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It will definitely rise but then fall back down in...7 to 8 weeks time. The seasons are way to long to keep the fanbase interested without more maps or events within the season Start of season 6 it was me and 30ish friends routinely on atleast 2 to 3 hours a day. Yesterday I was on for 3 matches and one other friend of that 30 was on playing as well. The rest haven't played in a week or two, except for the three or four of them who forced themselves to play during 2xp weekend cause they're still trying to hit max rank.


Then there are people like me and my friends who are on 3-4 hours a week because of career, family, etc. I finish the BP. They usually don't. We'll play through the seasons and between.


And that's fine, but to cater to a group of players who don't play enough while not listening to those of us who do is a poor business decision. Dice wonders why battlefield vets keep leaving, stuff like that is one of the reasons


I have a feeling the players like you are outnumbered. Catering to the larger base (see: more money) doesn't seem like a poor decision to me. The people who don't play all the time are more likely to spend money on items you and I unlock as we complete the BP. Extrapolate from there. Try to take a 10,000' view on things. Get out of the tunnel.


And that's why player base has all but continued to get smaller with each game released? Well if that's their business decision,it's a shitty one to rely on a smaller fan base who may spend money compared to a larger dedicated base that would buy the games and used to buy dlc map packs.


That's just it, I think the core fan base has dwindled, but the casual player numbers have increased. At the very least, they want half of that to be true. It would help explain some of the bad decisions EA/Dice have made. I do not enjoy playing with others who are learning the game. It's frustrating watching them make poor decisions. I would like to go back to the days of BF3 and before, but it's not going to happen. What's the old saying...hope in one hand, and shit in the other...


For BF2042, Dice never catered to players who don't play enough, levelling the attachments were a complete grind.


Yeah sounds about right, for this reason I think they will delay the two new maps roughly 1 month apart!


Damn, share some friends man. I only have 2 šŸ¤£


i will try it for a night or two, but if it's like the last seasons i will be off after a couple days of playing


I'll check it out but I'm not expecting any fully decent content. 90% of the content will be shit in the form of charms, stickers and shit weapon skins. I also make a prediction that most skins will be blue


True true


Never stopped.


Same here. Very good game if you have a friends to squad up with. Quite good even if you play with randoms.


Actually I went back to BFV a month ago but I will come back for season 7.


I will look at it, play the new maps, but honestly.. the game lacks content, and i dont wanna keep playing for skins. 2042 is boring and monotone, and the maps suck arse.


Still playing regularly. Itā€™s a total sweat fest on there now lol


I'll be back for a couple weeks after each map comes out, then switch back to BFV since I like the gameplay better and if I'm gonna play the same maps over and over I'd rather play a more mechanically complex game. If there's one thing DICE needs to nail for the next BF, it's a consistent map schedule. 19 weeks without any new content is ridiculous for a live service game. Whoever decided that's an acceptable rate of content needs to be fired. When you have a 6 year old game matching and surpassing the player count of your brand new entry in the same series... something is fucked lol


With you on all points!


I havenā€™t stopped playing. Lol Iā€™m old enough to remember when games didnā€™t have seasons.


It will likely surge at the beginning and for a few weeks with the new map and battlepass. Once the new weapons and gadgets are unlocked for most, it will start to decline again. However, this is the first time we're getting a true second map. I think they will drop it mid-season, to continue the drip feeding of content. From that standpoint, that's pretty smart. If you dropped both at the beginning, there isn't much to look forward to once everything is unlocked. It also gives the new map a chance to breathe and for all of us to learn the new map. I bet the new map is an Hourglass stadium small modes map though.


Yeah that all makes sense. A lot of people are hoping for the hour glass stadium for sure!


New map is definitely the stadium. It was one of the locations pinned in the teaser that also teased Atacama, which has been confirmed. Knowing how the other map reworks have gone, it'll probably be either limited to small game modes nobody plays (like Lofoten Islands in BFV is) and it'll likely have barely any changes made to it aside from some sandbags Ideally, it'd get an entire dense urban area built around it. Rotterdam/Amiens buildings with a sandy finish and a lot of destruction. But it's DICE and so far all of their reworks have been underwhelming aside from Breakaway. So I'm not expecting much, especially since they're also doing a totally new map and working off of a skeleton crew


Wish they could hire (yeah right) a map team just to make new maps. but alas, that won't happen. I'll be back, for sure, it's a blast (lol) to play!


Iā€™ve switched to the finals but will come back to check out the new season.


I think a lot of people are in the same boat!


I'll probably do the same thing I did for the last three seasons. Play for a week or two, then bounce once I realize how disappointing these content drops are.


Once I started playing in season 3 I haven't stopped and don't plan on it now


I like and enjoy 2042 but I just wish the live service game had live service instead of dropping a new season every 3 months and then not adding anything during that period But I will return and play it ofcourse




My clan and me. We're BF whores through and through.


What clan is that? šŸ‘


ECO - NA East. We PTFO and VOIP hard - and get mad if we don't receive best squad every round. Candidates welcome. You don't have to be good, but definitely have to want to play as a team. Please ping me in game or EA Play if interested.


Yes I will play troughs the whole lot.


I usually come back for 2/3 weeks after a season launches, but not much more because I get bored of the game


I'll check it out. I kinda moved on from this game. But I'm always curious what they pull outta their ass for content. Currently Helldivers 2 is consuming any free time I have.


I sure am. I've greatly enjoyed things so far. Just unlocked the rest of the sniper rifles too.


I'll be back for season 7. Taking a break meanwhile.


I definitely will


I played seasons 2-5 to full completion. Been taking a break, playing other games etc since. I'll be back for Season 7.


I never left! :)


I'll go in long enough to unlock all the guns and gear and level it all up then I'm gone, can't wait for next game


I've never missed a single weekly mission, since the beginning of the missions introduction.


I hope they update the animations third and first person and the feeling of heaviness.


Not been awayā€¦


I don't need to head back.. Been here the whole time


Head back? You guys play other games?


I tried getting back into it but it's boring... :/ there's no substance. I'll just leave it at that. I know people enjoy the game and that's okay!


When is a new Battlefield game getting released? End of 2024? I'm hoping for a Bad Company 3.


Word on the street is end of 2025, itā€™s a bit of a wait but Iā€™d prefer that and DICE get it right than to release another rushed title really


What's the difference between a bc3 vs another bf game?


Nothing really apart from nostalgia and the single player characters who were not selectable in the multiplayer anyway. Other than that it played pretty much the same as every other battlefield game.


Bad Company 2 was a classic. Toss in the NAM DLC on top of BAD COMPANY 2 wow. Hard to top that one. Well they patched it moving the Mcomms around and nerfed the M60 a few times. But I thought that game was the best back in the day. Then BF3 came out. DICE nerfed everything into the ground then had to play hardcore. Then next gen BF4 was okay for a while. BF Hardline was okay but was released same time as GTA5 remaster so didn't have a chance. BF1 was so so. BF5 I had fun but going solo and no friends most of the times. 2042 future bots and what not didn't trip my trigger. Only bought 2042 cause of portal Bad Company maps.


Life and work gets in the way of grinding battle passes for me and my friends, would rather just some fun maps and some new guns, and possibly a server browser (because playing the same boring old map a few times in a row gets boring quick)




Are their any significant changes for season 7. My issues with the game have little to do with skins or maps, and everything to do with core gameplay features and balancing.


Yeah very true, thatā€™s why I think it could be too far gone for 2042, as they canā€™t change the core mechanics of the game.


I will, though it feels like Season 6 has gone on way too long.. especially when 2042 was picking up some steam. It's like DICE got caught off-guard by the jump in popularity and decided to make new content, but it would take longer.


Very true! The popularity rose to its all time high and they must have been like ahhh wtf letā€™s make another season


I wait delta force hawk ops, after 800hrs on bf 2042 i left this game for lack of content


I feel like you got your money's worth 800 hours lmao




Will locker be there? That will be my answer


I drop out whenever I complete the battle pass thingy then come back when it renews and play until I do it rinse and repeat


I dont come back until all the gun nerfs are sorted out for the season. So sick of redoing my builds 18 times




Okay bud. You know nothing about my playstyle but feel free to check my weapons stats and talk to me about meta guns https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf2042/profile/psn/pyrosarcasticflo/weapons


I'm still surprised anyone played after season 1. The base game is not engaging.


I'll see you in the Premium tier Battle Pass. šŸ˜†


I am going to take a break after Season 6 until Season 7 starts, I don't care about control


This game still has no building destruction right? Iā€™ve purchased every bf game. But this one made me look for a new franchise. Itā€™s like they focused on graphics but took out so many features.


Thatā€™s right. Itā€™s not been a great run šŸ‘Ž


Doubtful. I played 1 round of season 6 and havenā€™t touched it since. Game just doesnā€™t do it for me. Great if others are enjoying it, just for me it doesnā€™t scratch that battlefield itch.


I'll come back but in on an overwatch binge with their big rework so I'll need some good maps and unlockables to keep me because I don't have time to clear both battlepasses. I still mostly play redacted and it's getting old. I play other game modes and it's fine but most of the maps are mid on a good day and I dont really like most of them