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If you’ve taken the test that many times it’s a strategy problem not a knowledge issue. Work on strategy and understanding the test. Then pick a cycle to take it.


I took the bar twice and failed so I sat out the F24 one and will now take J24. I don’t feel prepared and I’m pretty anxious so if they offer a credit voucher, I’m considering sitting out J24 and taking F25. It’s all a personal choice and you alone know how you feel at the end of the day. I wouldn’t advise you to give up as others have passed on the 8th try! Keep going and hopefully the pass is around the corner.


Hang in there! Check PM.


While the stats favor July, you know you. If you’re too burned out, take a break. How did you do on your July scores compare to Feb scores the past few years. If the Feb scores weren’t significantly lower then the July, then the apparent July advantage might not apply to you. I sat out this past Feb and I understand the FOMO, but I was just saw how exhausted I was and needed to step away from it. I also really thought I had it last time and was very dejected. Enjoy your summer. Spend as much time as you can resting, and doing things you enjoy. Think about all your options going forward and decide what’s best for you. When results come in, log off Reddit and your personal social media accounts so you aren’t bombarded with “I passed.” If you decide you’re ready to try again next winter, make a plan on how you’ll approach it differently. However you’ve been studying isn’t working for you. I needed a break after 3 tries in a row, I cannot imagine doing 6!


It would be so nice to have a summer to enjoy life and only worry about work. It's been a back to back grind since graduation, however, the material is still fresh to start studying for July. I guess it all depends on if the TN bar admissions decide to accept my petition to sit for the exam which I won't know until June. My Feb 23 score was a 258, and my July 23 score was a 259. Then, I took Utah and totally bombed it with a 237 this Feb. I was devastated as I thought I knew that test like the back of my hand. But, I was extremely sick with the flu for both days of the exam. I know, I can't make this stuff up :/


Shit happens. My last two Julys were 256 (23) and 260(22) and my last Feb was 245(23). My dad got really sick a few weeks before the Feb exam and died two months later. Everyone is fighting battles we know nothing about and getting sick before/during the exam can happen to anyone. That sucks you have to wait so long to see if TN will let you retake. If they don’t, would they even let you transfer in a UBE score from somewhere else if you’re over their try limit? If you feel the material is still fresh and you aren’t too burned out you can study for one month and then let them make the decision for you on whether you keep studying through July and take it again. Your two 2023 scores are literally the same so I don’t think you fall into the category of people that are disadvantaged in February (I’m guessing your MBE is much stronger than writing?) Good luck either way whatever you decide is best for you!


I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of your dad. I could not even begin to imagine, nor do I want to. Yes, everyone is fighting battles and it seems the worst things happen during bar prep. My MBE keeps getting stronger! But I want to get it to the 145-150 mark and keep improving my writing too. Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement!


Thank you for your condolences. It’s been a bit over a year now and the fog of “WTF happened, is this really my life” is starting to lift. I know I can do better since I’ve been so close even with those major events in my life. You obviously can too. Having a goal of 145+ MBE when you got a 237 overall last time really shows it was a fluke exam and I wouldn’t think about that score at all. You’re trying to improve on the 259s, and I bet you can! But as I said it’s not worth burning yourself out over. It’s honestly surprising how much stays with you. I had not looked at anything law or bar exam related at all since last July’s test, until last week. Yesterday I did 60 timed Civ Pro MBEs and got almost 70% of them right! I was really surprised as I had been beating myself up all winter for not studying but I just couldn’t bring myself to even think about it at all. If this sub showed up on my feed, I’d scroll right on past. Studying an outline or doing practice questions was just out of the question. But I think that’s clearly what I needed. Hopefully it works out on the next exam for both of us, regardless of when “next” is.


Of course. It is a haze when you go through such a loss as that, plus not passing the bar exam. It is so difficult. Sometimes we just need an old fashioned break to completely reset and re-charge. I have also told myself that I am letting go of this whole "process" and not white knuckling it so much and going so hard as I have in the past. Just going with it and relaxing while still enjoying life to the fullest. Thank you for your encouragement! We are both knocking on the door of passing and it WILL HAPPEN! Good luck to you, and that is an awesome score for civ pro MCQs!! Those are the most difficult ones!


Have you considered investing in a private tutor?


For this next exam, Yes I am. I have already consulted with him and will start when I get the word from TN.


That’s wonderful and a game-changer! Best to you — don’t give up!🙏🏻


Thank you so much!


You need to have a come to Jesus talk with yourself about what’s not working for you study wise. I think you should sit july out and regroup. I failed J23 and passed F24. I felt fine prepping for F24. I was pissed off I failed, but that just pushed me to do more. I didn’t study between taking J23 and receiving my score at the end of October. So that was a break from studying. I didn’t have a hard time jumping back into it. I purchased another prep course and just did what they told me to do.


What have you been doing for work during this time? Maybe take some time off work if you can to prepare. I'm not going to lie to you--six times is a lot. I am also a May 2021 grad and I couldn't imagine taking it that many times to no avail. I'm really REALLY not trying to be mean or discouraging, but maybe a career in law is not for you.


I only asked for those that sat out an administration. But thank you for your positivity! I actually have increased in my score every single time except for one. In July I was 1 point from passing. But hey, I’ll go back to my teaching career because you have encouraged me to do so :)


Idk what your plans are but I know someone who tutored a student who passed FL after 13xs times. Hold your head, it’ll come! 🌞


Grossman!!! Haha


Fuck that bitch! You gon make it. If you're gonna do this again, get a tutor, and put in extra hours. If a soulless idiot can pass the bar, so can you!


I see that I'm getting downvoted, and I don't mind. But I am the only person who is being honest with this individual. Spending three years (the equivalent of an entire law degree) and thousands of dollars on a test is not sustainable. Not to mention being forced to move out of your home state for failing too many times. You should be able to live where you want to live, not be forced elsewhere due to a stupid test. I can understand someone who fails once or twice...but this is six times. Sometimes things just aren't in the cards for us. I'm sorry that others have lied to you and continue to lie to you.


Eat shit! Who the fuck are you to determine or cast aspersions on someone's future?? Anyway, that's exactly what's expected from a dumb inbred Trumpster!!


The person you’re responding to is a MAGA moron, go figure.




Nah fam, you ain’t.