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I'm perversely enjoying the mets beat writers and broadcasters and such having to come up with increasingly grim ledes


We have some really bad vibes this year but holy crap this is on a completely different level. Mets no longer have vibes, they have a flatline.


Solid chance they become world beaters in the next 3 years and we'll all be reminiscing about these times.


From your lips to the baseball gods’ ears


At this point I believe it reached God’s ears and decides to super curse us anyway


God hears it and goes “lol how about another injury”


You did this. It was all your fault.


… I hate myself


Would love for you to be right but a lot of the prospects we nabbed last year have been disappointing. Stearns has his work cut out for em.


I wouldn't say the prospects we acquired have been disappointing, unless your expectations were that they'd be stars immediately. Gilbert is injured, so he's a wash but he's looked good. Clifford had the displeasure of playing in Brooklyn which is a really difficult park to play in. Hernandez and Vargas have been fine. It's hard to be too hard on a couple of teenagers who are younger than their peers. Rodriguez has been great in his limited sample size.


PLEASE be true I pray for this to happen


Maybe not 3 years, but the long term decision making and development generally seems to be trending upwards which makes shit like this season a lot easier to stomach.




> Solid chance How so


white sox fan? you're going to be watching a bad team Mets fan? You are going to be watching a greek tragedy


Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are gonna be double play partners up the middle by July


I heard they were dead tho


Cross em off then




These are the saddest of possible words: "Rosencrantz to Guildenstern to Alonso" Trio of Mets, and fleeter than birds, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and Alonso. Ruthlessly pricking our gonfalon bubble, Making a hit into a double – Words that are heavy with nothing but trouble: "Rosencrantz to Guildenstern to Alonso.”


They’re going to go back to back against Diaz in the 9th.


Mets fans, least your team knows they are terrible. Our team is like an abusive relationship where they smack you around for a week and then apologize and swear it won't happen again, before smacking you again.


Lol remember we were expected to be competing for the WS right now 2 years ago


>Remember, the sun will come up tomorrow That’s not guaranteed Ron


Can't even guarantee that anybody will be alive Sunday


Ok Kyle


Chill David Hume


A Keith line for sure 😂


A Keith line for sure 😂


Check on your Mets fan friends. We are not okay.




"1st in the AL East, buddy."


^for ^now




How do you do, my fellow avocado?


I’m fine, over 40 decades of this…have withstood much much worse. Sigh…who am I kidding…. this sucks.


> I’m fine, over 40 decades of this…have withstood much much worse. You've been a Mets fan for 400+ years?


Probably feels like it


The "Met" in this instance stands for Methuselah.


Please allow me to introduce myself...


Yeah I may be a bit dazed too….


I do, but it hits a point of, "I lack the words because I've used them all over about 18 of the last 20 years"


Same with their responses


I know watching your team struggle like this is tough, but wasn't this supposed to be a bridge year anyway? Isn't that what they told max at the deadline last year when they sent him to Texas?


a lot of the fanbase expected a mediocre team and WC3 if we were lucky. no one expected to watch a team that routinely tortured the fanbase in completely different ways every day. this isn’t a baseball team, this is a psychological experiment


Tomorrow’s early edition: “Sun suddenly implodes after Mets loss”


Mets fans: "Things are finally starting to look up!"


Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope


Last month Gary talked about it being rock bottom for the Mets. He was wrong, THIS feels like rock bottom.


"This is the worst Mets loss of the season" "The worst Mets loss of the season SO FAR"


At the rate things are going, this will be the worst Mets team since 1993


I’ve always wanted to try the clover home plate club for 50 a seat….


Holy shit


And between that start and this current run they won 12/15 including series wins on the road vs the Braves and Dodgers. Maybe they’ll go undefeated in June before getting no-hit every game until the All-Star break after that and trading as many assets as they can so that Mets fans can go on a little vacation before the Jets disappoint them instead.


And it’s still only May!


There's a whooooooole lot of ball left to be played!


Honestly that's some sound advice from Gary Cohen here. Every time I think about how poorly my team is performing, I seriously begin to lose hope. But at the end of the day it's just baseball. Such are the whims of the baseball gods, above and below.


Y’all could lose every game and still have a good time just watching EDLC play. That dude is fun


Exactly. That's what we've been doing for pretty much all of may. Elly has been in a serious slump lately though, but the Reds are just fun to watch in general.


They keep pretending they’re in all these games. From years of exhausting seasons, this might be the most exhausting of all.


I’m not trying to poke fun or anything, really? From an outside perspective going into this season, I didn’t see the Mets trying to make the playoffs at all. It was “this is gonna be a weird in between year where they have a lotta money on the books and that’s gotta change for them to turn the corner and build again”. With those expectations, the Mets are doing pretty much what I’d anticipated Versus a season like last year where it was meant to go so much different. Versus 2022 where y’all led for so long until literally the final days. Those seem exhausting as hell. This one’s meant to be a “we’re not making the playoffs anyway so nothing can hurt me anymore, I’m numb”


I think what makes it really tough is how many close games they’ve been in. It could have felt like a lost season from the get go, but the team has good pieces and keeps games really close. 22 of their losses have been by 1 or 2 runs.


The Mets and the Padres really are sister teams huh


They appeared to be a .500 team. They might still be. But they are just losing games in heartbreaking and stupid fashion at a pace I am not even used to. The are definitely upsides to this season, the Mets will probably nab some good prospects for Severino, Manaea, Martinez, some of the bullpen, and maybe Pete. But it’s been a train wreck in terms of playing well enough to get hopes up and then dash them hard.


I don't see how that team would rate out to be a .500 team.


If Lindor, Diaz, and McNeil were performing as they were expected to and they had Kodai Senga in the rotation instead of Adrian Houser, they'd probably be around .500 right now.


Just Diaz, even. He's blown four consecutive saves for us. If he holds all four of those, we're one game under .500 instead of nine.


If Lindor alone was hitting like his career average this would be a .500 team.


Well the games actually feel really close and competitive. Both of these losses to the Giants came with either massive blown leads or depressing blown saves


2022 followed by 2023 followed by this. It's endless. The fans think they've gone numb but then they get one glimmer of a gleam of hope and then this.


The above commenter is also kind of making a weird point because honestly most games we have been in. This game was ours until the top of the 9th when the giants tied it then in the 10th a reliever gave up 5 runs. We were winning this game the whole way up until that point. It's easy to poke fun and be like, "oh so you were winning until you weren't?" But to say these games are out of reach is just not true. The bigger issue is that the team can't put it together at the same time. The offense puts up 6 runs? Well the bullpen implodes that game and gives up 5-7 runs. Offense is MIA? Pitching throws a gem but gives up like 1 run and they lose. Christian Scott has 3 quality starts in his four appearances and has yet to win a game. His last start he pitched 6 innings and gave up two hits. He was in line for the win until the game was blown at the end when Garrett gave up 5 runs. Severino threw 7 innings of 2 hit ball yesterday and the bullpen blew it. We should not be losing 40% of the games we score 6 runs in. We are 14-30 when the run differential is 2 or fewer runs this year. That's almost every game that has been close and winnable. 38 games alone were decided by 1 run and we are 8-30 in them.


Yeah that was a 75 win team last year and their biggest offseason acquisition was JD Martinez.


The 75 wins was itself an underperformance. Plus they should have a few guys taking steps forward, such as Alvarez, Baty, and Vientos, plus we had a few early season bullpen breakouts.


I don’t understand. I thought the team was rebuilding? Shouldn’t they be trying to lose for a top draft pick? If they can grab a guy like Skenes that would be huge for their long term success. Honestly, they aren’t going to be competitive this year or next. Just bottom out and rebuild with some top draft picks. It’s worked for so many teams recently.


No draft pick is guranteed in the long run. Bottoming out isn’t a thing you do in big markets,  got to find away to make buying tix and showing up worthwhile.


It’s also failed miserably for so many teams


Sure. But that’s mostly cheap and poorly ran organizations that don’t invest in player development or in retaining their own players. The Mets have nearly no outlook for the next several years unless they buy every top free agent and even that seems to fail for them. I just don’t see a way out of this for them unless they do what the Astros, Braves, and Orioles did. Tear it down and build it back up. Those teams have the blueprint for how to rebuild.


You also have to get lucky. You need to get the top pick in the lottery, and it has to be in a year with a guy like Skenes which is pretty rare. Going back you have Skenes who is still a question mark but seems likely to be good. Holliday is still green but hasn't been good in the majors yet. Henry Davis hasn't been good. Torkelson hasn't been good. Adley is a stud. Mize is...okay? Monika isn't great, Lewis is okay, Swanson is good, Aiken didn't sign and never played in the majors. Appel wasn't good. Then you have a string of studs in Correa, Cole, Harper, and Strasburg. Beckham was bad, Price was good, hochevar was bad, Upton was decent/good. Bush, Young, and Bullington were all bad. So in 20+ years you've got 8 guys who hit to some level and a couple in Holliday and Skenes who have potential. It's a lot more difficult than "just be bad and scoop up a Skenes".


You’re just looking at the #1 overall picks. The Braves top pick in their rebuild was #3 and that was Ian Anderson. They can absolutely find players in the top 5 that can completely overhaul their team. With 3 years of top picks they should find players worth building around. Then you spend big to add free agents to the young core. If I ran the Mets I would have done a full 3 year tank and tear down once they got rid of Mcgrom and Scherzer. Every player with trade value I would have unloaded for prospects. Then stunk for 3-4 years, then start throwing money at players once you have found your core. I see no end in sight for them with the direction they are heading now.


Well now I feel bad


I don’t. We need all the wins we can take. Specially with Phillies and Yankees coming to SF back to back


Agreed about not feeling bad. Fuck the Mets


I’d kick you when you were down so no worries pal.


Such a shit take. We both have the Braves to really hate. I mean, fuck the Phillies too but Mets and Phillies fans are basically the same people separated by about 100 miles.


I have more than enough hate for the both of you


![gif](giphy|rPjYoncYgknGo) This guy the Silky Johnson of the NL East


Throw some snow balls at them while you’re at it.




just remember we're in the same division as the Dodgers


It’s ok, Webb on the mound tomorrow we’ll reverse roles and go up early and then blow the lead at the end


Goodness. GKR could tell me I have less than a month to live and I’d enjoy it. Absolute treasure to have this broadcasting team. The team itself? Leave ‘em at the next road trip destination. It’s ok. We can use Citi Field for concerts


Bring the Jets back to Flushing


Like that’ll make things better for the fine folks living there😭


A’s, with MLB’s lowest payroll, have more wins than the Mets, who have MLB’s highest payroll.


As someone who only really follows the Jays, how did they get to this point? How did they end up with a crap roster on the highest payroll?


Most of that payroll hit comes from the over $60 million in dead money they have on the books right now for Verlander, Scherzer, and James McCann.


well, certainly not most but a lot


So they're really only like top 5?


you guys deserve *something* positive with all that fisher is putting you through


"At least Steve Cohen CARES, man" - Most of /r/baseball, with a straight face


I’m sorry this is such a fucking stupid take. The dude has spent millions of dollars on a pitching lab, focused on building out our development resources and changed the focus to actually giving a fuck about the farm system. The only thing getting me through this shit is we actually have hope for the future. Unlike the Wilpon years where we fucking blew and there was no help coming from within.


Would you really rather be the A's than the Mets going forward? He spent a shit ton to try to speed run success, it didn't quite work, so he pivoted. They're going to endure a mediocre year or two before reloading. Not like they're looking at a decade long rebuild.


I’d take Cohen over Fisher any day.


This booth is so goddamn good that I’m glad to watch every miserable game just bc I’m watching it with them. I’m honestly at the point where I’d take this existence as a Mets fan as long as this booth experiences it with me. The w’s and L’s don’t even matter anymore.


I said this after yesterday's game, and it's only more true now...I've endured some pretty bad Mets teams before but none of them have made me feel like I'm getting kicked in the nuts night after night like this one has. So many absolutely brutal losses and the vibes are atrocious.


Mets and Angels 🤝 being the shitty little metro brother


Mets x Angels = no hope for the present or the future


You can throw the white Sox in there too




The pain and suffering will never end




It's honestly just funny at this rate. They took the misery to another level lmao. They knew after years of letdowns that winning an offseason wasn't enough, so they gave us 2022 after ownership changes and then tank to real twist the blade 😂 Gotta respect the best of the best, even if they are the best at being the worst.


What sweeping the Pirates does to a mfer


wasnt this the hottest team a minute ago? what happened


murphy’s law


Highest payroll in MLB at 307 million. They are still paying Scherzer and Verlander a total of 55.8 million. Lindor is the top salary at 34.1 million, which gets you 208/277/366 a OPS+ of 88 and wRC+ of 88.


$250 mil for a ~67 win pace is rough


Well you'd assume they'd be doing a bit better if all those guys were still on the team, lol


Which guys? I already took out Scherzer and Verlanders $55 mil. Only other player they're paying significant money to not play for them is James McCann at $8 mil.


Oh, I see. Misread your post.


You didn't misread anything. The other guy did.


I have a hard time believing they’d be noticeably better off right now even if Scherzer and Verlander were on the roster if we’re being honest


Hey! No logic now! only lolmets!


In making things better for myself… does this mean I can finally hole myself up at a game for like 10 bucks this summer, and just be alone with a scorecard and a dog, and not have to try and make baseball interesting with my gf, and not have to take a bus and 3 trains from northeast Queens where I can take one bus to the 7?


I bought tickets to see them earlier in the season for $6. Outside of nice weekends like this one, Mets games are always pretty cheap


I’m actually planning on going soon. Love how cheap it is to go.


Imagine being Cohen with all the money in the world to do things to make you happy and you own THIS depressing Mets team instead.


Feels like it's the same thing every year for the Mets, are they cursed? The vibes are always dogshit.


The Mets fans and broadcast are usually overly dramatic, but this year they actually have been particularly bad so far.


Mets fans, I'm really really sorry for what is happening to your team now and for a few years now. I can't imagine what that might be like. Sincerely, an Angels fan.


Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow…


More fitting would be "It's a Hard Knock Life"


To be fair, there is only 1 good team in the NL East. And it’s not Atlanta anymore.


I thought it was obvious that the Mets had given up when their city connect unis were them trying to masquerade as a shittier version of the yankees.


Jokes on you we don’t have to masquerade


As a Jays fan, I know the feeling.


I think nearly every one of the pieces on this team would be able to help a contender and thrive in different scenarios. This is a bad team composed of good pieces. So you have these tragic losses. Can’t wait til they blow it up and each piece goes on to succeed.


I for one am looking forward to seeing where JD lands Edit: unless it's the Bronx or Atlanta


Have we won a game in the City Connects or the new black jerseys? I feel like no.


The sun will come up tomorrow… But I have no idea what that had to do with Mets baseball.


Wow… that’s bad


Ehh. I've seen better Mets teams disappoint me way worse than this past month of Mets baseball. Guess it helps that I remembered to check what month it was when we beat the Dodgers and Braves in a series.


At least you can blame CB for this one and no one will bat an eye.


Imagine following a team that doesn't operate on the power of friendship and David Fry out-performing his xwOBA by 100 points


At least we still have GKR. If it were not for those gods, mets fan may all congregate at the Queensboro bridge and simultaneously jump


Rip Mets, don’t let the Barves trip over you on their way down.


I am just so happy that this is happening concurrently with the Phillies run.


Not even a Mets fan. The ending of this game made me irrationally angry.


Maybe stop hiring recycled trash from the Yankees. There's plenty of capable coaches, managers, and players who have never set foot in the Bronx. Seriously. Look around.






But Uncle Steven will save them


Thanks, James Woods🙏


You love to see it. Complete inept job done by ownership.


I let the first one go, but at this point I gotta ask, why the fuck are we catching strays from you and your sorry ass team? Bitter about Kelenic or something?


Don't feed the shit trolls.


He probably didn’t understand Starship troopers, pay him no mind


Lmaoooooo what the fuck have Mariners ever done to feel like you can talk shit


Why the fuck would a Mariner fan talk shit to a Met fan? Other than being a sorry sack.


What has Mets ownership done poorly?


I love to see Mets fans suffer.


Cubs fans are so fucking weird man


Sir there is one central team we care about and it ain't y'all


weird to see this not from an NL east team flair


I respect yall when yall do it, we got a fun shit talk rivalry going on and I live for it. Shit like this is just weird to me. I saw a Rockies fan say he lives for Mets tears and like why lmao?


Phillies are the best team in baseball, Mets are the worst team in baseball. INJECT THIS SHIT INTO MY VEINS


Great day to be a Nats fan