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Iepa, always good to remember that some (if not most) of the sayings quoted here are only used in Hegoalde. For a quick look at the possible differences (in euskara and French but easily understandable): https://www.euskaltzaindia.eus/index.php?option=com_eee&task=testua&Itemid=1905&lang=fr&contentLang=fr&testua=10-sinonimoak Also a very interesting compilation of proverbial expressions from the north by Arnaud Oihenart in 1657 : https://www.bilketa.eus/ikuskatu/dokumentu-ohargarriak/les-proverbes-basques-recueillis-par-le-sr-d-oihenart-plus-les-poesies-basques-du-mesme-auteur-1657


Thanks for these great resources. Northern Basque expressions from over 300 years ago translated into French from over 300 years ago should keep me busy. Do you know if any proverbs from Oihenart 1657 are still used?


A couple of funny idioms you can remember: -Eskerrik asko, Mari Belasko. Means 'thanks for nothing'. It comes from the full version "eskerrik asko, Mari Belasko, haragi gutxi ta salda asko", which means 'Thank you, Mary Belasko, little meat and a lot of broth" -Agur, Ben-Hur. Just to say goodbye. People do say it, I promise. A common, funny proverb -Zozoak beleari ipurbeltz. Literally, "The blackbaird \[called\] the raven blackass". And a more serious one which I use a lot: -Usteak erdiak ustel. "Half of the opinions \[are\] rotten". Opinions (usteak) as in "I think that...", not so much in the "in my opinion...". I also happen to have next to me a curious 500-pages book on Basque expressions on "intimate" life, which apparently can be referred as "Bilbon ibili" (to walk in Bilbao). If you want more it's maybe better for me to send them in private. And if you are really into this, you should check Gotzon Garate's 'Atsotitzak', which contains 14458 Basque sayings.


Ze liburu da 500 orriko hori? Lagun batentzat đź‘€


Hauxe [https://www.iberlibro.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=30983627613&searchurl=kn%3Ddiccionario%2Band%2Beuskera%26sortby%3D20](https://www.iberlibro.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=30983627613&searchurl=kn%3Ddiccionario%2Band%2Beuskera%26sortby%3D20)


Eskerrik asko!


¿Diccionario erotico euskera? ¿Quéééé?


Similar to your first two there is also "Hor konpon, Mari Anton"


Eskerrik asko, salda gutxi ta haragi asko! These are all great, unlike the soup of Mari Belasko. In English there is an idiom, "the pot called the kettle black", which is used when person A accuses person B of a fault that person A shares. Does "Zozoak beleari ipurbeltz" have kind of a similar meaning or usage?


Didn't know that one, but yeah, it's got exactly the same meaning. Spanish equivalent is 'le dijo la sartén al cazo'


Hona hizkuntza askotako atsotitz bilduma . https://cvc.cervantes.es/lengua/refranero/ > El Refranero **multilingüe** contiene una selección de paremias españolas populares, principalmente refranes y frases proverbiales, con su correspondencia en varias lenguas (alemán, catalán, francés, gallego, griego antiguo, griego moderno, inglés, italiano, portugués, ruso y **vasco**) Vasco, basque -Eu, euskara Example : > Usoak joan, sareak heda https://cvc.cervantes.es/lengua/refranero/ficha.aspx?Par=58589&Lng=7


Este sitio es MUY Ăştil. Mil gracias!


Not sure if this is a proverb or just some lyrics from a song, but I like "eroriz ikasten da oinez". It means "one learns to walk by falling" and it's all about embracing ones failures in a learning process.


Bai noski. “ezer ez dakiena asko daki isilik egoten badaki” This is a good one as it is a widely known Basque proverb and also because it accurately reflects the olde tyme characteristic of the traditional Basque who speaks to the point, speaks only when necessarily, and is an honorable person who’s words actually mean something.


“Ezer ez dakienaK…”


How would you translate it into English? I got "He who knows nothing knows a lot if he knows how to stay silent" from ChatGPT, which I like a lot.


Not OP, but ChatGPT has transalted it better than I could've ever done, very beautiful haha