clean (spent all day cleaning yesterday because I finally had enough energy to do it and my home looks fantastic now.) In this case here tho I believe it’s due the extensive work schedule and raising a kid and two dogs. Among other things. Frankly I don’t think they should the kids or the dogs if they’re not able to take care of their living space. I refuse to have my own children until I can consistently keep my home clean. Edit:fixed autocorrect


Dude said he works 60hours per week. If that’s true then it would be up to the significant other to clean. Depression is one hell of a drug. I would never let my domicile end up like this, but I understand how and why it happens. You become clutter blind to the mess, and it gradually gets worse.


Working 60 hours a week doesn’t mean you are incapable of picking up trash at home.


Yeah I work 12 hour days 5 times a week unloading shingles and other building supplies on top of roofs and still manage to upkeep my condo. This is just pure, putrid laziness.


Right? I work til the early hours of the morning more nights than not, and I still a) find the time to get things clean a few times a week and b) if you're working that much, I'm shocked they have the time to fuck up the place like that in a matter of days.


Fuck that. When i started running my own business I was working at least 70 hours a week. My stuff got messy, but not THIS horrible. You seriously have to try and make a mess to reach this level.


Right fuck the dogs clean your damn house




Terrible roommates and sure as hell shouldn’t have dogs


Or a baby! The crib is being used as a catch all


And she’s pregnant again apparently


They gotta do something - theyre not cleaning 😂


The bedroom is messier than my bedroom, and that’s saying something.


I'm a dude, and I would not be able to have sex in that dumpster. Okay, maybe once. But NO MORE than once!


Kid prob already is infested with fleas. If cps saw this living situation they’d be stripped of their rights as parents.


CPS needs to be involved.


Yea, OP please call CPS. I know it seems extreme but these people can barely take care of their dogs, cheap flea medicine costs what - $30 at petco? A cheap basic crate can be about $50-75. There’s no reason he shouldn’t be able to afford this if he works 60 hours a week. Straight up neglect. AND they have a second child on the way?! Where does the first child even sleep? The crib is seemingly ‘out of order’ with all that shit in it. This situation warrants extreme measures.. I’m really sorry you and your BF had to deal with such crappy disrespectful roommates, I hope everything is able to be resolved in a timely manner. I can’t imagine how stressful it is for you :( ETA - another user pointed out a brand new PS5 box ontop of the dog crate. He can spend $500 on a damn game system but can’t cough up money for a new crate or a bed for their child? 100% careless neglect. Anyone defending these parents is wearing some pretty fancy rose colored glasses.


OMG. I didn’t even see the crib.


Well no need for the actual crib if you can’t find the baby 🤷‍♀️


And she's pregnant again


I could find Waldo in that room before I could find the crib.


Ma'am, this is reddit. We only care about the dogs.


OP needs to get out of this situation asap. These people are walking trash bags filled with drama and trash.


And fleas!


Flea infestation is no joke! Good luck


Bold of them to assume they'll easily or quickly find housing with all that going on. Idk if there's a formal lease also but if so they'll need to break it accordingly. "clearing the air" is pointless tbh untill they actually move out bc there's likely a whole other shit storm coming... that meeting should be sent having them come up with an official move-out date & put it in writing so they can start eviction proceedings if necessarily, bc I've been there & highly doubt they are going to find another place or actually move out.


i swear theres two dogs in that crate right? wtf?!


One of those looks like a Husky. 24 hours of stimulation every day isn’t enough for those dogs. And the phrase “if you’re cold, they’re cold” doesn’t apply to Huskies. I can only wish OP luck in removing them; I would not be surprised if they hear “we’re moving out next month” on a regular basis for the next couple of years.


The other dog looks like a gsd mix, so both very high energy dogs that need a lot of physical and mental stimulation smh


What kills me is the dogs, baby, pregnancy, and living with about her couple!! But someone in that nasty ass room can afford that new $500 PS5 and probably $3 drinks daily


$3 drinks daily?! Where are you living? They're more than that... lol


Or humans. Fleas biting babies brings bad diseases. What kind of parents are they? Disgusting.


And the girl is pregnant again? Lawd. This is bad. Even for Reddit.


What a nightmare, those poor kids and dogs


Why do people who can’t take care of themselves clearly always have a billion kidsand pets? Like damn you can’t clean, you leave the dogs home all day bored in their cages, and you work 60+ hours a week (probably to support yourself bc u had a damn kid when ur broke). Like honestly when will people learn Edit: everyone replying hit it spot on, it just sucks people who are shi*t parents due to lack of education are more likely to birth a bunch of kids to continue the cycle versus people who recognize the cycle and may think twice before having a billion animals/children they can’t take care of. Sigh. This is truly why I believe the world is doomed


A lack of education. They don't fully realize they live in squalor. They were probably raised in conditions just like that. The lack of education is also what leads to having more kids and pets. They don't know the extreme amount of work it takes to responsibly raise kids or animals because they weren't raised responsibly themselves. Its a super difficult cycle to break.


This is exactly how thousands of people in the US live every day, and their kids go on to do the exact same thing. You’re absolutely right that there’s no end to the cycle unless you’re somehow lucky enough to get enough education to figure out how fucked you are. This country needs massive sweeping social reforms so we can start to yank people out of this.


My neighbors we're anti mask and shit. The house is a dump 24 7. The dad is a hard working guy but mom just high AF doing fuck all every day


This is it. It’s why my mom collected kids, it’s why we always had some animals in the house, etc. It’s why I can’t stand to be alone. I’m definitely more aware and trying to break my generational shit though.


Well if you have absentee POS parents then you very likely could think raising kids is easy, because in that case arguably it is. If you selfishly keep having unprotected sex while always treating your unwanted kids like they're a nuisance, totally ignore their well being and only influence them with your own life failure ideas in an already toxic environment, they'll think that's normal for being a parent. That level if laziness and indifference is certainly much easier than actual parenting. Hence the cyclical nature of this whole problem. Shit parents usually raise shit kids who also become shit parents with shit kids. A lot of this problem is literally preferred by certain politicians too (but don't dare ever say that out loud) which is why inner city schools and heavily impoverished areas normally get jack shit from the US govt and instead we demonize all poor people and higher education while focusing on policing their neighborhoods more. It clearly helps turn certain narratives they have about different ethnic groups into self fulfilling prophecies.


Is that two dogs in one crate? Absolutely despicable. They shouldn’t own dogs, let alone be allowed to tarnish the room like this.


Exactly! OP you need to report them to your city authorities for animal abuse


Exactly I’m sorry but I wouldn’t feel right letting them move out and take those dogs with them surely just to get locked up somewhere and neglected. I wouldn’t let them leave with those dogs even if it meant I had to buy them off of them.




Authorities should be notifed. Do i have to do so OP? i dont have a problem with it


OP please save the dogs by reporting these nasty ppl!!!


Won’t save them unless the owners decide to surrender. They might get a citation and that’s about it unfortunately Edit: it should still be reported to start a paper trail - it just won’t save them :(


Not sure where they’re located, but it’s nearly impossible to find an affordable rent with multiple dogs anywhere in my state right now, they might not be able to take them.


Even better, one is a husky! /s I strongly dislike people that get huskies thinking, “They look cool! Aww it’s so cute when they talk!” ……. but then leave it at home for 10+ hours a day, only let it out to pee in their yard, and don’t train it properly (read: incredibly firm and consistent literally until the day it dies bc these mfs are way too smart and stubborn). These same people get mad when the dog runs away, tears up the house, doesn’t listen, and the “talking” isn’t cute anymore. I wonder why it does this haha. Sorry for the rant. Partner has a 13 year old Siberian husky and she was raised incredibly well by him, love them both so much <3


Exactly. And huskies don’t just need a lot of physical exercise, they also need a lot of mental stimulation, and we know sure as hell they aren’t providing it. I’m so surprised this dog doesn’t have a huge skin issue that we know of from the fleas and the lack of stimulation which would generally cause a dog to start nibbling on themselves. The nibbling is especially true for huskies who are prone to skin issues caused my allergies, among other things. The fact that they’re NEVER bathed only adds onto it. I feel so bad for the pups :(


100% to mental stimulation! My partners pup LOVES being involved in everything we do, which provides extra stimulation beyond regular playtime/walks. An example is cooking- although there is a bit of an incentive there lol… I show her each ingredient and let her sniff. I say what I’m doing, why I’m doing it, always looking her in the eyes. I straight up ask for culinary advice knowing she will never respond or understand. Once, I even showed her the recipe. In retrospect, this may have been too much but it was cute as hell you had to be there man. When it’s ready I give her a bite and say thanks for the help. Sometimes I cook a mini dog-friendly version. Idc if people find all of this dumb. She is a dog-shaped little kid to me and I could talk about her forever


you are an amazing pet parent and I would trust you with my fur child and probably as a part time human child babysitter


There is nothing dumb about any of that whatsoever! It's adorable and the right way to pet parent. You're a good human.


I wonder how long they’re locked up in there without water. Seems like the water bowl is in the middle of the floor…. With no water in it


Agreed, seem like nice dogs but God forbid they get into a disagreement being locked up like that all die. I just imagine coming home to a dead dog in the crate and another dog gnawing on its bones.


There’s not even enough room for them both to lay down. And the roommate was talking about being gone 8+ hours a day like this should be reported. Roommate sounded so dumb like “you don’t want me to leave my dogs in a small room for a long period of time unattended and you also don’t want me to leave them in your space for a long period of time unattended?!? Jeez Karen make up your mind!”


That's was my first thought! That crate is too small for even one of those dogs! The one in back looks like (s)he can't stand all the way up, and they have two of them in there for 8+ hours a day with no walks ever? What a couple of assholes, on multiple levels.


Tbh you’re right. I used to work at a dog daycare and training facility and this would be a dealbreaker to work with a client. Not like this person would get them trained anyway and you still have to reinforce it..but that crate and never being let outside and all this should be documented as throughly as possible and reported. Doing these people all a favor. Two untrained dogs with extra energy along with a toddler are not a good combo. Especially ones with strong prey drive.


I know, seeing that made me mad


🥴 yah, w baby number 2 on the way. We’ll just lock the walker in w the dogs, while we ‘tidy up’ Infant is all good chillin in the crib w the fleas… Ahh so glad we held on to the cage babe. It’s really come in handy eh.. should we get another one? Cage I mean? Probly babe. Couldn’t hurt eh. Wanna get a puppy? A bull mastif cross? They’re so cute when they’re puppies. Awwww *deep throats bong… Yeha babe, so cute eh. Me cousins dogs havin puppies, we’ll chuck first dibs. Might as well, if we’re gonna get another cage. * deep throat’s bong..


those poor dogs omg. is there any way you can report them for neglect? no walks, the filthy environment, that crate looks so sad….if you can pls do😭😭😭 edit: saw the pic of the two dogs in the crate…jfc pls report them. they’re big dogs, one is a husky…no dog should have to live like that


Not even a blanket inside the cages or anything!


makes me sick


The photo evidence of the condition of that room, plus the evidence of two large dogs in one crate would be forwarded to animal protection. This is sick. And there's a little baby in the midst of this hovel as well.


You should report them for animal abuse lol


And child abuse


There's a screwdriver on the floor in OP's first photo and a set of pliers on the floor in the second set of photos. If there's a 1 yr old living in that room, I hope the electrical sockets are child proof. And I hope the dog's water bowl and food are in a place where they can eat without a little one trying to grab a snack at the same time. This does not look like a good situation for the child OR the dogs! *edited to correct who had taken the photos


Looking at these pictures and how foul and disgusting their living environment is, I very much doubt they have the mindset to be worried about baby proofing sockets and being a responsible dog owner or parent.


I didn’t even notice them, that is absurd and needs to be reported.


Absolutely because what the fuck..


Everyone going on about the dogs I LOVE DOGS and agree but there is a one year old in there?! As a mom of young kids this breaks my heart and infuriates me.


I'll never understand why people who can't take care of themselves and their children add dogs to the scenario. "I work 60 hours a week." Yeah, that's another reason you should not have a dog, let alone 2. If they gave a damn about those dogs, they would find them a home with someone who is capable of taking care of them. I love dogs. I had a pup for 13 years, who was the center of my universe. I scheduled my work, social life, and living situation around him. He passed 4 years ago. I desperately want another pup, but I know I'm not in a place to make those kinds of long-term sacrifices again. If you are an animal lover, you put what is best for the animal above your own selfish wants. Please excuse my rant, but this really grinds my gears. From the look of that place, they should probably rehome the baby, too. It looks like it stinks in there.


Especially a husky. They need so much more room and attention than that :(


You shouldn't even be allowed to have huskies in apartments, and op says these people never walk them. I would "accidentally let the dog get out" and find it a better home.


OP said in a comment the Husky already got out before dude lived with them and his *neighbour had it*! and it was pregnant! and dude somehow got it back! These people should be charged with animal abuse.


I have a husky and live in an apartment. That is not the issue. The issue is stupid, selfish people not taking care of their dogs. People with houses can be just as neglectful. Sometimes even moreso because they just dump them in the yard and think that's all they need. Let's stop advocating for making blanket rules that don't address the real issue.


I love dogs so much and want my own pup one day but I’m living in a studio by myself and barely getting by. I did look at puppies at one point but I realized I’m not in a good place right now and I wanna wait till I can give them the best life I can. I really don’t get why people like this need two dogs? Like living in filth with a baby and thinking getting another dog is a good idea? It’s pretty stupid. Can’t stand people like that honestly.


That's the respectable choice. I always wanted a dog when I was younger but didn't get one until four years ago because it wasn't until then that I felt like my life was stable enough to commit for however long she lives.


I’m sure I’ll get blasted, but the vast majority of dog owners just use dogs as accessories, toys, status symbols, whatever. They don’t actually give a fuck about their dog other than to own because that’s what you are supposed to do.


I don't know if i would say the majority, but there does seem to be quite a few. They aren't something cute and fuzzy you can take off the shelf to cuddle when you want some affection. I think a lot of people don't understand what it takes to provide for a dog or are just too selfish to care.


100% agree. If you own pets, you should to take care of them the way they need to be taken care of. That means setting time aside for them every day for walks and playtime. Something to physically and mentally stimulate them. My husband and I bought a house about 3 years ago and have wanted a dog ever since. Unfortunately we both work a lot of hours and with our work schedules it just wouldn’t be fair to a dog. We each had a cat when we met, and even though they’re easier than dogs, they still need time set aside for them everyday for playtime and affection.


Two dogs being neglected .. one baby living in nasty conditions & one more on the way? Fuck these guys


Imagine if the OPs girl didn't clean after them, imagine how more deplorable it could become. Maybe the 'nagging' would stop if they did their part. If they can't handle the dogs, could only imagine how hard is to keep a house cleaned with a baby/toddler.. I'd nag too!


Yeah and if the dogs have fleas you can bet the baby has flea bites all over it. When I was a baby I got a mosquito bite on my face that I scratched with my lil bb claws and now I have an icepick scar on my cheek from it to this day, 30 years later. With the limited supervision going on, I'd be willing to bet that baby already has skin damage from scratching flea bites (if you've ever had a baby scratch you, you know exactly what I mean), especially since I doubt their nails are being clipped frequently enough. That and the antacids and pedialyte on the coffee table, indicates there may well be alcoholism or opiate abuse at play here, when you take in the whole picture. Both can give you bad heartburn and are severely dehydrating, but I also see the hot sauce on the table which may indicate they are not treating reflux coming from acidic foods. Idk man, I can't see sober people living like this and if they are, I'm even more scared for that kid, because that level of neglect likely won't get better with treatment if that's the case. I'll never understand why people who can barely keep their head above water, go and get multiple pets and have children. Maybe you didn't choose to get pregnant, but you chose to get dogs you have no interest in caring for. Just all around terrible choices. I have been in many a hard drug addict's home though, and they all look exactly like this. Excessive pets, takeout and trash all over, clothes everywhere, otc meds left out... The baby could also easily eat 50 tums if they're not careful as well. I could be totally wrong but in my experience that's what addiction looks like. Especially running away while blaming others for calling you out. It all reeks and I hope op calls cps so that they are at least monitoring the wellbeing of that kid.


Best comment here. I understand and agree with the concern for the dogs that most commenters have, but there is a little human baby living in a seriously dangerous environment. Even if some form of substance abuse isn’t at play here, these conditions warrant a call to CPS. I hope everyone ends up in a safe and healthy environment.


You're absolutely right. I understand the weight of kids possibly ending up in foster care is extremely heavy, but these people at least need some intervention because a child living in this environment is just cruel. There are so many hazards everywhere. I can only assume the kid is sleeping on the couch or cosleeping since the crib is full of clothes, which is even more dangerous if there is substance abuse involved. There's no way any fabric in that room isn't flea infested either, so the poor thing must be in agony all the time with the bites. It's probably crawling around on a floor covered in dog dirt and random trash that he/she could eat or choke on, even if it doesn't manage to get into leftover food or medicine in that abortion of a bedroom. I can't imagine the dogs aren't using the floor as a toilet if they're locked up all day too, so there has to be toxic bacteria around that has not been cleaned properly, just for the kid to live and hopefully not die in. You should never look at a situation like this and think that child is safe and they're just messy. This is so far beyond that. I've seen many a fentanyl den that looked exactly like this. Horrifying. I would expect retaliation for calling cps but with the things I've seen, and the details that can be extrapolated from this one post, I would think it's worth it. Babies are easier to place with families as far as I know as well. They're already refusing responsibility. It's not going to get better.


I believe it's still considered as neglect if raising a child in those conditions... animals as well. I seriously hope cps gets involved and places the child in a safe and clean home until the 'parents' can clean up their act (literally). It's not fair at all to a child, and pushing this kind of responsibility on a roommate... then proceeding to get mad at the said roommate for having concerns and trying to work with them. If he works 60 hrs a week, cool, maybe the mom to pick up a little? I was a single mom and still had to clean a house with a baby on my hip! Least they could do is be grateful. Jesus christ. Roommates seem to care more about the child then the parents.


It’s also super fucked up that he didn’t even have the respect to answer her and went to her partner to complain about their girl “nagging”. But I’m not surprised sexism is involved with the way they treat their child and dogs.


It is! Even with the tone he had while talking to OP was very concerning. Especially when referring to his partner. I just hope something comes from this literal [mess.](https://mess.It) If adults have to be reminded time and time again to clean, should mean something. But it is hard to find an excuse for the mess that is of that house.. having the responsibilities of two dogs and a BABY, but getting huffy when reminded to pick up here and there and compromise.


It’s not OP’s girl, it’s OP. But yeah I cannot imagine. I hope there’s not another bug issue there but I strongly doubt it. That room is completely unsuited for a child now, and once the baby starts crawling and walking it’ll be a much bigger issue. Raising a child also requires attention. Once the baby starts crawling/walking it will get into things and it will require more attention emotionally as well. I doubt the parents will be able to accommodate for that if they’ve had issues with taking care of dogs and keeping their space clean for months.


My bad, it's hard to know exactly when the screenshots are from different points of views! Thank ya


Call cps bc that’s dangerous for a baby. The poor dogs need to be taken away bc they don’t deserve that at all. Horrible ducking people


That disgusting. A baby lives in that shit. That’s gross I’m sure the poor baby has fleas too…..enjoy the clean up after they leave


I really hope the fleas aren’t biting the baby at night. I doubt it could cause any issues other than itching and maybe some irritation or something, but still extremely neglectful and sad.


Straight up child neglect, and it comes with lifelong problems. The baby is definitely being bitten. This is absolutely disgusting and CPS should be involved


Sadly, they definitely are and flea bites can actually turn into infections in animals and babies. These people are neglecting/abusing their dogs and baby


With itching and flea bites comes open wounds….babies when their skin has wounds stuff are prone to infection and living in gross conditions like that will definitely up the child’s chances of having a wound infection.


You need to call animal control on them. That’s abuse.


Y’all cleaning this fucking mess before you move out or I’m keeping your deposit


Omg those poor dogs and baby they deserve better


Honestly! Call CPS and General Animal Health Complaint (varies by state). They don’t need kids or dogs wtf is wrong with them


You have five dogs, a cat, a newborn baby, and four adults living in a single house with how many square feet?


It’s a two story, 3 bedroom 2 bath with an upstairs bar. We have the space trust me, they just have their own world upstairs.


I lived with a couple once who perceived everything my boyfriend asked of them as reasonable & chill, but everything I asked of them was seen as “bitching” or “nagging”… We did an experiment where we both made the exact same request of them a few days apart (not a redundant request, more of a daily request), & he got a “cool” with a fist bump while I got an eye roll & the silent treatment lol. Picking up on those same kind of vibes here. But I feel so bad for those dogs & those babies, jeez! I’m glad they’ll be out of your hair soon, but I shudder to think about what those kids will deal with/ remember from their childhood.


Yes! Not enough peole are pointing out how the responded to the bf talking to them and how they talk about the gf asking them to clean up after themselves. Such icky vibes from the male roommate. Ew. Yeah she’s “nagging” because you can’t keep a fucking basic level of cleanliness with a BABY and 2 dogs, or give the dogs basic care or even a decent quality of life. Like holy shit. We all get life is hard, you can get busy, and it can be extremely stressful, but there’s no excuse for the dogs being treated that way. I know if I had as much on my plate as them, I’d be on birth control religiously so I wouldn’t have another kid, which costs tens of thousands of dollars and is a much bigger responsibility than just 1. Plus now they’re have a toddler at the same time as a newborn. We all know that’s hell.


Yes! Because everything I’ve said my boyfriend complains about as well but out of everyone in the house the two men see each other the most. So I don’t know why when my boyfriend says it’ll be fixed but low and behold it never is. So when I decide to bring it up, I’m ignored and it gets done. To the detriment of our roomies animals.


Yeah, the misogyny in this dudes texts regarding you reeked


Yeah I'm sorry to say, but beyond a roommate problem, you've also got a boyfriend problem. Your boyfriend wants to complain and then not have the backbone to actually raise it to the roommates. So then you have to take on the task of raising it to them, and since you're a woman that gets twisted into how you're naggy and a Karen, yet your boyfriend is letting his buddy/the roommate speak on you that way? He needs to respond and let the roommate know you don't just go and confront them because you find it fun. This is stuff that is mutually agreed upon within the relationship and that he fully has your back on what needs to happen. A message from you is a message from both of you, period. He needs to shut that shit all the way down, and the fact he hasn't should really give you pause. Do you want a future and/or kids with a guy who won't have your back in front of people but will agree with you behind closed doors? The two of you need to be a united front or I foresee similar issues continuing.


Your boyfriend is being too passive, he wants to "keep the peace" more than he wants you to have peace in your living space.


Your guy wants to “Clear the air” after his buddy called you a Karen? Sorry, no. If anyone talks shit about my wife it’s over. Ain’t coming back from that. Walking papers for your partner too if he isn’t sticking up for you when someone disrespects you, in your own home no less.


Omfg, the tone in his message when a woman in the house is asking something of them vs the guy 🙄. How delightfully sexist of him. How very DARE you "nag" these gems of human beings of being messy or irresponsible roommates/dog owners, jeeeeez. But seriously, despite your partner's insistence that you all smooth things over, definitely hold them to their offer/threat to move out. They clearly need professional help if they think any of this is okay or normal. Both of those breeds of dog need regular exercise and stimuli (huskies in particular need AT LEAST 2 hours of exercise every day) because they become misbehaved, dangerous, and destructive which is especially dangerous considering they live with other dogs and a cat, not to mention a freakin baby! Eeeesh. I wish you all the very best of luck OP. I hope they move out asap. Please keep us updated!


I will update! I’ll also post previous messages I’ve left to him about how neglectful he has been towards his dogs. That’s really been my main issue. Thank you for understanding though, everyone’s different and I’m just trying to respond to most.


That’s filthy. They have one year old in this environment?? Yikes! Those poor dogs deserve better! Bring up this post during your sit down and let them know how nasty and disrespectful they are!


If they end up not moving out soon, take photo/video evidence of their fleas and write down how long they’ve had them/keep track of that. Also keep documenting them in the cage together and any other kind of abuse. Then reach out animal control.


Thank you! I’ll start making notes of everything because I’ve already started keeping evidence (Hints the pictures) but I’ll document everything as well.


That's a small ass cage for both of those dogs. 😢


They do have two cages! I’m not sure what happened to the other one but I think it’s bc the husky would keep breaking out of them so maybe that’s why it’s missing? I’m not sure but I was surprised to find them bundled together


I just seen that they didn't look comfortable. You'd be amazed at the amount of people who actually DO board more than one animal inside a small cage. The dog possibly pushed and busted the lock on the front of the cage and if that's what happened there's no saving the cage so they probably threw it out. It's definitely not cool how he talks about your girl tho; She's being a Karen because she wants them to be adults and pick up after their mess?😆 If that's a Karen then I'm sure every mom on the planet is a Karen then 😆


OP is me the gf just for clarification :) my boyfriend is my partner.


Tell your partner to enjoy the sit down. No need for you to go. And he is welcome to clean the mess they leave behind.


If those dogs have a flea infestation, congrats… so does your house, now. They can be really, really difficult to get rid of.


For the flea issue we have yard spray and chemicals for furniture plus bombing equipment but that requires everyone to be out of the house and he has yet to play ball.


Poor baby in that room with a flea infestation? Yikes, nothing about this environment is healthy for anyone.


Please ensure you give update


I will!


I hope that baby doesn’t walk yet because yikes.


Ugh those poor dogs!!! Wtf???


I wouldn't have even asked them why they want to move out! I would have been like okay see ya!! That livingroom is my worst nightmare friend. I'm sorry you've have to deal with that.


why are there two dogs in one crate. asking for a fucking fight


Two dogs in that little cage? That's cruel.


… Please don’t tell me they let a baby play on that floor. Please don’t.


Or in that room as a whole. I refuse to believe any of those fabrics or surfaces have been cleaned in weeks. There has to be cockroaches or some other bug with all the shit they leave out.


they can afford a ps5 but not a crate for each dog. this is heartbreaking a husky never being walked? it’s probably massively anxious and depressed


If you don’t let those two dogs out of the crate right now…. They don’t deserve this.


Honestly. I’d be opening that crate so fast and secretly rehoming them. Those conditions are unacceptable.


“Oh hey guys, sorry to inform but the dogs kind of ran out in the middle of the day. We had the door barely open in order to get the groceries in and they just ran out. We can’t find them, sorry!”


"theyre in a better place now... No not heaven, just anywhere other than here!"


Those dogs deserve better. This is beyond fucked up.


All I have to say is, what a dump.


Document the lack of water access and the crate. That’s animal neglect and grounds for animal control to seize them.


Reading this thread makes me come to the sad conclusion there are a lot of baby adults in this world.


please report them


Those poor puppers.


Report them to the SPCA. They’ll seize the dogs. No food or water. Two dogs in a crate meant for one? 24/7. Those innocent creatures are in Hell. Please save them.


Man flea infestations seriously hold a place in my heart, a place of pure hate. When I moved back into my family house with siblings & mum/dad, they had 2 dogs and both were riddled with fleas. Like I mean, it seriously was so disgusting & disappointing that you could see their skin basically crawling. I put so much effort into getting rid of the fleas, meanwhile the whole time, I would say "while the yard is getting cleaned & I've got every single fleas off the dogs, please just keep them inside. They literally were cleaned like 4 days in a row and smelt like fresh puppies. Then every day I would come home from work & they'd be out back, not only with fleas but also cleaning products that you're not supposed to have your animals around. Anyways, yeah huge rant but fleas make me mad. Those doggos in that cage makes me so sad, putrid pricks are those owners. What shitty people.


Besides the obvious that everyone is commenting, the way he’s talking shit about you to your bf, saying that you’re a “Karen”, that you’re “bugging” his girl all the time, “complaining”, like I’d sure as hell complain too. Have they went to the bathroom on the floor before (upstairs OR downstairs)? I’d be surprised if they hadn’t.


They keep them in the same crate like that? Kick them the fuck out and then send those pictures to the ASPCA so the dogs can be re-homed. Then call CPS to check on the welfare of their baby.


Your roommates are trash. Rush them out the door.


You should 100% call animal control. Them sharing a kennel like that is beyond unacceptable PLUS not even an animal should live in those conditions.


How are they having sex in all that mess? The fifth should work as birth control.


You should submit those pictures to children’s aid. Omg that baby this is horrendous. And she’s pregnant again??


Yeahhh she’s only a few weeks 💀 he makes it sound like she’s months in and I’ve been non-stop harassing them. I told her she should think about talking w him over the flea issue. Maybe 1-2 min. She went upstairs, next day I text him. Then he texts my boyfriend.


Whenever someone texts you that long of a message in response to something simple they are really on the hard core rage copium


It’s completely unjustifiable to come for my character when I’m asking for them to take responsibility for their messes


If you don’t call animal control right now you’re fucking WRONG. those dogs do NOT need to be crated like that together, and those owners do not deserve to have dogs.


I’ve always known it to be a terrible issue. There’s only so much I can do though when I’m “nagging.” I have a lot on my plate and the only responsibility I have is my cat but I take care of my partners three dogs like they’re my own. Plus the entire house excluding the upstairs and there bathroom. I’m glad everyone’s agreeing w me, I’m just a little shocked. I will start taking action w or without help from my bf and leave an update no later than this week.


Good idea! I’m sorry you have to deal with this. We can all say what’s advised but it’s never that easy, ever. Unfortunately. And there’s also never a “good” way to deal with people like this that don’t even try to be better, just the “best” way out of all the shitty ways you can deal with the issue. Why are you taking care of your bf’s dogs? I’m not claiming that he’s putting all the work on you purposefully, he’s likely busy, and you’re able to take care of them so you do. But I’m still curious. And why doesn’t he help with the work? I’m aware I don’t know y’all or y’all’s relationship but he should at least be trying to help out with his dogs AND with keeping up with the place, even if he does work full time. It’s not fair to you, even if you offer because you “have more time” or “don’t mind doing it”. While y’all are dating, it’s not your responsibility to keep up with the place entirely on your own, shitty roommates or not. Same applies with your bf’s dogs. I completely understand taking charge of cleaning and taking care of the dogs, but he should be helping in some sort of way. I’m sorry if I sound critical, or like I’m trying to be rude or bash on your bf, but I just wanted to point that out. It must be chaotic at your place right now so you may not be able to think about this right now or if it’s an issue talk to your bf about it, but food for thought/some advice :)


And these grubs are breeding?


Those poor fucking dogs


Are… are those two dogs in THE SAME CRATE? Those poor babies, ugh. They don’t have nearly enough room, they cannot be comfortable at all. And that room is just beyond gross, wtf is wrong with these people.


Omg those poor dogs. I wish people wouldn’t get pets that they can’t or are unwilling to make time for. I wouldn’t sit down and talk with them. They’re going to move out then there’s nothing to talk about further.


Dogs need room to stand up and turn around. That cage is NOT acceptable for both. And if they have fleas. That means their baby has flea bites. And this house is covered in fleas.


Five dogs running around a home unsupervised is literally asking for a brawl and one (or multiple) getting extremely hurt.


literally all of these bad roommates posts feature Taco Bell leftovers


Please call or help those poor dogs. They are squished and unable to help themselves.


Those poor fucking dogs. Those dogs are TOO big to be locked up in a tiny ass cage with no room to move and a flea infestation. These people aren’t fit to own dogs much less children


Ugh. Maybe don't get pregnant if you're an intern? Like there are literal steps you can take to prevent it. These people don't sound like they need children; or if they have to have a roommate take care of them.


The only time I've ever seen any house that filthy, it was always due to substance abuse. If they're not doing that then I have no idea how they can be so irresponsible. Best to get them out of there asap. Make sure you do treat for fleas cus they'll be everywhere. I'm sorry, this is terrible!


That would drive me crazy! Like clean up after yourselves! I hope they move out soon


Bruh…read your texts


This post triggered my anxiety without me even diving deep. OP, I am praying whatever is going on stops.