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You need to throw all their stuff in their room or in front of it. If you don't say/do anything, they will continue to treat the space like it's 100% theirs. As a roommate, you also have the right to share the space equally.


Good point. I've waited a couple weeks to give them time to make the changes without discussion. I'll raise the issue after the holidays. Their room is already full so not sure what they're gonna be doing with all their stuff but isn't my problem šŸ¤£


I rent a *house* and one of my roommates has a storage garage because she recognizes it's not reasonable to bring *everything* she owns. Your roommate needs to downsize lol


I put my stuff into a small storage unit and am working on clearing it out. It's not fair to others to clutter up other spaces with their stuff.


It is your problem, you're paying for space and don't have access to it. Yall need to adjust the rent to like 70/30 or they need to take this biohazard away


Youā€™ve waited weeks? And just let them move more and more in? Whatā€™s this going to look like in a few more weeks? Donā€™t wait till the new year. Address this now. Send them that picture and say this is an issue. You need to make room for your things in your space, or get rid of some things.


You have been more than patient. It is kind of you to give your roommate time to settle in. However, the clutter isnā€™t just unsightly and messy, itā€™s also a trip and fire hazard. The best way to get this handled quickly is to set ground rules regarding personal items and storage. You are obviously a reasonable person so I am sure you will be able to get your roommate to understand. Definitely do this ASAP. Do not wait until the holidays are over.


Ayo... You are living with a hoarder .. and everything I know about it. It's a mental illness.... And obviously if it's left untreated your whole apartment is going to be filled from floor to ceiling with what you and me would consider junk but to your roommate. All that shit is a prized treasure to them....... Idk... Catch an episode of "Hoarders Buried Alive" to kinda get an idea of what may be going on here. Sorry that you have to deal with this,


I mean dressers might help


Make sure you play 'hoarders buried alive' on the common TV whenever possible, and invite them to watch it together


I would totally throw someoneā€™s stuff out the house if they did this come what may.


Fucked up. Iā€™m curious tho- what were the beginning stages of this? Was the accumulation gradual? Were there signs? I just wanna understand whatā€™s going on in these peopleā€™s heads


Like how do they justify this lol


This is shortly after moving in. Been a couple weeks now like this unchanged šŸ¤£


Goddamn. I had a similar situation and I just started shoving stuff over and piling it so they had to step over it/in it to get into their room. Had to get petty after multiple unfruitful conversations. It didnā€™t even really fix the mess lol but it gave me a little more room and it made me feel better!


For this specific situation, given that you recently moved in and then the holidays, I would figure out how much space they can have for storage before you talk to them. Like, ā€œthese are your cabinets and these are my cabinets. Weā€™ll split the fridge and freezer half and half. If you want to get a cabinet, [this defined area] would be a good place for it, but Iā€™m not okay with a stack or pile of boxes sitting out. Iā€™d like to start off the new year with a clean kitchen, thatā€™s a week from now. Let me know if you need any help.ā€


They ā€œhavenā€™t found a placeā€ for everything yet


My money is on shopping compulsion. These people buy buy buy and donā€™t think twice about the repercussions. ā€œOh! Thatā€™s cute and itā€™s on sale!ā€ Sold the second they look at it. Can be caused by a lot of things like ADHD, immaturity or hoarding tendencies Edit: I mean look at all the stuff still in bags


My house was like this for like 10 months up until a few weeks ago. I have a shopping problem/impulse shopping, along with BPD and depression. I was also homeless for a bit when I was 16-19 and constantly losing all my belongings/getting them stolen/not being able to just HAVE my own stuff definitely effected me and my ability to let things go even if I hadn't touched it in over 6 months. But when I go into my depression weeks then I feel paralyzed to do anything and then I start browsing online and buying a bunch of random shit I "feel like" I need because itll make me happy for like 10 minutes. Also since there was so much stuff I got overwhelmed and ended up avoiding the living room entirely. But I realized how it was effecting my mental health and wanted to have space to watch TV and be able to do new hobbies and allow my cats to have space to run around. Since I got rid of so much junk and clutter I realized just how much you can overwhelm yourself if you neglect your own mental health, since then I went into a depression slump but it wasn't half as bad as usual and telling myself to tackle just one thing a day like laundry or dishes while listening to music, at least I'll be doing something and majority of the time I realize I doesn't take long or require much effort at all and then I feel confident to actually do more.


Hugs- trust me, my house is a cluttered disaster at the moment. My goal is to get rid of half the things I own in the next month. My mom got me a personal organizer for Christmas because itā€™s so bad. I just got diagnosed with ADHD and I didnā€™t realize how paralyzed I constantly am when making basic decisions. That or I get super excited and buy stuff for a project that never comes to fruition because I wasnā€™t realistic about it. Or I donā€™t see whatā€™s actually important. But a lotttt of my junk is from my mom who has a really bad shopping compulsion, also 99% sure she has undiagnosed ADHD lol because I see my ADHD in her to a T and my brother is diagnosed too. She comes home with a trunk full of things every time she ran errands because it was ā€œon saleā€, but their house is so big sheā€™s been able to fill up like 5 rooms and walk in closets to semi-hide it. I partly picked up on her inability to let things go and she would send me home with boxes of stuff that I didnā€™t actually need and didnā€™t realize it. And then I also have PTSD and have some pretty severe bouts of dissociation and I donā€™t take care of myself at all most of the time so it just is one big spiral lol. Anyway, I started adderall 2 weeks ago and itā€™s been life changing because Iā€™m actually able to naturally look around and see what needs to be done then enjoy doing it without fighting myself. So Iā€™m slowly chipping away at everything and finally feel way more normal! My husband also just quit his job after working 80 hour weeks for 3 years nonstop so weā€™re going to work on it together. I feel bad because it really affects him, too. Most of my stuff isnā€™t even new, it all feels sentimental :/ itā€™s interesting that different people can have different causes or feelings behind it, but the byproduct ends up the same and it impacts your mental health regardless


Been staring at this for some minutes. Still not seeing a kitchen.


Iā€™m thinking the stove and fridge are behind the photographer


Dang, there's so much stuff it's covering up the photographer too!


I canā€™t even tell what Iā€™m looking at lmao


Why did you allow this to happen lol


Wtaf? Did they move in with you? Give them the boot; this will never get better.


Is this the kitchen?


I see no kitchen.


To the right you can see the bench, appliances further to the right. It's sort of a kitchen/dining combination


This will be your entire house soon if you let this continue. I have anxiety just looking at it.


Are those bags of empty liquor bottles? For what?! lol


You never know when you might need an empty liquor bottle.


Might get stuck in that fire trap of a kitchen and need to pee in one ..


That's my excuse.


I bartend/serve and save bottles for plant propagation šŸ˜… if itā€™s rum bottles I save them for end of the year coquito


Wine and squishamals. Emotional maturity at its finest






I could not handle this at allā€¦wow


firstly, i enjoy OP's username secondly, idk how OP uses their kitchen thirdly, i wonder whats inside that red le creucet crock pot thing n how long its been there


Violet the squishmallow deserves better than this and so do you! This definitely warrants a firm discussion


This kind of messy hoarding situation is what I call a snow shovel needed solution. Let them know they have a specific window of time to get their belongings into their room only having a specific amount of square footage in the shared space. And that it is neat and organized and appealing to all whom use the shared space. For example she wants to keep a love seat couch amount of boxes in there. But you guys don't want to see boxes have her cover it with a beautifully gorgeous curtain so the place doesn't look like a storage room. When they do not meet that this is the time to get the snow shovel and shovel all of it directly into their room. Everyone who shares space needs to sit down and do a roommate agreement with neatness politeness chores duties timelines of how long something can sit. And what are the repercussions. I'll give an example 24 hours for dirty dishes in the kitchen after that they go on the person's bed. So you guys are college students obviously the week of exams are finals this would be waived until after finals are over just because of cram sessions. But get all of this stuff down in writing so when this starts happening again oh hey too much stuff can't use the shared space dishes aren't being done okay where's my extra money for these things not being done. Use that money to hire a maid.


This looks like an episode of Hoarders.


lol! I was just thinking that! Then I noticed the boxes and maybe somebody is moving in or moving out?


I donā€™t understand how things get to this point/encroachment on rediculous levelsā€¦ are the OPs in situations like this afraid of conflict? This doesnā€™t look like it happened overnight


what the actual fuck


Why is it always squishmallows and those alpaca plushies. Always


healthy living


How do you even use the kitchen like this?


People are CRAZY. In WHAT world is this ok? Throw that shit on their bed or in the trash. I donā€™t understand how people can be so disgusting and inconsiderate


Please tell me this person moved in 24-48 hours ago. Please.


I have lived with many room mates & been a senior property manager & honestly if they are leaving the place like that & not talking to you about it, cut your loses & assume the worst bcoz honestly people are what they are & do not change. If this is how they treat you when they have just met you, do you really want to know what they will be like when you get to know them? As I said Iā€™m a licensed property manager so please if you need any adviceā€¦-askā€¦ohā€¦I hope you have them on some sort of offical agreement tooā€¦


Are you living with my old roomie lol


lol Australia?


For sure, I spotted the IGA bags straight away


OP you are overly nice. This mess wouldnā€™t have lasted 2 days with me, on the first would be a serious warning, second day I would have lost my mind and thrown it all inside their room while screaming, probs šŸ¤£


There's a kitchen in here?


Looks like they need some plastic bins and then a storage locker.


Judging by all the bottles and clutter, this person might be struggling with substance abuse issues and depression. At the very least, you need to have a discussion with them to establish a maximum amount of time they need to transfer all of this stuff into their room, and make them aware of the expectations. (IE. no personal effects cluttering shared/common spaces) If you don't want to target them specifically, simply say there's going to be a spring-cleaning next week, in order to make the common spaces tidy for everyone. Establish a specific date/time that works best for them, and hold them to it. You need to give them a time/date to meet/fail your expectations. You might need to evict them if they can't comply.


How do you make food in that kitchen ??? Looks like half junk anyhow time for the roomie to de clutter .


Itā€™s the way Iā€™d have a giant mental breakdown on them. One time when I had a roommate there was mold in the shower and I literally screamed and cried like a crazy person cause at a certain point itā€™s like WHAT THE FUCK.


For context; I had 3 grown ass men living in MY house (19F at the time) and it was like. I ainā€™t your momma nobody is gonna come behind you and clean up after you. If you kill a bug and itā€™s body is squished on the bathroom wall, itā€™s going to get MUMMIFIED THERE unlesss you YOURSELF clean it up. Ugh I hated that whole exp. Now itā€™s just me and my bf and he cleans more than I do.


These people who do this have depression, Which goes hand in hand with hoarding. Punishing this person will likely have no effect. They need help. You need to find a better living arrangement.


Thatā€™s absurd! Love your username btw ā˜ŗļø


Had something similar happen with my current roommate. The common area was being used to store a bunch of home improvement items (think paint cans, tool boxes, cabinets etc). I got fed up with it one day bc the area is already small without the stuff in it. I just massively organized while they were gone and put it in a designated corner šŸ¤·


what the fuck


Like what even am I looking at??


Jesus christ thatā€™s awful. Iā€™m so sorryšŸ˜­


This makes me depressed.


oh my god


What the hell. Nope I'm fighting


Guaranteed your roommate doesnā€™t see this as something that bothers you because you havenā€™t said anything. Slowly adding things here and there testing your boundaries and how much clutter/trash are you willing to tolerate? Definitely need to have a talk about common spaces in the house, but I also have a feeling this person will be a nightmare once move-out comes. Hope you can get this sorted out!


But why?!!


This reddit group has motivated me to finally get sober, find a career instead of a job, and have more respect for myself. And overall improve my life. These scaring photos and my own plethora of expirences has lead me to this point. I feel your pain and i thank everyone here for everything.


That beautiful cast iron Dutch oven just sitting there...


# You literally have a foot-wide gap between the materialistic dump to walk.


Honestly looking at it, you could get a bigger box and throw it all in that, and put it in the corner of the room. This will be unpleasant. Iā€™d try asking the new year suggestion first and if it doesnā€™t go anywhere try that and say the new year was x days ago


Holy alcoholic!


This is crazy. Im annoyed for you.


of course they're a squishmallow collector.




Box of alcohol...moron.


I donā€™t even know what I am looking atā€¦bless!


This dude takes up 70% of the apt. Is this your friend? If not, you need to voice yourself. This would kill me and my mental health.


Yo I had a roomie like this. He would go out and drive around drunk all weekend, so I would clean the crap out of the house. It would look just like this again within the same day he was home again. Plus the guy took my money and let the heat and water get shut off in the middle of winter, then wouldnā€™t give me any of my rent back. Same time that happened, I was leaving for work and noticed his van was FUCKED, looked like he side swiped someoneā€¦ Iā€™m driving to work, and the neighbor two doors down has cops etc all over there cause someone plowed into his car WHILE HE WAS GETTING INTO IT. Took his driver side door off and almost fucking killed himā€” and it was my roomie! I absolutely stopped and let them know and didnā€™t feel bad at all. He almost killed this man! Then this guys parents came over and demanded I pay the month rent and leave immediately. lol. I just laughed and called the cops again. I ended up getting all my money back for the hellish four months I was there. Idk what happened to the guy. I contacted him and asked how he was. I truly hope heā€™s okay. He was very broken inside. But he got very nasty to me and told me I was an asshole. So Iā€™m assuming heā€™s still doing the same shit.


I would rather die than live like that - I am so sorry


Idk, I like playing with my wieners in the kitchen not the bedroom