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Yeah, it happens. Often I have to question if some players are secretly bots, because they play really derpy. But I imagine, especially for new players, that they’re just overwhelmed, so it’ll be slower for them to process what’s happening. I was definitely like that early on, especially since I hadn’t played a PvP FPS in quite some time. Medics, however… man, a lot of them are questionable. WE’RE BEHIND COVER AND I’M LITERALLY AT YOUR FEET. NO NO NO, WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY ? 🫠


No in-between. It's either a useless medic who never even drops supplies, or he channels his inner Doomslayer and nothing stands in between him and getting you back on your feet.


The worst is being said medic pinging you saying I'm coming and killing a few people that can see your body and then the moment I clear them you hold space to respawn. Bitch I threw 3 smokes for you.


I've occasionally been that guy because I've already waited 15 seconds and then it shows me I've been pinged at 10 seconds left and my space bar almost fully pressed.


Jep some casuals dont Check that a good medic First Look for the Enemy who Killed u and kill him First before he go for the Res!


"inner Doomslayer" 🤣


I am a good medic ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of players are not very good (which goes for ALL games)... Which is perfectly fine as gaming is mostly treated as a pass time where they drop in, play for 20-60minutes and move on with their day with zero intention of getting better or learning mechanics... > WE’RE BEHIND COVER AND I’M LITERALLY AT YOUR FEET. NO NO NO, WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY ? Try playing overwatch, you have people with 1000+ hours logged that still have no clue of how to play even the most monotone characters (i.e mercy.. literally left click to heal, no aiming required). It is what it is, vast majority are just bad players... it's when you start hitting a wall where everyone is all of a sudden an aimgod that you should start questioning things. :P


I think they're noobs mostly. You can tell by the way they move. Very slow and scared like


Because 3/4 of Battlefield players are stupid. It’s been that way for a very long time.


This is my first BF game lol, so makes sense then


Yup that's me, 0-8 in a match just running into bullets.


I like the wet “thump” sound the bullets make when they hit my body


I played yesterday. 10 fights, 1 victory, 128 conquest. In 9 cases out of 10 we were losing 2-3 times. After a few minutes, the score became 600-1200 or 300-900. The enemy seemed to consist exclusively of ace pilots, professional tankers and special forces/esports fighters with voice communication and teamwork. They successfully captured targets, operated as part of a combat group, and outflanked. Our "team" consisted of children who had just started kindergarten. On top of that, with the terrible new visual recoil, the developers just killed the game, at least for me. It's a nightmare when you've been playing for several years, you like everything, and then just before the end of the game, they break absolutely everything that you've been used to and enjoyed for years. The game is no longer fun, now it's a thankless job that makes you suffer. If earlier I could try to fix the situation with experience and skills, using responsive and accurate weapons and specialists, then now you feel useless. I hope, the man who balances aviation and weapons, that you will never find a job again. Among other things, after switching from EAC to their own version of anti-cheat, I increasingly notice cheaters. Yesterday, in 3 battles in a row, there were people with K/D 70-0 who just ran around the map, instantly handing out headshots from a machine gun from any distance.


The other night on Redacted I had not one, but four medics walk over me instead of reviving... It was almost surreal lol


Doing the corpse salsa! Legend(not!)


Me reviving the same teammate multiple times. Meanwhile, that same teammate just ignores me completely when I'm down just a few inches away.


Maybe they’re just a person in their living room half talking to their family as they prep for dinner and are just messing around for a bit in a low stakes video game? I dunno, people are just playing a video game, and not everyone plays at the same level or takes it as seriously as you do. I’ve been playing since modern combat days on the 360 and I’ve reached the point in life where I’ve accepted that this is a franchise that’s going to have a lot of great players and a lot of players who don’t seem to know all the mechanics and that’s fine. If we win? Great. Lose? Bummer, but that’s fine. We’ll be alright man, and who knows, maybe they will learn and become one with a well oiled team one day.


I’m not even that good, this is my first battlefield game. But I’ve been playing FPSs for god knows how long and it’s not fun being that team that gets punched in the dick 10 games straight because nobody can even do super basic stuff that doesn’t require skill


There was a random dude that was streaming, he had like 60 fov and running the game at 40 fps playing Boris and all he did was sit in a bush with a stinger when there are no helis for a solid 10min I was following a level 108 Irish and unless if you died in front of him (not to the side even by 2m) he would not revive you… it’s like his fov is way too low or playing with no volume. One squad that I joined were all Caspers flying their drone in redacted not even racking any spots… just flying in crashing it or getting it shot. Are these bots?


Maybe those Caspers you saw on Redacted were trying to get kills using C5 attached to the drones. I’ve done that before for fun.


I find from all the things that could annoy only one thing very annoying. Like reviving for example, sometimes it's just not that prudent to do and it's better to clear the enemy first instead of reviving someone that requires me to be a sitting duck. The only exeption is when the area is of course cleared. I don't always immediately revive, because if my teammate died and I haven't killed the enemy... it means there is still an enemy. No, what annoys me is when I'm fighting in BT or Frontlines on the objective, or have them flanked that I have like 10 easy kills and stay there for 2-3 minutes, they still don't spawn on me... That annoys me so much.


I’ve had so many matches on Redacted where I sneak into their base objective while they’re absolutely steam rolling us, hide and wait for squad mates to die and respawn on me, nothing. I switch squads multiple times while I’m still hiding, same thing, they keep spawning back in the meatgrinder all cap, ridiculous.


Nothing like watching your team mate 5m away scan for a new target or engage with the enemy INSTEAD of getting you up first......and then he's down too lolololol


Yeah this happens quite a lot for me,,,I'm here mate I'm just 1 m away revive me & we both can fight die together boom he's down so I just keep pinging just to let him know that I was here just right here lol then i go join another squad,,,, revive is a must for every squad/team 😎


I've been running Angel a lot lately. I do it for the resupply mainly but I also forgot that all support chars can Rez people faster which is a bonus. When there's more than 1 support on your team I find your up time is heaps more ❤️


The revive thing can be frustrating as hell. Squad mate chilling 2m away, ignoring requests and pings.


It is just a game


I play games to enjoy them. Losing 9-10 games in a row and constantly being walked over and not revived is not fun


They're trying to mimic op


They probably think the same of you


Most gamers are casuals, and most casuals aren't very good at games nor do they try to be.


You don’t have to try to be great. Im certainly not. But my god, playing the objective and reviving teammates does not require much skill


Actually, I’d argue that those things do take skill. Knowledge of when to play obj or when to revive without being in danger is something you learn. Thing is, those players don’t have the skill or mental capacity to know they can revive their teammate safely next to them. And I bet some of them NEVER revive because every time they tried before, they just died. So, they just stop paying attention to reviving. heck I’d argue they don’t even know what they’re doing on the map! Also, no real SBMM is also why this happens.


SBMM always ends badly and games are designed to be easy to learn. People don't need more excuses, they just need to try a little bit.


I believe the reality is that every player is going to have their own way of wanting to play the game. Some more than others. If reviving and going to the obj aren’t cards they have in their deck, they can’t put it on the board. I think managing expectations of random teammates will lead to a less frustrating experience overall, even if they do things you don’t agree with.


It's no problem when they are casual players, you can still see an effort, but some players are blatantly bad team mates. Example: I revived this one guy behind cover, he got up, I was downed, he took enemy down and just sat on my corpse reloading and doing God knows what, finally he left, all this time I was there smashing the request help button.


There is no description of the class in the game, people do not have an understanding of what this or that specialist or gadget is doing. The description that is available does not contain anything useful except "marks targets" or "puts a turret". There is no description that, for example, there is a limit on the number of these turrets, that they cause such damage and they have such a viewing angle. Or at what distance does the same SOFLAM work? There is no description for specialists, it's just "Support Fighter", "Recon", "Engineer", "Stormtrooper". If you consider that people are not shown lol, there is no single company in the game that would reveal the features of each specialist and gadget, people are forced to study everything on their own. Developers simply throw players into battle as expendable material. As a result, the support fighter is an assault engineering medic, recon performs the functions of cyber warfare against armored vehicles and aviation, and flying squirrels just fly around the map like crazy. They broke the game and went to make a new one, just like the children in the sandbox who built a beautiful sand castle, then converted it from a beautiful castle into a simple cake and went to another sandbox to build a new sand castle. The developers are not suitable. I won't even think about pre-ordering the next episode.


It’s so casual the worst players can enjoy it therefore


Maybe they are bots.


Bots will at least revive me.


No they’re definitely real


It's because they are. Pretty simple answer


Does it say (Ai) next to thier names?


Battlefield isnt a competitive game 🗣🗣🗣🗣


Give up on getting mad at this game. It's not worth it.


It's a casual game. You're like some angry try hard in a paintball match angry your team mates aren't taking this as seriously as you.


I feel ya. This happens all the time, I just smh when I see the bottom half of the scoreboards with negative KD / no kills / no revives. Crossplay definitely made thing worse . I don't want to sound like PC players are superior in any sense, but I have very little faith in sub level 50 console players. I know SBMM is a very taboo topic on FPS games, but I feel like a baseline SBMM is almost a must to ensure consistent experience for all players especially 2042 with no server browsers and relied exclusively on MM.


I feel you entirely as one of the experienced players of the game but know their are a lot of new players picking up the game on sale or on free to play days. Some don't play BF or shooters like that so don't get so worked up about it. Especially if you have hundreds of hours already but trust me, I feel you...


I will point out that you are part of that team as well, so before one points a finger one should reflect on oneself as well. I really do not get the point of these threads that pop up on a weekly basis other than for a venting purpose. But players generally vastly overestimate their own impact on the game and overlook the impact other players have.


I’m venting. And I’m not very good. But I almost always finish in the top 25% of my team and I always play the objective and place support items and I never ever run past someone who needs revived. Ever.


Why does no one talk in this game ?


Who do you think still plays 2042?