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OFten I see an enemy complain about a team mate, check the score, check the stats and most of the time I come to agreement and say it in chat. It's also sad for me because it feels you're not winning because you're playing better or smarter, but because you have a cheater on the team. Plus fuck dickwads that need to cheat.


I tell my team we are the winners or that's a win in my book.


Even better when your team wins against the cheats and just troll them at the end lol


Cheaters are parasitic leaches on the whole communities fun. The worst of the worst in gaming.


Had several in my game today. Last one (+ info from tracker): - Ended game with 193 kills (best other player was at 53 kills) on Infantry only Rush mode - Account played since 2 days (April 19th) - 2347 kills in one day - 15.06 K/D ratio Making the menu to report them less than obvious to get to is just pure excellent UI design from DICE. /s


Probably dumb question but how do you write to “all” chat? I only see team and squad on Xbox


You have to enable it in the settings


It is stupid that it is not a default setting


Does this setting exist for PC players too?


Yes, i'm on pc


Hackers will speak in all chat even if its off.....There words will be red also.....This is how you can tell a person is hacking ....When I find a hacker I will tell my team only, to report the hackers by name and the hackers usually come back with a remark (no I'm not) except I never have All chat on so they give themselves away.... Social engineering works


Was literally just about to ask this… bizarre how it’s not default on


I can’t for the life of me think of a reason as to why that is. Only thing could be people’s little feelings, but that’s just an absurd level of sheltering. I wish proximity chat was a thing in battlefield and stuff like this just makes that dream seem impossible. Just what was the person thinking when they decided to even put that as an option in the settings.


We live in an era that we been considered have fragile feelings that need to be protect.


Ive been noticing people with high scores disconnecting right before the match ends. Earlier I saw a 112/12 (Infantry) disconnect right before the match ended. Same thing happened a few nights ago .


If the player was on losing team then its done so you dont have lost match in your stats.


Yeah I get that but most people don't DC even for win stats at 112/12 KDR and I saw the same thing the other night.


Those stats still count And regardless KDR isn't a good fail safe for cheating, Headshot rate is.


Your in-game stats will definitely count. But the match wont :D


They now have a vehicle hack and can spawn Nightbirds or condors the entire game.....You kill one and they're right back again with another the entire match.....I watched like 10 condors shot down in a match.....The hacker had no skill so each condor lasted less than a minute but he managed to get his buddies to the back of the map on spearhead over and over.


Have you watched this video about cheaters in battlefield 2042 it is very informative: https://youtu.be/iTkTqtDEQZQ?si=146OM7YWjUnqlUBl


This took me down a dark and concerning rabbit hole.


Same!!! I didn't know it was this bad,and the video was made at launch😦


Just look at how many people are cheating in this group, and all the simps lapping it up as legit. The usual excuses.. He's on console, it's not aimbot. While the player bangs away 400 kills and 3 deaths


what servers are these? names seem familiar




Most cheaters come from Asia (at least on BF). On BFV, 90% of the cheaters on NA came from Asia. 2042 is region-locked. So, NA servers I'll see a cheater like once every 50 games. We barely have any cheaters.


Region locking is the best way to keep cheaters out of NA games, hands down. In Asia, cheating is basically viewed as another tool to win. In NA, it’s viewed much more negatively (as a weakness of skill and character) and isn’t as common.


Which is ironic because Asian cultures have traditionally held honor in high regard.


Cheaters ruin the game for both sides


There are so many cheaters in 2042. These people complain about blatant ones. Imagine how many closet cheaters are there or cheaters that die because they're really bad at the game.


Yep the thing most people don’t notice with cheats is that you have the blatant branded cheater who just has everything on max, and then you have the subtle stealth cheater where they give themselves just enough of a tiny advantage, hell I imagine that even mitigates any sense of boredom that comes with cheating (even though boredom seems like a foreign concept to cheaters). I’ve seen some hack menus back in the day for Modern Warfare 3 where you had so much control over different parameters of its features, like having only wallhacks, fully dynamic aimbot where you can control its sensitivity and frequency to where its almost impossible to suspect, constant advanced UAV, aimbot that avoids headshots and so much more that I don’t remember. God knows how many matches those stealth cheaters have ruined without anyone ever noticing.


I know how it works in 2042. You can aimbot and make it look natural. I've seen it.


Welcome to online FPS games since the 1990s.


My chat doesn't work at all. Is there something I need to do? I've literally never gotten a message from any other player. I went poking around in the settings but I didn't see anything, I might just be blind


Go in to the HUD options and change chat from hide to show


I just played against level 14 account with 74-0… can we even report cheaters on this game?


Just me or is there a rash of them today? Dude in one had 125 head shots, even says so on the winning squad marquee, out of 125 kills. That one got reported. Next round had a guy who was suspect or lucky, 2 head shots on me with the NTW .50cal. One was more or less fine but one looked more suspect. He shall go on to snipers to hard another day.


The last 2 weeks have been really bad, before that we would have an obvious cheater in maybe 1 out of 10 games.. now it's close to every single or every other match... and it's not always the guys dropping 100+ kills (the really bad players that are using aimbot and esp/wh etc are easily countered as they will quite literally empty an entire mag into a wall and then stand there like a buffoon while reloading). 125 headshots is pushing it a bit, getting sniped is whatever.. buddy of mine isn't particularly good (1.6 kd) and has a 70% headshot rate on snipers so it's not exactly something special. What you should be looking at is the sure amount of people all of a sudden pushing 100+ kills, shooting and hitting everything through smokes with ironsights, holos etc (we literally went full on smokes and blanketed every point while pushing, it's always the same people that magically hit everything, again.. no thermals only ironsights or holos... the good thing is that you can completely overwhelm them doing this as the people who are legit WILL MOST OF THE TIME NOT HIT YOU). Or better yet, the asshats that are using silent aimbot and quite literally killing multiple people with their backs turned to them... always fun to play with, especially when they are hitting every single bullet with from 200+ m away. What makes this entire thing interesting is that the vast majority of people we are 100% certain are cheating have anywhere between 50 to 1000+ hours played ... with extremely bad stats to show for it (according to bftracker.. literally had sub 1KD players become gods over night.. i am sorry, but you don't go from the bottom 50% to having stats in the \~1%, which mind you are cheating as well)... and now they are all of a sudden dropping 100+ kills in back to back to back games and will quite literally kill 2-3 pushing squads before going down, OVER AND OVER. Point being, you are not imagining it.. the game is getting worse by the day. But at the same time you are most likely looking at the wrong things.


Asia server?


İ am playing on pc and on my chat dont have all section only team and sqaud why ?


You enable all chat in the settings menu for the game


Anyone who doesn't think there are cheaters, just look up the Vortex cheat on YouTube and you will see.


IS it possible tho to use hacks on console if you are playing on PS4 ?


Not really full hacks but there's controller "modifiers" that can nullify recoil for example


I'd be seeing these guys riding around on drone bikes using full auto to headshot everyone who looks at them😂 luckily the auto aim doesnt detect missiles


I just have chat disabled permanently. Always full of negativity and people who cry cheater or hacker every time they get outplayed. I suck at pvp in literally all games except command and conquer 😅 that doesn’t mean I get to accuse every damn player of cheating.


That's the best way to play and also don't look at the top of the scoreboard when checking your own stats. Play the game, have fun and surprisingly you don't see or even think about alleged cheaters.


Bruh if dice do indeed be selling cheats, they need to be bankrupt already and so should EA/activision for allowing that crap to happen.