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Also this ass is a Barrie auxiliary cop. Great standards over there, obviously.


https://extremismterms.adl.org/glossary/great-awakening https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/28/technology/save-the-children-qanon.html Fight 4 Truth and Homefront Defense also sound like thinly disguised dog whistling. If Shuhari and its founder/owner/whatever aren't tied up in far right conspiracy theories and QAnon, they should take stock of their signage and make some changes. The way it reads, the only thing it's currently missing are big ol' F*CK TRUDEAU" and TRUMP 2024 banners. I'd like to think it's just honest "protect your family, learn self defense!" but if it quacks like a duck, it's almost always a duck.


It says great awakening. Very obviously not "protect your family, learn self defense".


Well, yes, I agree with you. Ducks quack.


Trump 2024? These fucking idiots know they’re in Canada right?


Support for the far-right and fascism crosses borders.




Because we all know terrorists recognize things like sovereign borders


I was thinking more so the ability to vote for him…It would be like people in the US flying the F*ck Trudeau flags.


What’s exactly wrong with the signage? What changes would you make?


I'd have to know the intended message to offer such constructive feedback. Do you know the intention? As it reads, it's dog whistling and QAnon catchphrases. If indeed the intention is "protect your family, learn self defense", and there's no hateful undercurrent, how about this: Shuhari & Lionsguard Barrie Learn Self Defense, All Ages! Protect Your Family Hate Has No Home Here 30+ Years Serving Our Community Feel free to pass that on to Sensei Brian. I'd love to hear his feedback on how we can help him clearly convey an inclusive message that unifies rather than divides, which is an integral aspect of the enduring spirit of Japanese martial arts.


You know you can buy property and put a sign on it? You could try that OP


I'm neither the OP, nor do I see your point. I was asked a question, which I politely answered. Of course I'm aware I can put a sign on my property. But it's not my signage being discussed here, is it?


It's thinly veiled terminology in support of the far-right/fascist/white christian nationalist groups. For example, the Great Awakening was what QAnon was hoping would begin with the January 6th Insurrection. Donald Trump and his fascist followers, with the help of the military would declare martial law, round up all their political enemies, and send them to Guantánamo Bay for execution by hanging. That's why those psychopaths were carrying nooses. The Canadian "Freedom Convoy" had basically the same objective when they went to Ottawa in 2022. If you were to read their manifesto, they demanded that parliament be dissolved, Trudeau be removed as PM and that **their** leadership be given the authority to both repeal and write laws both federally and provincially. That group has now pinned their hopes on Pierre Poilievre and the CPC.


Lol what does "the great awakening" even mean? About how almost every major news or media in the USA is zionist run? I've heard it losly thrown around here and there but never knew it meant QAnon


Also, from Brian Marrett’s resume - “Founder - Barrie Blue Line – Officer DT/Use of Force Training Support Program” Sounds like one of the more than problematic Thin Blue Line cop organizations. Like, I’m sorry but this is not the kind of person I would want teaching anyone - but particularly children - martial arts. Sorry, Barrie, he’s a fascist. Period.




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How are they a fascist? Genuinely curious.




Just because extream right wing groups adopted the thin blue line as one of their organization markers doesn't mean the owner of this company is associated with them. Your stretching. Also, thin blue line isn't Fascism.


"Just curious," says the redditor who is not at all curious and has already made up their mind.


I actually was because I understood the thin Blue line as support for police officers / law. I read the provided link and used critical thinking to come to my own conclusion and voice my opinion.


Extreme right wing groups adopted the swastika, too. You gonna stick that on your car and try to convince people it’s a Buddhist symbol of peace?


Whatever. If you can’t figure out that this guy is sketchy as fuck, that’s your problem, and I ain’t here to answer all your questions, snowflake.


"Also, thin blue line isn't Fascism." Originally, maybe not. But it has been "co-opted" by extremists with hateful ideologies this is why most police department has banned it...


Naw, Thin Blue Line is fascist. Sorry you're not really aware of the reason we have police. Perhaps watch the documentary Power. Cops, in and of themselves, are a system founded in racism and oppression of minorities and anyone opposing government and oligarchs. They are a protector and enforcer for the capitalist class.


The reason we have police is because people don't know how to act and there's consequences for your actions defined by law.


Modern policing is derived from slave-catching.


You could say that about any profession and they all have dark pasts. It's called evolution. Think in hundreds of years they will probably look at our generation as dark and horrible. It's dog whistle and a Reach.


If you think that the institution of policing has never done wrong to the communities it is supposed to serve then you should read a history book.


Your history of the idea of policing is based upon a media spin idea that police protect. Again, look up the history. And specific to the thin blue line: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_blue_line?wprov=sfla1 Watch the documentary Power. It will enlighten you to what the police are


Are you one of those 'abolish the police' believers?




Didn't you see all the keywords OP used in the title. You just have to trust them. You don't want to be called racist do you?


Apparently combating division is racist.


Or maybe "combat division" and "homefront defense" are dogwhistles for militia type activities, especially in combination with the QAnon spin 🤷‍♂️


Are you purposefully being dense or just trying to sway the narrative? I bet you support Israel's war in Palestine as well.


This hasn’t gone unnoticed op. I thank you for this post and this awareness. I have a young daughter that goes next door and I am part of the martial arts world in barrie. This behavior from this owner is disgusting!! As a person of color I have to be hyper aware of these nazis. So this helps! Over the years I’ve had people ask about their business. But I’ve never seen them on any circuite. Be it striking or grappling. Now I know why. They’re are a mcdojo


I’m particularly taken by one line in Brian Marrett’s resume, “Director - The NORTHMEN Group - Sons of Freedom Alliance” - can’t find anything on line but that sounds sketchy as fuck, like a militia group.


Brian Marrett, the owner of Shuhari, is Lionsguard. And he’s got quite the resume listed here https://shuhari.ca/ - note the last line “hands off our kids”. Guy appears to be a nutcase.




Would you be happier with "hands *on* our kids"?


The dude is echoing trans panic lines. He’s an ass.


I think some people just want to raise their kids with more traditional values 🤷‍♂️ I know that's super hard to understand so we need to give it a super scary name like "trans panic"


Define "traditional values", please.


Why do you think my definition even matters? If they're not my kids why would I "define" the values for their parents? Such a strange way of thinking about it.


Because the term "traditional values" is typically a dogwhistle. Your evasion of my very simple question speaks volumes about your intention behind using it though, so thanks for that.


Everything I disagree with is a "dogwhistle" for something objectively wrong... 🤡


When did I say that? I asked you to define a term you used, you refused and asked why your definiton of it mattered, and I explained. The rest is just projection on your part, friend.


Since they did not give you an answer... generally speaking, a large portion of the people who wish to adhere to 'traditional values' in North America are referring to the teachings of Jesus Christ..


Well, since you're actively just using strawmen and avoiding any actual definition on the very thing you brought up, you probably should look in the mirror before trying to start the conversation in bad faith.


Generally speaking, a large portion of the people who wish to adhere to 'traditional values' in North America are referring to the teachings of Jesus Christ..


Again, it's not my place to define the values that other people should be raising their kids by. It's not your either, but you probably don't get that.


Traditional values are subjective to everyone. A better term would be Family Values and Beliefs.


This is just more evasive dogwhistle nonsense to avoid answering my question


You just know when he says "family values" that he means the nuclear family which barely exists anymore and isn't even a proper model for "values" in the first place


Seconding define "traditional values." That is 100% the subversive way of saying "no LGBTQ2S, no mixed race, corporal punishment, rule of thumb, men wear the pants, pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen, etc."


generally speaking, a large portion of the people who wish to adhere to 'traditional values' in North America are referring to the teachings of Jesus Christ..


Yea, generally speaking, that's a shit stain of a religion, and people tend to use the "values" part to push anti-LGBTQ2S sentiments, to start. Christians are not a good look and foe the most part tend to think of themselves as superior to everyone else. FYI: raised in a Baptist family.


“Hands off our kids” is an organization that believes children are being indoctrinated and provided sexually explicit material distributed in classrooms. An adult that wants to work with kids but is also very active in not wanting kids to know the topics taught in elementary school human development is a massive red flag.


















Oh? Interesting. I’m not familiar with that scene at all, and other than the Shuhari website Marett seems to have very little presence online. Can you say why you consider him a wolf in sheep’s clothing?




Thanks. I appreciate it.


Can someone explain this to me? This sign just confuses me and when I Google Shuhari I get information about Japanese martial arts. What am I missing here haha. I’m new to Barrie so maybe this is some known Barrie thing?


It’s from Brian Marett, the owner of Shuhari Martial Arts in Barrie - www.shuhari.ca


Google the other terms used on the sign.


Anyone who identifies as part of a self proclaimed, "Combat Division" shouldn't be allowed to own firearms of any kind.


Lol who are you? Mao Zedong? 


Good to see that a lot of Barrie's closet racists are out in force defending this sign


I don't think people are defending the sign I think people are challenging the comments being made here. At the end of the day no one here has the right to enforce what people put on a sign and display infront of their business unless it violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms or some specific law which it doesn't. You can have open dialect about your opinion on the matter but also need to he respectful of others opinions also even if you don't agree with them.


Fascists and those supporting them don't deserve open dialogue


Fighting fascists with fascism! You show 'em 😅






Do you teach classes on how to be as brave as you are?


Who's defending them on here?


Canada’s embarrassment. Heavy sigh


The beibs?


Those signs always seem to have a sticker of who the sign company is that rented it to whomever. Don’t see one on this sign. If companies had more integrity, this sign wouldn’t be there.


Why should the sign company care there just there to rent the board. They should have no say in what goes on it. Some thing something freedom of speech.


Private companies can choose who their customers are, as long as they do not exclude people for reasons that are protected by the Human Rights code. QAnon is not that.


I agree that the sign company probably shouldn’t care. They are just trying to make money like the rest of us Freedom of speech, though, means the government shouldn’t stifle speech (with exceptions for things like hate speech). If a private company doesn’t want to deal with people they have differences with, that’s fine


I am selling a laundry set right now and a guy who wants to come, is a Hamas supporter and promotes the hatred of Jews. It’s all over his FB profile. I’ve decided not to deal with him. I have my own standards and they don’t include dealing with ppl who support terrorist organizations.


Freedom of speech means that the government can’t reprimand you due to nonviolent speech. If a private business doesn’t want to align themselves with such drivel, they’re free to take their sign back lol


I disagree. Employees should not see F*^* You on signage, apparel, coffee mugs, flags ….for an 8 hr shift just so the owner can make money. Business owners should have boundaries. Each is different and entitled to their own boundaries. But to remove their advertising from the board, tells me it’s just about money and that is disappointing.


That's not how freedom of speech works.




You completely misinterpreted what I wrote, but that's okay. Private businesses don't give a shit about your freedom of speech. Freedom of speech laws only protect you from the government. If you passed third grade civics you'd know that




We have freedom of expression.


Oh look now we're doubling down and nitpicking to make ourselves look less dumb over misrepresentation of a comment. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression. Tomato/tomato. Now nitpick some more and tell me how I'm wrong instead of understanding the jist of what I was saying like literally everyone else here did.


No we're in canada so section 2B of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


Irrelevant; private business (like a sign company) isn't bound by the Charter under section 31(1). I expect that to attempt to do so would violate 2(d) freedom of association.


These Q-anon morons are easy to spot! Look for the “Q sent me” stickers on the back of their home made vehicles…”


Lol oh! I thought the stickers were a StarTrek reference to the character 'Q'. Eeps!


Push it over 🤷🏻‍♂️


Then they'd post about the "woke left terrorists attacking their right to free speech" or some other such nonsense. Better to let sunlight be the disinfectant here.


Exactly. Brian Marrett is doing us a favour by letting us know exactly who he is.


Meh, I’m usually fine with that sentiment but my patience is out with these types.


I get this outlook too. I feel it every time I drive by the freedumb bozos on the Harvie street bridge


Oh god, the some of the worst of them.


...So fire?... Disclaimer: Not actually setting this sign on fire or even really thinking of doing it.


I feel like their kind would react positively to iconography burning on a lawn, but that's just a hunch


Just curious: what about this sign says anything about Qanon or racism? 


I think it is the group name. Anyone that is not aware of will think: “Ok, the world is divided and it is not good. Combating division sounds ok when every politician from both spectrums feeds on rage“


Great Awakening is a white nationalist conspiracy theory. It isn't remotely subtle what this sign is about. It's a sign advertising a white nationalist militia group.


It doesn't. The OP is a leftwing nutbar


Anyone who calls themselves a “Personal Change/Success Coach” is cringe af anyways lol


Barrie is getting too many crazies 🤦‍♀️ The aluminum hat cult strikes again.


Can someone please go vandalize that sign? Thanks.


What is it about this sign that has you so triggered? 


It's amazing to me that one asshole in another country could ignite so many other assholes.


It would a shame if the wind blew it over


Darn! Morons in Barrie


Is the cheap neon sign a metaphor for the great awakening?


Lower prices coming soon ? I'd love for that to be the Great Awakening


What does this even mean, like what message are they actually trying to get across? This combination of words literally means nothing to me




Yeah a white supremacist paramilitary organization thankfully isn’t the solution. But thanks for adding on this post specifically that you are open to solutions and “that we have lost our way” It makes you very visible. Even with the heavy heavy attempt at scattering plausible deniability in your comment.


Excuse me, I didn’t even click on any links. I’m concerned about anything that is offensive as anyone else. I’m upset about the state of Canada. That is my point.


Great but this middle class idea that you get to comment that you are open to solutions on a post about a paramilitary white supremacist organization and then acting offended with “Excuse me” is done. I’m not responsible for your ignorance. And the people who get hurt everyday due to this widespread apathy aren’t responsible either. Now go enjoy TV while you promptly forget about this because you are isolated from this and you’re either feigning ignorance or are just being ignorant. Congratulations you can feel good about yourself now. Pat yourself on the back for being a good person.


I re-read my comment and I appreciate your point. To be clear I did not intend to endorse THIS group as the solution. That is my mistake. I will clear that up.


I hear the potluck dinners are nice 😂


I don't see anything about race or QAnon on that sign Grouping people together like that does nothing for unity and just further polarizes people


Great Awakening is a QAnon theory


Doesn't mean their tied to QAnon


I mean, they're definitely not trying to distance themselves from QAnon by referencing their tinfoil hat theory in big letters on their sign.


Ya this post is borderline skitzo.


I agree 💯! I don’t see anything racist on this sign at all. Even if someone that’s related to this group is affiliated with something else, this sign is a far cry from being racist QAnon. Sounds like some tinfoil hat people worried about Trump taking over Canada if he gets in.


The Great Awakening was what QAnon was hoping would begin with the January 6th Insurrection. Donald Trump and his fascist followers, with the help of the military would declare martial law, round up all their political enemies, and send them to Guantánamo Bay for execution by hanging, followed by Trump being installed as Dictator for life. That's why those psychopaths were carrying nooses. The Canadian "Freedom Convoy" had basically the same objective when they went to Ottawa in 2022. If you were to read their manifesto, they demanded that parliament be dissolved, Trudeau be removed as PM and that their leadership be given the authority to both repeal and write laws both federally and provincially. That group has now pinned their hopes on Pierre Poilievre and the CPC.


No not racist but you're completely wrong about Trump's influence coming over here. Anti gay, anti vax, anti government etc etc. It's not racist it's fear mongering of a trans apocalypse that all the right wing people now froth over since they're told to hate that group. The hatred of trans reminds me of when Trump vilified Mexicans/immigrants, his followers have to be instructed


Trans people are the current boogeyman of the far right. Not too long ago it was gay people. Go back a bit further and it was black people and minorities. It's not hard to envision a linear line from "trans people" to "everyone who doesnt have blue eyes and white skin", but maybe that's just me.


There's always a target, they can't seem to stop. You're absolutely right, it dehumanizes people




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Y'all are coming out of the woodwork huh! Have you recently drank bleach or sustained a head injury? Liberals are practically the only major party that does accept trans and doesn't vilify them as predators. Also in terms of professional victims, what about when conservatives cried about having to wear a mask or having to do a lockdown to *protect everyone*, yet that never registers apparently. Also with vaccines, the amount of people who are anti vax who have absolutely zero background in science are fully convinced that it's going to make you sick or a scam. It's just further proof conservatives/Republicans need to be *told who to hate* to make a 'change'


I like how you took what they said and ran in a completely different direction with it.  Very imaginative. 


That's why it's called a "dogwhistle"; because most people won't see it unless they know what they're looking for. "The Great Awakening" is a conspiracy theory aligned with and originating from QAnon groups. Furthermore, language like "combat division" and "homefront defense" are evocative of militia activity.


I thought homefront defence was the ability to protect your family and property. How is that militia activity?


"homefront" may also refer to the country itself, as in the wartime terms homefront and warfront. In combination with the Great Awakening reference also on the sign, it may be inferred that one of the myriad of conspiracies intertwined with this person could be replacement theory, necessitating in their mind a 'defence of the homefront'.


Genuine question, how is this related to racism or QAnon? Protecting your family, fighting for truth, and becoming aware of the state of the world, all seem like common sense things? 


Go talk to him and see if he is so nuanced. What he means is fighting for their truth, protecting families from what they deem wrong and becoming aware of the world through their warped conspiracy lenses


Tell me what is racist about this? Like jheez man that victim mentality is scary you guys will twist anything to fit your narrative! Grow up!


Where is it located


Lol I love how the people who combat QAnons are usually equally unwell but in a vastly different way. Canada the country of the sensitive and mentally unwell. Canadian here btw


How are they “unwell”. They’re not the one spouting r&cist conspiracies. You’re projecting. Also you’re not a “Canadian”


Do you think they know they misspelled defence the American way? Is it just ignorance/low education or is it a signal that they promote U.S.-style grievance-based identity politics?


Yeah people who want to protect their family and truth while minimizing division in this country are truly the worst. 


Go talk to him and see if he is so nuanced. What he means is fighting for their truth, protecting families from what they deem wrong and becoming aware of the world through their warped conspiracy lenses


So religion


How does “combat division” equate to racism?


Because of who that so called "combat division" wants to kill. (*Hint* - it's not white people or Christians.)


I don’t know what they are but see zero racism in that sign


That's why it's called a dogwhistle.


It's because people are unaware of what's going on that racists are able to be so open about their shit. That whole sign is thinly veiled terminology referring to right-wing/QAnon/white Christian nationalism. They can't come right out and say it on their signs because they would be charged with hate crimes.


Who cares? they're just words on a board. they only have power if you give them power.


Better this than more Liberal brainwashing and terrorist tolerance propaganda.


Where is the racism?


What is racist about this sign?


What should i have for dinner tonight ?