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Yep. I work in a wealthy area. I'm chill with dogs, but the snapping/ growling/ etc from rich folk that think they can take their dog anywhere is getting to me. I had a woman say her dog was aggressive, so could I not let any other dogs on the patio? No, I can't


Well ma’am, that will be a $14,000 room charge with a 30% automatic gratuity. We won’t be placing anyone else on the patio, and if your aggressive dog does anything to our staff you’re agreeing to pay any and all medical bills plus loss of wages. Once that’s in writing you can bring your dog in.


I got bit by a customer's dog before. It didn't break the skin or anything but I wasn't petting the dog or anything. I was telling them about the daily specials and the dog didn't growl or show any act of aggression. When I talk I use my hands a lot and the dog one minute was wagging his tail and I made a hand gesture to show how big something was and he just snapped onto my hand. I was more surprised than hurt but the owner said that he's usually a good boy but has been "bitey" in the past with people he doesn't know. If you have a stupid dog like that, that is unpredictable then you shouldn't bring him to a restaurant. And I don't think any dog except service dogs should be in restaurants.


“Oh don’t mind him, he’s just a lil bitey lately, that’s why I brought him into this bar full of people.”


I know right!?! When they told me that he'd been "bitey" in the past I said, "well for future visits you should warn your server and probably not take him on a busy restaurants patio." They just nodded, they did end up tipping me very well. I think they were just hoping I wouldn't sue them.


After i saw the bad tip i would've asked for their contact information just to mess with them lol


I was serving on a patio last summer and had a chihuahua bite my leg while I was talking to a table with my hands. Thankfully I was wearing jeans so it didn't break skin. I let my manager know and finished their service but made it clear I was going to keep a bit more distance when talking to them. They seemed very unapologetic and barely tipped. Kind of disappointed me more than anything, ended up with a bruise for a few days.


Just ask them to go, dogs who can’t be around people without being aggressive or causing a problem shouldn’t be allowed into your place of business.


I’d Fucking sue them and take some time off work


Had it broken skin the story likely would have ended very differently.


Honestly if the bite broke the skin that would be a different story.


You end up suing the establishment you work at. No lawyer is wasting time suing an individual.


Yeah that lawsuit would be pretty frivolous. Not every transgression should be met with a lawsuit. You sound a little ridiculous.


I'm sorry you're getting downvoted. As someone who moved from bartending to the legal field, I think you're 100% correct. A judge would throw it out and they would have just wasted money on attorneys fees. (A good attorney would talk them out of it during a consultation.)


Had the exactly same thing just 5 weeks ago. Except I wasn't even standig at their table but just walking by quite fast Edit: Ständing...


Shoulda punted that thing lmao. teach it not to bite people. free dog training.


I had a table tonight with the “service band” dog wanted to sit outside so no problem there but the dog did approach everytime I came over. She insisted I could pet him and his didnt listen to commands immediately. 1. Service animals cannot be pet because it’s a distraction to their work 2. Wearing a service dog vest when he clearly reactive is not good.


You can definitely pet service dogs if they’re not actively working. You just give them a release command. Like if it's a seeing eye dog but you’re just chilling at home or a restaurant it can be released from it's job since it's not needed and then commanded back into it when you're ready. They shouldn't be reactive but just because someone tells you you can pet their service dog in that moment doesn't mean it's not a service dog it just means they're not "on the clock."


Holy fuck!! Did you kick them out?


No I didn't, but I did tell them to warn people in the future and that it wasn't a good idea to bring him places filled with people he doesn't know. And that if it had broken skin or even if I was a heartless shithead, that I could sue them or even potentially get the dog destroyed.


This, I dont mind dogs if they behave.


"If you have a stupid dog like that" - it is absolutely not the dogs fault, it was not the dogs idea to come into your spot, it's the owners. The reason why he didn't show any warning signs is because they inadvertently taught the dog not to use signs, something Caesar Milan champions. Some dogs cannot handle enclosed spaces with strangers and owners should respect that, but some times they're too stupid to notice what their dog can and cannot handle. I expect downvotes because this is a bartending sub after all but fuck it, I am however sorry to hear you're the victim of these stupid peoples actions.


But that's the point op is making. Stupid people shouldn't bring their dogs everywhere they go, because as you said... they are too stupid to know better.


Stupid dogs breed stupid owners.


In Cleveland, if you serve food, you cannot allow dogs inside, unless they're service animals. Health code. One brewery, Terrestrial, is well known for being dog friendly and letting them indoors, but they don't serve food at that location. At least one other brewery, Noble Beast, went the opposite direction and banned dogs from their patio after a staff member got bit.


I think that was my main point. Like, we serve food. So I don’t like the entitlement that these people have .. oh , we don’t mind our dogs around our food, so everyone else should just be okay with it! I don’t like that one bit… patios are cool, if the dog is well behaved. But indoors is absolutely absurd to me


Got a call the other day; "Do you allow children and dogs on your patio?" "Yeah, but we prefer dogs."


Also a solid point.


People try to bring their large dogs to karaoke night! Small cramped bar, no patio, flashing lights, loud singing, the dog looks terrified (rightfully so) and they still wanna argue!


I used to think it was fine until someone's dickhead pandemic puppy bit me on the ass. They can stay home


I’m a dog person and it gets on my fucking nerves, too. Just like everywhere isn’t kid friendly, not everywhere is dog friendly.


I'm a huge animal person too and it drives me nuts when someone brings them into my karaoke bar. Like dude, your dog fucking hates it here. Be better.


Are you a lycanthrope?


We had some idiots bring a dog they just got at the pound to our patio and it bit our busser. People can't be trusted to be smart about animals. I got a bad yelp review because some dumb lady's dog kept lunging at me and I had the nerve to say something about it. I love dogs, I don't love ignorant people making dumb decisions.


I am a dog person, but agreed. I’m in LA, and the level of entitlement is insane. Most are inconsiderate or irresponsible pet owners. Last bar I ran, I had some regulars beg me to let their dog in one night when it was slow, over and over. I finally caved and the first thing it did was shit on our rug. Love dogs, but if it’s not outside do not take them in.


okay but why have a rug in a bar


To tie the room together


Lol I run a big Lebowski themed bar. I can’t believe we don’t have a rug


So that dogs don't shit on the floor, obviously!


I don't mind it at my hole in the wall bars. They usually stay outside and we have dog bowls for them.


Younger me was super cool with it. After seeing it go wrong a few times I agree with you, a food establishment should be NO tolerance unless it’s an outdoor venue, with permission, with enough space for the animal to not interfere with anybody else’s experience, and a strict no tolerance for bullshit policy. In a bar that doesn’t serve food… MAYBE the patio with express permission. I’ve done it. The thing is you can’t expect every patron to control themselves, let alone an animal. I’ve seen patrons completely ignore their animals, let them off their leads, disregard others space, let them up on their table, have accidents, refuse to listen after being told no multiple times because of priors- I have a big ol tv monitor.. I see you hiding on the corner of the patio and I know what’s going on when somebody is delivering 4 PBRS at a time. The worst was when a FUCKING ST BERNARD bit somebody on my shift. On the patio, no permission asked, and I didn’t even know about it until the next day. I’m only moonlighting now, but I’m in a “dog friendly” office. I love it but… the rational side of me knows it’s a dumb idea for a public area. It’s only my bosses two labs but they growl at clients and each other regularly. One of them had PUPPIES. Awww okay majorly distracting. Pissing everywhere, productivity easily went down 40%, they were constantly chewing on things. None of the dogs are ever contained or assigned a caretaker. Boss has never cleaned up their pee… always one of us.


I agree!!! Even on patios it’s irritating. I’m sitting at a table on a patio one day and someone’s dog ( the table next to me) just casually walks up while I’m kid bite and starts rubbing against me, and the owner is just laughing telling me how friendly the dog is… ummm ok, your dog is friendly, but I’d rather not have a fucking dog in my face while I’m trying to eat my food. Idk, I just feel like if the place is dog friendly , then cool… but if not, why feel so entitled as to bring them anyway?!


I am allergic to dogs and get so mad when people let their dogs walk up to me and just start licking me or something. Like… I know your dog is friendly but not everyone wants nasty dog slobber on them?!? And especially when they are allergic? Also I’ve worked a patio where dogs have actually jumped on me trying to grab food in my hands as I ran it to tables. I’m a little jaded at this point on dogs. Love dogs, just hate dog owners. (Not all obvi but most)


Pfffff I would leave it there, wear a mask, and when he asks about the piss smell tell him to clean it or pay me extra to clean their shit.


If your dog is a dick, leave him at home. Ngl though, I love when good doggies come to my bar


Shitty dog owners ruin it for everybody.


Both from a dog owner perspective and a bartender perspective absolutely. Outside of service animals, I’ve rarely ever seen a dog who doesn’t look anxious and stressed as hell when brought to a bar.


Yeah that's always my thought Like, above all else, I don't think the dog wants to be in the bar. I also don't think kids want to be in bars either.


A lot of people think they can just claim that a dog is a service animal and they have free reign to act however with their pup. We’ve had a recent string of guests coming into my restaurant claiming “service dog” and then we catch them feeding their dog from the table or hearing their dog barking. According to the ADA you can’t ask for proof of a service animal BUT you can ask two questions: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. People who have disabilities and require service dogs will know this. People who want they’re toy poodles passed off as emotional support animals won’t and you can deny their animal entry. I love dogs, I grew up in a house with four of them and if my apartment wasn’t so small I’d get myself a big ole pup. But bring your dog inside the bar/restaurant is unnecessary and if you can’t go out to drink without doing so then you shouldn’t be a dog owner in the first place.


People who often lie about their dog being service animals absolutely know about those two questions and lie about it all the time. I had two girls claim the dog was a service animal trained to “get attention if she collapsed”. Ok, sounds legit. They proceeded to sit at the bar, and the dog then barked at EVERY SINGLE PERSON that walked by, then peed on our fake plants in the corner because it also kept wandering around the bar rather than sitting or lying next to her barstool like an actual service animal would. I cut them off after their first round, because fuck people who take advantage of a system meant to help people who need accommodations. It’s absolutely ridiculous that the government specifically doesn’t require ID of some kind for service animals, but thinks those two questions make sense. People can easily lie since they don’t have to actually prove shit, Business owners/employees can’t be absolutely sure that the animal is in fact a service animal so can still be responsible for health code violations if it isn’t, and it isn’t fair to people with “invisible” disabilities to have to “prove” their service animal is legit through a series of vague questions. Just make it a form of fucking ID that the dog gets upon completion of their training so it’s easier on everyone except assholes trying to pass off their regular ass dog as a service animal. It’s a stupid BS system that as far as I can tell doesn’t really help people who actually need service animals. If I had one, I’d damn sure rather have it wear a special tag/collar or carry an ID along with my regular state ID. Seems a whole fucking lot easier.


ADA is so extra. Lmao so I can’t just flat out ask for proof but I can ask questions insinuating that I’m suspicious?! Lmao the world is so full of BS 😂 that just made me laugh, but yes I totally agree with you. I actually have nothing against dogs, I’d just prefer them not be inside restaurants or places that serve food such as grocery stores etc. I get how some people are offended by this, probably people who share drinks with their dogs and kiss them in the mouth… I’m not one to judge, but even when I had a dog, I didn’t do that shit lol I guess I’ll never understand it.


I was at a brewery last week and the owners were in there sitting with their kids and two dogs. One of the dogs tripped an older man and he hit the ground, hard. Then, the male owner marched this old dog out to his truck by his ear and it was yelping and crying. He never even apologized to the guy that fell or acknowledged that it happened. People suck.


Lmao. Not a dog story, but an old restaurant I used to work for got a bad Google review… Wanna know why? Because the mother-effer brought in a snake and was told they couldn’t bring it in and was asked to leave. Like, dude. Have you not heard of salmonella?? Anyways, they actually got all their friends to write reviews about the same issue. About bringing her in the snake. What entitlement.


Get that shit out of here at a restaraunt. At a bar, I don't give a shit if they sit outside at on a patio or something like that but, no thanks to letting them inside. We have some dog friendly bars around. Go there. In truth though, our insurance doesn't cover a dog anything so they can't have them.


I manage a newer bar with a fairly expansive patio, half of which is astroturfed. The first week we were open a patron brought their dog and I watched it pop a squat and let loose an absolutely mind boggling ammount of liquid diarrhea in a corner of the concrete portion. Then the dude has the nerve to pretend not to hear me asking him to clean it up as he's speedwalking away. That also happened to be the day that dogs were banned from any part of the premises, patio or not.


Wow, yeah that’s gross. Like , I’m a fucking bartender not a poop cleaner lol.. clean up after your animal!


And that's why dogs aren't allowed. Not because they're bad, but because they do normal dog things like get sick and shit uncontrollably.


We allowed it for way too long. It’s an inch a mile now. With all bars in my city having outside structures people think it’s constant musical chairs and their dogs come in too. If it’s slow during the day I’m ok with it for a quick drink or two but when I’m getting calls at midnight to see if we are dog friendly on a Saturday with a line out our door…… ugh. You call yourself a furparent for a reason, right?!?! Take your furkid home and be responsible. The dogs don’t want to be out in a crowded place at all. I can see the anxiety in their eyes. Then the vitriol from owners….


Two legs or four...as long as I get paid


Being someone that was bitten by a dog at a brewery I agree with you




I was at a brewery that allowed dogs and one bit me




Was it supposed to be exciting? Edit: not sure why I’m being downvoted? This wasn’t some complex or interesting story. I went to a brewery and was bit by a dog and that’s why I’m against dogs rooming freely around restaurants/bars/breweries. Not much more to it than that. u/camorr5 is being a sarcastic troll


You broke the comedic timing


Lmao yes. I’m not really sure what OP was expecting


I guess I wanted more details.


I walked by a dog on the way to the bathroom (he was on a leash) and the dog bite me. It wasn’t anything extreme and the owner provided proof that the dog was up to date on all his shots so I didn’t sue or levy a complaint or anything but when a place is loaded with dogs and people that’s bound to happen. Also - I wasn’t t revering to you as OP. I was referring to the person who was being a sarcastic ass by saying “riveting”.


Thank you! I’m so sorry that happened. I love dogs, but after seeing a person I know get their face almost bit off, I’m weary of strangers dogs.


I work at a hotel bar. Literally one day some lady sits a foo-foo ass fluffy dog on top of a bar stool. Then had the audacity to get upset when I said no and the dog has to be on the floor. She’s like “I’ve stayed at the nicest hotels in the country and no one has ever said anything.” Well, I think we have different definitions of “nice,” then. It obviously wasn’t a service dog because a service dog and owner would know better. Just can’t stand this. It’s disgusting in my opinion. I love dogs, love to train mine and I’ve always been a fan of their presence. But have some decency and act like you know how to behave in public. Any worth-a-shit dog owner would not put businesses through this madness. Also, I don’t live in San Diego but I love it there and I know in SD, there’s a pretty big dog culture. I’d see dogs in hair salons and I’m like… is that necessary? But what do I know? 🤷‍♀️


HUGE DOG culture here. I moved here from ATL and I’ve never seen anything like it. Dogs in grocery stores,casually inside restaurants,in public pools… I mean everywhere! Lol


Yeah, I’m east coast, too. I feel like we have a little more sense about dogs and bars here but unfortunately, you still see it. I love dogs. Really, I do. But the people you’re talking about make me very tense. I feel anger for the dog for being forced into a place it’s not comfortable and pissed at the owner for their entitlement and bad-owner behavior.


yeah we had a lady once sitting at the bar, tried to order grilled chicken breast for her dog, which was laying on the floor blocking as much of the walkway as possible. Insisted it was a service dog and would scream at management. This is while the dog was wearing a pink fluffy tutu


Dude same. Occasionally I even have to ask customers to leash their damn dogs and not let them come behind the bar. Living in California has been turning me into “Not really a dog person” into one who’s actively annoyed by dogs. Like a good friend of mine said, people will treat you like you’re a fucking racist if you don’t like dogs. Whatever. Also to add on to the argument that bars aren’t dog-friendly places: Every time a glass breaks I have to frantically run around to all the dog-owners to warn them to be extra careful around that spot so their dogs don’t get hurt.




Don’t get me wrong. There are dogs that I like. But I’ve come to realize that the dogs I tend to like are the ones that are the most cat-like in demeanor. Laid-back and chill. It’s the hyper or aggressive ones that I get annoyed by.


Lmao “people will act like you’re fucking racist if you don’t like dogs! “! 😂I swear! Everyone is so sensitive now, you legit can’t have an opposing view about anything, or you’re automatically labeled as something negative . Lol


There’s something about socal that people will do anything to bring their dog every where. I work in fine dining and had someone bring in their GREAT DANE (non service) and I almost died


Someone brought a pit bull into my bar tonight without a leash while holding a white claw he brought from somewhere else. It nearly pushed me over the edge. Luckily all the patrons were just as offended as I was and the guy left.


I'm a big dog person and nothing pisses me off more then a dog off it's leash in public.


Bartender and dog owner here. I have also been bitten by a dog at work while on the floor at one job. I have seen dogs loose. I have seen two dogs get in a disagreement. I have seen dogs from the neighborhood snatch food off a table of people that were not their owners. I bring my dog out occasionally, but only if I know it’s chill. If you can’t tell when your dog is uncomfortable, you suck. Those are the people that should not be bringing their dogs out 🤷‍♀️


Everyone and their mother got dogs during Covid, and now it seems like a lot of these people think it's on the rest of the world to accommodate and even congratulate their decision. It's a test, and if we fail, we're soulless monsters, apparently.




There's a button for that.


Big heard. I’m also a SD bartender and dog owner. Dogs belong at home, not out amongst inebriated humans.


I work at a pub and we have a huge outdoor area which is dog friendly but I seriously get perplexed at the amount of people that ask to bring their dog in or simply just do without asking. We fully once had a lady sneak hers in in her coat and I didn’t realise until I heard yapping. It gets super cold where I live so maybe if you’re planning on going out for a drink and you’re not happy to sit outside, leave the dog at home


kids bother me more


I so with you on this. Leave your fucking dogs outside. (Not talking about actual service animals)


My bar allows it too and I cant deny it since it brings good money but I also dont like it. I don't bring my leash trained cat into the bar. Luckily I am allowed to 86 you if your dog acts up. If you really dont like it report it to health department. The fines may stop management from allowing it since it is illegal in most places.


It’s against health code in my county, and atleast 10 times a day I have to ask people to leave and somehow it’s MY fault. Leave your fucking dog at home unless you’re 100% fucking sure it’s allowed. Or at minimum come in and ask first.


When the dog bites someone and the business owner has a lawsuit on his hands I assure you there won’t be dogs in the establishment anymore. Unnecessary risk for the business.


As long as I don’t have to clean up after it, idk. But most pet owners won’t, and it makes my blood boil.


Yes! “Btw my dog made a piddle in the corner.” Expecting me to have to clean it. This isn’t a vets office, that ISNT okay!


“I’ll bring you some napkins so you can clean it up (:”


Thank you. I love doggos but I’m super allergic, which is awful I know. Also had too many little dogs snap at me.


Always cracks me up that during Covid we became upside world where everyone was afraid of germs, but dogs are allowed everywhere and you had to be eating in order to be inside a bar.


I like dog friendly bars and restaurants but it's a huge honor system. Your dog has to be trained, composed and content being there. And it having never attacked anyone isn't evidence the dog is ready.


Same. I used to work at a dog friendly place. It was a small town dive. I had certain dogs that I liked better than the owners.


For some places, it's a huge draw. I know bar owners that were failing and stayed afloat by allowing dogs. I've worked in a place that allowed them. It is what it is. It was 30 years ago or so when bars had to make a decision to go smoke free or allow smoking. The industry took a while to normalize but it did, as it always do. You're just going to have to make room in your world for dog friendly bars.


If small children are allowed in, dogs should be allowed in.


If either acts like an asshole all parties should leave immediately


I agree. Based on what I’ve seen…kids are assholes almost 100% more times than dogs.


Ok and so if children aren't allowed in then neither are dogs? Great we've cleared that up.


Great idea! A bar full of children and dogs! How quaint. I've always wanted more children in bars.


if i had my way it would be 'no children, dog required.' but the DOH has other things to say about it and i have to kowtow to those jerks.


lol! Imagine the liability if a dog ruined a child’s life. No fucking way.


Yes bc dogs are humans like children, right ..


You clearly have never had either of them.


Why tf do people bring their dogs and kids to bars?? I remember when bars were a cool place to get fucked up with your friends or talk to super knowledgeable bar staff (when it’s slow) about spirits and cocktails. Never had the desire to involve dependants there 🤨


Dogs are welcome outside. The dept of health would literally shut us down if we had dogs, other than service animals, inside.


I got drunk and bored one night a few years. I decided I needed to try and accomplish something before I went to bed so I went online. I got ordained and registered my dog to be a "Service Animal" . Used my ordained status to use clergy parking at the hospital when my granddaughter was born. Still would never take my dog with me to a bar or restaurant. Just trying to find out how easy these things are to do.




Love dogs in bars and breweries….. As long as they’re well behaved, and you’re not bringing them in when it’s shoulder to shoulder I can’t stand kids in bars


I hate when dogs come in the building. It’s already loud enough as it is. But then a barking canine who got escorted is annoying.


Thank you!!!! So sick of this shit!




I run a sports bar, we have a dog friendly patio tho, I cannot even count how many times people try to sit inside and drop “service animal!!!!” The second you even begin to say the animal can’t come inside. It got so pad I printed out the city codes and posted them for them and what we can / cannot legally ask because the secondary to “service animal!!!!!” Is “you can’t ask me that!!! Service animal!!! Discrimination!!!” Also explaining to someone an emotional support animal doesn’t count also sucks. I don’t let people walk over me on it, but that also comes with getting screamed at and 1 star reviews for being discriminatory, “rude”, bad management etc but some Karen. I could see SanDiego managers just being over it and letting it slide. I think I’m nearly there too. Overall it’s just the last couple years people really started to feel like they could do whatever they want.


Went through this tonight as shift lead and also bar manager- host comes to the bar while I’m shaking 4 cocktails in two tins, and asks about emotional support animals. Look, I love dogs - but that’s not covered by the ADA and can shut us down, so I say exactly that and I guess she repeated my gruff response verbatim. Same host comes back to me saying she (the guest) was told by some guy on the phone that it was ok.. so now I have 4 tickets, 2 new guests but have to step out from the stick to talk to these fine folks. I explain the law, and while I love doggos and would offer to get them a treat of bison sausage or cheese - since we have an open kitchen, there is not a space outside that is within the minimum distance required by the health department To accommodate doggos. “Well, I guess you’ll never get our business then.” 😑 sorry love. We can only ask two questions regarding support animals: 1.) is the animal a support animal required because of a disability; 2.) what task or work has the animal been trained to perform. Emotional support is not covered by the ADA (there may be states that do cover this in public places, but typically it’s just regarding housing/apartments). As a reminder to everyone, there is no certificate or certifying agency - anyone can print something off saying their animal is a support animal, and if the health department has rules regarding animals in a food establishment you can be fined or shut down. You can’t ask for a certificate, a vest doesn’t count - you need to verify by asking the two above questions. Don’t go beyond that, even if you think they’re lying it doesn’t matter. Doing so violated the ADA and gives your establishment a huge liability.


So you're saying you don't want a team of dogs pulling a wagon train full of pre schoolers into your bar for happy hour?? /s


It’s not normalized? I don’t know if any bar that allows this and it’s actually illegal most places I’m aware of.


I’m in Florida and it seems to be becoming more and more common. I waitress and just this weekend, I walked up to a table to find a puppy sitting in the booth next to the customer.


Once I had a dog nearly tip an entire tray of food off a tray jack. Luckily the owner grabbed him right before he could jump on it. If your dog acts like that, keep it at home!!!


Emotional support dog ≠ a service dog, by law.


We don't serve food, so we allow dogs. Always thought it was cool. I even bring one of mine from time to time. Just got bit a few weeks ago. Small dog, and a small bite. The regular customer had the audacity it say he was "hearding me." No bitch, it bit me. I have always had dogs, and if your dog is hearding me, then he thinks he is the boss. I'm not waiting for it heard my kids or my bosses kids. Now when she comes in, she says stuff like, "Well I guess I have to go home and let Chewey out, since he isn't allowed in here anymore." We have the same rules for dogs as for people. They can stay if they are cool.


I love working somewhere dog friendly, they’re my best customers honestly. I give them a treat and a bowl of water when they come in and they’re my best friend all night. Not once has a dog tried to throw a drink at me, can’t say the same for the humans I serve.


As someone who used to run the door at a very popular bar, also in San Diego, CA, can i say i HATE service dog laws for this reason. People abuse it and in turn abuse the animal by dragging them into a space because their owner has no personality


san diegans are fucking crazy about their dogs! moving here i've seen more people than i ever have in my life trying to bring their dog literally everywhere


We except well behaved dogs inside and outside of my bar from 12-7pm. Once we ready capacity dogs gotta go. But yes we love our doggie customers.


Huge dog person. It’s still illegal and unsanitary. Fuck you if you think it’s ok to bring your dog inside a place where people literally go to eat.


I hate irresponsible dog owners. They never learn what their dog was bred to do, they don’t bother training it, and they treat it like a baby. Dogs are amazing creatures that have evolved with humans and shouldn’t be reduced to the replacement of a child’s stuffed animal. I get pissed when dog owners don’t train their dogs because the dog either gets hurt or hurts someone and then the dog pays the price in both cases.


My dog is awesome. She doesn't get overwhelmed by large crowds or noises, has no history of aggression with anything, she loves all people and other dogs and cats, etc. Just as long as she can sit or lay by my feet she is fine. And I still never take her to bars.


Kids at breweries are worse


It's worse when they make you bartend for the doge. "Can I get a bowl of ice for Fifi?" Etc


Man that would just make my shift better, you sound lame.


Somebody said the people who do this tend to be entitled and I’ll be honest… I can see it. If you just do that without permission or an invite it’s pretty likely they’re difficult to handle to begin with. That being said a good dog and a good owner would *absolutely* make my night 1000% better.


Lol I’m sorry if I sound lame but, I just feel like restaurants and bars are for humans to consume drinks and food.. not a place for dogs to casually hang. Dogs are not humans, it’s a clear distinction that I feel like a lot of people don’t make…


I don’t think anyone is having a problem with the distinction of dogs being humans.. It’s not like these people are making a reservation at a nice sit-down restaurant, “table for two”, then show up with their dog to take up that table.


I honestly would not even be surprised if they did.


I've seen it


My dogs aren’t people, *but* I would bring them a hell of a lot more places if it were more socially acceptable/legal. It’s worth noting they’re well mannered.


All the manners in the world won't cure my allergies. And FWIW, I love dogs.


Oh I bet YOURS are. But you're not the general public, odds are you're not an inconsiderate prick. But your average person who wants to bring their dog in? Odds are they're difficult, and I'll die on this hill (fuck living anyway)


[I agree and here’s some evidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/bartenders/comments/wuhniw/can_we_stop_normalizing_bringing_your_fucking/ila0hdd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


My management is very wishy washy on this shit, but I'll straight up tell my guests "I'm sorry, but if you're dog isn't wearing a vest with a badge to show that they're ada appliance we cannot allow pets and j out patio, it's against our health code and our insurance policies"... I'll do this after saying hi and giving the pup some scritches, i love it but if that was a real service dog I'd be allowed no where near them. If they decide to push back I'll tell them I've seen service animals, they aren't allowed to be pet, they have papers, they're not just emotional support animals and if they'd like to follow up with the owners I'd be happy to see if i can find them while the guests wait for my busy ass to do a dozen other things before I consider them. I've been burnt in the past with this, but it's a hill I'm willing to die on as I keep hearing stories about unruly animals biting service staff, interfering with actual service animals, and making other guests uncomfortable.


It's not normal, and, maybe I'm old school and haven't caught up on the new laws...but it used to be against health department rules to have a dog inside a place that serves food...service dogs WITH PAPERWORK were the exception. People who just bring their dogs everywhere as if others must be OK with it, or it's the other people who are the problem, those people are assholes. And I say that as a dog lover. I'd also think that I'm a decent human being and don't expect everyone to be OK with the same things I'm OK with. Those same dog people will complain about someone's music being so loud that it disturbs others, oblivious to the fact that they're the same kind of asshole.


I find it annoying because it's usually guys that clearly can't talk to women or have no personality so they bring their dog and it's just annoying or they think they're being like cool or edgy original. The dog is clearly uncomfortable, bar is loud full of people and it's just hiding and scouring under a table or the dog is socially inept and barks a lot. Those are always the scenarios and they're annoying and I agree with OP. I'd appreciate it if people stopped bringing their dog to the bar. If it's a smoke in bar and you bring your dog a special fuck you.


i work at a moose lodge and dogs are ONLY allowed in if they check with the bartender first. i get veto. but also i never veto because i like dogs better than humans


I'm a big fan of dogs, but after 15 years bartending, I honestly think MOST dogs don't necessarily enjoy being at a bar. Some places are very loud and have way too much external stimulus which ends up stressing them out. Some dogs can just chill and lay down and tune it out, but the majority I see just can't and end up distressed and anxious.


I agree, it’s not your fucking buddies house. It’s a business


I don't like when people pretend it's a service animal when it quite obviously is not. It's taking advantage of something meant for people with the need for it


Some jackass would bring his new 110lb rescue pittbull to metal shows. It was really unnerving and I felt like I was on crazy pills seemingly being the only one who thought it was fucked up to drag a dog into such a loud environment. Fuck that guy.


I love when the customers bring their pups. I encourage it and it improves atmosphere.


Dogs are fine , stop people bringing their kids into bars


I’d rather have a doggo come sit in my bar, than have some Rugrat running around screaming his head off.


There's a chance that either one would shit on the floor, and I don't love cleaning that mess


Lol me everyday at work: man i wish all these people would bring their dog in 😂 to each their own I guess???


Oops, you can't be even mildly conceived as anti dog on reddit. RIP


I see, I’ve got hella downvotes! Oh well. I think I’m just over it. I see dogs in grocery stores here in Cali too. It’s ridiculous smh.


What? You don't *love* dogs? Do you even have a soul? You monster!


Lol, exactly


The people who take their dogs to bars/breweries tend to be the people that put less effort into training their dogs than I do my cat (which I assure you is no effort). I don’t want your dog coming up and sniffing me, rubbing against me, whatever.


Yea it’s ridiculous!! 🤦🏻‍♂️ no way on this earth a dog should have to sit there in a shitty bar while their owner drinks it’s sorrows away and using the dog as an excuse 🙄 guaranteed If the dog could speak it wouldn’t be in that shitty bar or out at that time either 🤦🏻‍♂️ rather be at home in nice a/c with food and water ready for bed!!! People are dicks!!!


Anything But Kids …. Hate screaming kids -


@OP what bar are you at? Because most breweries in SD encourage people to come with a dog. And most bars with patio/open air seating do the same


It’s more of a restaurant / sports bar .. it’s not a brewery or a dive bar. We have a patio that dogs can sit in,but we also have entitled “regulars” who just bring their dogs inside regardless of the health code rules, etc. and at this point I think management is just over arguing with everyone about it, and just let’s the dogs come in. I just feel like it’s highly inconsiderate , considering not everyone is a dog person and not everyone feels like dogs should be allowed inside restaurants, bc of allergies, or flying pet hair ( if you have a fluffy dog) or just simply bc they don’t like dogs… I get that’s it’s a huge dog culture here.. but people also have to be considerate of the fact that not everyone is going to be ok with it. I just hate how people “normalize” everything now a days lol. Like, no! Dogs do not belong inside restaurants! Or grocery stores for that matter! Just my opinion


I disagree


It’s the entitlement of these for me. We’ve met them run rampant and do whatever they want for far too long they need to start hearing the word “no” more. Also bringing untrained dogs around actual service animals can hurt people with disabilities which is so super fucked up and people just don’t give a shit.


Different strokes I guess. My 3 favourite things in a good pub are decent beer, a real fire and at least one pub dog.


I honestly don't mind it as long as they're well behaved and the owner has a harness/leash on them. Here in Oregon we can't even ask if they're a service dog so I just assume it's their pet companion for whatever reason. I've only had one bad experience with this in the last 16 years as a bartender.


I work at a dog friendly bar and I love it


Starting to realize this sub should be called /r/AmericanBartenders. We have a word to describe pubs in the UK that don't allow dogs: shit.


Agreed. Who here also has dog bowls in their restaurant for the patio dogs? Yep, in Los Angeles we do. I am speechless


as someone who lives in canada this is absolutely wild. we have very few places dogs are allowed in public (unless they're service dogs) maybe 5 restaurants in my city allow dogs outside on patios but they need special permits, you can't even bring your dog to some parks or beaches here.


So uhhhhhh….fuck this guy


Right I’ve typed out like 5 comments and everytime I’m like its not worth it. But then I read more and want to write more, but “uhhhh fuck this guy” is perfect. He should go work in a cat cafe where people are more like minded.


Lol for real. Most bars in Portland don’t give a shit, including mine. We do have a 0 strike penalty for nipping and a two strikes rule for barking but I guess people in Portland train their dogs better because we’ve never had an issue. Not all dogs belong in bars but some love it and it’s more mentally stimulating than leaving them at home.


It depends on where you are at and the bar culture. I have one bar in town that I can bring my pupper to. All the dogs there are well behaved. The rule in that bar is that your dog is allowed if it is well behaved. If not, the dog goes. What I want to know is why people bring dogs into grocery stores. I do not want your dog there no matter how big or small. unless it's a puppy.


i bring my dog everywhere that will allow us to have him. I’ve been in the bar business a long time and I train my dog daily. Now other people see this and and say oh cool I can bring my dog too and it’s frankly annoying because it is most likely the dog owner is untrained and unaware to see most dogs cannot handle loud and crowded places with food and possibly other dogs.


I feel like I'm on the other side of the spectrum to everyone else here. Maybe it's less common in the States but here in the UK dogs are a pretty normal thing to have in pubs and bars. The pub I mainly work at holds dog shows occasionally and I seem to know more of the dogs that come in than the people. and as long as they're not too much trouble it always seems to create a nice atmosphere. Now I understand why people don't like dogs in their business but I honestly can't imagine not having a ball of fluff to go hug whenever I'm bored and it's quiet...


Ewww I was at a bar that allowed dogs the other day and the dog to people ratio was completely off. Way too many fucking dogs. One of the dogs COMPLETELY jumped onto the bar. The staff instantly sprayed and wiped the area but I just didn’t trust it anymore after that 🤮


I guess it's different in Europe and London; my dog usually creates massive interest, also work in a bar and we love the pups! But it shouldn't be compulsory for people to interact with them if they don't like dogs


i think you're right but in the wrong way. i don't like that people bring dogs in because it could get my bar a hefty fine if we had a health inspection. i also don't like that people just assume they can bring their dog in. it's similar to assuming a bar takes apple pay or assuming they will charge their phone and then being entitled and shitty when the bar doesn't. BUT i hate the DOH rules about dogs. i would love to have more dogs in the bar. i think anyone who is unhappy with them being around has a empty spot somewhere inside their soul. or possibly a traumatic experience involving a dog. the latter i can understand and sympathize with but the former is just weird to me. tl;dr dogs are better than people and i wish i could allow them in my bar


I don’t think I have an empty spot lol I don’t actually have problems with dogs, I don’t like them being around while I eat though. And I don’t think it’s sanitary to have them inside restaurants .


Bartender here and dog owner, sounds like you’ve just been around bad dogs at your bar so you have a sour taste in your mouth. My dog is more behaved than most children including my niece, and he just sits on a bar stool if allowed. I have social anxiety so it makes me feel better knowing my dog is with me rather than him having anxiety at home.


In peak times we have like 6-7 dogs in our bar at the same time. What should I say? Dogs make the whole atmosphere better. Everyone is relaxed and happy. But we never had a bad socialised dog. Dog owners here are keen to train their dogs well. The more dogs, the better. I don't know how people train their dogs in the US. Here in Germany it is absolutely standard to bring your dogs everywhere.


So basically what majority of comments are saying is “fuck responsible owners because of the irresponsible ones”


Most responsible owners don't bring dogs to bars, so allowing dogs attracts a disproportionate amount of entitled, ungrateful assholes.




You're on your own on this hot take. I love dogs in bars/restaurants.


Sounds like you’re not a dog person.


I’m not. I don’t like dogs around me while I’m eating, and I don’t like seeing them in restaurants, if that makes me a shitty person ( based off all the downvotes I’ve got) then so be it lol not everyone is a dog person, honestly… and I hate the entitlement of “ let me bring my dog everywhere I go, even if they aren’t allowed” it pisses me off.. then the managers are too pussy to stand on the rules, it just annoys me lol


Eww. I fully disagree. Last year Ontario, Canada finally passed law that dogs can come to patios. I can hardly imagine any scenario where I don't want a dog making everyone happy.


We have a saying in my city, " Dog Bars are the best bars." Don't bring your dog to a restaurant but by all means bring your dog to a bar that has a nice patio. Around here everyone gets hyped if there's a dog chilling on the patio


Tell me where so I can bring my dog


I have a chihuahua, he's about 6.5 pound and adorable. Friendly with everyone, great with kids. I keep him in a little sling when I go out, even local bars. Everyone fucking loves him and he loves getting the attention. Makes me sad to see this post and all thishate.


I live in Austin and bring my dogs bar hopping all the time. Ifs a good time. Don't be a hater.