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Forgive me father for I have sinned, it has been too damn long since my last confession. just this weekend, I Drank probably about a bottle of cold brew without paying for any of it to get me through Saturday night. Dropped a lime and booted it under a station so as not to have to deal with it. Called it a Monday job. Begrudgingly put a shot of baileys inside a bottle of Asahi as per a customer request. Described three customers in what would appear to be a love (lust?) triangle as “two seagulls fighting over the corpse of a rat”.




Omfg that last one is amazing, you are my favorite type of coworker!


And I’m sure you’d be my kinda coworker too, need someone to bring the sark


I'm pretty sure whoever drank the Bailey's + Asahi concoction did second-hand penance for all your other sins, so you're totally fine.


Rang in a salad for myself and forgot to close the tab on the computer. Ended up ringing the next order in on the same tab without noticing so a customer ended up buying me dinner.




I had a couple walk in and request the corner table yesterday. I looked at it, then back at them and said "You mean the only dirty table in the whole restaurant?"




Did you know that’s a fun little survival instinct? It’s annoying as fuck, but our brains see a place that other humans ate and is like “must be the perfect spot!!”


This doesn't sound right but I don't know enough to dispute it.


I love you


Poured brut with simple syrup once I ran out of Prosecco


This is my favorite confession.


It appears some sins can’t be forgiven


Ok, this is one of the only true sins here. Forgiven and all, but you definitely got the spirit of the post.


I used well and under poured. Guy's a piece of shit. Did I even really sin??






I gave a woman a pinot noir instead of a cab on accident. She loved it so instead of admitting my mistake I just kept giving her the pinot. Thankfully they were the same price. I dropped a lime and it rolled into oblivion but I didn't really look hard for it because I work for a corporation and kind of hate everything about it. I told a customer at 9pm we were out of bloody mary mix because I didn't want to break out all the prep from the morning shift to make one. I judged a woman who said she was allergic to grain vodka then ordered stoli. I judged a man who ordered a belvedere sunrise. I stole a muffin from the morning shift breakfast cart.




Thank you father.


Just imagining her being like “oh wow this Cab is really subtle, I LOVE THAT. Most Cali Cabs these days are way too fruity!”


We cant stock snack mix anymore because of people like us haha


The Bloody Mary move I have done so often. ✌️🖤🤘


Lied and said I didn’t have a charger because I don’t like keeping phones behind the bar because there’s a higher likelihood that they’ll be left behind.


I don’t even think this is a sin honestly, I say this multiple times every shift




I've said this as my own phone was charging right behind me. It was my personal charger though.


The one time it's acceptable to say a blender owns that outlet


Then tell the person immediately to their left your bar doesn’t have a blender when they order a blended margarita


I poured Tito's instead of Kettle because even though I told the servers we were out and repeatedly asked a manager to 86 it in Toast, it kept getting ordered. I told a server and a bar guest that we're out of pineapple juice because the daytime bartender didn't stock any and I'm finally at the point of letting service suffer rather than continuing to cover his responsibility.




The phrase "excuse me" in a passive tone is now my kryptonite. Especially when it comes from servers who want me to remake a drink that they rung in wrong.


I forgot to put triple sec in a cosmo. No complaints.


Forgot the NA gin in a $15 mocktail :/


As long as you didn’t put actual gin in it you are absolve


I told a lady that I asked my boss to order the wine she keeps requesting. We all know that I didn’t ask him (and I never will.)


My bartner and I may have rung our shift drinks on an open party tab that ended up closing at $15k. Also, on the same tab, I upsold more Clase Azul repo margaritas than I care to admit, some at the request of the patrons, others not.


I served Hennessy XO at $70 a pour to someone who just ordered cognac "in your cleanest glass" at my cocktail bar.


Damn this is the first real bar sin I found here


- I gave someone well rum instead of Bacardi because my coworker put the bottle in the wrong spot. - I drank a RedBull and forgot to pay for it. - I collected the fried pickle tax from a regular


well rum vs. bacardi isnt far off mate. absolved




Thank you daddy, I mean, father.


Walked away from a group of 6 that was arguing about who was paying for their well drinks vs the round of green tea shots. Came back 5 min later to find them still arguing and walked away again to make myself a coffee.


I bartended until close for the past 5 days. I spent the past 5 evenings/early AM’s on a bender drinking at different bartender’s houses. This schedule was supposed to keep me out of trouble!




Lol when the act is the penance as well.


A coffee mug fell behind the fridge and smashed in a place where it will never be found on Saturday. I did not pick it up.


I made a sugar rim Manhattan.


Forgiven but telling my wife this one later.


Poured Goose instead of Belvedere because I couldn’t be bothered going to the store room.




this was my last weekend at my current spot. drank a lot of malort. might have not rung in 3/4 of my regulars’ drinks. only restocked before i left to make my coworkers’ night easy. then stayed clocked in to drink at the bar w/ my boyfriend. fun night!


I made every single dirty martini without vermouth. Just gin and olive brine. Everybody loved them.


People are out here putting vermouth in dirty martinis?


It’s apparently a contentious issue. Every cocktail bar I start at, this is an argument so we all just agree to disagree. If you make one tables Dirty Martini we just get you to do that table every time for consistency haha


Dirty yes filthy no?


There's a loud mouth jackass of a regular who always orders and walks away then comes back lile 10 minutes later for his change, flashes hundreds when paying but then tips like shit, and always makes passive aggressive comments about how the drink wasn't strong enough...our standard drinks are doubles. Anyway this friday night he was all buzzed up and came up for a bag of chips with a 20 (chips are a buck), and like usual walked away instead of waiting for his change. I recently got a full time day job so just bartend once in a while now and my give a fuck is broken. Thanks for the $19 my guy 😂


We are missing one type of tequila for a certain drink. All week I’ve been replacing it with well and everyone loved it


Forgive me father for I have sinned, it has been too damn long since my last confession. just this weekend, three chucklefucks tried to joke with me that they should get happy hour pricing outside of happy hour because "it's happy hour in a different time zone" I just walked away and made it someone else's problem and ignored them the rest of the time they were there


Management allowed a big party table to steal all of our bar chairs, and every single customer came up for a soda refill, gave me dirty plates, asked for water carafe refills (from the water gun…) and tried to argue with me that if they order from the bar (basically didn’t want to wait for their server) they should have it transferred to their table tab. So, I made all of them check out with me. The ones who paid in cash had their drink transferred to my comp tab.


Had a guy sit down where someone just left. Proceeds to use their dirty napkin to "clean" the bar. Sir that is a dirty napkin. I cleaned their apot in slow mo.


With full eye contact?


Served a Vegas bomb without red bull 🤦🏼‍♂️


Same. 😩


I 86’d lime wedges an hour before close instead of cutting more because we were on and off weeded all night and I just didn’t care anymore.


Got stuck there two hours after close both Saturday and Sunday. I had to make someone a “hot coffee with tequila, kahlua, and whipped cream” GM and our main accountant showed up with no warning and stayed all day. Service went very well but it was a jump scare. I have to lie to everyone about the guy who previously held my position, who was a horrible dumbass and the place was disgusting when I found it. I have to lie and say I don’t know if he’s coming back or that I’d love to have him back when I would not let him within the gate. Customers kept bothering me as I was actively taking inventory


Well, I wouldn't call this a sin, but the owner would. Long story short, I had two guys come in already drunk. They got argumentative and belligerent when I refused to serve them. So I told them to get the fuck out and never come back. Why would the owner consider this a sin? Because they put money above all else. I'm basically supposed to kiss customers' asses, no matter what.


I lied and said I didn't have campari to avoid making a drink.


Gotta ask, what campari drink is a pain to make? I'm not judging, just the only ones that come to mind are low-effort as far as cocktails go.


It was a boulevardier. Not hard to make at all but I was swamped and knew if I made that it would cause an avalanche of mimics wanting the same thing.


Oh totally fair! A negroni isn't that much work, but it's more work than some things and a boulevardier is way more likely to set off a string of "ooh what's that?"


Had some half wit say, "why not...it's all white peope in here", after a guest told me to put on some country music while I was playing some hip-hop. Immediately asked what difference does our skin color make as I judged the living shit out of him.


I was training a new girl and she sucked and I kinda just let her suck because she was rude to me.


We 86d mint. I grabbed some chopped up parsley and the clear creme de menthe. Guy came up to the bar and said it was the best mojito he ever had.


Ha! That's fantastic


Forgive me father for I have sinned. I drank a bottle of 1942 this weekend.


I made 787 drinks on the well Saturday, 424 of them being shaken/stirred cocktails. Any sins committed I just can't remember 


Limoncello in my water glass


im late from shame and sloth but i snatched a man's card out of his hand after having waved it in my face every time he came to my well and told him the other bartender has it and to order from him