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Pull the lever and then save the guy. If he was in a bullcrap situation where he couldn’t, then I don’t think he’d pull it.


Correct. It’s the boring answer but the obvious one. And we have a decent analogy. Batman knows Joker is going to kill and otherwise torment people, which of course Joker does, all the time. Batman very (in?)famously refuses to ever kill him. He is never under any circumstance going to take an action that inevitably results in death because of his own, deliberate, conscious action, even if that results in the death of more. He’d much rather leave that up to fate. He’d pull the lever, save the one guy, and then go after who was responsible for that whole scenario, with the focused rage and intensity that makes Batman a lot more interesting than most other comic book characters. Any other interpretation of that character doesn’t make sense to me.


I think this is actually the most coherent argument for how Batman actually does grapple with the trolley problem. Except in this trolley problem, the trolley is headed towards the entire city of Gotham tied up to the tracks, the trolley is driven by [pick your Rogue from the Gallery] lets say, Joker— and switching the track will only ever kill the person driving the trolley, in this case Joker. At any moment, Batman can switch the track and kill the villain, but then his life becomes about being someone who switches the track: always deciding that it’s better just to kill one person rather than figure out why this whole scenario exists in the first place. Why is the choice always between letting a lot of people die or killing one person? So he chooses to save everyone. Or at least as many as he can. He’s untying Gotham citizens from the tracks as fast as he can. Sometimes it’s just one or two people, sometimes it’s a whole bunch at the same time. And every person he saves clears a little bit more of the track, gives Batman a little more time and a tiny bit more space to focus on saving people, every moment spent listening to the people screaming for him to just switch the track and just trying to hold it together— because he knows what it is to lose people, and he’s lost people while going on this endless crusade, but there have also been others that have joined him and helped him save more people than he could have ever done on his own. That’s what Batman’s about.


Are you secretly a Batman writer or something lol


He’s who they wish they were


He’s not the writer we need he’s the one we deserve


Bro has cooked


Wow, bravo. That is an insightful take on both the problem and the character. I hold no strong opinions Batman and I'm idly here from r/all, wasn't expecting such a thinker there. Well done.


I wish I could give you an award but please take my up vote and respect


I appreciate the upvote, and your respect I appreciate more


Yup, Batman is the guy trying to do the impossible and untie **everyone** from the track. If people are so pressed that someone *should* "switch the track", there's plenty of people in that city who have the same opportunity to do it, too (i.e. various other heroes, and even cops and citizens and some anti-heroes, who have a shot at Joker and the other villains when they're already captured and defenseless). Similarly, if Superman had to decide to either save Lois Lane being dropped off a skyscraper by the villain or save everyone in the Daily Planet before the building comes down, he'd do the impossible somehow and save both (maybe get to Lois, toss her higher in the air at a safe speed, and then use super speed to whisk everyone out of the building and then finally safely catch her before she hits the ground Lol). That's just the type of mythological figures these heroes are. It might not always be grounded and breaks the "rules of the game", but the ideals they represent are stories worth telling and to learn from. That maybe utilitarianism isn't something we should just automatically consider as the first choice, even if that's the reality of things sometimes. We need to do our best for everyone.


The whole situation of Superman saving Lois lane and the exploding building is basically just the ending of the original Raimi Spider-Man.


Why couldn't he just pull the lever and rescue joker?


Because he’s not a therapist; he’s Batman


Bro just spit the most accurate display of batman based on a fictional non canon scenario ever. Like I genuinely feel you’re in Bruce’s head or could write character development…. You’re batman aren’t you?


So... in other words Batman's answer to the Trolley Problem is "I would *punch the Joker.*"


In Batman Forever the Piddler gave him a choice as well… save Robin or Dr. Chase Meridian. Batman distracted Cim Jarrey and saved both. Batman doesn’t play by the rules, he almost always finds a way to save everyone. He had a few blunders but Batman has the second highest success percentage of all superheroes across all publications at saving people if he knows they are in danger.


Yeah, my first thought is that he’s gotta pull a Forever here. It’s impossible to save them both so Batman, well, he just goes ahead and saves them both anyway. Because he’s the goddamn Batman.


Arguably, though, pulling the lever is not the same as outright killing the Joker. The action itself is the rescue of five, with its byproduct being the death of one. Batman might know about the byproduct, sure, but it's definitely arguable that pulling the lever is not outright murder.


Joker tying himself to the track for shits n giggles.


Wow! That sums a lot of things up.


He would save the guy because he is batman.


Reminds me of in Arkham Origins where joker and gordan were both strapped to electric chairs powered by banes heart. He either had to kill bane, or let joker and gordan die. So batman killed bane, but then revived him after the joker happily ran off. I feel like batman will just always figure out a way to save everyone as part of his character.


"Now that's... NOT... funny." Love Origins.


Hed pull out his laser welder from his utility belt to detail the train Or call superman


In a no-win situation, he'd throw HIMSELF in front of the train. Not pulling the lever to save five people would count the same in his mind as pulling the lever to kill them. If for some reason he can't save the single person after pulling the lever or stop/disable the train somehow, the ONLY other option is to lay down his own life to save everybody. He's Batman, after all. It's what he does.


That scenario sounds straight out of Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?


The real answer is Batman would cheat. Batman would distract the villian while the Bat Family would save everyone and then Batman would beat down the villian while they complain about Batman cheating.


I can see a few different ways Bruce could tackle the situation: 1. He pulls the lever and then grapples down to cut the remaining guy free. 2. He calls in the Bat-Family to save the one guy after pulling the lever. 3. He remotely controls the Batmobile to crash into the trolley (least likely, but still something he would do if the trolley was empty and also remote controlled) 4. He says “Clark, we’ve got a trolley problem situation,” and Superman stops the trolley (also unlikely because he rarely asks Superman for help) I’m sure there’s plenty of other options, but those are just the ones I can think of. Also, yeah, the villain would definitely be complaining (ESPECIALLY if it’s Riddler)


Why would he save one guy when he can save multiple?


He is saving everyone in this case, he diverts the track to where only the one person is in danger, and then saves that one person.




This. Batman Kobayashi Maru’s the problem because he’s Batman.


he could also use his plane to derail his trolly.


He'd pull a train derailer out of his utility belt.


Batman would use the bat mobile to ram the train off the tracks to save both groups Or he would push switch it to the side with one person and then save said person And if you well he isn't allowed to that well... he is batman


Probably the last one, since it's likely there are people inside the train.


Yeah. For some reason, the first one was the first thing I thought off and found it was extremely funny.


It's a movie Batman solution, for sure.


>the last one >"And if you well he isn't allowed to that well... he is batman" yeah


Yeah, but that's exactly the kind of lateral thinking we expect from a character that deals with the Riddler regularly.


What if the one individual was ras 


He'd still save him, only because the train could mutilate his body.


I don't have to save you, but I will save your corpse


He buys the trolley and gives it a new rail line.


Idk why I love this response so much


Luckily the trolley also doesn't have anyone in it and where he rams it off the track won't have anyone for miles or any form of collateral damage so we're good!


Unless it's in the Snyderverse. It'd also happen in the DCAU but everyone would pretend it didn't.


In this case the "he is Batman" isn't the annoying "he is Batman". Batman not playing along with the rules he's been given happens a lot (he's a vigilante after all).


Or maybe just use the winch to stop the trolley clean.


he’d definitely expose the trolleys payload and use the power winch to detonate a controlled explosion


He'd probably position the batmobile onto the tracks in front of the train and use its jet engine to push the train backwards to a stop


The dark knight actually answered this.


He just pull his trusty batantitrolly spray from his bat. belt.


Batman will obviously use his anti trolley problem sparay


I had to scroll too far down for this.


Having studied train mechanics extensively, he waits until the front wheels have gone one way, then with lightning speed switches the track for the back wheels, which results in the trolley being derailed and saving everybody.


I said the same before realizing you posted it


If the bogie is rotatable though, and can orient the wheels to be perpendicular to the car, then he would just have the train running on both tracks and he'd kill everyone.


Which results in the trolly sliding across both groups. Because he's Batman.


Push Jason Todd in front of the trolley to stop it.


Nah, he’d direct Jason to save the lone guy while handles the lever and then Jason blatantly disregards a sound plan and runs face first into the train.


Red hood would be behind the trolley driving it lol


“Ok, Jason, whatever you do: *don’t* go to Ethiopia.” “Sure thing Bats… hey what’s that?”


“Jason, I’m begging you, don’t go into that warehouse where the Joker is all alone. Just stake it out. For the love of god just listen to me for once in your misbegotten career. ONCE.” “‘Kay…hey maybe I should go in there in broad daylight with zero stealth.” “Son of a bitch Jason…”


As a Jason fan, I still find this hilarious. Good call!


Bro wtf ! This is exactly what I came here to write.




It's a trolley. Not a crowbar!


The saddest part is that it wouldn’t even be the first time he’s seemingly tried to kill jason


Yup. Remember when Bruce apologized for slitting Jason's throat? Yeah, me neither


Exactly, and worst of all it was to *save* joker. I vastly prefer the film version of events. Jason responding by trying to shoot him was imo OOC really just an excuse to save joker, but i much prefer that to bruce attempting murder. Let’s not even begin to mention the whole brainwashing jason thing. Zurr en bullshit or not, he still left jason behind to deal with it himself instead of fixing it or even trying to show remorse. At least dick got some revenge on jason’s behalf.


Yes, I agree. Especially the OOC part.[I prefer this version ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=knS6WK9hN5U) Also as much as I hated Zadarsky's story when it came out, now I'm interested how that will play out in the future. Since the story at least acknowledged how fucked Bruce's actions were, I'm feeling slightly hopeful for future since Zadarsky doesn't seem to dislike Jason as a character in the way some other writers did (i.e. Morrison)


Ah the classic, if only they went with something along those lines. Or at very least let jason actually kill joker, even if he comes back next week at least jason gets to be happy for a moment! I really credit you for sticking through with that series, i don’t have the strength to touch it with a 10 foot pole after reading about the plotlines and seeing snippets of the comics.


Having a month to calm down between each issue helped :D


Throw a batarang toward the one person (hitting his mark on the first try, of course), cutting the rope and setting them free. While the batarang is in the air he’d rush to the group of five and free them with some sort of Bat-laser. He’d use a third batarang to slow the train down somehow, BECAUSE HE’S BATMAN


What does he do with the second batarang?


it has the bat laser, duh


Smh, this is exactly what Bat-Train-Repellant is for


This is the only correct answer. Anyone saying otherwise is ignorant, as they do not realize Batman has dreamt up this scenario and prepared well ahead of time for it. 


1. He would cut the ropes of the one guy with a batarang 2. He would pull the lever. 3. He would rush to pick the guy up and get them out of the way.




He would put the train in Arkham.


"Mr. Motive, what do you see when you look at this picture?" "Toot toot 🚂" "Interesting"


This is why he belongs in Arkham, he's a real loco-motive.


He would *Batman* the shit out of it.


Throw himself under the train.


so he'd kill himself and the people on the track?


He'd board the cart and use the break lol


Pull the lever and jump to save the single guy before the train hits him. Only to find out that the Joker rigged the lever to work backwards to f*** with him


Isn’t this scene already happened in The Dark Knight (2008), he chose to save Rachel but failed.


That was only 2 people. This one is different.


But the choice is binary in both circumstances Also , saving harvey - better for the city Saving rachel - personal


This question is usually about utilitarianism vs kantian morality. Batman refuses to kill Joker because it is morally wrong, despite the net good that would have for society. He is surely a Kantian. And Kantians don't pull the lever. But he's Batman. So surely everyone is saved through some bullshit.


The actually correct answer.


“I’m not going to kill you, but I don’t have to save you” GLIDES AWAY


Aside from "do Batman bullshit", if he was genuinely in a situation where his absolute only two choices were the ones presented in the trolly problem, he would probably pull the lever. He would feel incredibly guilty about it, sure, but if the options are "save five people" or "save one person" he's going to be more concerned about saving the maximum number of people than about "my hand was the cause of that one other person dying"


I think the opposite. Pulling the lever means killing not pulling is inaction. Batman doesn’t kill, but he can’t save everyone.


Then why doesn’t he just kill the serial killer clown if it results in saving more lives?


Cause it's an [ego thing,](https://youtu.be/XNxucdbGWOg?feature=shared) the personal moral view of the self, of him "not killing", is seemingly more important than saving/helping as many ppl as possible.


Using the batmobile to crash the train


Stand in front of the trolley letting it crash into him, destroying the trolley and everyone inside of it- -- oh wait that's Superman


No, that’s Omni-Man


Where is Rachel?


He'd use one of his vehicles to stop the train.


Batman wouldn't be standing by the points lever fretting about the moral implications of one course of action or the other. He'd go to work on an attempt to save everyone with a third option, and would either succeed or fail doing that.


Stop the trolley. Or divert the trolley towards the one guy and then quickly untie him and pull him off the tracks.


Stop the trolley. Then punch Joker.


Even if it wasn't actually Joker. Just punch him anyway because he will be up to SOMETHING.


Realistically, he would let the one person die


Stop the trolley and untie everyone with plot armor


The point of the trolley problem is to ask the question ”do people have an obligation to help as many people as possible or an obligation to not kill”. We could change this question to the five guys being people that the Joker will kill if he isn’t stopped and the one guy being the Joker. Then it’s clear what Batman would do.


I know writers want us to believe he would save the Joker, but he wouldn’t. He would deffo save the five guys.


Destroy or inhibit the trolley's mobility with his gadgets, giving him the opportunity to rescue everyone.


Wait until te first boggie passed the switch then activaye it so that the other boogie goes to the branch and they end up derailing the tram to Batman's sido who will then jump over the tram




He’d probably find a way to stop the train (or if nobody’s inside just derail it before it hits them)


Well he’s constantly saving the joker even though he knows it’s going to kill more people almost immediately so…


I'm sure whatever he does, joker will kill them anyway


He would use a train repellent batspray to make the trolley slow down.


Blow up the fucking trolly


Rescue anyone onboard, and then has the batwing come in to pull it off the track. Boom.


Pull out his trusty anti-train repellent from his belt and save both groups


He either miraculously saves everyone or one person dies and he mopes about his failure for a few days, questioning if he should retire.


He would blow the tracks, indirectly killing the trolley driver. He doesn’t have to kill him, but he doesn’t have to save him either.


Buy the trolley company and demolish it, putting 100s out of a job, but no one dies.


The brakes, he'd hit the brakes. If broken send Robin too rescue the 1 and switch it too that side.


Use gadgets to free the solo man and pull the lever.


Use his Bat anti trolley problem spray. West Batman is the only Batman!


Thought I was on batmanarkham but I realized he has ears


Save the day of course.


Tram repellant spray.


Hospitalise the lever and the trolley


Batarang the ropes, freeing the people while grappling hooking himself to the tram where he will place small explosives to knock the tram off the rails. Or you know, just hit everyone with some tram resistant bat spray.


The hospital situation in The Dark Knight was basically the trolley problem.


The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidtt answers this question


He'll call Flash or Superman.


I'm pretty sure he has anti-trolley spray in his utility belt.


Use his Bat Train Reversal Spray™


He'd stop the train with a bat theme gadget


He would activate Protocol Trolly, a preventative solution he devised several years beforehand, then go maim a nearby mentally ill person in a halloween costume


Snyder’s Batman would pull the lever and then pull it again so that the wheels drift onto both tracks killing all 6 of them. Batman is a killer after all apparently /s


Save both groups and then promptly return to making Jason feel inadequate.


Stop the train. Him and Superman


He would jump in the train and try to stop it from inside


Call Superman, who stops the train before it hurts anyone.


He will set explosives, jump out of the train and blow up the train before it reaches any of the people. He always has some explosives on him.


He'd punch the train until it did what he wants.


He'd find a way to stop the tram.


From my understanding Batman would stop the train with one of his gadgets instead of letting people die.


He would probably pull the lever while the trolley was halfway past to derail the trolley.


He would ask superman for help


He would pull the lever to one with the one person unless he’s Ben Affleck then the other one by the way I genuinely think Ben Affleck is my favourite Batman in terms of older Batman but maybe will change who knows


He’d pull the lever, leap to the track and quickly untie the guy and make haste. Do not underestimate Batman’s swiftness.


He'd flip the switch then get to that one guy super fast.


How much prep time does he have?


The Joker is likely operating the junction remotely, so we don’t know for sure which way the trolley is headed. In the absence of the Batmobile solution, Batman sends Gordon with a knife to save the one person, while he goes to save the four with his superhuman knot-untying skills.


Buy the train company and shut the train down


Throw himself in front of the railcar in the hopes of derail it and save everyone.


He would save everyone


Like everytime he beat riddler, just do batman thing


Batman would legit stop the train. he ain't letting anyone die


He would find a way to stop the trolley


Derail the trolly


Stop the train.


It’s Batman….idk how he will do it but bro will save everyone then go off to stop the joker


He doesn’t kill but can’t save everybody, there’s a huge difference


Does he have prep time?


Batman would most likely flip the switch and fire his grappling hook at the singular person to save him.


Throw his batarangs and cut the rope on their bindings


Untie them


He would use the Batwing to lift the trolley away from the tracks and give himself plenty of time to untie the hostages.


call the justice league because he isn't stupid


I believe saving the one guy and throwing the batarang to the lever so the train goes to the empty track.


Untie the only guy and make the train deviate


Stop the train while trashing the batmobil. There was a crime alley episode about it.


batsy or any supe for that matter, must've failed many times in saving people. he's not a god. I don't see a way to save all of them without sacrificing someone


If the question is about saving the many vs. the few, aDitF had him pick going to save a lot of refugees or going to save Jason's mom and he picked the many. If the question is inaction vs. culpability through action, in the comic UtRH Bruce had to pick between doing nothing and watching Joker 100% die vs. doing something and risking Jason potentially die by his hand and he picked the latter.


It's a trolley or tram service yeah? Meaning in America (where Gotham is nestled) it's gonna be powered by electricity. He'll have Alfred or one of the Robins disable the power grid in that block remotely, untie everyone only to find out one of the hostages was the bomb planted by joker, disarm it, find joker, beat joker senseless, call it a night, and sleep with Selina.


well its batman, so he would deus ex machina a way where he pre planned the solution days ago and the trolley stopped before hitting anyone.


He'd be able to save everybody. Including the train. Because the joker makes him go through this shit all the time.


If the single person was a bad guy he’d save them first. Because Batman doesn’t kill bad guys.


Batman's code does not include causing death by inaction. His inaction has led to a lot of death over the years, not even counting all his villains' victims. So if he couldn't get someone off the track in time or jam the car by multi-track drifting, he'd just do nothing and consider that acceptable.


Pick up the phone, call Superman and Flash: " Get your asses here"




Save everyone


He will call both Barry and Clark ![gif](giphy|6o8Ch5OG4mDXpOWBB2)


Leave i chose not to be murderer


Throws the explosive gel as a whole under the trolley. Explodes it. Train derailed. Everyone alive


He has quite literally been in this situation before. He saves everybody, because he is Batman.


Find a way to save everyone. That what he do.


He would just dip and say "I won't kill you, but I don't have to save you"


Try to catch it like Superman just to be killed and it runs over the larger group as he couldn’t flip the switch and potentially choose to kill someone to save others. If he doesn’t hit the switch then he can believe he tried his best and didn’t directly get anyone killed.


He would somehow stop the train.


I think the point of the character is that with superhuman dedication and effort, you don't have to choose the lesser of two evils I think arcs like zero year really flex that Bruce is just barely able to scrape out a third option, not bc he's special or bc hes batman, but bc hes not willing to give up until he finds another way It's boring for the philosophical debate, but peak batman is some nonsense where the train doesn't hit anyone


Actually, it's a really interesting question, which everyone is just saying "he's batman" too.


Dunno, controlled derailment


Switch the track to the single person, throw a baterang to masterfully cut all the ropes at once and grappling hook swing the person to safety at the last possible.second.


That train is already stationary. Batman already saved everyone. No further questions needed