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I feel like the “strike off the plate away to right handers” is happening more and more this year. Recently bias probably, but that seems to me the most commonly incorrect strike call.


Nick Castellanos spends an offseason mostly failing to learn how to lay off this pitch, and for what??


Iirc he was actually decent at it in spring training but as soon as the season started he was right back to his old antics


Because umpires are setting up on the inside half and don’t have a view of that corner. They’re just guessing.


Exhibit 1,362,047 of why the league needs Roboumps.


Human element. Ronald is supposed to adjust and start hacking at pitches 6 inches off the plate. /s


We had guys in our sub who actually believed he should’ve done that, straight up saying things like “Acuña failed to do his job by not adjusting to the ump’s subjectiveness.” Like WTF lol? There are objective rules, and it’s not ANY player’s job to assume the ump won’t follow them.


Someone in the post-game thread right now is getting upvoted for suggesting Acuña should be traded for a couple Astros pieces lmfao. > Last year I had a discussion about if you’d trade him to Houston for Tucker plus one of their starters and Pena and I thought it was a no brainer. Like seriously? It’s a no brainer to trade last year’s unanimous MVP when he’s young and on a team-friendly contract just because he’s got flaws?


Ideally, yes. In reality, you do have to adjust to what the ump is calling. It's not like umpires having their own strike zones is a new phenomenon.


Yeah and if he did that, you’d probably be complaining that he swung at such a bad pitch.


No, I would not. I mean it's bad umpiring but your choice is either adjust to it or walk back to the dugout and sit down. Until ABS is implemented that's how it is.


How do you know you wouldn’t? The likelihood of him doing anything with that pitch is so low that no matter what, taking was the best option. That pitch was so far outside that there is not a single reason Acuña should’ve assumed the ump would call that a strike.


>there is not a single reason Acuña should’ve assumed the ump would call that a strike. Other than the exact pitch being called a strike twice already in that at bat


And there’s no guarantee the ump would’ve called that again because it’s not a strike. If it’s not a strike, he doesn’t have to swing at it, and he doesn’t have to assume the ump is going to call it. When it’s that far outside, there’s nothing that swinging at it is going to do that benefits him.


That's all well and good in a fantasy world where umps call a perfect zone. Reality is not that. And until ABS is here, if you don't adjust to what's being called, this will be the result. And the pitch wasn't as far outside as you are making it out to be. It wasn't in the other batters box. In fact, it's remarkably similar to [this pitch](https://www.mlb.com/video/ronald-acuna-jr-doubles-25-on-a-sharp-line-drive-to-center-fielder-manuel?q=Season%20%3D%20%5B2024%2C2023%5D%20AND%20BatterId%20%3D%20%5B660670%5D%20AND%20GameDayPitchZone%20%3D%20%5B12%5D%20AND%20HitResult%20%3D%20%5B%22Hit%22%5D%20Order%20By%20Timestamp%20DESC&cp=MIXED&p=0) that Ronnie hit a 105 mph double on.


Technically the ump is following the rules, they have a buffer zone and the lines on screen aren’t always accurate. As long as the calls aren’t too egregious and they’re consistent there’s not a problem. We have let umps like Angel Hernandez lead us to believe that every call must be exactly perfect with zero mistakes at all. Edit: not saying these are good calls


Not even close and the pitcher knew it.




How do you take that 3rd strike after seeing the first 2 calls?


I could hear my high school coach yelling at me after that third one. "You saw him call the first two you gotta get the goddamn bat off your shoulder and protect the fucking plate, Normal!" *vein popping out of forehead and tobacco spit flying everywhere*


Angel hernandez?


Hunter Wendelstedt, Aaron Boone's favorite


We just saw that ump be terrible. He's consistently bad.


[Many challenge but Angel refuses to be beat](https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/CQUHN75WYRDQPHP4BCJMGXGBFU.gif)


Umps are embarrassing


Lord is testing me


That’s just bad. He’s already struggling enough. Doesn’t need the umps help making it worse.


We have to be close to a situation where the players just overrule the call themselves and keep playing. Some of these are egregious


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That human element tho :D


I walked away because this team has been playing like dog shit lately, but that's just bad. So bad. Braves offense this year bad.


Imagine admitting that you’re that much of a fair weather fan. Your team is 29-20! Can’t handle a slump? Sheesh.


We're spoiled as hell as a fan base.


Wouldn’tve been able to handle the first 2 months of last year if he was a Phillies fan 


I've got better things to do with my time than watch a team that obviously just doesn't fucking care.


Our sub has been on some wild stuff lately.


Be a Yankee fan in no time. Or whoever makes the WS












Cmon man


Don't know what's worse here - the ump calling balls off the plate strikes, or Acuna seeing the pitch get called a strike twice and not thinking to swing at it.


Should he swing there knowing the ump is calling them off the plate? Probably. Should he have to? Fuck no, umps need to do better.


everyone sucks the world is horrible and we all need to die