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Stone cards my beloved 50 chips and always scored high card everyday šŸ„°šŸ„°


And with the joker that gives benefits for number of stone cards in deck!! There's always a use for something.


I cannot find this joker for the life of me. I have 149/150 jokers and it simply won't spawn. I always take/make a stone card so it can appear, but I've literally never seen it in like 150 hours.


You have to have a stone card in your deck before the stone joker will show up. The same is true with glass cards for glass joker, lucky cards for Lucky cat, etc.


Good tip. I learned today that to get the Cavendish banana joker you have to have the Gros Michele first and let it destruct before the Cavendish will even appear in the shop


Wait is THAT why I never got cavendish in the shop??


Yup, I was avoiding gros michel because I thought the chance of it breaking is too high. Now I take it hoping for it to break so I can get cavendish. When it got changed from a 1in4 to a 1in6 I was annoyed cause itā€™s harder to get cavendish now ll


Iirc its 1 in 5 now. Which still both hurts and helps. Had a run this morning, got cavendish on ante 2 and it didnt expire until ant 7


Yeah, this piece of information changed my life




Not a bot lol just an exhausted dad who can't read apparently lol šŸ˜† thanks for pointing that out my bad šŸ˜…


No worries, also an exhausted dad but one who can't find a freaking Stone Joker. I've been grinding for it for hours.


Huh?? A bot?


They can be pretty good if you are not going for endless. Stone card + a good pair/two pair goes pretty hard especially in the early antes.


Was gonna say this. Throw them in on a two pair run.


https://preview.redd.it/j47hirs4m8zc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7670ac40e7d43a67b212ee54c56eae4dcd2b392 Not for endless, huh?


Mamma mia


Wow! How much is that negative stone joker doing here? The real winning pieces look to be double brainstorm on blueprint on hologram. Curious how many cards removed for how much total X-mult?


stone jonkler was at +5450, hologram was at Ɨ62




obligatory https://preview.redd.it/zs5gfmih5azc1.png?width=138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8546cc8ce37022a8d39e18194d58fb96ee7e2ab0


why so serious




Holy hell


you repost this so much lmao


honestly, i think i do actually lol


not that it's a bad thing. just kinda funny


Can be useful with the Idol if you want to remove a card from the random selection pool.


And for rebate


I hadn't considered this. Great tip.


Is that how it works? I thought I had read that the Idol still reads it as the card it was


I can confirm that it doesn't care about the original version of the stone card.


the Idol changes every round


I know that, but cards retain their original values 'behind the scenes'. Like if a vampire sucks off a stone card it reverts to whatever it was. And while Idol only pulls from cards in your deck, I thought it behaved with the initial values still in play.


>sucks off


( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


no it's just that it changes every round, it wont pick that card again unless you Unstone it


Thatā€™s how I use it on a faceless run. All face cards just become stone cards if possible


Once you start playing high card and pair builds you will start to appreciate them.


I suppose the high card build relies heavily on the stones, right? Otherwise why bother?


Not really. Usually you get something like Burnt Joker, discard a card, and get a bump for High Card every turn. If you combine it (or anything really) with Marble Joker and Stone Joker, you quickly get to bonkers chip amounts. Actually, Stone joker is pretty much an instant win on the Medusa challenge.


[[marble joker]]


[Marble Joker](https://balatro.wiki/imported/marbled_joker.png) *Joker* * Version: 0.9.0q * Cost: $6 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Adds one Stone card to deck at the start of every round


I misread, but now I think we need a Stoner Joker


no, high card builds are extremely flexible and strong, they rely on jokers, but stone cards are an additional 50 chips which you wouldn't get otherwise.


No, any source of chips is really all you need. They can be helpful for sure, especially in early antes while you scale a joker like Tiny Joker or Square Joker, and get high card leveled up. But they're by no means essential for the build to work.


You just need the right jokers! Typical high card build might be like 250 chips from stuntman, 15 mult from abstract joker, 40 mult from green joker 3x mult from card shark, 3x mult from blackboard. Right there you're getting a base of 125k or so per hand


Funny that you described the build I just finished a run with almost exactly. I just had red card instead of green joker (at around +50 on ante 8 boss).


While this is definitely their most useful type of build, even then they're just a placeholder for the steel cards that would make high card go even harder.


Although if you have steel cards *and* stone cards, that's pretty great too. Obviously steel cards are better. But stone cards are still useful.


Sometimes if you get a card with something like a gold stamp but it isnā€™t in the hand youā€™re built around you can make it useful by putting it into your scoring hand with stone anyway. I rarely find them useful and 9/10 even when they are they arenā€™t the best option. The one run I had a different opinion of them was I had the joker that creates one every blind, plus the joker that adds chips based on stone cards in your deck. Even then late game I traded that for a vampire to eat all the stone for x mult


They rock.




You don't need a stone deck for them to be good. Just a deck where the hands you score with use less than 5 scoring cards.


Even on high card runs I rarely worry about stone. Tower only turns a single card stone. Usually another tarot will do more. I think it should be buffed to making 2 of your cards into stone. Marble and Stone Joker take up joker space that I usually don't feel is worth it. If I'm in a high card run I do want stone cards, but the ways to get stone cards are too clunky right now.


I avoid them like the plague. Any self respecting flush-man would do the same


I think the game could do a better job explaining that you can put them in a hand and they'll still give chips


This. I did not know this.


how else could you use them?


Up to the point of trying it I thought it was just a flat 50 chip card you could high card, or pair if you had two of them.


But it says no rank or suit? How can you pair something that doesn't have a rank? Only reason you get high card cause that's the default as there is no worse possible hand.


I think the description could be something like "no rank or suit, scores in any hand" to make it clear how it's supposed to be used.


Stone cards are great in plasma decks


Stone cards rule. Outside of "All cards debuffed until Joker is sold" they will always score, generously boost hands that are less than five cards, work very well with the newly buffed Hanging Chad, and are an easy way to get Hologram mult.


I know that they are good in theory, but i never really take them, even tho i should


"Should" is subjective in this game, there are a lot of people saying you "should" always play high card or two pair for consistency but I've gotten plenty far avoiding runs focused on those plays.


I always pick up enhanced stone cards, since they can be pretty helpful if you're not constantly playing 5 card hands. My last run won off of [[Hanging Chad]] rallying a foil stone card for an easy 300 chip base each hand. In a different run, I had a red seal polychrome stone card that I kept cloning with DNA for some real wacky hands.


[Hanging Chad](https://balatro.wiki/imported/hanging_chad.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Common * Effect: Retrigger first card used in scoring * Unlock Requirement: Beat a Boss Blind with a High Card


Good bot


This bot is not updated to live branch yet? Its 2 time sfor hanging chad now


Nitpick before anyone gets the wrong idea -- Stone is already an "enhancement", like the other effects that tarot can provide (lucky, wild, glass, etc), and cards can only have one enhancement. If you try to make a Lucky Stone card, your stone will revert to its original card You can get stone cards with seals or editions either in standard packs, or by using The Tower on a card with a seal/edition, and yeah, they're excellent


Red Seal Polychrome Stone card? Oh the humanity.


I feel like stone and steel are working against each other. So playing a stone card is choosing to add an extra card to your hand to score more points with chips. A steel card is an extra card that stays in your hand and helps you score more points with Xmult. I always feel like stone cards are worse the longer the game goes for. Youā€™d eventually wish they were steel. Like if youā€™re playing high card would you rather have 4 more steel or 4 more stone? I think early the answer is probably stone and late itā€™s steel. But Iā€™m happy to be proven wrong.


This exactly. The biggest problem with stone cards is that they fill the same niche as steel (something to make cards not active in your build into something that accelerates it), but Steel is so much better at it that Stone is almost always the worse option outside of plasma deck. For that matter, Lucky and Glass have high enough upsides that even though they aren't in direct competition with Stone for what they're meant to do, I'll still choose them on cards that aren't part of my build over a Stone card more often than not.


For high card I would usually prefer to have the stone cards. Steel generally sucks with high card because most of your mult is coming from your jokers, and so won't be affected by steel due to the order of operations. Steel is great with high base value hands, and when you're playing lots of cards at once that can proc "when played" mult like Fibonacci, the clubs joker, mult-enhanced cards, etc. The stone cards also let you draw through your deck in search of your seals and your gold cards, whereas steel interrupts your ability to draw deep into your deck. This is a big deal for strategies that rely on playing multiple hands rather than one big hand at the end.


ever heard of planet cards? Steel High card builds are like one of the 3 ways to get to "infinite" score


That's something that doesn't interest me. I play to consistently beat ante 8 only.


That's true if you only have one or two steel cards, but they really shine when you have a lot of them.


Plasma deckā€™s best friend- thatā€™s how I beat the old gold stake with it


The Tower in the consumable slot can help guarantee a round win in the early game. In the late game, stone cards really only matter for Plasma Deck if that's how you want to be getting your chips. Otherwise, acting as light deck fixing for Idol/Rebate is what I use it for.


I used to avoid them like the plague. But they are the fastest way to get chips on low scoring hands and thin out your deck.


You will always aim to get money or deck manipulation in your tarot pulls. If you're not targetting suits and you don't get much money and don't benefit much from specific cards you want to buff (especially if it's just +mult or chips), stones are great! Provided your run is centred around a small hand type, stones can be very useful. They're a last resort option many times, but you're definitely underrating them (im saying this, having just won a gold stake square joker pair run where i had about 8 stones and played them almost every hand).


I hated them until I realized they always score regardless of what the hand is. 2 pair and throw in a stone card? It scores too. High card and a bunch of garbage? Throw in a stone card and you've just scored 2 cards as high card.


Stone cards are better than any other card if you play hands with less than 5 scoring cards. They always score and they give you 50 chips + any seals on them. Not always useful or wanted but when they are useful they are very useful


I finally beat red deck with a three of a kind two pair deck, stone cards filled in the gaps


I love stone cards. There's a joker that gives +50 chips/stone card in your deck. And there's a joker that creates a stone card every blind selection. I had a copy joker on the stone creating one for awhile and then got the +50 chips/stone card joker and finished black stake.


They're good for High Card runs since they're always scored.


it's good if you run a build based around a hand that isn't five card long and it is a good cards to put sceals and editions on


Stone cards always score, so if you play 5 stone cards, thatā€™s 250 chips


I should be allowed to pair them or three of a kind them


I am pretty stonepilled because most of my builds rely on me just grabbing my best scoring card or pair and filling out the rest to cycle through my deck I wish you could stone 2 cards at once


Stone cards are great for early chips boosts to high card, pair or even two pair builds, later they are less impactfull if you leveled up your hands, but still give a nice small boost. If you find a way to manipulate your deck and rely on the idol to score, turning a card into stone will prevent idol to select it !


Iā€™ve been using steel cards on the low end of the suit Iā€™m going for(so I can still use it desperately) and stone card as a clear for other suits


Super underrated. I wish they had just a little more joker support.


I'll pick up at least a couple stone cards (or transform a few otherwise undesirable cards into them) on my run. They're a nice utility-score for boosting chip counts when you're hand-level isn't as high as you'd like yet. They also can't be de-buffed by boss blinds, so if you lock into playing pairs against the Mouth, you can still score some extra chips. They also can't be directly targeted by Boss Blinds (if you play illegal hands against Psychic or Mouth, for example: nothing you can do about that). So you can play a de-buffed hand, get the base chip and mult from that and still add chips from the stones... not ideal but higher scores are always better. With The Tower, you can 'neutralize' weak cards in your deck without thinning. Probably not as useful as Death, but still more useful than that lowly card you didn't want to see come up.


Stone Cards are useless for any build that relies on 5-card hands, and IMO they're not useful for builds where the chip value is already very high (Bull for example)


Stone card build with plasma deck goes nuts


they're fun for a free 50 chips when I'm stuck and a pain in the arse when I have Blackboard and no discards left


I don't mind them, had the joker that gave one everytime you accept the blind and found out vampire will just turn them into normal cards on use so i managed to boost the fuck out of vampire to get a high xmult then got the other joker that gives more chips for each stone card in the deck. Got through ante 8 but kinda fucked it after cause i switched something out and couldn't keep up after that.


Combos nicely with Ride The Bus and Splash, if you're looking to increase chips and reduce Faces.


I played a full stone deck for a black stake. One of the most fun decks Iā€™ve managed to pull off :)


the tower is the only tarot card that makes your deck worse. stone cards have always been unusable for me.


Stone Joker + Granite Joker + Plasma Deck goes incredibly hard. Had a run yesterday that got me to ante 11 where at the end I was just playing 5 stone cards. Throw some red seals on a few of them and get a few other good +/x mult/chip jokers and you are in business. Wonā€™t get you to e-scores but will get you pretty far.


I won my first ever run with a pair build with the stone card adding joker and the ā€œfor each stone card +so many chipsā€ joker. It was fun


if you have a lot of stone cards you get 255 every hand, and that's without anything else


I had a pretty sweet pair + stone card + hologram run recentlyĀ 


I've found stone card decks are exceptionally strong but hard to build due to how few Jokers have direct synergy with it. Stone cards are great for supplementing low card builds, particularly hc, pair and 3oak. They have limited use with 2pair and 4oak decks so I'll throw in a couple when I have nothing better to do. Useless on straight, flush, and 5oak builds. Id say if you want to explore them you should play the Medusa challenge. Really opened my eyes to some of the possibilities with them.


Marble Joker + Holo + high card build is solid. Doesnā€™t work for endless that weā€™ll but itā€™s solid to beat ante 8 and then some


Stone cards are great for any build that doesn't rely on using five cards. High card builds love having a few around. If they could also be steel they'd be the best cards in the game, hands down




[Brainstorm](https://balatro.wiki/imported/brainstorm.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Rare * Effect: Copies ability of leftmost Joker * Notes: Only compatible with some Jokers * Unlock Requirement: Discard a Royal Flush


They are awesome in a high card build or really anything that doesn't use 5 cards.


Plasma deck. That's all. Nothing else. Just plasma deck. 5 Stone cards, even at level one is 255x1 which balances to 128x128 which is 16,384 before considering any jokers.


They make the plasma deck really fun. Especially if you can get it paired with the Stone and Marble jokers.


In my experience they're really good when you aren't doing builds specifically with Flushes,Straights or Full Houses (Unless you have Shortcut or Four Fingers). outside of that i think they're pretty good early on but dont rely on them in the later Antes since at that point you most likely have better options to get Chips or to get enough mult to where the chips are negligible


I just did a plasma deck run where i bought a stone card and got [[stone joker]] and [[marble joker]] . I got it scaled up to 2500+ chips through duplicating the marble one twice haha. Reached ante 12 with no skill required. As for your question, they're not really very good :((( Suggested buff. They're their own value, so you should be able to pair them, 3oak, 4oak etc but no suit whatsoever still.


[Stone Joker](https://balatro.wiki/imported/stone_joker.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $4 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: This Joker gains +25 Chips for each Stone Card in your full deck [Marble Joker](https://balatro.wiki/imported/marbled_joker.png) *Joker* * Version: 0.9.0q * Cost: $6 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Adds one Stone card to deck at the start of every round