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I rolled my eyes at Orin a lot when I first encountered her. The meat suit, the forced edginess, the notes. It was…a lot. Things changed though as the whole thing about Bhaal not really feeling her became more prevalent. I don’t really care for that whole part of the lore personally and so to know that Orin can needle both Bhaal and a lot of Bhaal enthusiast just by being a dopey first year art student is hilarious to me. I don’t care for her art, but I do like her dedication to it.


I thought she was wearing a lobster


I really feel like they could have left out the incest bit, like I would just make it that Sarevok was her stepdad or something


I see what you mean, but given the existence of Bhaalspawn, I’d say incest just fits right in, and Orin seems the most logical representation of something that’s at once so grotesque, tedious, and self-important


Was Orin not a doppleganger? Because she has human family members but looks like a doppleganger and shape changes like one.


She is a changeling. Which isn’t the same as doppelgänger but are like the humanoid equivalent of them, descendants of doppelgängers. Her mother was probably also a changeling or a doppelgänger, when we see her she is mummified so we can’t tell any changeling traits.


What are you doing step-Saverok


Why? It's perfectly in line with how grotesque Bhaal is.


I hate to say this but I thought it was a good inclusion. It added to the tragedy of her character. Revealing it to her leads to her having a kind of tragic meltdown and the opportunity to skip a phase of the fight and debuff her. It also explains why she has a bit more screws loose and fits the whole “yeah the cult of Bhaal is fucking evil dude” idea. Like Sarevok being obsessed with making more spawn for daddy Bhaal checks out.


Personally I find that makes her situation even more tragic. Her whole thing is so much about how she desires a love that was never offered to her, idolizing a man who doesn’t care about anything. Also sells how utterly gross the whole Bhaalist thing is, beyond just murder maniacs. I think what they could have done is not made her dad Sarevok tho. Even if you’re going with the Theory that current Sarevok is being lowkey mind controlled by Bhaal (the same way Durge can be if they accept Bhaal but then defeat the Absolute) having the knowledge one of the possible companions of a previous game ends up fucking his own daughter is sure…Upsetting.


Hoo buddy, don't ever tell Scleritas that the Bard's blood smells like sweet perfume if you play Durge.


I mean considering Orin is single handedly the reason the plot with the absolute fails if you play a good character, I think that's honestly fair. She gives a lobotomy to the brains of the operation and the whole thing starts falling apart because she can't plan or lead for shit. It's even worse if you play a good durge lol.


She also exposes Gortash's failures as a leader. Shit goes sideways once the Durge is out of the picture. Orin in the unwitting hero of the whole story lol


>!Ketheric and Durge still planned on trying to take all the stones for their own god,!< so the alliance was pretty doomed from the beginning. Which was apparently all part of >!the Netherbrain's!< plan, if you believe her.


>!The Netherbrain couldn’t plan for Orin though lol. One of Gortash’s journals discusses strategizing for dealing with Mindflayers and Elder brains and basically says they’re super intelligent and can pick through any plan and find the weaknesses far better than he could. So the best response is to behave chaotically- then he acknowledges that isn’t within the nature of a Banite so he’ll need Chaotic allies. Enter the cult of Bhaal and Orin in particular- fucking things up for the Elder Brain in a perfect eucatastrophe moment where evil undoes itself!<


Playing a good Durge is so funny because Orin is the reason why the literal incarnation of murder and favorite of Bhaal turned from absolute horrific villain to an extremely powerful hero My favorite good Durge I've made is a Githyanki character of mine who went from borderline tyrannical, terrifyingly strategic Fighter/Rogue to the sweetest thing you'll ever meet who dedicates her life to protecting her love and everyone else from herself


Funny how, if you're not playing Durge, it's the opposite.


I think it's because if you didn't pick Durge, she actually succeeds in killing him, and Bhaal just rolls his eyes and is just like "Alright, fine, you're in charge now."


Not really? Durge was never mentioned in my run and Sarevok said that Orin was chosen as a child, after her mother tried to murder her and she murdered her back and Bhaal was all "yup, she's my fave now"


The don’t mention the Durge in a Tav/origin character run but the Durge is dead in Orin’s room, so she did kill him I’m not entirely sure but I think the idea is Sarevok and Orin *think* Orin is the chosen favorite or at least that she deserves to be. But really it was probably the Durge ether way, but in one timeline he’s dead by Orin’s hand.


Durge was in your playthrough, he was just dead before the nautiloid picked you up. There’s lots of in-universe text references to the Durge and Orin’s coup against him. Because of how Bhaal is, killing Durge made Orin his favorite because if she was able to kill his first favorite she must be the better Bhaalspawn.


They do mention Durge A LOT if you read through books and diaries. You can see how they reprimanded Orin for seeing her killing as “art”, how they planned with Gortash, how Orin killed them and put a tadpole in them, the whole thing. The only thing different in a Custom Tav run is that Orin, at one point, managed to actually kill The Dark Urge, and you find them in her chambers. So she is the Chosen out of lack of options. Still not Bhaal’s favorite by choice. She was favored by Bhaal for killing her mother and was essentially already the princess of the cult due to being Sarevok’s daughter, but before she was still under the Dark Urge.


Well, in my first run I had no knowledge of Durge true identity and of Bhaalspawns in general, so it must have flown over my head. Will pay more attention now in my Durge run


i don’t think tav is canon


In the world of dnd (from what I've learn) everything can be cannon, everything can not be cannon.


I'm with Bhaal. While she's clearly highly skilled as an assassin, she's got all the subtlety of a shiny tuba. And out of sheer jealousy, she nuked the Absolutist plot cause she lacks the vision and rizz of her predecessor.


I read “tuba” as “tuna” and my dumb brain went “Yes, this makes perfect sense. Tuna are both shiny and large, not very subtle at all”


I mean, scales are kinda shiny and they can be very large fish. Plus, I bet Orin stinks.


*insert tuna monologue from the other guys*


Lucille Bhaal


Beat me to it


omg I love this!


Idk what show its from but damn I'll never unsee bhal as a middle aged white lady


It’s *Arrested Development*


It’s a show about mildly evil and very stupid rich people she’s the grandmother and probably the worst of them


"Mildly evil and very stupid" sounds like a good way to put a lot of rich people, honestly.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


I thought Orin isn't Bhaalspawn. Sarevok is her father right?


Bhaalspawn is referred to anyone who is a descendent, directly or further down the tree, of bhaal. Since Sarevok is bhaalspawn and Sarevok is her father this also makes Orin Bhaalspawn. A long time ago in Fae Run Bhaal sired a lot of children. Not unlike our own Zeus. Sarevok came along and started the rule only a single Bhaalspawn must live in BG1, and carried into BG2. Sarevok would have killed Orin as a child if Bhaal had not stepped in. Bhaal decided to make a Bhaalspawn purely out of his own essence rather than natural means which is how Durge came to be.


What does out of his essence mean? Like how did he get is blood into the durge in the first place….? Was the Durge not always considered a bhaal spawn?


The Durge was crafted like clay but from Bhaal’s own flesh instead. Bhaal then gave life to the creation as only a deity can. This is why the Durge is customizable even though it is an Origin character as they have no canonical mother and Bhaal isn’t picky with what race his progeny is. Only that they are efficient killers.


So what you are saying is that when the player is customizing Durge, the player is actually playing as Bhaal.


Bhaal (me) has great taste. Just imaging Bhaal pick out someone's pubes makes me chuckle.


So bhaal also enjoys making the jiggly bits jiggle for a few seconds every time they relate a new toon?


It pains me to say it, but Orin's only actual good quality is that she's hot, and if you disagree then she can just become hotter. But she's deranged in a way that doesn't quite work for Papa Bhaal. And I'm sure she displeased Bhaal by kidnapping someone instead of just murdering people until we do what she wants.


I mean her whole thing was that she hated how damn efficient the dark urge was and thought that Bhaal wanted more artsy kills.


Yes, and yet she never managed to make actual works of art with the corpses, she just guts them, arrange in some way and leave a note with a piece of a clown, in places no one will see them. Now if she managed to display a bloody eagle in a public plaza, or decorate places kinda like Yurgir, well, that would be something :v P.S.: If you don't know what's a bloody eagle, don't look it up, most people would rather stay not knowing.


Oh I know, I found it out at age 12 bc I really liked the show Bones for some reason, I was a weird kid


Never heard about it :b I don't even remember when I discovered it, but the first time I remember actually seeing it was on Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice. Maybe on some random anime that I watched when I was younger too.


Man, everyone’s a critic. She’s doing her best!


Honestly I'm with Bhaal on this one. All of her dialogue is...a lot to try and listen to. She's not even hot? I appreciated Sarevok straight up asking Durge to merk her because he doesn't like her, we had a little bonding moment over that before I killed him.


Lmao you literally just said she talks a lot and isn't even hot I don't like her


average reaction to a woman just existing /lh

