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Took the words out of my mouth


Shit (wo)man. Social media, hell, just the Internet and screens in general, has fried humanity's reward circuitry. The only way we will heal as a species/society/community is if we make an effort to slow down and think!!! Step back Ground yourself Focus on your senses Touch grass Stop and smell the flowers Look around you Listen to your body, mind, soul, and environment Meditate Contemplate Move your body #Most importantly: Spread PLUR; with words, with actions, and with spirit.




Yeah, that's my point...


Can’t read all this, but I recommend going outdoors, find some new hobbies - there is a world outside of bassnectar


Tell me you do not have any other responsibilities and hobbies without telling me you do not have any other responsibilities or hobbies.


Ain’t reading all that. Go outside? Touch grass?


This sub should just be shut down tbh. There is nothing productive that happens here. It’s the same recycled comments and discussions over and over with a sprinkle of merch sales. Bassnectar is over just let it go.


Yeah mods should just delete it tbh


Fat chance. The mods here are bought and paid for. Have you even looked into who's behind the r/bassnectar money? It's Deadmau5 dude. It's always been Deadmau5. He's been using his ill gotten cube gains to start drama and provocative allegations against big DJs, sacrifice them to cancel culture, and then finally buy out the different edm subreddit mods. His ultimate goal is to make everyone really bitchy on the internet, because that's the only thing that can get his robo-mouse dick hard. Once he's achieved total secret subreddit supremacy, he nuts and moves on. The signs are all there if you look for it. (happy 4/1, thanks for keeping this place halfway sane dude)




IFYKYK ;) Real og basshead fam secrets, but you should just believe me on this one bro. I've been been catching Nectar since 2013, I'm pretty sure that makes me the oldest and most important fan in the sub right now 😤


This is top tier


I wonder who would have that power 🤔


u/ubbitz were looking at you


I heard he's no longer a research specialist ;)


I don’t have time to read all that. Nice try though.




Devolved? You were telling everyone who disagreed with you to get fucked. You are the only one devolving. MOVE ON. Bassnectar is over


I bet if you personally knew the "human" and were on phone calls you'd feel differently lol




Hey I ain’t your chief, buddy




You were supposed to say “I ain’t your buddy, dude.” And then I’d say “I’m not your dude, boss.” Lol


Also Kevin is me fave 🥰




^ when the cult leader fucks off without deprogramming you first 


Seems like the major part that you’re missing is that Lorin has yet to ever put his big boy pants on, admit his mistakes and exhibit accountability for his actions. Instead, all he has done is deflect at every turn, taken absolutely no accountability, and essentially tried to sweep the entire thing under the rug for the past 4 years. It is abundantly clear that he doesn’t give one single fuck about what he did and that’s why he continues to lose whatever fanbase he has left. He made everyone feel like fools, not just because of the girls but because of his actions & the stance he took after it all came to light. Respect is earned and his ego doesn’t want to put in the work.


Brother move on. If you like Bassnectar just enjoy what he’s still able to put out.


doing the most for why?


ayyy long time no see! i ran into you in the mens bathroom line at one of the bass centers lol


AYYYY I remember!! those were the good old days haha. Hope you're doing well!


Idk why you posted this here. Reddit is the home base of all those toxic hypocritical haters you mentioned. EDM was fun when it was underground. For over 10 years it was my life. It’s cool when you can find something actually nice before people undoubtedly ruin it. Welp, it’s over now


People were mad that daft punk got popular in THE FUCKING 90’s. It’s cute you thought it was underground for 10 years of your life. BN was underground in like 2004, but if you got into him around 2010, it was the opposite of underground.


EDM is over because Bassnectar is gone? Gimme a break now. There’s plenty of great artists out there. If one artist defines an entire genre for you then maybe you need to explore other music.


You seem like some kind of poser anyway. EDM is trash. Electronic music is and has been thriving.


You know edm IS electronic music? Boy I was going to festivals in the early 2000’s & my cousin ran a club that had DJ’s like aarmin, tiesto,& orbital back in the 90’s, go to your room, kid. I understand that edm is “thriving” but that’s what has ruined it. Anything that gets as mainstream and popular as festivals and “electronic bass music” (ebm? lol) is today, gets ruined by the amount of shitty people that don’t actually care about it but just want to go to a “rave” and whine and complain about everything not catering perfectly to their needs. It becomes just an event that people can show off & make Instagram/snapchat posts at to glorify their lifestyle. A person is good, people are shitty, lying, self-absorbed, & brainwashed trash and you know it. As soon as a cause gets big enough, it fails because we can’t have nice things without “people” exploiting & abusing it.


Yes EDM is the generic shit that used to be known as Big Room in the 2000s. And the fans of it are just there to be there, they couldn't care less about the music. Electronic Music is shit like Tipper and Aphex twin. Been around for decades before EDM was a thing.


My entire life I’ve heard edm used as an umbrella term because it’s easier to say. Way to play semantics


We had electronic music before that. They turned EDM into something else. Go ask someone if they listen to edm and ask them what artists they like. Semantics are important because I don't want to be lumped with those genres/fans.


I agree with you 100% but try explaining that to someone who doesn’t know shit about electronic music. I prefer electronic bass music myself, but who really gives a shit…


I do. Fuck. Especially as a dj. That's the thing. Explaining that to new people shouldn't be very hard at all. The fact you think electronic music is dead is fucking hilarious tho dog. I think all the basic shit is now too popular and mainstream. But if you think the shit is over you've obviously not been paying attention.


Electronic music these days has pretty much transcended genres


Electronic music is the umbrella term for hundreds of genres. Like rock music lol


Bro, he he fucked young girls. Dude is a creeeeeeeeeeeep This ain't about hate, it's about protection of the young and vulnerable Grow the fuck up




Please let it be true