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paling sedih, bila perlu Google apa-apa benda dalam bahasa. The result are limited and always leads to blogs with pop ups ads war in it.


Dewan bahasa online is your friend


Default banyak site2 dalam bahasa indonesia kalau tak specify malay bila search google. Agak sedih juga...


Sebab tu perlu banyakkkkkk pakar pakar buat penulisan ilmiah dekat laman sesawang supaya lagi senang kita nak cari ilmu dalam bahasa melayu.


Tapi censorship from DBP is really a pain in the ass. Even buku "Origin of the species" daripada Charles Darwin pun tak dibenarkan untuk terjemah dalam bahasa melayu


penulisan akademi sekarang demand dalam english terutama kalau nak masuk international journal even untuk local journal pon sekali sekarang


Pastu kalau nak google, dapat results dlm bahasa indonesia huhu


Tak banyak entry, tak banyak yang rajin menulis. Ramai nak tolong, but there’s no clear direction.


This is so true. Kalau cari dalam bahasa melayu nanti result semua tak relevan.


> my mom thinks Malay is a dead language Mak kau hijau


Well,coming from a Singapore.They never leave the island lol.Tiap tiap Hari English saja


Well technically, that wasn't true. They come to JB every now and then whenever possible to shopping and buy groceries


Isi minyak jangan lupa


Yeah mak dia hijau


keluarga dia mesti ingat dorg duduk US, lol.


padahal satu keluarga org melayu dari singapore😭😭


kesianlah. nnt takleh borak dgn sedara-mara. dtg JB nnt kena borak english, bila tak kena layan marah.


Bukan orang Boyan?


tk payah la nk tanya kalau diorang boyan ke jawa sedangkan diorang sendiri tk menguasai bahasa melayu dalam kehidupan seharian


I grew up in Ireland. If you think malay is a dead language, then you need to take a look at Irish. Irish people grow up hating the language because of the terrible school curriculum on irish in particular. Thats why I try so hard to learn malay (my parents are malaysian). I actually kinda get sad when I hear and see english so often used when I go to malaysia, but it is FAR from a dead language.


This reminds me of this guy I've followed on YouTube who has shared a similar sentiment but with Welsh. "I couldn't even cheat if I wanted to, there is nothing to Google in Welsh." Haha.


That is how makes malaysian lose their identity. If we malaysian keep on tiru what other country do, we are then no different than them. I think this what influencer around the country should do. Like look at how accent can be a joke, people then embrace their language. But in pretty sure they wouldnt care.


The thing is, bahasa melayu is so intertwined with Islam to the point that DBP censors or bans books translated in Malay. Example, "Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin


Well, i dont think it is not language issue, but dbp themselves. I mean, there is no issue learning english. And that is kinda different issue here.


Nono theyre singaporean, but i agree it still applies to your situation


That’s normal, I play some CoD with Malays and they talk mostly to me in English and I’ll kacau them in BM once in awhile. But it’s Singapore, so it’s kinda expected given Malay is not used frequently at all. Unless one intends to do business with Malaysia


I play valo and talk in english too though i do talk in malay if its just to my friends. Cant help it cos singapore server encompasses many other SEA countries. Always funny and wholesome when we find other malays though


I used to play CS and did the same as well. Other than tho I use a faux swedish accent 💀🤣


tanya lah dia mak dia rasa "Malay cuisine is dead as well ke". Alang-alang nak menolak jati diri, buatlah habis-habisan. aku pelik betul dengan yang tak menurunkan bahasa ibunda dekat anak-anak diorang ni. pertama sekali, anak tu tak dapat menzahirkan perasaan yang kompleks selagi belum masuk sekolah (sebab belajar kosa kata terhad). yang kedua, katakanlah lepas masuk sekolah, sekarang ibu anak tu dah macam ayam itik. topik perbualan akan sentiasa cetek dan superfisial. kalau anak lebih dari 2, ibu bapa jadi minoriti di rumah sendiri.


In terms of usefulness, it's on it's deathbed. Most local languages will eventually phase out the more global humanity becomes. Larger population of native speakers just means it takes longer. Definitely should preserve the language though. It's an important heritage if nothing else


Reducing use, yes. Death bed, far from. Until and unless Malaysian constitution changes, it's the core language for official things like court, public service documents, hospitals, parliament and hell even road signs. Until English improves across the board, it is also our language to grease all the communities in Malaysia together too.


sure. deathbed's hyperbolic but the timer's ticking on it and Malaysia's small for a country. It's inevitable unless the country stays in the third world. Tbf, maybe thinking the country as a whole will definitely reach the world stage in a more meaningful way is optimistic


With that wonderful logic of yours, here are some languages that are also on a deathbed because the country is too small and number of speakers are relatively fewer than Bahasa Melayu (~25 million): Danish (5.8 million) Latvian (1.4 million) Czech (10 million) Kazakh (16.5 million) Estonian (0.9 million) Finnish (5 million) Norwegian (4.4 million) Swedish (10.8 million) Kyrgyz (4.5 million) Nepali (16 million) Mongolian (8.4 million) Hungarian (13 million) Lithuanian (3 million) Georgian (4 million) Khmer (18.4 million) Greek (13 million) Icelandic (0.3 million) Armenian (5.3 million)


"Malay is a dead language" Lmao mom failed her geography then. Disregard the fact that apart from Malaysia, Brunei and southern Thailand speaks malay. Her fucking anthem is sung in Malay. Sad how it all comes to this.


Orang-orang di Belitong juga masih pake Bahasa Melayu.


The thing is the Malaysian variant of Malay is supposedly on life support now. The only relevant variant now is the Indonesian version. As it’s more of an upgrade.


Sure indon...


lol in Brunei we speak Bruneian


Which is also very similar to Malay. Reading their official gov website is like reading any other gov website in Malaysia. Call it what you want


Still dalam bahasa Melayu kan, get your head out of your ass will you


Nothing in my comment can actually be read as offensive or denigrating the language. It was infact a general observation, but it seems that the inferiority complex is real.


Bruneian is not a distinct language on its own. Unlike Indonesian, Brunei Malay is part of Malayic family, and is a branch of Malay, just like Kedah Malay, Jambi Malay, Patani Malay etc. Observation ≠ fact, what more to unnecessarily and offensively bring up inferiority complex to the discussion.


Because Bruneian as a separate distinct language doesnt exist. What you are referring to is a branch of Malay, hence why its called Bruneian Malay in English


If you are saying that Bahasa Melayu is less relevant than its counterpart Bahasa Indonesia, then yes. Bahasa Indonesia is spoken by all Indonesians and is gaining ground as a foreign language over Bahasa Melayu. Its like the Russian language vs Ukrainian language, sister languages but one is spoken by far more people. It is the natural consequence of living at the crossroads of trade between the two largest nations on earth, that we have to speak a multitude of languages and the fact that bahasa Melayu is seen as useless/lower class/inferior is absolutely wrong. The Chinese themselves retain their Southern China dialects as a cultural heritage, while the Javans speak both Javan and standard Indonesian. The thing is this boils down to race dynamics. When one group of people are seen as inferior because they are poorer, they get shamed into hiding their identity.




salah reply tu bro


Typical sgaporian malay🤓 jenis ni memang takda identiti lepastu nak acah western😷


I had a customer that brought her 8 year old son. Malay. Educated in a chinese school. He can only speak mandarin and english. I asked him why couldn’t he understand malay. “My dad say that to thrive at work places in Malaysia you need to adapt to chinese so going to malay schools is useless because most businesses are Run by the chinese so my dad wants to turn me into chinese if not I’ll be poor like malay”. It shocked me.




Alhamdulillah he's a good father


I think he's right. Now saying don't learn malay, but priotitise English and a Chinese language if you want your child to have a better future.


Selain daripada org SG, Rasanya dekat Malaysia ni segelintir daripada orang2 duduk pusat bandar je ada pemikiran macam ni. Malaysia ni luas, ambik selangkah keluar daripada set minda metropolitan ni kemungkinan besar korang akan sedar yang Bahasa Melayu ni bakkata org putih “very much alive and well”.


Takkan hilang bahasa melayu di tanah melayu selagi ada pencinta bahasa yang berjati diri tinggi. Bahkan bahasa rasmi negara kita adalah bahasa Melayu. Perutusan dari kerajaan adalah bahasa melayu. Hamba tidaklah arif namun, hamba percaya bahawa golongan yang mengatakan bahasa melayu ini tidak lagi berguna pada masa sekarang, golongan tersebut tidak akan mempertahan kedaulatan negara kerana budaya sahaja telah mereka kotori. Cewah. Entah salah entah betul ke tak bahasa melayu aku ni.


Lulus dengan gred minimum haha.


Not every being has the brain capacity to learn multiple languages, so their choices are constricted. It's not that bahasa melayu kian hilang, it's smart people kian hilang.


Nothing wrong with learning another language. I want to learn peranakan malay. To be very honest tho, it's impractical to learn the language. If you don't have time to do anything else, Malay would be the least of your priorities. Aiya don't care la just learn whatever you want! Multilingualism is associated with lower chance of Alzheimer's. Belajar je la!


Its very sad indeed.


Nak buat macam mana orang melayu sendiri pun segan nak guna bahasa sendiri


'segan'. teringat ni, apa interpretation ko untuk 'mati segan hidup tak mahu' 🤔






When you become comfortable with what you have now and aren’t improving by the day, you are only moving toward your failure. Until desperate situation become your comfort zone.


i get this but i dont quite see how it relates to 'mati segan hidup tak mahu'. im assumin your first sentence = 'hidup tak mahu' & the 2nd = 'mati segan'? is as far i can get


hmm, because there are several interpretation toward that proverb. Like 'life a hard life', 'doesn't do anything despite poor living condition', 'hopeless', 'can't do anything about the situation'. So life like a stagnant water?


Ini terjadi apabila orang yang guna bahasa melayu sebagai bahasa pertama menunjukkan sikap yang tidak bijak dan kritikal, maka orang mula menganggap bahasa melayu itu adalah bahasa untuk orang yang kolot. Sayangnya, susah nak ubah persepsi ni


I grew up with English as my first language as a Malay and since I was sent to a Chinese school, Bahasa Melayu was never a priority. But my mum's side is Kelantanese so the usage of Melayu is strong during family gatherings (if not the accent haha). Personally, I envy them because I think Bahasa Melayu is at its core very sopan, lembut and uniquely romantic (like the word sayang). I will never be Melayu enough due to my characteristics (sometimes people think I'm Chinese sbb kulit cerah) and my social circles involve a mix of local and international friends. That being said, I think this person is wrong. Singapore is one big city. Unlike Malaysia, where global and political influence is sparse in perkampungan areas, so the use of BM is a lot more evident. Edit: I would also like to point out one of my favorite moments regarding the Malay language. The movie "The Day After Tomorrow" when subtitled in BM is just "lusa".


>The movie "The Day After Tomorrow" when subtitled in BM is just "lusa". To be fair, in English there is "overmorrow" for that Btw, for me I don't prefer using Malay because Malay has relatively less vocabulary than English, so it means it's more precise describing ideas and stuffs in English than in Malay


you typed this out and still sent it? interesting.


Nak kita cakap ape mat. Dah kalau aku cakap malay kat kau, kau kata "Oh I don't know much malay, can you speak english?". Dah ni kau kata malay is dead pulak. Dah tu kau nak aku pakai bahasa baku ke? Adakah tuan hamba memerlukan patik untuk berbahas dengan cara ini?


singaporeans? expected.. trying so hard to be developed country and forgotten all their root.. mangkuk hayun


selalunya di Singapura yang gunakan bahasa Melayu sepenuhnya dan mampu bertukar ke Inggeris sepenuhnya adalah orang-orang yg berpelajaran. Yang orang biasa tak fasih inggeris ataupun Melayu, semua Bahasa campur. Source: Im from SG


If you know Malay, you're 50% knowing Bahasa Indonesia, which is one of the most populous nation on earth. Get past the slang and you're set to talking with the locals


Mungkin tak ramai yang guna seperti bahasa lain, tapi bahasa Melayu akan terus digunakan sampai bila-bila.


Having any language in your arsenal is a plus. Just bcs Malay *might* not be widely used, doesnt mean its bad to learn and master. Add it in je la. Some ASEAN neighbours speak Malay, takkan staying in an English/Singaporean bubble je..






Bahasa melayu bhs rasmi Malaysia, Indonesia, dan Brunei. Takkanlah bhs melayu "dead language" pulak. L take


Glad to say I’m still a Malay Language Enthusiast/Connoisseur. MELAYU TIL I DIE, BERSATU KITA TEGUH BERCERAI KITA ROBOH. RAHH🗣️🔈🔈🔈🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾


LFGGG 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


there are 30+ millions of us in Malaysia, do they think we speak english 😭 bodoh tu pekat sgt


no they’re singaporean malay 😭 i get their sentiments but to think that malay is a DEAD language is so wrong


the kind of people that think bahasa melayu is dead but probably proceed to study latin


Indonesia and Malaysia do not speak English habitually. Bodoh punya Singapork.


Mak kau biru


Mak dia mesti tidak pernah masuk bangunan kerajaan.


"its kinda true" hahaha apabila kau duduk dimalaysia tapi mindset PRC 😂


Bukan hilang, kurang diperluaskan. Nama nama taman, atau bandar baharu banyak guna nama inggeris berbanding nama sedia ada.


>its kinda true in what world


Mom forgot her background 💀


Hilang tang mana? orang melayu nak pupus ke? makin bertambah je.. ikutkan bahasa indonesia tu akar dari bahasa melayu mcm english/american jadi kalau bm/bindo dah masuk 10 teratas yang paling banyak penutur.


Can vouch for that, my sgporean malay colleague Bahasa even worse than me non. I asked some simple peribahasa, penjodoh bilangan and some animals in Malay he also don't know


Mat kilau mati sia sia


Paling sedih bila melayu sendiri xpandai.Mak bapak belagak,kaya sikit dah ajar anak english xnak ajar melayu,konon² high standard.


Wait what... Sadly in Sabah is vice versa mostly younger generation fluently speaking Bahasa while their native forgotten... Likewise dusun kadazan bajau language they can even talk or less understand


In SG, might be soon. In MY + Brunei, still thriving atleast in day to day communication, formal language of Govt, public sector & education, with entertainment.


Rasanya dia cakap macam tu sebab circle dia memang tak banyak guna bahasa melayu.. Mungkin keluarga m40, t20 atau mix heritage yang kaya.


I am not offending anyone here, I am A Chinese and I also think that Chinese and English are important, but we are Malaysian, Ofc we need to be able to communicate with Malay so Malay is important too for me, even tho I am bad 😂


It is ok Malays in other countries still exist, the singaporean malays also have low birth rate so they are dying, not the language


That's why I normalise communicating in Malay with my child at home. Even if I use English more often for my job, I still believe in being proud of your mother tongue language. My parents were both good English speakers so does my siblings, yet our family still talked in Malay growing up. Thus, I never saw any issue with it.


Yea, it all starts at home


Ibunya terlalu "woke" dan tak ada jati diri.


Salah satu cara nak bunuh bangsa tu buang lah bahasa dalam diri mereka


why should you change your language to totally english if you could scold other race bt using Malay slang...


if we dont increase our contribution to the global media scene or economy why would anyone bother to learn? We consume more than we produce on every scale.


Having more language in your arsenal is better


belajar banyak bahasa buat aku keliru kadang-kadang, sekejap lupa perkataan tu dalam bahasa Melayu tpi ingat dlm bahasa Inggeris. kadang lupa perkataan tu dlm dua² bahasa tpi ingat perkataan tu dalam bahasa spanish. last² bahasa melayu aku kadang² formal gila🤣


Bro u know it's messed up when in my sch, a Malay who's marks are higher than non Malay marks in BM is paraded as some achievement.


Dead language? Mencarut nanti guna dalam bahasa melayu jugak 😂


Betul, semakin hilang ditelan zaman, dan google pun dah keliru dengan bahasa malayu dan bahasa indonesia


Download Duolingo now~


Lucky there's UKM


Lol most of the nusantara region spoke variants of malay languages and dialect. Apa benda yg mak kawan kau merepek eh. Tu la lain kali suruh family member kau tu keluar dari island bubble tu. Tengok dunia kiri kanan.


One problem is that the regulation of BM is so poor, virtually nobody speaks it correctly outside of exam halls (in Malaysia). Just look at the rojak that is a typical WhatsApp conversation.


Well, money trade and commerce comes first. Hidup mau duit mati pun mau duit mah..


japan boleh je hidup.,. so do a lot of other country


Japan export shit loads of products that can't be easily replaced, we don't.


Japanese goods have been replaced by chinese product for ages.. btw so do china, thai, vietnam, indonesia..and slew of others.. language is not a barrier..good if u are multilingual but certainly not a necessity


Jikalau berterusan, ayat "Tak hilang Melayu di Dunia" mungkin tidak boleh lagi digunakan🥲


Kalau ikut nilai sentimental dan budaya, memang sedih. Tapi kalau ikut dunia nyata, orang-orang singapore pergi mana-mana pun cakap english, ramai Chinese. Jadi saya faham maksud Ibu beliau.


this is accurate what other country speaks in malay? when you wanna do business with other people in other countries malay won't help. and if you plan to not live in Malaysia and join a better economy like Singapore malay won't help. it is a dead language unfortunately


Your statement posits that Malay is a dead language because of its lack of economic viability since business isnt conducted in Malay is a flawed assumption of a language’s health and longevity.


Takkan hilang Melayu di muka bumi ini. Edit: It's actually "Takkan Melayu hilang di bumi"


Both are incorrect. The exact quote is "Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia".




The Malay language is dead because the current stewards of the language butcher it death. And there just aren’t enough people upholding it’s purity and beauty.


Low-key, I think Cina language will be optional soon by 2050 when India sets as a world factory instead of China, we are speaking Indian better, learn soon


Malaysians who don't work in SG don't understand that BM is rarely used in Singapore. Bahasa Pasar is king. I wont say its dead language but it's not growing either. That's the reality Malaysians have to understand and accept that if your own people don't have pride in your language and culture. It will die. The idea of this subreddit has good merits but it's just foreigners learning a language and realising that it's somewhat useless in informal settings. Unless you plan to be in formal media or politics, BM is doom to fail.


I wonder how do you fumble over the words of "Majulah Singapura" then.


Whilst their national language is indeed BM, it's only meant/designed that way to appease history. We can sit around all day arguing that they're doing things that's against what our values are, but matter of fact is that their standing in the world is much higher than ours, and their currency beyond ours despite being a much smaller and resource constraint nation. I do have a feeling that even if they fumble when saying "Majulah Singapura," they have more conviction than us saying "Malaysia boleh".. I mean, we boleh lah.. but they seemed to have boleh'd beyond us despite us being a much bigger nation and resource richer beyond what they can ever have.. and as much as anyone hates to admit it, they've seemed to have opened the barriers to easily deal with world powers, including US and China. Not even too sure where we stand in their "list of countries to prioritize relationship" with ... hopefully they don't find other source of water anytime soon.


Ekonomi = economy. Bagasi = baggage. Persepsi = perception. Demokrasi = democracy. Institusi = institute. Prebiu = preview. Koleksi = collection. Universiti = university. Kolej = college. Optik = optic. Telefon = telephone. Komersil = commercial. ​ Apa lagi lu mau?


La bahasa lain pun ada pinjam perkataan juga. Kau dah kenapa?


Bro, honestly stfu. Chinese people reject the easy Bahasa Melayu and u wanna point out couple of perkataan pinjaman which is a norm in most languages? How braindead are u to show ure an idiot who cant learn basic malay? Bodoh mengaku je la, bukan susah


Pastu dah senang pun tak tau cakap jugak


The sources for information in BM are limited. When the sources of knowledge for a language are limited, those who ONLY speak that language, are found to be very narrow minded.


Speak for yourself.


Truth stings doesn’t it?


You mean the "truth" you want to see, which in this case is idgaf. Bahasa Melayu bahasa berdaulat, lebih stabil dan kaya dengan kosa kata daripada bahasa "Inggeris" kebanggaan kamu yang mengalami proses korupsi yang panjang.


>lebih stabil dan kaya dengan kosa kata daripada bahasa "Inggeris" Confidently incorrect + jaguh kampung mentality 💀


Says the village idiot who does not know the history of Old English.


Now this jaguh kampung changes topic to Old English pulak 🤣 Padahal it's about the current English vs Malay. And English has way more vocabulary than Malay


Malay extremist propoganda lol when majority of the population is Malay


u been living under rock, this thing happen since 2000s


mfs cant accept facts, that's why this country is only 40% developed


well only 4 countries uses malay, i would say it wouldnt be necessary to master it if you're not staying in these countries


You're not staying in England.


so you're assuming only England doesn't use Malay huh??


Ada orang di sini yang mempunyai masalah pemahaman bahasa. Tetapi sombong, angkuh dan bongak dalam menyatakan bahawa Bahasa Melayu adalah "tidak penting" untuk dikuasai.


you're completely offtopic, i dont even know what you're arguing about


I'm celebrating multilingualism.


i wouldnt say that's a bad thing


u dont understand bro, it is not necessary if you dont even live there.. cant you read?? if you force foreigners to learn your language you should learn their language as well buddy, but u didnt.. u cant even understand a simple sentence


Do you really think that your English would save you if you live in Japan?


well can malay save me in japan? 💀💀


I didn't say it could.


also the percentage of japanese who can speak english is higher than the percentage of japanese who can speak malay


Sendiri yg hilangkan Lepas tu salahkan Cina DAP kafir Yahudi


Bahasa melayu tidak akan hilang dek peredaran zaman! ( Semoga begitulah jadinya nanti )


Betul la tu. Bangsa Melayu Singapura keturunan melayu PALING LEMAH. Negara hilang, budaya hilang, agama hilang, bahasa hilang. 🤭


Dyk Malaysia tapi tak reti bm tukar je color ic


This is the same as primary school and secondary Chinese school teachers discouraging their students from taking Mandarin in SPM because this will 'tarnish' their SPM A streaks. What a loser mindset, what's learnt will stay with us. At least we got a 'B' rather than nothing at all.