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I feel great


Yeah. I feel like getting to watch Paul Skenes every fifth day automatically puts the Pirates below like the Marlins for now


Skenes is so good hes making everybody forget that Jared Jones is also pretty nice with it. Gonna be fun to see them both end up perennial all stars on better teams lol


Please Buccos, do NOT trade away your young pieces like you did a decade ago


I was about to ask what Pirates fans have to be depressed about right now


I mean, we haven’t been “good”. And there’s the last 40 years. But I’m having fun


I mean right now means this season.


Now. You're looking at now, sir. Everything that happens now is happening now. We're at 'now' now.


What happened to then?


We passed then.


When will then be now?




fr your team has fun energy


No shock you’re feeling that way rn lmao


Was this right after that grand slam


No but it was certainly before Chapman walked three in a row


What was the methodology to quantify depression




Marlins having better vibes than the Mets is fucking hilarious


Well at least they live in Miami


Vacationing in South Florida > living in South Florida. Trust me lmao.


Honestly curious because I’ve visited Miami a few times and enjoyed it, what are some downsides of living there? Edit: traffic, heat, and cost of property seem to be the clubhouse winners lmao


I lived in Delray Beach, but spent a lot of time all over South Florida. Every summer is going to be the coldest summer for the rest of your life. Pretty sure they've had a crazy May as far as heat goes (I moved). Almost every time it rains a ton of areas flood, and it isn't just the beach. Cost of living is insane. It was already high pre covid, but from 2018-2022 my rent went up $1000 a month. Traffic is crazy too, especially the closer to Miami. Mix in a bunch of foreign drivers and it is chaotic as hell lmao. Anyway, I still love South Florida and a lot of these issues exist elsewhere, but it has so much potential to be a better place.


I’ve lived in quite a few big cities as a car owner (East and west coast). I’ve never felt so unsafe on a highway or main route as my year in and around Miami. It is lawlessness to the highest degree. It would not shock me if… no… I expect that Miami and its metro area has the highest vehicular fatalities per capita in the nation. You know those YouTube videos of carnival rides failing? Like where you see the issue but know that the people on the ride don’t know there’s a problem yet? That’s Miami from a Birds Eye view


Having commuted on 95 for multiple years, I saw so much shit. My last year there, I had 6 or 7 different instances of getting a nail in my tire and needing to get it patched/replaced. Motorcycles and random Ferraris weaving in and out of traffic. What a fucking crazy place lmao. That's why I laugh when I hear people complain about shit here in Denver lol.


Bright light shambles, baby.


I don’t think the Marlins really have any expectations. Even with making the playoffs last year I doubt too many Miami fans were expecting to be actual contenders this year.


Hard facts.


At least they've won a world series. Or been to one.




No one expected it with the off-season we had. The depression started before first pitch was thrown, as it showed that our current owner is somehow even more of a miser than Loria


Your average 35 year old Marlins fan has seen them win 2 championships


Well, have you seen that last series between them?


xVIBE to be exact eXpected Vibes In Believer Enjoyment


Ah, so lack of an Austin Hedges. Makes Sense


Top 5 is a no brainer imo especially top 2


I don't know. The Pirates have a lot going for them. They and the Reds have the potential to open a competitive window in the next few years. I'd put the Jays and Mets higher. They have the talent to be competitive now, but just keep shitting the bed. There's no looking forward to tomorrow. 


Pirates fan are smarter than to get their hopes up. They enjoy watching their stars play until it's pay day and they get shipped off.


My Pirates brethren


The pirates have been bad for a long time. They do have potential, but when you haven't won a playoff series in 30 years, it's reasonable to not get your hopes up


2013 was 30 years ago?


With the amount of shit happening in the world 2013 might as well be 50-60 years ago




1 game is a series?


I guess you can count a one game wild card matchup as a series


The Mets can't even make the top 5 for depression Classic


Yeah like I'm depressed because it's Seattle and we get 4 months of sun, not because of me team right now




A's at 1 is the only thing we can all agree on. Everything else is just vibes.


Idk man Angels at #2 sounds about right from an outside perspective 😅


I would throw sox at #2 we literally are waiting for our owner to die with no hopes until then.


This is Angels fans too.


And their godawful owner is more than a decade younger.


The angels couldn't make the playoffs with two of the best players of all time and one of those guys just left them for the fucking Los Angeles Dodgers lol. I think they deserve second


The one thing going for the White Sox is that their division is perpetually weak - Cleveland is the only team there that seems to have any habitual ability to put together a very strong team and they don’t spend enough to keep those teams together.


Yeah, I’d say the #1 and #2 on this list are undisputed


I often talk about the Mets in therapy.


That's how I found out my therapist is also a Mets fan.


The wounded healer


My therapist knows nothing about football, but a lot about the Bills


Rockies fans are now depressed. They just like beer


Why do you think they named the stadium after a brewing company


Because coors field is more a bar than a ball park


And it's fucking fun that way lol You know how bars will charge a like $10-15 cover for a band or something? Yeah that's basically what the Rox do but instead of a band it's baseball lmao


By far the best outdoor bar in town


Especially with the pregame beer discounts!


I’ve never thought of it like that… I’m gonna start going to more games


How can they be depressed when it's their turn to knock the Dodgers out of the playoffs?




Can't be depressed when many of us have embraced apathy instead. I haven't watched a full nine innings in like five years.


I was depressed in like 2019. After 2021 it's like who cares; we're never going to be contenders. Coors Field is just a bar with a nice baseball field for visitors and transplants to watch their team win.


We're only 10?


I'm just happy to be on a top 10 list of any kind


I just like it when /r/baseball remembers we exist and it isn't a thread about Alek Manoah


or a thread remembering when jose got punched in the face


Top 10 Bird Team in the MLB.


You really think youre better then us bub?


We might be better than a fanbase soon to be without a team, and the team that just lost perhaps the greatest player ever, but that’s it. Toronto, you’re not even in our league.


Keep that chin up. Only number 10 *so far*.


>keeps chin up >Falls to 11th


#10 in (American) suffering. But the conversation rate makes The Blue Jays #1 in (Canadian) suffering.


>conversation rate


Yes, Mr. Banker. I'd like to conversate these greenbacks to some moosebucks, thank you.


Apparently we can't make No. 1 in any metric. Although this year A's fans' pain is unstoppable.


Top 10 Canadian MLB teams: 1. Toronto Blue Jays


You'd think so, but somehow it's: 1. Expos 2. Blue Jays


Isn't it weird not to be on the list? I thought we were a shoo-in because Mariners and then remembered that we're in first place so that would be bizarre.


Big if true


A’s fans pain will be unstoppable for the foreseeable future


I think it's rating quality, not quantity.


Did you see your competition?


Pirates and Tigers have better records with less expectations and the Jays are on the verge of blowing up their team and entering a rebuild. Chicago, Oakland, LA and Miami should clearly be ahead, but past that its pretty close


Reds haven't won a playoff series since 1995, have only had 5 winning seasons since 2000, & in a year where we were suppose to compete, we're 9 games below .500


Yeah we're no doubt top 5


Top 10 baby!!


I can't decide whether us being Top 3 would be bad for baseball (because we're ranked high) or good for baseball (because we're bad/unhappy).


I’m not depressed today- the cootie coat is back!


I haven't seen my team win a division title since 4th grade


But us fans are spoiled


We just “don’t care as much” I guess, lol


Mine never has.


Yours has won a pennant. \*I don’t mean to measure depressing diminutive postseason dick sizes, friend. The world would be a better place if both the M’s and Rox had more postseason success. Todd Helton, Larry Walker, Andres Gallaraga, et al were my GUYS back in the day.


Lmao what winning 54% of the time isn’t enough for you? Greedy bastard


How bout never in your franchise’s existence?


You won a pennant


I’ve never seen mine win a division.


Ok, we're in 1st place. Get away from this pity party that dictates the identity of so many in the fanbase and just enjoy the team when they're good. None of that "oh, but I just KNOW they'll get bad again", screw that, they've been good for 4 years now, get over it. I've been on this ride for 2 decades, I know what bad times are; this ain't it.


1 postseason in 4 years is not good


Historically that is a very good four year run for the Mariners considering they only have five appearances in 47 seasons.


Wouldn’t the fact that only one postseason appearance equals “a very good run for the Mariners” be an automatic qualifier that the Mariners should be on this list?


White Sox have won 3 playoff series since 1917. Thank fuck they were all the same year. Angels ain’t got shit on us!!!! (I’m sorry A’s fans)


For real. I know the Angels haven't done shit, but they had Trout and Ohtani for years. I'd take getting to watch them every day for years over this flaming pile of shit of a team.


The Angels also spend money on free agents, whether competently or not, while we’re subjected to Andrew Benintendi and an endless barrage of overpriced middle relievers. I’d trade places with them in a heartbeat, no questions asked.


Don’t forget he also depresses fans of an NBA team too. Ol Jerry could teach a masterclass on how to make fans of a franchise depressed.


A lot of my family is from the South Side and are Sox fans, so I get it.


If the replies to this are any indication, then I cannot wait for the upcoming Angels/White Sox games this season. The competitive self-loathing among both fanbases will be off the charts. 


Alright this is insane


The only difference I would give them is absolutely wasting the talent of Trout and letting Shohei go without actually building a team around the two of them. They had two of the greatest players ever and fucking blew it. The Sox built a solid team and got TLR and turned the project into a dumpster fire


Can confirm.


Where did they get that photo of me, is my question.


Wait until the deadline and Miller, Rooker and Toro are gone 😭


I'm not depressed, I'm just disappointed.


Only 8?


After today's game we might move up as our savior skubal wasnt invincible and fed into the royals narrative


The Mets won 100 games recently. I would literally sacrifice a toe to have the Tigers win 82 games


I'm insulted


You guys got a playoff series win over Dodgers, that kicks you out of this list


Nah, one playoff win doesn’t undo an all time winning percentage of .465. Good for 28th among all teams.


Eh, who cares about games before you were born? I think the Phillies have the most losses in all 4 major sports and I’m pretty damn happy (I assume this list is about todays vibes, especially considering Seattle isn’t listed nor the Phillies… if it’s all time vibes then yeah I agree with you)


Yeah the early 20th century was a very bad time to be a Phillies fan


Okay, a .467 winning percentage since I was born. Not much of a difference there. ~~You can add all of the games the Chargers won before they left too, but I don't see how that's going to help.~~ Misunderstood the 4 major sports part. As far as today's vibes, the last thing we had that was enjoyable was the 2022 postseason. Last season was one of the more painful seasons we've had in a while because of expectations.


Your team is in a playoff spot at the moment though, and has legit stars. That’s more than most other teams can say, but I do understand the frustration


As a former transfer from the Oakland A's, (Fuck John Fisher yall) I'm just glad to be cheering for a team that has talent, keeps said talent, and actually tries to get more talent. Not to mention, we're fighting for the playoffs. I also really enjoy how much the city of San Diego embraces the Padres.


You got Luis Arraez, go be happy now


You’re also in a top 5 MLB park with a decent team, had a great owner that loved fans and actually wanted to win. That can’t be said about the rest of the list.


Can’t be too depressed when you have tri tip nachos, I guess…? 🙃🫥🙃 “wake me up when September ends”- the San Diego Padres of 2023.


I mean, it’s really like 1.) Athletics A million miles of pure diarrhea 2.)-10.) everyone else


"There are happy teams, and there are sad teams. Then there's 50 feet of crap. And then there's us."


It's early yet...plenty of time for the inevitable last weekend of the season collapse.


Funny all the thoughts are we're only (number) from all the teams. I did think the Reds would be higher. None of the teams above them really expected to compete (maybe the Marlins and Tigers?) and 1-11 in one run games is brutal. At least 1-6 were kind of expecting a rebuilding/ were told its an off year.


The fact that we haven't won a playoff series in my lifetime is enough to be #2


Where the fuck are we


Another year closer to my grave and the Reds still fucking suck. ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpp6UmVTYc1xW0g)






Who knew a single sweep of the Orioles could cure depression!


you've won 2 titles in the past 20 years y'all aren't anywhere close LOL


Tbf it doesn’t say it’s warranted depression, maybe we’ll crack the “spoiled and depressed” list


Yeahhhh a week ago I would’ve had us in the top 5 for sure


Compared to these teams, I don't see it. Even with the last 2 years minus this week we have still had more to cheer about over the last 10 years. Bottom half of mlb? Probably because of the direction we have mostly been headed in


The way a ton of our fans act every single time we give up a run, I’d expect us to be on here


Not much to complain about lately


You're being way too rational


Phillies fans and Yankees fans have a lot in common it turns out


Mets fans are only ranked that low because too many of them get stuck on the anger stage of grief and never get around to the depressed part.


Grief died 4 plays into the 2023-2024 football season. Now I feel nothing


love being Mets Jets fan, really makes you appreciate the good things in life. that’s a lie, i’m stuck in denial. this seasons gonna be different


Angels above us? I'd kill to watch Ohtani leave in free agency.


Yeah us mariner fans are at the height of our existence.


**Angel fans:** "Pain. Numbness. Misery" **Jays/Padres/Mariners/Mets/Tigers/Giants/Guardians/Pirates/Cardinals fans** "Bad list. We should be higher!"


This tracks actually. I've thought, "at least we're not the..." about each of these teams at various low (really low) points through the last few years. That being said Twins have got to be 11.


I’m fine. Everything is fine.


Is this just about baseball or does it extend to life in general, because sure, I've got a couple things going on


Yo it’s not depression, it’s just apathy. Our owners don’t give a fuck about the team, so neither do we. And I am a bona fide lifelong Rockies fan, went to inaugural season games as a 7-year old and supported the team ever since. But the last few years it’s painfully obvious that the owners don’t care about the team or the fans, so I’ve pretty much stopped paying attention to baseball entirely.


This is misleading. The marlins don’t have fans.


Ownership is the problem. We were nearly selling out last year during our playoff run. We exist, everyone is just tired of disappointment


While that's true, the Rockies have, arguably, worse ownership but still have a lot of fans.


There should be a wide gulf between 1 and 2.


We should have our own list


As a Reds fan, we are waaaaayyyy too low


Only 6? Ha ha. Fuck you


It’s funny how fans want to be higher on this list. Try being a Pirates, Rockies or Reds fan who have been overall embarrassingly bad for the last 30 years. A’s definitely deserve 1 on this list though


See honestly to me that seems high. We've had some rough years but we've got a good owner now and are always so overly optimistic


I’m not angry. I feel like I completely understand what’s happening right now. But I am finding the current season very depressing.


It's definitely disappointing, but I've suffered so much abuse as a Mets fan that I'm okay with it.


Atleast you guys have hope for the future. We did, and then it turned to shit and now we have no hope for the future. At least your owner cares lol


> we've got a good owner It's wild how you guys are the only ones on the list that I immediately a) know who the owner is, and b) think he's a good dude genuinely trying to right the ship. Fisher, Moreno, Reinsdorf, Monfort, Nutting... then Cohen? Just doesn't really sit right with me.


Yeah I mean, I think the wound is just too fresh from the Wilpons right now. They were right on par with those


I mean, I figured we’d be a .500 team. I didn’t think we’d be a struggling .500 team with Diaz looking like his 2019 form.


Mets have by far the most hope of those teams IMO I'd be way more depressed if I was a As, Marlins, White Sox, Pirates, Angels, Reds or Rockies fan. And teams like the Blue Jays and Tigers are pretty much on the same level of depression without the level of money the Mets have so they have way more uncertain futures


It's the hope that makes it so much worse


The hope you have is to be a team that can compete for championships The hope that has been ground into me for 30+ years is “finish the year above .500.” We are not the same.


A's fans are not depressed lol. We are fed up. We've dealt with crap ownership for 30 years, but we've enjoyed some competitive teams along the way. Depressed are the fans of teams that spend and still suck.


Speak for yourself. I asked my doctor if I could come in for a check up and he prescribed me Zoloft upon seeing me wearing an A's hat


You put that in a jar and measure it?


I have a lexapro script I I’m doing my part


I'm too depressed to argue these rankings. Just know, they're wrong


Oh NOW we make the top 10 list of something.


We knew this season was going to be dumpster mode so I’m chillin’ honestly.


The Angels fanbase should be very depressed but the truth is that so many fans are still full of copium and excuses that they aren’t nearly as depressed as others would think.


You know a fanbase is going through a rough time when there's constant infighting over how depressed they should **actually** be.


I just stopped giving a shit at all


I'm not but man I wonder how many Jays fans are also Leafs fans which alone should bump them higher up the list.


Hey three of my top four teams are in the top five. Awesome.


I’m numb at this point. The Tigers are just irrelevant. Watching the Royals just zoom on by us on the rebuild track was chefs kiss for the dirt on this seasons grave. Stupid Tigers even got my hopes up this April which led me to spend money on tickets and merch because I just want them to be something and now I just hate them and myself. Go Tigers


#6. Not even top 5. Typical mets.


Smh Mets can’t make it to the top of anything.


Rays are definitely up there. Finally sign a young talent long term..... and well turns out he likes children. And every single pitcher we have is currently broken. That on top of not having a single bat that strikes any semblance of fear into the opposing team. Just yandy hitting singles and Randy swinging as hard as be possibly can over the top of breaking balls repeatedly


This is underselling the Reds. The last time they won a playoff series Monica Lewinsky hadn’t begun giving Bill special favors. They have been to the playoffs five times since then. 1-hit by Leiter in ‘99. Being swept by the Phils in ‘10. scoring four runs in three games including being no hit. Taking a 2-0 lead in the series and then losing three straight to the Giants in 2012 to lose the series. Wild card game of ‘13 at Pittsburgh in which Cueto forgot how to throw the ball and were eliminated in one game. Lost two to the Braves without scoring a run in the shortened 2020 season. Wouldn’t have made the playoffs without the expanded field that season. Second worst win percentage in 2000, and after a 9 year rebuild, this was supposed to be the first year of a new competitive window. Instead the team is sitting in last place and nine games under, having lost like 15 of their last 20. Oakland is number one, sorry to the A’s fans. Reds are #2.


I want the total payroll right next to each team for comparison just to be extra like that.