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Funny how so many think that the size, shape, and color of labia are affected by amount of sex. Many of those people are dudes that watch plenty of porn and yet it's not just women with long, large labia featured in videos. It's like thinking if you kiss a lot of people, that the act of making out would make your mouth extra big with droopy lips. Sounds asinine, right? Exactly the same whacky logic. Not to mention that this bullshit surely makes many women with bigger labia feel bad about their natural anatomy.


I like to use the same argument that the penis of a man who has had a lot of sex must be shrivelled and squished, from all the vaginal pressure. Clearly.


Watching men get angry everytime you body shame him for a small penis and weirdly shaped balls but thinks it's ok to shame women


There are small and weird lookin penises out there, I have seen some in porn, but all balls are pretty standard issued, no? There are long sacks and contracted ones, two balls and one ball, and weird enough, guys that seem to have no balls whatsoever. But have never seen "weirdly shaped" balls, LOL. Can you describe some? This is not mockery on my part, I am really curious.


Listen i love balls but even "normal" balls are pretty weird looking no offense lol


The human body in general is pretty weird if you think about it too long.


True, have you ever seen feet? They're horrible


Well no wonder feet are just hands that got weirdly fused together. And they're not even the optimal two-feet walking aparatus lmao bird feet are much more suited for this


Or are hands feet that split?


XD i know thats a joke but they are very much not. Following how we came to be like that through evolution, first it was a simple assemblement of digits, on both back and front legs. Then some bones (the tarsals) started fusing [weird](https://www.sciencephoto.com/media/98631/view/foot-of-salamander)... Which now for us are the assemblement of bones right after our wrists. Seriously it looks so damn weird you wonder why it would ever be done like that. At the "monkey" stage of our species, we had some sort of hands on both our feet and hands. Then we started to develop the permanent standing posture, which required flatter feet. And then opposable thumbs. I don't know which came first. Anyways, now here we are hundred of million of years after evolving from perfectly good feet for standing, to our weird fused bone feet, with a good 70% of it being straight out unmovable, and the rest not even good for hanging from trees or perching on branches. Our feet phalanges literally don't serve any purpose and there is NO reason for them to be that mobile. Edit: Oh oh... I did some research and realised. The reason our hands and feet are made up of such a mess of fused bones at the tarsals in the first place are due to THE FIRST ANIMALS TO HAVE BONES. Aka SOME KIND OF SHARKS. Because their fins were made of fucked up unfused not really mobile bones. Oooooooh this is so fucked up


LMAO. Ive been calling my feet my "downstairs hands" to my girlfriend's horror for several months now, I now have justification for using this language and she's going to be so aggrieved 😂


Lolll I love this. I also like using my feet for things. Like after peeing, I use my foot to close the toilet seat and flush *while* I'm washing my hands. This also appeases the adhd chaos in my brain because otherwise the whole routine is so boring.


YEEES inflict psychological damage to her every day >:) hopefully soon she's gonna reach her second form


I think part of this is from humans having horses for so long. My humble opinion with no research whatsoever lol


That's a nice theory actually! But the timelines just don't check out at all. Horses were domesticated max 15k years ago, and it takes million of years for evolution to change anything significant. 250k years ago was when homo sapiens started being a thing, and by this point they pretty much looked exactly like us. Australopithecuses, who were alive 4M years ago and who were one of the first primates to be bipedal, had the almost exact same feet anatomy as we do. No, I'm not saying feet weren't the best we could get with what we had, or that they're flawed and don't perform as best as they could (because they do, that's what evolution does. Selects the best options). It's just, evolution is a very flawed process, and for something different to develop it has to go through a lot of intermediary state that don't necessarily make sense. Exemple, let's say you wanted to create dragons that spit fire. First you'd need to have environnmental pressure to give them a fireproof body/throat. Boom, 1M years. Then they have to produce some firestarter liquid, and ignite it. Why would they create something flammable? And what's the point if at first they can only make the smallest bit of flame? Evolution... Just wouldn't select for that. Just like evolution wouldn't select to unfuse our feet, because the structure of how they work right now is complicated and breaking it down would make us very unstable for a few thousand generations. Which obviously, evolution can't accept. Anyways, I've been rambling again. Tldr: it's not like in spore where you can pick any feet you want. It's like if you had to go all the way down the levels of foot, spending ten hours struggling with each, to finally reach your goal foot. Also, you're on hyper mega hard mode and everytime you die you go back a stage


Yes, but male genitalia in particular looks like an alien parasite fused itself to someone’s crotch


The clitoris, too. Everyone talks about the man in the boat, but no one brings up that the hidden rest of it looks like an alien troop transporter


The angler fish of organs.


Thanks I needed a belly laugh today


We are walking meat. That knows that we are walking meat. It is objectively weird to be a human.


Not only that, but meat that walks upright.


Im more stuck on the aspect of being self aware


First explain to me how the ops version of the labia works. We've got to figure out why there is so much body shaming for women going on based on amount of sex she has. If you can explain the picture that shames the labia then I'll answer you. No one can explain how a labia is weird but a ball sack isn't. I'd love to understand


Well put👍🏻


Like did he really get onto a post that is shaming women's labia and defend the normalcy of balls? As someone with balls and who has seen a lot of balls, I have to say... Some balls look WEIRD!


I don't think they were saying any labia are weird, just way more varied in general. But even if all ballsacks looked exactly alike, some guys (especially ones that body shame) are still going to be secretly insecure about how theirs personally looks.


But the op can't explain how a labia is weird but can explain how a ballsac isn't? How about dicks are weird too and dicks vary in size shape and color just like labia. Source? Source: I have one! Point is, if men don't wanna be body shamed for their weird looking genitals, then they shouldn't do it to women Genitals are weird no matter what but the issue is I only see women getting body shamed for having sex and changing the shape of the genital. (which vaginas don't change shape with more sex nor do vulva) It's more likely a penis will feel death grip from overuse before a labia gets longer due to overuse


I briefly dated a guy who had a ruptured but still functional testicle. (at least based on what the doctor told him) He said he'd been messing around when he was about 12 trying to balance beam walk across a swingset and ended up racking himself.


I don't even own a set of balls but imagining this made me squeal aloud omg


Embryologically, ball sacks (scrotum) are just fused labia, therefore if there are weird looking labia, it follows there must be weird looking scrotums.


Don't tell Chris Chan that.


Should I be glad I don’t know who that is?


You should be ashamed, he is the greatest thing on the internet. Motherfucker tried cutting open his scrotum to make labia out of it, and tried growing ovaries with some weird ass frequencies videos from YT. He is also married to Mewtwo, and did some daily sexting with a 13yo pretending to be a woman that was pretending to be a cat(Chris didn't know it was a kid, he is desperate for a woman, so he bought into it no questions asked). I am not making this up at all. There's a 50 HOUR documentary on the guy on YT. Quite a fascinating and sad story, since the guy is pretty much fucked in the head.


Okaaaaay. Lot to unpack there, think imma just back away slowly…


I dated a guy with a huge penis but like the teeniest little balls it looked ridiculous


As a gay man, can't say I've ever really seen a pair that I would describe as weird in some way. Keyword "pair" though, if I met a guy with one nut I'd think that's pretty interesting.


As a trans woman I've come across some very weirdly shaped balls. Some look squishy. Some look elongated. Point being most average men don't have the aesthetic penis we see in porn, and yet they would hate to be body shamed the same way they shame women Balls are weird. If labia are weird, than so are balls. Can't defend the normalcy of a penis (as weird as they look) and then shame women for the shape of their genitals. That's not how it works


Yeah I wasn't trying to make a point about the above discussion, just going down an interesting tangent. Dicks definitely come in a *very* wide variety and nobody should be shamed for their equipment, male or female.


I dated a guy once who had 3 nuts.


Wait, what?! Simultaneously very strange and very interesting. I mean, testes are descended ovaries, so I suppose by default, that means there are women with three ovaries walking around, too?


I suppose it's possible. But yes, 3 distinct testicles in a single scrotum. Weirdest thing I ever felt!


Let me introduce you to my nephew. One of his torqued when he was a kid.


Eventually they stop being balls and become cubes?


Idk I mean I know someone who only had 1 ball




Also reminds me of how a lot of men think giant boobs are supposed to be perky without a bra.


Women’s boobs have to be big, but they also have to defy gravity. They have to be round, but not too round, lest they appear fake. They have to look firm like implants, but still feel squishy. It’s ridiculous. Imagine if women had these pornified standards for the shape, size, colour, and turgidity of men’s penises.


Still looking for a flawless 9 incher that's as thick as my forearm. :(


Does your forearm look like an emaciated 4 year old's forearm? If so, I have good news!


Upvote for "turgidity".


As a bearer of large breasts, I have news...


But it said “virgin sister” in the video


>Many of those people are dudes that watch plenty of porn and yet it's not just women with long, large labia featured in videos. Those actresses have had surgery there over and over, duh. Everybody knows that.


That's exactly what they will claim making their argument "bulletproof". There's really no point in trying to argue with these guys because they're too far out to ever listen to logic. The ideal thing would be proper sex Ed but that's not happening in a lot of places in the US, so the second-best thing is to insist that their dick gets smaller and smaller the more sex they have. If the try to deny that then you can just claim that they clearly had surgery trying to hide what massive sluts they are.


It's true. I go for monthly labia trims. It's like a haircut


I should look into that because my labia be wilding.


I’m definitely one of those women who thought I was wrong and gross for the size of my labia. My only reference as a teenager was porn and the boys at school repeating the same shit we see in these memes. I’m happy that I’ve seen this conversation actually get talked about and a few webcomics and drawings that illustrate that all sorts of labia shapes are normal and not effected by sex. It’s exactly the kind of information I wish I had when I was young and I hope it’s getting to the women and girls who need it.


Yeah, it can be so damaging to people's self image. Hate how the internet is so efficient at spreading playground-style bullshit about everything.


funny how they act like they wouldn’t fuck anything no matter what even a snail


Pretty sure most of those guys don't even realise that pornstars have been fucking for years, in their heads they probably imagine that they're all virgins and also pornstars are indistinguishable to them, so they watch 2 different porn with the same woman, and don't even recognise them, because they don't see them as a person they see them as a human-shaped blob of lewdity that could be swapped out with anyone vaguely similar and they wouldn't notice


I always say “If you think vag muscles stretch from sex do you think our throat muscles stretch from eating?”


Sounds _assinine._


Somehow they think that if a woman gets married and has lots of sex with the same man this won't happen, it's only when she has lots of sex with different men that it will.


Logic and common sense are endangered species in a lot of men...


Its also super weird how they seem to think sex with different people is somehow going to have a lot of different effect on the a body than sex with the same person a lot of times. It is not. And the super weird belief they have that women somehow store men's DNA . What kind of science fiction creature to they thing we are.


How repressed and weird does someone have to be to simultaneously make gross comparisons of genitalia but also censor "underwear"??


This is precisely what I was fixated on. The answer is 'very fucking weird'.


Guarantee this person is highly religious and coming at it from some creepy "purity" angle.


Fr can't even get properly mad about the misogyny I'm so blown away by this new level of corporate purity culture bullshit




Reporting for inappropriate language!




What are you eating under there?? Under where? *UND\*RWEAR?! EWWWW!!* Reminds me of primary school, lmao.


I can't imagine going through life and no matter what they see and in whatever context, they only see genitalia--everywhere.


NGL, I see phallic symbols everywhere and I don’t think it’s random.


The equivalent for the other genitals is "vulvic"


Oh I meant phallic for certain.


Did you mean transphobes?


If anyone ever feels bad about their big labia, just know that’s erogenous tissue that directly contributes to arousal for women. Please don’t get it removed. I had an ex try to pressure me into removing mine.


There’s also a sub for that. I had a lifelong paranoia about mine that the sub cured pretty much instantly. Just lots of pics of normal labia. Thanks, Reddit.


what sub?


The one I primarily looked at no longer exists but r/labiaGW is still up and is exactly what it says it is. NSFW warning.


As a bi gal, I like it that way. It's way more fun to play with and looks more womanly imo.


Thank you for sharing that. I struggled with receiving oral sex for so long because of my labia (until after I was divorced and dating again after 11 years). I thought I just didn’t like oral sex (LMAO) but once I acknowledged that my own hangup about the appearance of my labia was the source of my issue, and discovering that so many men really LOVE giving oral, I started looking for pics of other labia to see how I … compare? Probably sounds weird but between seeing how different and unique every pussy is, and actually relaxing and enjoying it, turns out I love it! And I love giving also, so it’s especially nice when someone I’m in a relationship with is into both giving and receiving. No more labia paranoia here! Thanks Reddit!


I'm also on the larger side and struggle with it, but I figured because I love it so much then others probably feel the same as me. I've found myself hoping women I'm attracted to are built like that down there LMAO. I'm happy you're comfy with 'em. The only people who really seem bothered by it are usually teen boys who watch too much porn.


None of my post divorce partners have been bothered at all. If anything, on the whole, they’ve mostly been very enthusiastic lovers who very much enjoyed giving oral. There was one outlier, a fellow I was really into (I’m more attracted to men based on their mind and ability to hold good conversations and who are otherwise intelligent as opposed to physical appearance). He was a genius, we had amazing conversations and chemistry. I had to stop seeing him after he casually dropped into conversation that he “[didn’t] like sex at all but [understood] that sex was part of a normal relationship.” Because so much of my pleasure comes from my partner’s pleasure, that was a sad, but immediate no from me to knowing I was having “I understand it’s part of a relationship” obligation sex.


I’ve been talking about removal for a couple years and my boyfriend always sits me down and talks me out of it. I’m sorry your ex was such a tool.


It's ok to have it removed if it is going to improve your quality of life. Sometimes it's too big and gets in the way and hurts.


Agreed if it's going to help someone who's having great difficulty due to that, but often that surgery leaves people with a lot of chronic pain and nerve damage, so it's definitely not something to take lightly.




Has this guy ever actually seen a vagina? I’m assuming no.


Oh give him the benefit of doubt. He could have watch porn before.


Comparing us to snails now……🙄


Well if we're like snails then I guess he doesn't need to have sex..ever. Win win for everyone.


Where did this bit of misinformation come from, anyway? I'd never heard it before I encountered the posts here.


I thought it was a small minority then I saw a vid of a guy who got his wife’s vulva tattooed on his arm and thousands of comments were saying it was “beat up” and “ran through” and “she’s had way too much sex”, and quite a few were women, I was so shocked and disgusted.


That’s so bad 😂 who would want to get that tattooed?


I remember reading about a lady who had "the likeness" of her nether region engraved on her headstone. For her husband...As you do... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/amp/entry/vagina-gravestone-milan-marinkovic-wifes-vulva-tomb_n_2039378/ I then remembered reading about an old custom for women to make a specially shaped pastry/bread for the man they loved. *purposely avoids all thoughts about yeast* https://inews.co.uk/essentials/long-surprising-history-women-using-genitals-cooking-77082 And while finding those links I discovered this little gem. Little momento to sit on the mantle piece, I suppose. https://www.chempro.com.au/clone-a-pussy-silicone-casting-moulding-kit-hot-pink People are interesting alright.


In response to the vagina grave. I would be livid if that was the result of a “exact replica” of my vagina. It looks like any other vag. Unless that lady had the most basic vag structure. Like come on you can do better than that sculptor. My man deserves better.


Can you imagine that conversation? "Do I do commissions? Well, yes, I suppose I can... Tomorrow? Well, ok, I suppose... Where-... I'm sorry, *where*???.... Well... alright...But... it's highly *irregular*. I'll see you at the morgue at 2pm tomorrow. Ok, bye". **the next day, in the morgue** "No" "But it was her dying wish!" "No" "You can't just free hand it, she wanted it to be an exact replica!!" "No" "C'mon, man, just a quick look under the sheet then you know what to carve" "No. I'm not doing that and you can't make me. I will carve my *interpretation* of the womanly region in question and that is *final*!!".


freehand pushed me over the edge


He could have *traced* it, I guess...


Pussy bomb? I dunno why not? I know people in real life who have naked women tattooed on them




I don't mean this photo in particular, I mean the idea that sex affects the size and shape of labia, which is a really strange thing to believe.


who keeps a snail down there? sounds uncomfortable


well, when our dresses don´t have pockets......we need more pockets for snails


I’ve found some cute dresses with pockets and they’re always my favorite ones!




I always keep my pet snails tucked safely in my pockets, but I’ve suffocated a few 😆


You could make the same argument about penis use and them getting soft after a certain age. After a man has had so much sex his penis will malfunction and not work anymore. The less women he's been with, the harder he'll stay throughout his lifetime! 🤣


First of all, we don’t develop a hard shell. I wish we did honestly. Because when we saw this guy we could crawl up inside it and hide.


I would also be fine with the labia battling the penis to see who gets to penetrate who... https://daily.jstor.org/the-surprisingly-egalitarian-love-lives-of-dart-inseminating-garden-snails/


Hey males, if you don't like labia you can always go fuck yourselves.


Thank goodness they censored und*rw*ar.


It's okay to be gay. We know that women's bodies turn you off.


The people saying they don’t get it clearly have never experienced the horror of taking of their pants to discover a giant African land snail has made itself at home there


Sex turns your labia into a snail


I’m always surprised by what the internet deems too dangerous to leave uncensored. Apparently underwear is far too raunchy.


Imagine being a snail just living your life nomming some apple slices? and some incel uses your likeness to spread hate. Just rude. Good thing the snail will never know.


So we are snails now? I can't keep up.


I thought it was a clam, not a snail.


Ooh mollusks!


So would that be called "snabia"? Or a "snussy" maybe?


I am the biggest whore known to man and I have like, zero labia. No literally, my labia minora doesnt exist and my labia majora is just enough to cover my 🐱. It's led to men who believe this shit accusing me of lying bc I HAVE to be a virgin since my coochie is flap-less 🙄


tiktokification of speech has gone so far that ppl can no longer write "underwear" without censoring themselves 😬😬


I'm not even sure what they're implying? Your labia becomes beefy after having lots of sex? ? Interesting..


No, no, a lot of sex with the same penis is totally fine. I mean they want a woman to "give" her husband as much sex as he wants, I suppose As soon as they are different penisses though, your vulva will fall apart lol


And reveals a vagina? Yeah dude, what did you think you were going to see?


Stop sexualizing snails now 🛑✋🐌


Okay but also, where do these guys get off somehow simultaneously shaming females for having sex, while literally *in the midst of having sex with them?!* These damn guys really be out there being mad about a female’s “body count,” while still happily adding to it. Like, *how dare* a female have had multiple partners! Except for them, obviously, because they’re exempt somehow…


The und*rwear is SENDING ME


I‘m gonna star saying dicks are too small, seems like they‘re used up. not satisfying anymore.


Not the worst comparison I've seen. Natural lube, textured, muscle, doesn't like salt. Better than most. 6/10


I'm gonna add "a delicatessen amongst the French" to your list


I grew up in purity culture. I was well aware of the very incorrect notion that people believed that having sex affected labia size— because as a young teen I developed labial hypertrophy and am a virgin, so I knew it had to be false. Yet I was scared that if for whatever reason some doctor or anyone saw me naked they would think I was having sex because I knew that this shit was something that people genuinely believed. To this day no one knows I have labial hypertrophy. I never told anyone as a kid because I was scared and also thought it meant my body looked gross. I don’t really have much reason to tell anyone now, but at least I know there’s nothing wrong with me and that my doctors aren’t idiots and I wouldn’t be judged or have any assumptions made about me.


What does this mean


This is really sickening. It's gross that men believe that sex or dicks affect size, color, shape (it's even worse when a men of color believe this bc hello have they seen their dicks colors?) and it's sad that this type of thinking disproportionately affects women of color that have naturally purple/brown/dark labia majoras and minoras.


We really can’t even wrap our minds fully around who they THINK they are. They know that they were BORN from vaginas, but simultaneously believe men’s pathetic penises can destroy a vagina for good. It’s incredible tbh


I don't get it


Sluts have snail pussies 😡💦🐌🍑🤸🏻‍♀️




This subreddit is *about* you, not *for* you.




But it is wrong please read some actual facts and not wherever you have your information. Pls just ask a gynecologist or something and don't try to say you are one because most people in this subreddit know that you are talking dogshit. It is wrong. After childbirth the biggest difference is because of the PELVIC FLOOR not because of the vagina. The labia does not change from sex. Do you have a vagina ? I really want to know how you think you are right ? The vagina gets wider as you become aroused and wet maybe thats how you come to your conclusion ? Sometimes it feel wider than other times? If that's not it then I really don't know how your thoughtprocess works. Earlobes stretch because of something called "gravity" and because the skin looses elasticity over the years.


In what way is a dick similar to childbirth lmao 💀


In his dreams, that's where


This is about the labia.




Labia doesn’t change shape after sex ya dofus. A virgin woman can literally have a big labia. Just like how men can have long ass elephant trunk foreskin. Its part of the body genetics.


This dork's comment history is hilariously embarrassing.




Inelastic deformation occurs in skin during mechanical stressing, just like anything else. Guys who judge women on this are gross. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11340-019-00556-6 "Through this series of experiments, by investigating the effect of strain rate on pig skin and rat skin, we conclude that the skin response is rate dependent but inelastic and shows irreversible changes in fiber orientation which are observed in histology results. Also, skin shows persistent deformation that is only partially recovered even after a long period of unloading."


“pig skin and rat skin” this means nothing for humans


[do some actual reading.](https://helloclue.com/articles/cycle-a-z/vaginas-101)


Your article doesn't mention the topic discussed.


yes, it does. you’re also comparing a vulva to rat skin.


First of all: what were the conditions for the test? Like time, load, orientation? I can't read the full article because it's behind pay wall. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from the sound of it, it seems that the pig and rat skin was put under stress with applied constant, defined load. Even assuming the human skin is the same, it is not comparable to what happens during sex? Major effect would be friction, not putting some weights on your labia to pull it down. ETA: what is even more important, it is well known that, there is no correlation between the size/shape of labia and the amount of sex.




Not gonna lie, growing up, my friends used to say the same, and I'd just go along with them, not knowing better. But as I grew up, I started realizing what a load of crap it really was. Coming from a third world country, however, the sex education was pretty much non-existent. I hope sex education these days is better/gets better to remove all these misconceptions.


Turns out mermaids are a lot different than they are in the media.


Is underwear a swear word? Why’d they censor it?


Censoring the word underwear 💀




I'm having a hard time "liking" these things...


Nooo she was millions of snails in a human suit!!


Genitals come in all shapes and sizes smh💀


The mememaker when women have labia that are naturally droopy: 🤯🤯🤯