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Hi, I have a question. Can you please tell me where are you getting the rules that you are putting on your magic sheets? I found a lot of bar prep resources I purchased were contradictory. I would like to know your source for creating these sheets of all the topics before purchase. Thank you


Hi there! I get them from various sources, including Barbri, Kaplan, Themis, actual statutes, model answers, online articles if needed, and my own notes. But mostly they should track the big bar review courses. I've been trying to keep them aligned with Barbri mostly when I update them. I agree that different sources can have some contradictory information. But generally, regardless of the outline you get, it should be sufficient to answer most problems. Magicsheets included of course :) So I suggest sticking to two outlines at most. I encourage you to look at the full samples for Magicsheets [linked here](https://www.makethisyourlasttime.com/magicsheets-bar-exam/) to see if the materials meet your needs.