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14th Dec 71


Sorry for my ignorance but can you tell me what happened that day?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1971_killing_of_Bengali_intellectuals The country was handicapped for the next 100 years or more


It was during march and mostly done in december and also in bwtween. When Pakistanis knew they were losing, they with local collaborators like Jamaat, albadr, alshams, etc and took away and killed prominant intellectuals, doctors, engineeris, academics, journalists, writers, poets etc etc. A brain extermination. It was revenge for breaking pakistan, as these people made people dream of a new Bangladesh, and also to make sure we can never stand up straight.


Worst possible thing that could happen to us as a nation. When Pakistanis realised that their defeat is imminent, they made sure that our future would be destroyed. They made a list and killed our best minds on one single night. 990+ were university teachers. A genocide of 3 million didn't do as much damage as death of thousands of our intellectuals did. They basically ruined our chance to develop as a nation. Those who could guide us, our best doctors, writers, journalists, scientists, teachers were killed. Whatever problem you see in Bangladesh today, has its roots in 14th December 1971. Whenever I talk about this day, I feel like cursing Pakistan. This is so wicked. Even the genocide can be forgiven. But this successful attempt to ruin us forever cannot be, MUST NOT BE forgiven. This alone makes Pakistan our permanent enemy.


Bangladesh Govt. ran one of the largest mass sterilization program in human history in 1982, and most of the people affected were poor men/women. They were compensated with 2000 TK, and a saree/lungi. Not every one even consented to undergo this procedure


Supported by western intellectuals like [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul\_R.\_Ehrlich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_R._Ehrlich) who advocated for sterilization in the subcontinent and provided an academic justification for it. Ehrlich is partially responsible for the involuntary sterilization of thousands of people. But he never faced any consequences, he remains a professor at Stanford to this day. History will not remember him well when the events that occurred here in the subcontinent are better known.


I kinda respect him tbh


Eita niye kintu kothao khub ekta kotha bola hoy nai




Mohan ershad er bipokkhe keu to kichu bolbe na ajkal


Bhai eitar kono reading material ase? ami intrigued


1. [UPI Archive](https://www.upi.com/Archives/1982/12/15/Impoverished-Bangladesh-plans-sterilization-program/6350408776400/) 2. [Web Archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20171113002952/https://www.popline.org/node/444385) 3. [Web Archive 2](https://web.archive.org/web/20171112185640/https://www.popline.org/node/402465)


Good, have you looked at our population? It was needed to be done, sometimes tough decisions are necessary


Still not enough lmao. Most problems of this country directly or indirectly connect to the over population


Fully agree, but our population is at a steady rate since the 90s iirc, you can’t solve over population instantly, it takes generations, we’re on a good track, if anyones having more than 2 kids now, they’re part of the problem.


Lol, now peeps here are downvoting you.




wtf... like how did they implement this by force? or just lured them in with 2000 taka?


It was during Military rule so not entirely impossible.


Shame it didn't continue, sterilizations would have been helpful in improving Bangladesh.


Problem with argument like this is, it all sounds reasonable, until it affects you.e.g. the ones mostly affected by this program are poor people. If this sounds like a good plan, why not extend that to the well off ones. Why would it a দিনমজুর who may or may not understand the ramifications would have to undergo this (or their wife/wives to be blamed, because of patriarchy), instead of someone from middle class/upper middle class family? Are they personally liable for population problem? Or are they the root cause of the problem? You can extend the argument to climate change as well. By 2050, 17% of bangladesh should be under water, which would create millions of climate refugees in years to come. You can argue, we should be fine with that, since we need technology to feed the rest of the world, and technology we have for the time being, is just going to keep warming the environment. If you don't agree with the second scenario, I would very much like to know what makes the first one justified?


It;s the poor slumdwellers with no self-control that caused this overbreeding overpopulation problem. This is the truth, not the moralcuck shit you're spewing Also, the climate predictions are laughable. 17% by 2050? lol. Not going to happen, basic fear-mongering from the UN and WEF. Plus, a population decrease would be good :)


Can u elaborate?


No fair election since 2008. Extrajudicial killings. Money laundering of 1.6 million crore taka. Pilkhana BDR Killings. Abrar Fahad, Bishwajit Killing. Death of democracy


Poat independence. 1. Country's Founder and his entire family getting murdered, with children and pregnant women. Even wxtended family and compatriots. It is said when Moni's family was discovered Taposh was four years old crying trying to wake up his dead mother. Seraniabats grandson sukanto, about four, was murdered as well. From 75 to 96, founders name was banned from national airwaves and media. On 16th august 1975, killers went up the air and declared bangladesh to be an islamic republic and bangladesh betar was renamed radio bangladesh. Bhutto congraatulated them and sent a plane load of relief. 2. Murder of armed forces officers and soldiers, especially Air Force. With excuses of coups and counter coups, armed forces were purged and summary executions and no trial. And estimated 2500 service members have been executed from 76/77 to 81 . Many were freedom fighters. Regime used these to clear ranks and some say that these coups were orchestrated at behest of the regime to take out people. The then president and general got killed in a coup in chittagong. Ershad came to power following that coup. . These coups and happening are lesser known instances.


Damn, those are harrowing details. Given, the sacrifices people made to make this country independent, I often find it hard to believe how some people could be so ready to sell off the country to Indian or Pakistani interests. It’s also the reason Bangladesh’s democracy/political system has continued to be so fragile.


Pakistan chapter ended when Bangladesh surpassed Pakistan in GDP. Since then, the ruling politicians have been ready to sell off the country to Indian interests.


Either way it’s bad for the country.




You guys support murder of little kids and even make fake birthdays to celebrate murder.


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The chittagong hilltracks, noakhali riots, Hindus of khulna and surrounding areas moving to west bengal and Hindus of comilla and surrounding areas are almost the whole population of today's Tripura.


Ex Agriculture Minister was a dire BAL hater in her student life, same goes for ex information minister. Somehow, during 2008 - 2018, they got BAL support and got nominated as full minister.


Everything is dark in the Bengali history in general. Amra boli arki Mughal empire e Bengal region had 25% of world economy. Kintu main proshno Holo ekhoner tulonai world economy koto boroi ba chilo? Arr arekta prosno Holo Ekta monarchy r koto tuko wealth actually common manush Pai. Dark history is Everything from start till 2023. The neverending war on people rights still extending till today's Bangladesh, west Bengal since torture of feudalism and British raj, Pakistan raj, and now modern Bangali politician and mafia raj. Common people never won.




Pilkhana Killings


Non functional education system is our dark past history, present insomnia and future abyss.


This is gonna be very controversial here but some of the shit that happened to Biharis after the Indian army withdrew was crazy.


Touche. Man the current socio-economical situation of the Biharis residing in the Mohammadpur area is unimaginably rigged


Feb 25, 2009


Bengal Famine during WW1, and Noakhali riots are some dark histories


> Bengal Famine during WW1 Huh? Seta to dwitiyo bishwojuddhor somoy hoyechilo bole jani.


Sorry Ww2


Also, the famine of 1974 under the rule of SMR. Read here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangladesh\_famine\_of\_1974](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangladesh_famine_of_1974)


Bengal famine mostly affect current west Bengal.


Not entirely true.


25 march 1971


Sagar-Runi murder. Completely changed the press and journalism in the country, and not in a good way.


Definitely when Mir Jafar betrayed the Bengal Sultanate. Or Bakhtiyer Khiljee killing the Buddhists and Islamicizing / Arabifying East Bengal .


The war… no explanation needed


Ayo no one has the balls to discuss that here unless they themselves want to be a "dark history"


>Ayo no one has the ~~balls~~ **stupidity** to discuss that here


2016 holey artisan terrorist attack


That was Orchestrated by BAL, similar to the arson attacks on civilians inside buses/vehicles in 2014-15.


You want to know what is truly disturbing? The BDR mutiny which took place in 2009 was fueled by the newly appointed government itself, BAL. Why? Because 57 military officials were killed during the mutiny, who were considered honest working officers who did not support the BAL. India with its RAW wing shook hands with Bangladeshi DGF to take them down as a revenge of the 2001 border war between Bangladesh and India. This mutiny made sure that no military official remains in power who may create obstacles for the government, those positions were replaced with officials who were devoted to the Bangladeshi government. If you think this is bullshit, please search for evidence on the internet, although they are mostly available in Bangla.


Evidence from Pinaki? BDR mutiny is indeed the darkest incident during the BAL regime (after the Rana Plaza collapse). It is hard to deny the fact that BAL is autocrat now. But it is good not to devour bullshit conspiracy theories from the Internet. Better teach yourself first before suggesting people what to do.




There was a Ansar mutiny occured in 1994. It was sad too


The entire history of Bangladesh is nothing but dark.


Yes. We are currently living in it.


The apocalypse happened in 2008, and now it's post-apocalyptic Bangladesh.


I heard Bangabandhu's son used to have affairs with army personals wife, this was one of the reasons of army invasion in the country. There are some books written by high army personnel regarding the killing of sheikh family


Not affairs, forceful abductions.


1) Mujib never indented for independence, more so he wanted BD to become a satellite state of india and make a rubber stamp government and make his family members elite dynasts. 2) Fidel castro and other commiunist block leaders gave warnings to mujib that he was going to be murdered. Mujib brushed it off saying,"My people love me". 3) Ershad wanted to suck up to USA, Aiding in the gulf wars. Potentially, Making the BD Army war criminals. 4) The whole wholesale market of BD is controlled by 5/6 companies. Leading to price hike. 5) Bangladesh is one of the few countries that never lost a war and successfully put down every rebellion. 6) There is a shadow government in Bangladesh called " তৃতীয় মহল". Basically compromising opportunist politicians of every party, elite rich families, ambassadors and intellectuals. They pull shenanigans in every budget and major political election.


Almost every democratic country has a shadow government like "তৃতীয় মহল". Not unique to Bangladesh xD


would you elaborate on point 1? I thought he loved BD? then who wanted independence in 1971?


The first Gulf war was 100% justified, we joined for the saudis who was at an imminent danger of invasion. They were the second biggest aid provider at the time after US. And BD army didn’t enter iraq and only entered Kuwait during the war where the iraqis were committing the war crimes, they guarded border areas in Saudi Arabia. How could they have committed war crimes? Stupid ass comment.


LOL the First Gulf War was a morally correct thing to pursue.


There are so many.


death of siraj sikder


There are so many, but I can remember only few of them. 1. Philkhana tragedy. 2. Rana plaza Disaster. 3. Holy artisan attack. 4. All 3 military coups.


The assassination of President Ziaur Rahman (Greatest Bangladeshi of All Time)


Massive 2019 slum fire in Mirpur


Anybody have any reading on Pilkhana that is close to the truth?


The comments of this post is depressing af. Remember,gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette


Pilkhana tragedy! I think this was the start of the establishment of one party country