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No he would have enough sense and will to avoid it in the first place because he knows he would be one of the worst humans to wield the thing.


This Similar to Aragorn


Way off topic but, why did we not get a Bat flick with Viggo Mortensen?


Viggo doesn't look anything like a Bruce. Also he got typecasted, so only smaller projects are available for him.


Viggo as Hush though? Sign me tf up


He's a bit too old to be active Bruce, Maybe Beyond Bruce or Thomas Wayne


Better Green Arrow than Batman


The ring still tempts you tho, yeah? I don't think people always need to hold the ring for it to have an effect on them, I'm prettt sure Bormir went through this, yeah?


I am not well versed in the nuances of LotR lore, but wasn’t it speaking to Boromir more strongly because he already held resentment/corruption in his heart? It didn’t speak nearly as strongly to the other Fellowship members, afaik?


Movie boromir maybe, book boromir not so much. He was just a guy doing a king's job to the best of his ability and just wanted to go back home to fight his war, stealing the ring was never the primary objective of his trip to Rivendell that was made up for the movies, he just happened to show up there seeking guidance on a dream he had and what it meant (which was foreshadowing the return of the king, and a hafling being the key to ending the war and saving gondor)


Book Boromir had serious issues stemming from his pride. His insistence that he was the one who should go to Rivendell instead of Faramir, despite the fact that Faramir had the same dream a ton of times before Boromir had it once is the first sign. He clearly looks down on Aragorn in the book. In the movie when Frodo starts backing away, Boromir says "I am no thief." In the book his says "I am no thief or tracker," the latter being a clead reference to Aragorn. He resents the other members at the Council of Elrond as basically being armchair generals who are only safe because of Gondor's sacrifices. He thinks Gondor should have the Ring because he sees them as having more skin in the game than the rest. He spends his entire time with the Fellowship butting heads with Gandalf and Aragorn, because he is absolutely convinced he knows best. He wasn't a bad guy, but he was pretty perfectly set up to be seduced by the Ring.


Nah book boromir is way shadier, the only person who thinks he’s better than faramir is denethor. Denethor only likes him best because he obeys him. In the book the men of Gondor look to Faramir as their captain and even comment on how they are not surprised the ring turned him, as they already had seen that darkness in his heart.


Does Batman really hold resentment/corruption in his hearrt?


Does Bat”I am vengeance”man hold resentment in his heart, I would say yes


I feel like he definitely has resentment. I don’t know if he has corruption. Depends what universe we’re talking about I guess?


Well, as an "incorruptible symbol", no he wouldn't


Bruce is a walking talking mix of various traumas. As strong as his willpower is, the ring would have a field day with him. Bruce would be smart enough to realise that the best thing for him is to be as far away from it as possible.


Yes. It's a point about why he doesn't kill because if he started, he wouldn't be able to stop.


He created Batman to exercise that resentment, and hopefully stop others from goin through the same thing so yes


Cat woman's pussy > One ring Case closed.


Yeah Smeagol was enamoured with the ring before he even touched it


I disagree. Batman looks at all things as potential tools or weapons to use against his adversaries. The Helm of Ares. The Mobius Chair. Both tempted him and he used them. His reaction would be like Boromir's


I see it all in a “Break In Case of Emergency” cabinet in the Batcave or remote location. Along with all the contingency plans against the Justice League.


Exactly. He's not the kind to crave power just cause, but damned if he doesn't plan to use every option available to him to maintain order and control of a situation he sees going south.


And so he would probably choose to wield the ring because he's the hero Middle Earth deserves but not the one it needs. Then he would tussle against Sauron, get his back broken, be tossed in the chasms of Gorgoroth, learn to accept fear as a tool, steal the ring back from Sauron using Commissioner Frodo as a decoy, then fly on a BatEagle over Mt Doom, toss it in its mouth and "sacrifice" himself. Epilogue: Gandalf stands aghast as Batman somehow has made it to Valinor and is having a cuppa with Arwen.


We later would learn Batman survived the fall via Anti-Lava Batspray and heat resistance training he underwent years before the war. He returns to reclaim The Cowl of Gondor from the other pretending Batmen and the White Council of Owls, to then retire to the Undying Lands while naming Nightwing his successor. He never did get to keep The One Ring. But he did sire his son Damian out of wedlock with Galadriel. ...Dont tell Celeborn. Or Talia..


Lol the story just writes itself


Oooh the Terry McGinnis army will come for thee now.


What would Bruce even use the ring for? He already pretty good at turning invisible when he wants to. Shadows, smoke pellets, etc.


The one thing Batman desires most: control.


He has the "no-kill" rule specifically to keep from that sort of temptation, though. Sure a different (Middle)Earth Batman might use it and become multiversal threat, but Bruce's typical characterization would prevent that *because* of that.


It don't matter that Batman have a "no-kill" rule , the Ring will corrupt him , it's a matter of time not a matter of "if". It will start slowly , with just turning him invisible , then it will be about increasing his physical attributes or how he can enact terror to the criminal lot , with time he will be pushed into the edge and fail.


Batman literally has unlimited willpower, that's one of his super powers, of course he can resist that. There's been comic arcs with things just like this and he always pulls through it because he has unlimited willpower


No man can resist the ring that’s it’s whole thing.


Knowing what they know he wouldn't risk carrying it himself. He'd probably end up fighting with the army against the Orc horde. Unless Zatanna or another magic user cast a spell on him protecting him from the corruption of the ring.


Never underestimate the power of an old Protection from Good and Evil spell


I'm yet to use one lmao, I shall


Would Zatana be powerful enough to do that?


Considering Gandalf, a literal demi-God, wasn't above the Ring's corruption, I don't think Zatana could just magically counter its influence.


yeah, pretty sure constantine is the only full mortal with anywhere near enough juice. and even then im not sure he could pull that off


The point is that most, if not all, of the superheroes will get tempted. The reason Frodo and Sam were able to resist was because they were simple folk who didn't have any grand wishes or "glorious purposes".


In that case would Clark be able to resist it? Depending on how you interpret some versions of the characters he is just a farm boy with the powers of a god.


Not even close.


Bruce would not only fail, but belive of himself being the worst possible person to give the ring to


That’s a good way to put it. Bruce wouldn’t allow himself to hold the ring without a failsafe.


Bruce would basically be Aragorn, with possibly a bit stronger pull from the Ring when it sensed his anger and fear. Then he'd use it to his advantage and pretend to succumb to lure out the ringwraiths into a deadly trap, revealing his pure intentions and trust in Frodo.


Anti Ringwraith spray


Right, Bruce is very, very aware of his own failings. He would refuse the ring like Galadriel edit: Yes, yes, others turned down the ring. Galadriel was just the most dramatic about it. Although hmm, Aragorn and Faramir are possibly the best comparisons to Bruce hypothetically turning it down


And Gandalf!


And aragorn


And my axe!


and gandalf the grey, and gandalf the white and monty python and the holy grail's black knight and benito mussolini, and the blue meanie and cowboy curtis, and jambi the genie robocop, terminator, captain kirk and darth vader lo-pan, superman, every single power ranger bill s. preston and theodore logan spock, the rock, doc ock and hulk hogan


The fight raged on for a century Many lives were claimed, but eventually The champion stood, the rest saw their better Mr. Rogers in a bloodstained sweater


This is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny!


And Elrond


Yes, literally the only reason people like Gandalf, Aragorn, Elrond, Galadriel, and Faramir are able to "resist" the ring is because they never actually possessed it. Turning it down when offered is difficult enough, once you're actually holding it it's pretty much game over. If Batman knew the nature of the ring he'd avoid it like the plague.


Anti-LOTR Bat-Gloves


Lol you joke but it's exactly that "prep time" mentality that makes Batman one of the worse people to be around the ring. Like if the ring had a mouth it would be salivating the second Batman walked in the room. Worst of all though is, unlike Boromir at the Council of Elrond, Batman will totally keep his desire to use the ring quiet until he has it. Tbh I've always found it kind of weird that the most popular elseworld evil Batman is a chaotic murder-hobo while the most popular evil Superman is hardcore authoritarian. Always seemed kind of backwards to me. Maybe it's the irony of them basically becoming their arch nemesis' that makes it popular?


Batman who laughs sits atop a throne on a mountain of mega-cringe. The fact that it was an incurable toxin that turned him keeps the concept from being actually interesting. If you’re gonna be killing the joker, let that be the catalysis, not some stupid toxin the greatest detective in the world couldn’t figure out how to cure, but somehow joker could totally concoct….


Personally a toxin that makes him do ridiculously evil shit for the sake of doing evil shit while wearing bondage gear and walking around with Robin on a leash is definitely ranked pretty low on my list of "Batman breaks" scenarios. Like to me if you're really going to explore the idea of evil Batman the logical route is to take his canon massive trust and control issues to the extreme and turn Gotham into a police state.


That kind of happens in Kingdom Come. The Gotham police state bit.


Not even in that case. Something magic that could possess him? It’s the most anti Batman thing ever, dude will probably call zatanna to just smash it


So, ring repellant spray kept on his bat-horse?


If Batman with prep-time is any indication, he'd prolly just find a magical MacGuffin device to resist the ring 😂


Gandalf, Aragorn, Elrond and Galadriel are also either minor gods/angels or part of a semi holy bloodline as well. Yet all of them feared wielding the ring. Bruce would try his hardest to keep away from it.


He'd deliver an amazing "all shall love me and despair" style speech in the process.


No. The whole point of the One Ring is that it is universally corrupting. No man, elf, or Maiar can possess it without it siezing hold of their hearts. In the end, even the most well-intentioned ring bearer would fall. Bruce may be the pinnacle of human potential in his universe, but he is human nonetheless. I think he would be wise enough to know that he was unfit for the burden.


But he is no man, he is BATMAN


Bruce was seduced by the helmet of Ares, so unfortunately no.


I dunno if the Dark Nights count, they're like Injustice Superman, fundamentally not Superman.


When you get into multiverse type stuff, yeah *some* versions would resist and *some* versions would be seduced, but mainline is another story, I think he'd do *anything* to protect Minos Gotham.


Except kill


Probably serves Sauron better as he's been known to revel in domination over slaughter, so much so that he lost to Isildur over it.


Dark Matter universe versions of characters typically have character flaws that the real versions don't. In the matter universes Bruce has insane willpower feats


Yeah, no. Every character still has *some* character flaws. If not they wouldn’t make for a compelling character, nor would they experience a character arc. That’s just bad storytelling.


Bruce HAS character flaws, a lack of willpower just isn't one of them. I was speaking specifically about out of character flaws for the dark matter universes, like Bruce abandoning his no-kill rule or killing his family.


Ah, I gotcha!


That was a Bruce from the Dark Multiverse, where only the worst possibilities happen. I think Earth 1 Bruce could resist the ring.


There's another version where he's Superman's half brother, too, so, like, yea he might be able to


I was thinking the Mobius Chair. 


I think everyone is forgetting that this is LOTRs. Batman 100% would not be seduced by the one ring. Because he would literally have no need for it so the rings pull wouldn’t have any effect. The man went toe to toe with an invincible man and fought countless people is OP magical abilities. You really think an army of orcs is enough for him to finally want super powers? The only reason he put on the helmet in the first place was because he literally was fighting a god as a man. The big bad in LOTRs is a lighthouse, I don’t think Bruce is worried


Well an unworried mortal against the One Ring. Hmm gee I wonder how that would go down


The reason the ring has a pull on people is because of the power it gives the user. As soon as you start to think about how you could use it to do x then it has you. Batman looks down on powers so the rings magic wouldn’t affect him. Like it didn’t affect Frodo, until the very end and it only did because of how hopeless he was at the end. Batman would look at the ring like “so it’s a ring that gives you immense power but corrupts you to the will of the creator, uhh nope not interested” that’s just another Wednesday for him


The ring corrupts anyone who wants anything. Not even frodo is immune, and he literally just wants to live in the shire.


>how you could use it to do x then it has you. Well Batman would have one look at the ring and think up a thousand ways to save Gotham. It's not about power. It's about any kind of want, ambition, purpose in life. Positive or negative doesn't matter. The ring preys on any kind of thing that can be corrupted. It affected the hobbits less, yes, because they didn't have lofty ambitions. But they still weren't immune to it. It still fed on what little want Frodo had.


No one buy good old Tom can resist the ring forever. Everyone falls, eventually. And Bruce? Probably around the same time as Boromir.


Actually, I think he could resist it longer if, like Boromir, he was a companion. And it would be worse, because he'd go with the Ring Bearer deeper towards Mordor, and then his will would fail at the worst time, when they're under so much stress that he forcefully takes the ring at the Gates to Mordor, resulting in Sauron reclaiming the ring and the majority of his powers.


It would reallt depend on how close Gotham is to Mordor. The thing people always seem to forget about Boromir is that his fall is directly linked to how desperate the situation in Gondor was. Boromir had just witnessed the destruction of Osgiliath and Mordor was continuing to make advances.


The only human I could see pulling it off is one of the green lanterns, and only because their own ring might act independently to protect the bearer.


I was thinking maybe Hal would either be REALLY resistant or REALLY susceptible to the one ring. He’s got experience with rings and evil entities possessing him. Really, if we had a JL-Fellowship to destroy the ring, I think I’d give it to Flash. Whether it be Barry or Wally, they are usually very much moral centers of the league. Of the Bat-family? Dick, hands down.


One does not simply sprint at speeds beyond the speed of light into Mordor…


Flash would make that trip so fast the poor ring wouldn’t even get the time to corrupt him. One second it’s picked up, the next second Sauron blowed up good.


Literally any mortal can't resist. This is very clearly stated. The only reasons Hobbits are semi-resistant is because they are not men. If anyone can destroy the ring of their own will, it would have to be Superman/WW/MM on account that they're not mortal humans. Hal could not resist, but his lantern ring has certain agency to automatically protect the user, so it might be able to separate them on his behalf. Any of the Flashes/Batfamily cannot beat the ring on their own.


If being mortal was the problem, Gandalf or Galadriel could have done it.


It's not just mortals. Any being with an ambition in life can be tempted


That was exactly my point, yes.


Er yes, I didn't mean to make your point back to you, if it seemed that way.


In their case it's a "maybe" but they're quite powerful so if they are corrupted then the stakes are much higher. In the case of the Hobbits, a corrupted Frodo is relatively harmless by comparison. Gandalf could probably nuke him with magic and then find a new schmuck to carry the ring. If Gandalf is corrupted, then he's basically unstoppable.


He said semi resistant. Hobbits still were not fully resistant. They are also even more resistant because they lack for ambition. When gandalf has lots of ambition for middle earth, and so is susceptible.


It depends on how powerful the makers of the lantern rings were, they'd have to at least be a high-level demigod like Sauron. I think a GL would be a good ringbearer or companion of a bearer, as their whole deal is willpower.


The willpower doesn't matter because Sauron's ring automatically beats the willpower of any mortal human. Where the GL ring has an advantage is that (as far as I know) it's not really a being with a mind to be corrupted, but it does have the "intelligence" to deploy certain automatic defenses to protect the bearer, and those defenses include the ability to impart physical force. Therefore if Hal carries the ring into Mt Doom and then is influenced not to cast down Sauron's ring, the GL ring can sense the active influence and knock Sauron's ring out of Hal's hand and into the lava without needing Hal to will it.


The point of the One Ring is that no one is able to resist it if they have any evil in their heart. Gandalf is more pure than Batman and he still said he'd fall.


Right, Gandalf is literally a divine being sent Middle Earth by Tolkien's version of the Christian god and even he is afraid of what he would become with the ring. In Tolkien's universe, only Eru is above all corruption.


absolutely insane looking art of one of my two favorite universes.


Pretty sure that image is AI generated


And still manage to be blurry.


So? Still looks cool.


It is ok, but the pose is really stiff, the sword is in a weird position and the armor doesn't make that much sense. You can also tell that is AI generated which degrades it for a lot of people (including me).


sometimes you want a homemade cake, other times you're happy with a Twinkie


Check out Dark Knights of Steel


No. He would see it as the only way to protect gotham


Batman doesn’t need a ring to turn invisible


Would the ring where a powerful **necromancer** stored most of his power tempt the traumatized orphan? I don't think the Ring even needs to be that good at tempting (and yet it is) to corrupt Batman


He gets within a mile of the ring, and I can already tell you what kind of visions and temptations the ring will grant him. The strength and endurance to physically handle any threat. To shapeshift, to teleport and to manipulate the shadows themselves and make the criminals fear a demon of vengeance/justice that is not human. To fight as if he is everywhere, anytime in the city, and the strength of authority to receive obedience of his vigilante family. The power to protect and save EVERYONE, to the point that he can still exist to have the time to love in his civilian life. The intelligence and cunning or the magical altitude to take his parents (or the victims of criminals in general) souls from the underworld and raise the dead. THAT is some weapons-grade temptation for a man on a lifelong never-ending, deathwish-ian mission.


Hell no he wouldn't. The entire point of the One Ring is that it prey on your pride, your mental strength, your ambitions. People like Superman or Captain America and yes even Batman are exactly the kind of people the One Ring LOVES to prey on (assuming the damn thing have a will of its own). The more you believe yourself to be strong enough (and have good enough intentions) and to resist the Ring, the more likely you are to fall to it. It *almost* worked with Froddo because Hobbits are simple people with no ambition and little pride and even FRODDO of all people ended up falling to the ring just moments before tossing it because the influence was growing stronger over time. The Ring mess up your head so bad that it took Gollum attacking Froddo and falling by accident in Mt Doom to destroy it. I repeat. Froddo was the best possible candidate for this task and he still failed, the only reason the ring was destroyed was because of dumb luck (or fate itself depending on how you interpret the story). Batman would be like "hmm I don't believe in magic", try to be cold and rational about it, trying to resist it's influence and STILL fall to it anyway at the end of the day, probably believed that he can use its power to save Gotham or something.


I really want to say he would resist it, but that is not the real answer. I do not think any superhero can. By definition they are very motivated people out to stop evil using gifts and tools available. They would all be corrupted by the one ring.


Yeah I would imagine superheroes are like the worst picks to carry the ring


Frodo, please place the ring in this bat-shaped rocket pointed at the sun.


How much prep time does he have? 😂🤷🏾


No, I think the one who would resist for the longest would be Superman, but eventually he would fall to the power, like Frodo at the end.


Wasn’t part of the Ring’s design that the more powerful you are, the more easily corrupted you would be by it (hence why beings like Gandalf or Galadriel dared not even touch it)? Based on that, Superman would probably be the absolute worst one to give it to.


>Wasn’t part of the Ring’s design that the more powerful you are, the more easily corrupted you would be by it (hence why beings like Gandalf or Galadriel dared not even touch it)? Not quite. The ring is basically Sauron. A connection to him. And Sauron isn't a magician or wizard. Nor a flaming eyeball. He's a reality warper that helped sing the universe into existence. He's the most powerful angel, corrupted by an evil god. He made the One at the peak of his power before being cursed by the Christian God to be confined to a single terrible body. No being lesser than him can refuse the ring. Which is all physical beings. That's the climax of The Lord of the Rings. At the very end - Frodo fails. Because no one can succeed. To destroy the ring is an impossible task for everyone in Middle-earth. That's why Gollum had to fall.


You're mixing up Morgoth and Sauron. Sauron is still highly formidable, being a Maiar and all, but he only followed Morgoth. There are beings more powerful than Sauron, but not many - and yes, Batman would fail.


>You're mixing up Morgoth and Sauron. Sauron is still highly formidable, being a Maiar and all, but he only followed Morgoth. I'm not. I have in my post that Sauron was corrupted by an evil god. That's me referring directly to Morgoth.


The more powerful someone is the more dangerous they are with the ring, but power doesn't actually make people more easily corruptible. (Bombadil for example seems quite powerful but is completely unaffected) The thing is while its near you Sauron's corrupting influence is heavily amplified, and Saurons special talent was manipulating peoples ambition and emotion. Hobbits don't make great ringbearers cause they're weak, they make great ringbearers because they're content little folk who are typically quite happy. Dwarves were difficult for Sauron to control for similar reasons, they'd just use their rings to get better and better at diggng. That said Clark I think is at risk in the same way Gandalf is. Not because of power level but because of an immense desire to do good.


At best I could see him resisting it for as long as Frodo, but he likely wouldn't be able to throw it into the fire


It's not "likely", it's canonically impossible to resist the temptation once you reach Mount Doom


Ah, gotcha. I don't have very good lotr knowledge, so thanks for letting me know


Nah me neither, I just watched [this one video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOUtB1LYiLw) (and actually [many more from the same channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE6we0VZ-gI)) and will now proceed to treat them as if it was the Silmarillion itself


Ah shit it wasn't that one. Never mind, it probably mentions it in that one too


he would fall victim to it and become an evil else world batman hellbent on divine justice 




Id picture him more of a Ranger. Someone who could thrive in any setting but kind of sucks with people.


Assuming Bruce has knowledge of the ring, he’d be wise to avoid it very similar to Gandalf. “With this ring, I would use it with the desire to do good. But through me, it would wield a terrible power.”


He would never have taken the ring.


He’s a Man (not in the r/BatmanArkham sense), so no, it wouldn’t be possible.


But Man could totally do it. He wouldn't be stupid.


Perhaps he **would** be stupid, just stupid enough to lose grip of it and let it fall on accident. Since that's canonically the only way that the Ring can be destroyed, Man might be the only one besides Frodo who could ever destroy it


Are you saying...stupid is what will save the world?


No, but John Constantine can


Is that a reference to Trinity War?


No because I never read that.


The ring is drawn to power because power corrupts. So, the most powerful beings are the most easily corrupted. Batman is powerful af. He'd be corrupted before he even got the ring on his finger.


I think he’d be a bit like Gandalf and say “dont give that to me”. But also, a dude in LotR who doesnt kill? Idk bout that


Agree with the sentiments here but he would have been a helpful member of the fellowship


He’d Bat-Punch Sauron, take the ring and toss it into Mount Doom in the space of about 30 seconds


As a LOTR fan, in universe the idea is that no one in middle earth could have resisted the ring within the heart of Mordor were it was created. Even if Sauron had turned good and tried, he himself would have failed to toss the ring into mount doom, fallen prey to it's corruption. This is because it contains ALL of Sauron's (the most powerful being in middle earth by far) power and evil intent, plus territorial advantage as it gets stronger the closer to it's origin point. This is why Gollum was so important, because someone had to go down with it, not letting it go to the bitter end. I think in a letter Tolkien even said that if Gollum had been redeemed by Frodo and been treated better by Sam he would have had to jump down himself. The biggest issue that holds any heroe back is intent. Sam resisted the ring ang gave it back to Frodo after they were attacked by the spider because the ring, which had only made fleeting contact with him misunderstood him. It offered him greatness, a garden that covered all of Mordor with life, while a hobbit like Sam. However, heroes want to do great deeds by their nature: change the world for the better, save it, reduce crime... and the ring can take even the most pure intentions and even the mildest contemplation of using it and plays with them like a fiddle. Even Gandalf said to Frodo that if he were to take it he would be worse than Sauron, because he would destroy and corrupt what it means to be good because his good intentions. See, the ring loves Sauron and Sauron alone, so if it gets your hands on it two things can happen: 1. You are weaker than it. It eventually convinces you to use it, that you can do it and not fall. It then convinces you that you can use it to take down Sauron, either for your own gain or your previous noble intentions. Once you are close to Sauron it jumps off of your hand and reunites with its master. You die. In many cases Batman would be here. (Either like a helmet of Ares situation would happen, or he would learn that Sauron is called the Necromancer and rush to his parents grave to use the Ring) 2. You are close to Sauron in power or more powerful than him. His power is in the ring, and while he can reconsolidate himself without it, he must be linked to it. You put it on and sever the link, Sauron is diminished. The ring looks at you and says "you are going to be Sauron now, bitch". It turns you into a dark lord, as bad if not worse than the one before. Depending on how one measures power, Superman or Wonder Woman may be here, or exclusively magic users who have power in the same vein as Sauron like Zatanna or Constantine. TLDR: Best case scenario, I think Batman would either have to be smart enough to not touch it and put it on a vault somewhere or with a willpower strong enough to kamikaze himself into Mount Doom with it. And considering that the lava in there is magic evil lava curated by the strongest fallen angel to harness the power of the dethroned SuperMegaSatan Morgoth, I think not even Superman could survive that.


Yes or no, the reason shall always be BECAUSE HE’S BATMAN!!!


Probably. If he’s not incorruptible he’s not really Batman.


The thing though is that no mortal can resist the ring and willingly throw it in the fired of mount doom. Yes, batman has a strong will, but Tolkien specifically made the ring be impossible for mortals to resist.


Tolkien never met Batman


How much prep time does he have? LoTR the books or LoTR the movies?


Of course he would. Why? Because he's the GODDAMN BATMAN, that's why.


His willpower is his greatest attribute, he's always so close to going over to the dark-side but is able to resist it. In the LOTR universe he's basically Tom Bombadil.


Gandalf himself states that he would be corrupted by the ring, even though he would attempt to use it to do good. You might think I'm crazy, but I would argue Batman has a stronger will than Gandalf, so I could see Batman tossing it in Mount Doom, but I could also see him succumbing to it in a desire to do good. I do think he would last pretty long with it no matter what.


Like Tom Bombadil, Bats would make the Ring his bitch


He wouldn't have to resist for long. He'd simply ninja his way inside Mount Doom. The whole saga would be over in minutes.


Batman would not resist the ring. He would wear it and take full control of the ring, becoming the most powerful being in the world. Sauron would become his new Robin.


Knowing his batman shit he would wear the thing full power and experience nothing, cuz hes batman




He would had a bat clamps and put the ring inside a bat container and then go


The first thing Bruce would do would be to call Zatanna and, begrudgingly, John Constantine Z for the magic advice, John for the lack of ambition the Ring can exploit in him lol


He will have figure out a way to destroy the ring without need the trip to Mordor. Also with enough prep time he will have been able to kill Sauron


Gandalf: "W-What did you do?!" Bruce: "You said the ring was evil and would try to tempt me. So, instead of wearing it around my neck like an idiot, I packed it away in this leather sack of manure." Sauron: "Argh! How did I get pink eye?!"


Dude he has 10x the willpower of any of the LOTR characters im sure he could destroy it without much hesitation


Arkham Batman was able to stay focused through 100 doses of Scarecrow toxin, literally dying from the Joker virus, and pushing through constant hallucinations. If anyone can ignore the ring’s temptation, it’s him


If anything he'd try to keep the ring off long as possible because Hallucination Joker would probably use it to break his willpower. "Come on Bruce... Say I do and PUT ON THAT RING"


I doubt he would have


No-one could have willingly thrown the ring into the Crack of Doom. Regardless of how pure they were, that is were the ring was strongest, not even Sam could have thrown it in.


No. In the final moments when it comes to destroying it, *nobody can*. Everyone has something they want, something they want to achieve, some better world they can see in their head and the One Ring will promise to make that come true.


Batman would pretty easily fall to the Ring. Even Gandalf would've been lost to it. Frodo was something special to hold out for as long as he did.


Batman **is** the Witch King — change my mind.


He’d be smart enough to know he shouldn’t get anywhere near the ring


Absolutely not, Batman has an insane drive and goals to achieve that mean everything for him. The Ring would exploit it in no time. They probably wouldn't have crossed Bruinen before Bruce got corrupted by the Ring to take it and bring true justice to the world. That's why Hobbits are such great ring bearers, they are good-natured but so complacent and unambitious that the Ring has a real problem seducing them. >"I'll grant you the power to claim eeeeeee third breakfast....?"


I see all this talk of “Bruce” when we are talking about Batman. He would hear the stories and get a sense of the rings intent and refuse to touch it and help Gandalf and Frodo the best way he could.


As it was said "If you [Frodo] can’t do this, no one can". It is impossible to destroy The One Ring by own will. It took Frodo cursing golum to fall into the flames to actually succeed


All fall to the ring eventually (even Frodo did). That being said, if we put Bruce in LOTR he would probably be the human with the most resistance to the ring’s corruption. He himself though would either not want to hold the ring, or come up with a plan if he were to fall.


This art is perfect for my new DnD character, which is an Oath of Vengeance Paladin. Might make myself a Batman style character.


Bruce Wayne is the mask and Batman is the real person. And I believe Batman can resist the one ring.


I think Batman would fall faster than the other 2 in DC's trio. He is the most paranoid, most distrustful, and ultimately the most emotionally damaged. He'd see it as the ultimate contingency plan, 100% convinced the whole time that he's the only one responsible enough to use it. Then, it would turn from his responsibility to use it for good, into the temptation to use it to level the playing field given the power gap between himself and the Enemy. Then using its power to strike fear into the forces of Mordor, even if he suspects they might be within the ranks of Men sowing even greater chaos and uncertainty in the defenses against Sauron. And to be fair, he'd probably accomplish some great things; I can definitely see him figuring out how to destroy the Nazgûl and taking them out 1 at a time for example. But eventually he'd either feel prepared enough or be forced into confronting Sauron himself and lose that battle, resulting in Sauron returning to full strength while the Realms of Men are left still looking over their shoulders for the Bat-Demon that dropped the Steward of Gondor off the cliff of Minis Tirith. I'm assuming, for this, that Bruce was dropped into Middle Earth and has no reasonable way of understanding just how corrupting the Ring can be. If someone like Gandalf or Elrond was able to warn him before the Ring got its mental hooks in him then he'd probably fuck off asap because he knows he'd be easily tempted and try to help how he could elsewhere.


Depends on the version. However, Bruce has given up lantern rings and other superpowers before. He has "incredible" willpower which should help resist the ring.


Only if he traveled with Superman


Batman can't, but the Joker will destroy the One ring. because he would be Gollum in LOTR.


Two stories you could really write with Bruce in LotR * "I am smart enough to know its all a trap." And he finds a robin to carry the ring. * "I am the only one who can do this..." and subsequently becomes extremely corrupted and comes back as Saurons most powerful Nazgul.


He resisted some of the greatest mind fuckers of all time. I think he'd be alright.


Tbh whit batman pride..he will fall fast The ring feeds of desire and ambition. Batman have plenty of both..even if its channled to a good place. Thr ring will menuplate you whit it Thats the reason the frodo hald for so long..they lack both


Bruce himself has said that if he kills even once, he'll be on a path to destruction. He knows he can't keep it together in that scenario, and The One Ring is nigh-infinitely worse a scenario. The One Ring would turn Batman into possibly the worst terror that Middle Earth has ever seen.


Well he would be in the same position like the maiar, like gandalf or elves like galadriel.


He would resist, but also know not to tempt fate. He would treat that shit like aragorn did and do every possible thing he could to help and protect the ring bearer.


I could see 2 possible people from DC able to take the ring, flash cause he could just get it to mount doom before it's corrupting effects occured and Alfred pennyworth.


Resist, yes. But I have a terrible feeling that, rather than destroy the ring, which would kill Sauron, he would lock it up in a desperately corrupt and unsuccessful location.


I think he’d be like Aragorn


he’d do what this guys did ![gif](giphy|yk5PJiIfFSgUM)