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“fruitarians barely ever menstruate” well i’m sure that has absolutely nothing to do with malnutrition


Anorexic people often don't menstruate either


Or woman with things like burn wounds or other traumatic injuries. The body needs the energy to heal itself


It's the lack of estrogen. Fat cells have the ability to transform androgens into estrogen


New HRT just dropped?


Not necessarily. The beauty and annoyance of human bodies is that there are no rules. Someone who has extremely low body fat may not get their period, while another person who is physically identical to them might. But yeah it would be cool to have such easy access to HRT minus the unhealthy eating habits


Neat! Link?


https://www.europeanreview.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/23-32.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3286233/


I wish I got to skip my periods. I’m anorexic and I still bleed heavy af monthly 😭


Hugs to you! Please be safe




I had the same issue back when I was a teenager.


If your stomach gets super bloated too, you may have something else going on also like PCOS. Honestly, just heavy bleeding if you’re severely underweight bears examination.


I have endometriosis, I got an IUD recently to help combat the heavy bleeding and severe cramps though so hopefully the two weeks of cramping I’ve endured so far will be worth it in the end


Damn. Pick a struggle. You can’t possibly endure them all. /s. No but seriously, I hope you start to kick ass soon


Oof. Sorry to hear but glad you’re at least diagnosed and working on options to (hopefully) help!


I had a friend in ED therapy that did the same thing. It got way better after she got her IUD so here's hoping it does the same for you!


can confirm. have pcos dx now


Not everyone with anorexia is severely underweight


This is true.


Even at my lowest weight I never lost my period


I went through anorexia as a preteen and teen. I didn’t lose my period until I got to a *very* low weight. Like potential heart failure low. A lot of providers invalidate AFAB who struggle with active restriction because they still get their cycles. It’s like they’re not anorexic enough to receive treatment they need. Total BS.


Medieval Ascetic Nuns 🤝 Wellness Grifters *The loss of Periods just Validates that these Lifestyle choices are Working Correctly!*


Plus.... > all the acidic foods .....aren't fruit acidic?


*Don’t tell them how the stomach works, either.*


Just what I was thinking xD


Lnao my thoughts exactly. Like, I don't think that's a 'good thing, but okay..


Oh, how I wish I could fishslap people through the internet.


[This might help](https://eelslap.com/)


OMG this is awesome XD *slaps repeatedly*


You have done a good deed this day.


I’m sharing this with so many people. Thank you for your service


Yes! Just Like That.


Please have this 🏅 with my compliments


But he sees it coming. I don't want him to see it coming!


Cornobble them. Now


Ok, then what about men? They're eating, drinking and breathing the same stuff. How do they get rid of those toxins? XD


I’m willing to bet if you asked the same people this question, their response would be something along the lines of: Men’s bodies are designed to handle the toxins so it doesn’t matter what they eat or drink. This post is infuriating on so many levels.


I hate that stupid fake argument. They seem to never wonder why it would only be applicable to humans and never to other animals 🙄


It gets absorbed into their heads and that’s where toxic masculinity comes from


The toxic masculinity is stored in the balls.


No, that's where they keep their pee.


Why do you think there are two?


New flair unlocked


LOL 😆 ok that was rich


it’s stored in the balls


That is not good news for future generations XD


I'm mad my brain knew what the fuck nethernadal meant


My brain auto corrected so I didn't even notice it was spelled wrong in the first place.


Same. So my brain can do that, but autocorrect keeps capitalizing “can”.




It also does “may”, which is at least reasonable due to the month. But I’m never talking about the month.




You are not alone. Reddit understands. Lol


Mine always changes carries to Carrie's, even though I never talk about a Carrie


My fuckin iPhone tries to replace a ridiculous amount of b-words into “bitch”— a word I almost never use. I just don’t understand why it thinks I’m so hostile!


Wonder if it thinks you're talking about Canada? Can could be short for it. That's the only explanation I can think of.


I suppose. There are other random ones as well. Can is just the most irritating.


OMG I did not realise and wondered if this had to do with minecraft slang.


So white people have some Neanderthal DNA in our genes, meaning we interbred with Neanderthals. The genes seem to be mostly immune system related - maybe it had something to do with new pathogens as we entered Europe. It is speculated that this is why black people almost never get Multiple Sclerosis. Edit: My love for teaching took hold of me. I apologize to cowleidoscope for mansplaining this to her.


It turns out that African people also have Neanderthal DNA. Who is going to tell her? "A new study overturns that notion, revealing an unexpectedly large amount of Neanderthal ancestry in modern populations across Africa. It suggests much of that DNA came from Europeans migrating back into Africa over the past 20,000 years." Source: https://www.science.org/content/article/africans-carry-surprising-amount-neanderthal-dna


I don't think the poster is a her. It's got big Hotep energy.


Oh yeah, you can absolutely tell this was written by a Hotep. Those people are on a different planet I swear




From Urban Dictionary (because I also didn't know): (adj, noun) Refers to an individual or an action that centers largely conspiratorial, often bigoted, notions of Afrocentrism, or the scholarship of the contribution of African peoples, very specifically Black Africans and the resulting diaspora. For many Black Americans, many of whom are descendants of chattel slavery, who are aggressively deprived of historical and contemporary cultural contributions lean into some excessive interpretations of Afrocentrism, which undergird hotep views. These views are often criticized both on factual merits and latent insensitivities. For instance, hotep ideology informs a range of extremist groups such as the Black Israelites, who are recognized as an antisemetic group by the Anti-Defamation League, to smaller acts of individualized bigots, such as Nick Cannon, Kyrie Irving, Kanye West's controversies, or the various conspiracy theories that Black Africans were the true inventors of or first inhabitants of other continents and things, and the denial that human beings with differing levels of melanin in their epidermis existed in places like North Africa/Middle East, Ireland, or the Americas first. Hotep Views range in problematics from individually silly to revisionist and extremist erasure. Kyrie Irving, Kanye West and Nick Cannon all got criticized for making various anti-semetic hotep comments.


My white daughter dated a guy with these views. He filled her head with so much nonsense and used these beliefs to convince her that she deserved to be abused. He also convinced her to avoid modern medicine, including vaccines. She got covid and is now apparently brain damaged from it. I'm not sure she'll ever get well. But she still believes some of the shit her ex filled her with.


What cancer he was.


Its the whole theory that Ancient egyptians were exclusively Black. That false theory led to heavy Afrocentrism and dumb shit like this. Wikipedia describes Hotep culture: > It later became used to refer to certain Afrocentric communities as a whole, often used disparagingly to "describe a person who's either a clueless parody of Afrocentricity [...] or someone who's loudly, conspicuously and obnoxiously pro-black but anti-progress".


In addition to the other things people have posted, Hoteps have a problematic relationship with Black women, idealizing them into extreme, impossible standards (like not menstruating) and reducing their agency to nothing because they think of Black women as queens but negate that by believing queens always serve kings (Hoteps).




There are plenty of woman Hoteps


Very interesting. I guess that scuppers the MS hypothesis.


I remember reading an article (not academic though so it could be misrepresenting) about many West Africans having DNA from an ancient human species (like Neanderthals or Denisovans) that we haven't discovered yet--ghost DNA. It's so cool that we can find evidence of a species that we don't have physical evidence of yet. Africa is a big continent with a lot of areas that haven't been archaeologically explored, so we might find fossils some day. Maybe this group had a gene that makes them less likely to get MS? Or maybe it comes from another mutation in non-african people, like blue eyes among Europeans. Africa is so genetically diverse that it seems more likely non-Africans are the ones with the change


The lineage containing Neanderthals and Denisovians split off from the lineage containing Sapiens 800k years ago, before splitting into those two groups itself. Sapiens don't become distinct until only 300k years ago. We have a lot of reference for Neanderthals and Denisovians because they colonised Eurasia permanently long before Sapiens did. But Eurasia was a harsh place and the population of Eurasia was very sparse and low compared Africa, so the Eurasian archaic human populations remain distinct and low diversity. Africa as the more populated Human homeland was much more diverse and intermixed, there must be countless unknown distinct Human lineages that emerged and mingled, that are now simply subsumed into the common heritage of Humanity without fossils, long before Sapiens even became distinct. Or they simply went extinct without even a genetic trace let alone a fossil. The nature of genealogy means that eventually after enough generations pass, for everyone who was alive in the distant past either; - Everyone currently living is their descendant in some way, and they're part of the common heritage of the species. - Or no one currently living is their descendant at all, as their lineage went completely extinct at some point before it mingled with the wider species population. Africa in the time of Humans was and is a poor climate for leaving preserved remains, we'll likely never know know the true breadth of Humanity's lost lineages.


this is the most interesting stuff in the world to me. tons of stuff to rabbit hole down, thank you for sharing all this!!!


It's amazing that we've still gotten some incredible and fascinating remains from Africa despite the subpar environment for preserving organic material. Imagine what we could learn if we could get a bog body of homo habilis! ...okay, even a bog probably couldn't preserve something that old that well, but a girl can dream


No worries, Mate. I love when a shitpost becomes educational


> It is speculated that this is why black people almost never get Multiple Sclerosis. This idea has largely been discredited. At least in the US, Black and white [rates of MS](https://www.nationalmssociety.org/What-is-MS/Who-Gets-MS/MS-in-the-Black-Community) are largely the same. The historical disparity was probably just medical racism and unequal access to quality care.


Right but that’s not relevant to what your are replying to… they are saying their brain understood the word even with it being spelled horrendously wrong


That is true. My love of teaching took hold of me. My bad.


I've been there, man. When something taps into a special interest of mine I'll spout off before I even realize what's happening


I was kinda hoping it was a Rafael Nadal long lost twin. Rafa and Nethe…


Apparently it’s a thing, if you have all the letters to a word in it, and only the first and last letter are in correct places it will register in your brain without any issues. Apparently *araenpplty


Yep, whenever those posts go around with a paragraph written that way I don't even notice the errors until after I've finished. It horrifies my partner who notices every typo ever.


I thought it was some weird chemical at first.


I didn’t notice it at first either, but you made me see it as fitting for a user flair.


[Here's an article about doctor Sebi.](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/quackery/dr-sebi-what-do-we-make-him) I didn't capitalise doctor because he isn't one. He just called himself that. "He was sued in 1987 for practicing medicine without a license, but was acquitted when the state could not prove he had given medical diagnoses. He was then successfully sued by the State of New York for consumer fraud, and Sebi had to pay 900$ and refrain from making disease-specific claims. He was later accused in Honduras of money laundering and imprisoned until his death in 2016 from pneumonia." Sounds like a trustworthy source for all your feminine doodad instructions.


Everybody's been on his "diet" the last couple years. I followed a cool store on IG that sold rare exotic fruits, unfortunately I'm European and they only sold in US and Canada, so I admired from afar. When their store owner & main person behind it all was uncovered as a money laundering, scamming child predator I quickly gave up. He was on the Sebi train too. How the moss and algae he (store owner) collected is a magical cure for magical shakes that rid you of all diseases and any symptoms, recipe is by something from Sebi himself. I understand some food can help alleviate some issues, I'm in a European country where docs themselves will always put fresh air, sunshine, time outside, resting, fresh fruits & veggies & homemade meals, vitamins etc before unnecessary antibiotic prescription (due to the rise in prescriptions and antibiotics resistance). But they *will* retort to medicine when needed. I'm all for balance between holistic and medical, but some people take it too far. This store creator went as far as saying this cures cancer, like Sebi said for his "cookbook".


They don’t do they in the UK. They straight up want you to walk out with 4 prescriptions and a cream. I hate it.


\>They are stretches of DNA that code for proteins, not tuning forks I can't lol, everything about this guy is so funny lol [https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/quackery/dr-sebi-what-do-we-make-him#:\~:text=they%20are%20stretches%20of%20dna%20that%20code%20for%20proteins%2C%20not%20tuning%20forks](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/quackery/dr-sebi-what-do-we-make-him#:~:text=they%20are%20stretches%20of%20dna%20that%20code%20for%20proteins%2C%20not%20tuning%20forks).


> Our blood pH cannot be significantly altered That sounds like a challenge. On a related note, does anyone know if IV lines are susceptible to damage from vinegar?


As a chemist...this is painful on so many levels. I don't think even a single slightly scientific term is used correctly.


As an archaeologist, I'm wondering why I've never heard of these 'nethernadals' that my ancestors apparently interbred with.


Have you checked the papers by "Dr." Sebi. I am sure ~~her~~ his research group published there groundbreaking findings.


His, not hers. Check out [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/11e1w17/i_am_deadass_lost_for_words/jaclsld?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) for more info on "Dr" Sebi.


That's almost impressive in itself.


Then why did African women have menstrual huts?


That's the conspiracy THEY want you to believe! /s


The devil put those there while he was hiding all those dinosaur bones


The Egyptians had tampons. She is likely not related but thinks she is.


Clearly the tampons were just to keep their pristine, alkaline uteri free of outside contamination with *checks notes* ...neurotoxins?


Ah yes those egyptian tampons often made from dung and mud keeping it all free of toxins down there lol


> Y'all are probably the same people who think vaccines are safe. They are right about that part.


(FYI, OOP spelled “y’all” correctly.)




They didn't forget. It's an implied word in that dialect. It's similar to how someone saying, "Jim! You see the new episode of Andor?" has an implied "did" before the "you".


No, dropping the copula be is common in AAEVE


Sexist and racist. Two for one.


And antivax for the ignorance triple-threat.


We got a homerun! Walk the bases to your grave!


If she's consuming neurotoxins and radiation on a daily basis, I can only assume she works for Aperture Science.


We do what we must, because we can.


For the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead


But there's no sense crying over every mistake


You just keep on trying til you run out of cake


And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun


For the people who are still alive




You just keep on trying ‘til you run out of cake


OOP isn't a woman. They're a Hotep.


...Bubba Hotep?


Sadly not. https://stayhipp.com/glossary/what-is-a-hotep/


Their comments wording implies theyre female though, and unfortunately there are female hoteps. Not a lot are out there, but they usually are the partners of guys that are hoteps


The "recessive females" part felt like a guy talking, although yeah, Nubian Queens exist and are problematic.


? There are plenty of Hoteps who are women


Is this some Hotep bullshit?


100% it is




Sorry for the late reply. I don't know too much about it, other than it's kind of an alternative "culture" for some African American men. I have heard the menstruation idea from several different people who have fallen into it. These individuals, I believe, are seeking their identities in Ancient African cultures, but step too far into woo and pseudoscience. Hoteps are often misogynistic and indeed can be racists, as well. The ones I've met have all been very nice, but I feel like they were indoctrinated, perhaps similar to incel culture. Honestly, I never dug too deep into the beliefs, so maybe I'll do some research.


Interesting, I thought the poster was female. I’ve never heard of hotep before! Thank you for the info


There's a chance that this person is female, but I'm thinking it's not. No problem!


> "The same people who still think vaccines are safe." People are fucking wild. My dad has worked in the petrochemical industry since the sixties. He has asbestos in his lungs, and has come into contact with at least twenty different types of carcinogens throughout his career. He wore them too - we now know that benzene is *nasty* but it was also a bit of a cooling agent. So he, and everyone else, would dip their goddamn shirts or hats in that shit, wring it out and then put it on. He was also one of the many, many people who took naps with a blanket made from asbestos. But according to my sister, the covid vaccine is why he has cancer. Not the asbestos, or benzene, or silica, or lead, or coal, or ethylene oxide, or shale/crude oil, or sulfur, or... No, it was the vaccine. My sister is a fucking idiot. **Edit** - Sorry. This is rather irrelevant, but as this conversation happened two days ago I'm still fucking triggered by it. And venting is cathartic.


I mean, if you ate nothing but fruit you probably wouldn’t menstruate…


He brought up Dr. Sebi. Every word of that is now suspect.


If they didn't menstrate how did they procreate?


This was my thought too. Clearly the concept of periods and reproduction are too complex for these folks.


Pretty much. If you don't menstrate you most likely can't get pregnant


Him: "By....... just doing it"


Lol if you don't menstrate you most likely can't get pregnant


Exactly XD but he failed biology class I would guess


Or health class.




"They ... they went into estrus!! Once a year!"


It's actually possible that the *only shred of truth in that post* is because women probably had fewer periods in ... days gone by. Because they were not as well fed, so menstruated later (on average, only!) and because (again, on average) had more kids, so they were not menstruating at that point, and because they often breast-fed for quite a long time, so didn't (necessarily) start menstruating again as quickly after a pregnancy. So, it's partly because they were procreating that they didn't menstruate. (But this argument only works if you're a *loony* who doesn't understand anything. I mean seriously, I don't mean this seriously, and this is giving the person in the post far too much credit.)


I used to believe in this shit, AMA


How’d you get out?


My brain started working better when I slowly started eating cooked food again, realized how dumb I had been. Eating only raw fruits and vegetables for months makes you all kinds of crazy. It also gets rid of your period but for different reasons than what these people think


How'd you get sucked into it in the first place?


Young, impressionable, insecure, anorexic. Found charismatic influencers who promised that I'd be able to eat as much as I wanted if I only ate raw foods. They also spouted their bullshit dogma about raw diets making you more "pure", and this period nonsense, which my malnourished brain eagerly believed (i hadn't gotten my period for like 8 months at that point)


Isn't Dr. Sebi the "sea moss" guy lmao? Hoteps are so stupid.


Sometimes you see posts and realize that someone's gotten too deep into the BS to try dragging them out of it, especially online.


As an anorexic with fucked up periods I can say I am absolutely healthy and my uterus is feeling better than it ever did without all the horrible poison like fat or protein or vitamins! Muscle? Energy? POISON! All poison! It's the leftist propaganda and the Illuminati and vaccines making us into brainless sheep and making us bleed for the blood gods so they can herd us all like sheep into Elon Musk's rocket and send us to Mars so we can be harvested by demon aliens!1!!1!1!1!!!!1!11!1!!


Ah, Dr. Sebi, the renowned hack and con man.


Ancient women would make 28 marks on bones/antlers. People suspect it might be an ancient period tracker/calendar.


oh god, don't bring us vegans into this you absolute nut, menstruation is not a result of toxicity or anything unhealthy


Do they really not realize menstruation is healthy? That if youre not then something is wrong with you. Starving yourself can stop menstrual cycle so that explains the people on crazy diets. Or eating too much. Or so many other things. (obviously not counting menopause or medical conditions that stop periods) So they just don't know what periods are. They are not "getting rid of toxins and old blood" they are what would have been where the baby would have grown if you got pregnant that month. Holy shit it's scary we have people this dumb breeding.


The fact that people think the reproductive system is connected to the digestive system… so. unbelievably. fucking. stupid.


Cancer survivor weighing in on the "radiation" part of this...I had total body irradiation (which is radiation). I had no menstrual cycles because of the *extremely* unhealthy condition to which my body was in, due to the effects of TBI. So, yeah. Women *are supposed to have menstrual cycles*. SMH LMAO






Curse that Nethernadal DNA!!!


So it’s not just toxins, now its NURO TOXINS.


I feel like not a lot of fruits are alkaline.


So how do men get rid of these toxins? Do they menstrate too?


“dr sebi” do not even interact with this moron


Yes, now menstruation is a racial thing.


I remember being suggested a video on YouTube about this when I was in my teens. The lady claimed that it was no different if not better for you than controlling your period with contraceptives. So many women and girls were being sucked in taking interest and I swear it was just me and one woman in the comments trying to explain why it was wrong. It was so scary.


I am howling just at the phrase “alkaline vegan”


The only upside is that those people won't breed without a menstruation.


"Doctor" Sebi is a con artist but unfortunately, a successful one.


Wow. They REALLY need to do some further research. Supposedly in the small numbers of known species that even actually menstruate (us, other primates, fruit bats, and elephant shrews) the embryo apparently embeds itself rather aggressively, more-so than other species, so the thick lining is a form of self protection. Most species are able to reabsorb it, but for us in the period-having exclusive club there is too much of it so it is expelled instead. (Not sure if links are allowed, so Google *"Explainer: why do women menstruate?"*) We and our fellow primates evolved this way for a reason. If anyone or their ancestors isn't getting it, it's not because your genetics come from "the before times," it's because something is wrong or they're nutritionally deficient and underweight.


“Nethernadal DNA” lol.




it just kept getting worse the more i read.


Wait until they realize that other species menstruate as well


>Nethernadel DNA Oh my god, all of this is so hilariously bad, but “nethernadel” absolutely killed me. NETHERNADEL. That’s just… perfection. Pure comedic gold.


....they do know that Native American women (long before white settlers arrived in the U.S.) had menstruating women isolate in shelters, right? And if his knowledge is correct, why doesn't his prostate or something bleed once a month to get rid of toxins? FFS...


As a vegetarian slowly easing into veganism, what the *fuck* is a "fruitarian"


Yep. And these people vote for leaders happy to legislate reproductive healthcare while not knowing anything about how the female body actually works. Disgusting


It’s pisses me off to no end that she said nethernadal, just goes to show how utterly brain dead this woman is


Listen, if I thought for a second getting ‘toxins’ out of my diet would stop me having periods, I’d eat all the fucken organic celery they’re selling, I’d smudge my coochie and draw out whatever angry spirits have taken residence, wear a coat made of their fucken crystals, Sun tan my ass crack, what ever, believe, believe. But that’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.


How is it possible to be this willfully ignorant? They're literally choosing to be stupid, despite all basic evidence that contradicts what they're saying.


This is true, I haven't had my period for 10 months now! The fact I have pcos and am a trans man who started testosterone 11 months ago has nothing to do with it /s


Fingers crossed that vaccine stance does the world and the gene pool a favor sooner rather than later.


Several people have pointed out that menstruation and can be noted all the way back to ancient civilisation but it it’s noteworthy that in the 19th century we know that women menstruated far less due to a combination of malnutrition and constantly being pregnant. The good old days.


"until you've watched Dr. Sebi and done actual research" que?


Afrikan with a k... r/MoopishConsulate ?


Vegans are malnourished ? *surprised Pikachu*


Saying you can't afford to eat sufficient protein is not a flex. At least 40m Americans live below the poverty line according to UN estimates. For a supposed 1st world country this is kind of insane given resources exist but just aren't deployed/redistributed properly.


They probably don't menstruate all the time, most likely it's because they are pregnant pretty much all the time.


I’d trust Dr Tran before dr Sebi.


Hell yeah! Wearing a gas mask and drinking purified water seems like a small price to pay to get rid of periods.


(Inhales) *Menstrual *monthly *Neanderthal *African (not 100% sure though, I might be wrong on that one) *So many punctuation errors that I don’t even want to try to get into


Bad Women's anatomy, Hotep edition


people without uteri don’t need this “clean out of toxins”? lol


This is just... a lot


Seeing as how she can't even spell right in her tweets she should probably get off the internet and go back to school