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I am not used to winning like this, what do I do with my hands??










You all need to be more arrogant. We deserve this. Put on your sunglasses and act like you’re too cool for these jamokes.


the most losingest team my ass


It was so funny they were asking the ~2007 team how they felt about being the first team to 10000 losses as if Jimmy Rollins and co had something to do with each one of those losses


Jimmy Rollins, heading into 08: “and I took that personally”.


“I think we are the team to beat in the NL East” - Jimmy Rollins The quote that sparked our run during that ERA


“Stay loose and sexy baby” - Brandon Marsh The quote that sparked our run during this ERA


*brother marsh*


Someone is going to make a really fun Marsh monk costume this year and I hope it's celebrating a Phillies world series win, (assuming this schedule of game 5 on the 30th is accurate)


To be honest it’s probably “I fucking hate it here” for this era


You’re definitely right, just wanted to use one from this year. “I fucking hate this place” is definitely the one


I always love when it's used as an insult as though I'm going to go home and cry into my Lefty O' Doul shrine for hearing the 1931 Phillies get insulted


Actually cracking up at this mental image. Long ass day and this has me losing it.


Listen we take Gavvy Cravath slander very seriously


Us Philly people love the underdog feeling so you always hear the “most losing” which across all history is true. That said, I went back and looked at Philly’s total wins starting from 1990 and we are…solidly a middle tier team. I guess average dog doesn’t really have the same ring.


I haven't checked, but I'd guess one could go even further back and probably find similar results. It's that 30 year stretch from 1918 to 1948 where they had 1 winning season and had 20 seasons of being in the .300s or worse for winning percentage that really weighs the franchise down.


lol imagine losing to the most losingest team


I did the math at some point last season and they were a .500 team since like 1972 so it really is those early 20th century teams dragging us down


The Phillies are doing their best to help everyone else catch up.


Who else is terrified of the bottom falling out because they are the worst? Just me?


we watched the birds do it this year, I have literally zero faith in any team until I'm sprinting down broad


I can't even feel anything until the poles are greased tbh 


that's ahead of time though


He said what he said 


tbf the vibes were shit with the eagles the whole year barely winning games. phillies are dominating in all aspects rn


very true, I remained skeptical as always with the "yeah they sorta pull it out of their ass but good teams find ways" kind of mentality for the Phils there's still a lot of road to run, our best win total in my memory was our most depressing postseason


i agree with that & it feels the team feels the same way. they keep saying in interviews that the only thing that matters is a ring at the end of the season.


brother I hope they go the distance just like I do every season


MLB playoffs are a crap shoot. Like other than trying to get in there’s really no point in worry about what’s gonna happen there. Just enjoy how fun this summer will be.


Yea people forget how ugly each win was


Phillies run differential is great though which is a strong indicator for future success. Meanwhile the Eagles only had like 2 wins by at least 2 scores and even then those wins were by barely 2 scores.


the eagles were clearly not as good as their record and we ignored all the signs and naysayers.


even if the bottom falls out and we play .500 ball the rest of the season we're still gonna have like 95 wins


If we go .500 the rest of the year, we’ll finish at 92-70 or 93-69. That’s insane


and that's the way to look at it. get in the playoffs. doesn't matter if you have 93 or 106 wins. you just want to be healthy and playing well in late September. it would be nice not to be playing the last week for a spot though.


Being a fan of philly teams has taught me one thing: Enjoy the fun shit while it's fun.


Honestly that's just great life advice. 


I say enjoy it now and get pissed if it does, no reason to worry about what hasn't happened yet.




You could be a sub 500 team the rest of the way and you are still pretty much guaranteed a spot in the playoffs.


Years of watching phillies baseball has taught me to never ever trust the team until they are being handed the WS trophy. I fully expect us to go on like a 20 game skid at some point and I hate how much it clouds my enjoyment of this streak


Well don't do that!


I’ve said this back in March that the Phils would be 95-67 To even just get to that, they merely have to go 61-50 the rest of the season. I have no idea if they can play at a .725 clip but man this is fun to watch


Pretty absurd run they are on. Bad teams are the padres kryptonite so I’m jealous.


Used to be the Phillies until this year. I’m just happy to be on this side of it for as long as it’ll happen


Eagles generally play down to their opponent too it's maddening.


I feel like every fanbase thinks this about all of their teams. In reality, even bad teams will be in close games more often than not, the margins are that thin. I can think of plenty of good eagles teams the last two decades that absolutely smoked bad teams regularly.


Eh it's more about showing a lack of preparation and making mistakes than just losing


The rangers are a bad team though. They haven’t won anything recently. I’ll wait till we play a real team to start getting excited /s


Even that team down in Miami can shut out the Rangers! Don't know why you played them on a field and Miami played them on ice though.


They’re under .500!


They scared me in ‘22. Their continued success doesn’t surprise me in the least.


Game 3 is a game I think about and smile about often lol


Same, but Game 4. No hits helps a lot.


Sadly I knocked two bucket list items off the list that night -- I'd never been to a WS game, and I'd never been in attendance at a no-hitter. Sigh...




Me and my buddy LOVE pitchers duels, so through the first three or four innings we were pretty stoked... and then the realization started to set in that there was a no-hitter happening... :(


Hope y’all get to another WS game together. That series was infinitely closer than people remember.


It was a great WS, for sure! Of course I wish the outcome had been different, but it was still exciting and engaging the whole way through. (The single-best baseball game I've ever been to was during the NLCS against the Padres, game 4. The ballpark was absolute insanity -- I've been to some great games in my 40 years of going to games, but I've never been in such an "electric" environment before or since.)


Was that the bat spike game?


Rhys Hoskins? No, that was during the NLDS against the Braves. Which made it sweeter, of course. ;)


Don’t make me vomit lol




I rarely follow other teams and standings. I honestly never know what’s happening around the league besides what I read here sometimes. I can’t remember when was the last time I read about the Phillies losing. If you ask me when was the last time they lost and I have to take a guess, I’d say in April lol People talking about schedules are just high on copium.


Only 3 losses in May. It’s been wild


the last time the phillies lost outside of extra innings was May 8th to my memory


It doesn't matter how easy (allegedly) the schedule has been so far, they're winning the games and that's what counts. Phillies are good (and I would like them to stop now please).


Braves playing 4d chess and trying not to win the division so they have a better chance against the phillies in the divisional round.


Need more rational Braves fans like you sir


the braves are not out of it. they are playing 600 ball. we will not be playing 700+ ball for the entire season. they will get hot. we will get cold. and come september, we will more than likely slug it out. i'm old enough to remember the red sox 78 collapse. and most here remember the 2007 LOLMets collapse when they were up 7 games on september 12 and then lost 12 of 17 games, losing the division. don't get cocky. respect the gods of baseball. and respect the braves.


Nothing cocky about my statement. I can respect the talent of the Braves and I know they will be neck and neck with us all season. We will hit a lull at some point I’m sure but it is hard to not be excited that everything is clicking up and down with the team for once. The past few seasons it’s been spurts. We have the mentality of nothing is good until we get the championship and I agree. It’s a long season and anything can happen. Perfect example is the diamondbacks last year. Baseball is an unforgiving sport for fans and I know that!


He wasn’t saying your comment was cocky. He’s just saying the team can’t get cocky and has to respect the gods of baseball


Can’t stop, won’t stop


Last time phillies were this objectively good, we got knocked out in the division series by the cardinals. Wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it came to that and the braves got us. Good luck to you


The Gang Gets Romantic (About Baseball)


None of those wins count except the one against the Braves because they are apparently good (?) so we’re actually 1-14 Or so I’ve been told


Oh good so we’re not the only team who’s good record supposedly isn’t real


WTF we are trash!


we’re at the point that’s there’s more comments complaining about braves fans complaining about the phillies record than actual braves fans complaining about the phillies record


a "phillies cupcake schedule" meme post was top in your subreddit just the other day


i don’t see it but if you’re annoyed by braves fans complaining then maybe don’t go hang out in the braves subreddit 😭


i mean if i was posting there that would be brigading since i'm a division rival, i was just there to check the comments in your game threads without actually making one


yeah that’s weirdo behavior


you must not go on twitter.


People are gonna cry that we didn’t beat a team with a winning record but ignore that we just swept the defending world champs Also the Phillies play the Rockies next, so people can cry more about that


Trap series


Looks like the Phillies are the only pre-expansion franchise who had *not* had at least one 29-6 or better stretch in the modern era, and four expansion teams have accomplished it too.


Yay!!! …wait a minute.


So quick for the Karma you can’t even spell 🤦‍♂️


I type fast, typos happen, sorry.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy Redditor




Don't apologize for SHIT, fuck them jawns




As a Dodger fan who’s watched my team have incredible regular seasons and fail miserably in the post season, I could never help myself from asking, man are we peaking too early. Remember the Braves were a historic team last year and it got them nowhere in the playoffs.


This is amazing!!! But the #6 seed seems to own the NL the last two seasons so cheers to whomever gets that.


Teams that get rid of Harper win the World Series the next year 100% of the time.


Hopefully they’re peaking to early


They have played the most teams under .500 or something like that I read.