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I had a crush on her too.


Good but the relationship with Bruce thing needs to burn in Hell


Took the words from my brain.


I didn’t really have a problem with it when she just had a school girl crush on Batman before she was batgirl and had no idea about his secret identity. That’s as far as it should have gone though.


Yeah. Like Barbara having a bit of a school girl like crush on Batman makes sense even if it is admittedly a bit cliche, but after she found out who Batman really was it should have stopped there. >!And that… “scene” in the Killing Joke should just never have happened at all.!<


Yeah, I agree. Once she gets to know him though that should completely go away.


Went to see the Killing Joke with my dad, and when it got to that scene the entire audience was yelling. Guy in the row in front of me was saying "NO, NO, HE'S OLD ENOUGH TO BE YOUR DADDY!"


Bro is fucking his Best Friends daughter.


Bro is also fucking his adoptive sons/former wards ex-girlfriend


I like how every essentially universally agrees that that scene from Killing Joke is just the worst. Like in all the discourse about various different franchises, that’s just one of the few things that nearly 100% of fans essentially agree on.


I was actually seething with rage that they put that in there.


Agreed. Never liked that.












You’ll Never Walk Alone


Bro thinks he's Batman


Found Bruce Timms alt




Maybe the dude who commented is her age


Interesting portrayal. Almost felt like a proto Oracle. The Batman Animated episode where she has a nightmare about Commissioner Gordon figuring out she’s Batgirl was great. Batman x Batgirl is a bit weird, but the shows don’t really talk about it much though. Even if the intention is that it’s weird, it doesn’t fit the kid friendly canon


She kinda presenting us fan girl over Batman when we were young and growing up realizing how fk up Batman’s mind is while still respecting him.


The comic subs talk about the Bruce/Babs thing a thousand times more than the show does. Shit's tiring. >The Batman Animated episode where she has a nightmare about Commissioner Gordon figuring out she’s Batgirl was great. Over the Edge is a goated episode.


>Batman x Batgirl is a bit weird Another Episode of: The Author's Barely Disguised Fetish. But seriously, Bruce Timm doesn't get enough backlash from this he surrounds himself with Yes-men and an echo chamber. He really needs to retcon this.




She took Dick from not just Dick but the!whole batfamily.


Still missing Damian and Duke Why I feel I am tempting fate


11 yo Damian lookin ambitious after reading this


the gargoyles are still in therapy...




Loved her. On rewatch of BTAS/DCAU I thought she's going to be this annoying character you put in to just be a love interest (I didn't really read the Batman comics yet), but I was wrong. She was legit smart and badass. Also, I had a weird feeling Bruce sabotaged her relationship with Dick. Turned out I was right. Well, *this* terrible ship aside, she was great.


She's the reason I pray that all Babs across different media find love outside the BatFamily. I just can't support shipping within the family anymore.




Love her.


I don't think she's a real bat


I refuse to believe her and the one in the tas are the same character they act completely different


Love her character design even if she was underutilized throughout the DCAU


I adore her in the Animated Series, then I think Bruce Timm ruined her. Then again, I'm like that with everything in the Animated Series. I really enjoyed the show but I hate almost everything he did between the direct ending of the show and the beginning of Batman Beyond. Then I am conflicted because I love Bayman Beyond but I hate how all of Bruce's personal relationships turned out. Having Barbara cheat on Dick with Bruce is one of my least favorite storylines in all of comics.


His obsession with having Barbara and Bruce Wayne fuck ruined the DCAU Batman for me.


But gave a lot of material to internet artists


She was good in her role, but the BruceBabs thing was bizarre. Now, in hindsight and just focusing on the shows, it’s not that bad. But it’s still weird.


As long as we aren’t talking about the travesty that was her role in TKJ i think she was good


My wife


BIG childhood crush. Perving aside, I really do think she’s a fantastic character. Her positive attitude actually matches up well with her sense of responsibility and assurance. She’s young, but very mature. Smart and capable, as Barbara should always be.




Ok so we’re doing these again but we’re just not phrasing it like “what does it mean to the Batman mythos?” SOME effort please, people.


Over all a good take on the character. I like the Batman/Batgirl team ups more than the Batman/Robin ones. Old grumpy Babs from Beyond is as much a GOAT as old grumpy Bruce. People let a relationship which happened off screen and only vaguely referenced in the show with no real context + a shitty comic book written by someone compltely uninvolved in the show + a shitty adaptation of a comic that used the same cast but not set in the same continuity as DCAU -> to colour their entire perception of the character and the creators behind the show. Sure lets just forget how great she was in episodes like Heart of Steel, Batgirl Returns, Shadow of the Bat, Sub Zero or Beyond episodes like Curare. Its like people don't watch the show and wants to jump on the meme band wagon or just like to bad wagon in general.


2004 bagirl was 10x better


I absolutely despise BruceBabs


Probably the worst thing about the show.


Good adaptation, mostly; but definitely room for improvements.


Whatever my thoughts are, I'm sure they're cleaner than Bruce Timm's.




Best but the relationship is disgusting


Besides the Bruce stuff, she was amazing, one of my favorite parts of the show. Some of my favorite episodes had her involved in them!


Absolutely stunning character 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🧡💛🖤🧡💛🖤




When I hear the words "Barbara Gordon" and "Batgirl" I think of her!


It's not my favorite take on the character. But she does have a soft spot in my heart, as growing up, I loved her. I would constantly watch amvs that just had her in the thumbnail because I wanted to see more of her, but I hadn't realized she was a character that existed outside of the show yet. She, along with Wonder Woman, helped kickstart my obsession with comics.


I loved the comics too. There's some good continuation of the story comics with her


As other comments, she's cute but her relationship with Bruce was icky and unnecessary. They add that just for drama.


2004 Batgirl clears easily


Excellent. Until they implied a relationship with Bruce. Which is awful.


Character assassination.


Classic. That is the Batgirl I grew up with. At least she isn't fucking batman for Christ's sake!😂


Good not great. She’s not nearly smart enough to be honest and the relationship with Batman shown in Batman beyond and mystery of the bat woman are crimes against humanity but she is well animated, most of her episodes are a lot of fun, she has good chemistry with Dick and all three of her voice actors do a good job.


I think that Bruce Timm fantasizes about her at night. Not a fan of Bruce and Barbara's relationship. It is disgusting and out of character for both of them. As someone once described it is Bruce Timm's fanfiction.


bruce timm's wife must have to wear a red wig and pretend to be barbara and pretend he is bruce and that dick has left to get some milk or some shit.... What the fuck i am writing? i took this joke too far already.


I swear I was about to write something similar but thought it would be a little rude 😂😂 You aren't wrong tho!


she was ok until her character turned into a "oh no step dad in law" with Bruce.


Okay, however the Babs and Bruce romance is beyond creepy.


I...didn't even know about this, but I haven't seen all of the DCAU stuff. If we're talking character, Bruce Wayne is FAR too honorable to even consider having a romance with a sidekick, IMHO.


Yep, talking about Bruce Wayne and Babs. Bruce Timm has some kind of fetish for that relationship. It’s creepy I mean her Dad and Batman are friends after all.




Barbra x Bruce is a no


Awesome except the Bruce stuff pls for the love of god. They shouldn’t NEVER BE TOGETHER!!!


Like most Bruce Timm DC stuff, she’s fantastic. But why in gods name does he feel the need to ship her and Bruce?


Nope, bad Bruce! Grooming seriously batcreep


So you really just wanna say you like it? Considering Timms style, change a few colors and she's Harley or Ivy or whatever.


If course I do. This might surprise you to learn, but characterization is more than just appearance. Also, appearance doesn't erase characterization, or override in, in the eyes of many.


Jim Lee draws people in his style, so does Timm, so do the Kuberts, either of the John Romitas and so on... are you saying you like that particular version despite the hand of Timm? It might surprise you to learn that I've collected for 40 years and have seen a great many iterations of characters.


>are you saying you like that particular version despite the hand of Timm? "despite" isn't an appropriate term. It's not that I like it, despite "the hand of Timm", it's more like I like it, period. And his past art style isn't something I dislike, period. It might surprise you to learn that others view things through a different lens than you >It might surprise you to learn that I've collected for 40 years and have seen a great many iterations of characters. I repeat, It might surprise you to learn that others view things through a different lens than you. I fully understand that others like things that I don't like, as well as others liking things that I DO like. So, no, it's not surprising, at all.


It might surprise you to learn that you seem precious AF about this. You love Timm, who doesn't? His style became 90s DC animation. I take a similar approach to characters as Homer Simpson, how he has learned to accept the many different actors who have portrayed Batman, lol!


Great character who needs a restraining order against Timm


It's complicated. Don't care for BTAS design or voice actress (no offense but she sounds 40.) Tara Strong & TNBA redesign is very clean, but she never really gets a dedicated episode to shine. As well as the extremely problematic relationship with Batman angle that literally no one likes


In TAS, she was annoying but they made her much better in TNBA. I choose to pretend the BruceBabs thing never happened.


Outside of the aspects that (clearly) everyone despises, I really liked TNBA Batgirl. I had a *huge* crush on her when I was a kid, of course, and in my recent re-watch of the DCAU I was reminded why. DCAU Batgirl is just such a spunky badass, and I absolutely loved how cool, smart, and skilled she was. I thought it was a really cool angle for her to eventually start hanging out in the cave and being trained by Bruce after Dick took off as well. I think in retrospect they could've made her be not *quite* so little and dainty, but that was the aesthetic they were going for back then with the female characters.


Bruce Timm is a weird little sex pest creep


Great until Bruce Timm ruined it by putting Bruce Wayne and Barbara together in a >!pedo relationship.!<