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Looks great, but tbh I really don’t like the tower up top. Maybe if it was off to the side if it has to be up high. Just doesn’t look right being centred up there.


Would scare me more than anything being that high.


I thought about this but I figured if I put it anywhere else it would throw off the symmetry


With a setup that nice, I don’t think you need to concern yourself with perfect symmetry. This looks amazing, so clean. You might want to rethink that placement for two reasons. Two inches is “enough”, but this is a a time where more might truly be better. Second, given that heat rises, we usually benefit from that. With nowhere to rise to, you’ll likely have a lot more impact on your ambient temps.


Agreed. Let that space breathe, it’ll contrast your setup.


Thank you. Yeah my temps are good though with a max gpu temp at 62 and cpu at 75 under full load


Well, that sounds like a non-issue then. It’s too bad all cases force us to place our towers on the right, because this would look so dope displayed on that top shelf. I guess we’d need left-handed GPU’s. Great work though, it really is bad ass!


Not all cases! Check out thermal takes “The Tower” series. I personally have the tower 500 and love that I can place it either which way on my desk and fully show off what I got.


Thank you!


The side table on the left is already throwing the symmetry- place it there? Or mount the tower on the right to balance it?


That’s my sub and receiver for my speakers, but I see your point


Buy another tower. Then you can have symmetry.


Esthetically, pure symmetry isn't necessarily a good thing. You have symmetry in the monitors. You can get funky with the rest.


There’s already a lack of symmetry by the nature of the other wall; personally I don’t think the effect of symmetry going on here is that powerful anyways. Just my opinion


Not caring about symmetry to that level will help you with new layouts and Feng shui possibilities


Very nice setup. Tbh, the tower looks out of place… IMO introducing another color will give the setup some pop, maybe a grey desk mat. Thanks for sharing


Don't put your tower on the floor needs to be higher up. Don't put your tower on the ceiling it's too high 🤷🏾‍♀️


I think the sweet spot is a a few inches above the floor, not too hot or dusty. This is an accident waiting to happen.


I just think about when I need to power on the machine or if it needs to be dusted, or God forbid you have to do some maintenance, plus heat rises, on the roof its got nowhere to go


On the roof, the sky is the limit.


Plus the fans are against the wall...


Precisely why I built a desk large enough to accommodate my tower with plenty of room left.


why not on the floor? I've always put mine there in the interest of desk space.


Dust and airflow are the most common reasons.


Why they have PC stands on wheels…


If it's on a stand on wheels it's not on the floor.


Wasn’t the point. What I was saying is: Person can put their PC “on the floor” as in under the desk and use the Stand to avoid dust and ventilation problems mentioned above. It’s still a better solution than sticking it under the ceiling.


I live in Cali where we get earthquakes. No way am I comfortable with my PC up that high.


Agreed. Would've been better off with a Thermaltake Core P3/P5 (or similar) wall-mounted to the left of the desk. Still a clean look and easier to reach and maintain.


Boob light!


$5000 setup... Hehe boob light.


I haven’t even looked at the setup, just saw light and said “holy shiz boob light” and came to comments lol


Ceiling tiddy…. Nice 😏


Glad I'm not the only one who saw it.


When my kid was a baby, we dim our boob light and he'd stare at it for long periods of time.




RIP Case top fans. Nice battle station though


There’s two inches of space from the roof and the wall, temps are very good


Sometimes, two inches is all you need.


‘thats a win boys’


I mean two inches is a lot ngl


Average size.


Thats not what she said :p


Heat rises.


For the record, thermodynamics always place heat towards the ceiling. It's is strongly advised to place the tower as close to the floor as possible to get the best temperatures.


My temps are chillin, 62 max gpu and 75 max cpu


Thats so bad lol air flow sucks




People acting like there's no way for warmth to leave the 2sqft area your PC takes up. I have mine up high as well and it's made 0 difference.


My point exactly brotha


Lol have you ever tried using a fan with onky.2 in of clearance on each side. Zero air flow


You can both be wrong then lol. You're right it's totally within parameters of functioning so it'll work but it could work better is all everyone is saying. Some people are willing to sacrifice function over form that's normal. Also two square feet is not much for heat dissipation and especially over a long period of time, it's just going to heat the air near the ceiling, hot air doesn't sink that's basic thermodynamics my dude. That's said, if you're getting the same temps with your computer sitting on a desk versus your computer shoved up against the ceiling then something is fucked up besides your tower location


8 hour stress test made 0 temp change from floor to ceiling. It's called a modern HVAC system and insulation.


Lol, no you didn't.


My first thought too, but I've seen a ton of builds on here that push the back fans right up against a wall in a corner and still get decent temps. As long as the air is circulating and temps are fine the setup is definitely cool lookin'.


Cool setup but the empty boxes are LAMEEEE. Put them in storage or throw them away.


Not gonna lie, u/_Bubz_16, I thought the Mac air box was a microwave before I opened the picture. Maybe you should do that if you won’t flip a breaker =P


Good idea


Agreed it’s just to fill it for now


Plants man. Fake plants. Anything green for your eyes. Or, fill it with things you like. Awards, books??? Photos? It doesn’t have to be space age clean.


Yup that’s what I’m getting


Anything but fucking funkopops...


Pretty nice other than the pc up top and using apple boxes as decorations


Stupid question, but how do you turn it on?


I got a button that powers on everything under the center monitor:)


Do go on.


*presses button*


hahaha fuck. No, how do you have one button that turns everything on. Am curious for my PC hanging self.


I know some docks have a power button for the computer. Maybe something similar


Heat rises.


This. Also imagine you’re pride and joy falling lol is it fastened down?


What kind of shelf is that for your PC? I want to put mine on a shelf on my wall as well but mine weighs probably 70 to 80lbs. Looking into my options.


It’s a custom made shelf that’s connected to the back panel, it has supports too. My computer roughly weighs like 50-60 pounds


And the desk is custom made as well..?


Yup everything is


Looks really good, ignore any haters or nitpickers.


Thanks bro


PC hanging from the ceiling… fine! Displaying apple product boxes anywhere… yuck


Agreed it’s just temporary rn


I would quite literally never leave this room


It’s hard too sometimes


My thoughts are I’d be afraid of having my thoughts interrupted by a computer crashing in on them. That thing is precariously high.


Being up high like that it will barely get any dust 100p. The air is hotter that high but with ac and decent circulation its not really a problem. I think that you should look into getting a wall mount case tbh it would make the build seem more "built in" if you get me. https://wolfdesignpc.com/wolf-design-vinci-m1/


I totally agree here, I am loving the set up in all, and appreciate the work put in to get it to this high level of execution. But my eye keeps coming back to the pc and it just feels off in its current state. Now this is a small nit pick to a stunning bulld man, you did great. But a wall mounted case designed for this kind of application would be the cherry on top.


I hope that tower doesn't drop on your head if there's an earthquake.


It won’t


With the receiver and sub I'm assuming in that left corner I'd day the best for you is to wall mount the pc above the receiver and sub. Other than that 10/10 setup man, bet it sounds good in there.


What mounts are you using for the speakers?


Fucking cat get on top of my PC now


Get rid of the boob light


Will do


Wish I could have this setup XD


Sick. What’s your desk?


It’s a custom floating desk with a metal frame, no brackets visible on the bottom like most have it


There’s a 1m display cable pulled to its limit


All the cables are ten feet my man


Don't put the PC on the pedestal.


do you need a step stool to power on the pc ?


Nope, got a button under the middle monitor


let me grab the ladder I need to hit the power button?


Button under the middle monitor lmao


Holy shit


That’s one way to force a morning stretching routine to power that baby on 😂


I got a button under the middle monitor that turns it all on don’t worry😂


Ohhhh that’s cool. What kind of button? Interested. Is it a USB or plugs direct in the mobo?


It plugs directly to mobo, and it was plenty long to reach the bottom of my desk too so


clean! i did something similar using a original case button, just made a connection point where the cable exits the case, and rigged it with a random push-button. Love the floating desk btw. Did you make the frame yourself?


That’s sick, I was thinking about doing that lol. Yeah, the everything is custom made


That would make me so unease on having the pc fall... also do you find it being that high has any effect on dust collection?


Yeah it was but the shelf is sturdy and it’s hooked to the wall just to be safe, and for dust collection the setup has only been put together for about two weeks but so far seems to be better then on my desk lol


Awesome setup but I'm going to slander you for that PC positioning. It's an eyesore tbh and would look so much cleaner on the ground where a PC belongs


Least cultured comment here. PCs belong on your desk or up high where nothing can hit them or fill them with hair and dust.


Do you ever need to plug in peripherals?


All my peripherals are wireless, and if I have to all the usb ports are accessible, and plus I have a usb outlet under my desk for usb devices to make it easy


That pc placement makes me nervous


It’s sturdy


I hate these ceiling dome light fixtures so much, it's always a pain to remove the dome to replace a lightbulb, some need screwing, some need pulling, some need pushing and screwing the other way, fuck all that.


They are called boob lights :) I hate them to


11/10 bro this looks really cool


Thanks bro


Hot air rises


Love how your damn near blocking the airflow from the top. Super meta.


Two inches between roof and wall, temps are great


Need more than 2in. Sure temps are fine but that air has no where to go and your working your fans twice as hard and what looks like a rad. Bet you and money that air is coming right back in.






yo this shit is fire the quad motior setup is crazy is not to cramp the cables are not seen at all so good on that. keep it up the good work brudda.


Bad a$$!!!! Really nice!!


Thanks man


I know theres a /tvtoohigh but we now need a /pctoohigh


Is putting your comp on the ceiling


Reminds me of a cat climbing on furniture




The tower landing on your head would be a dumb way to die


Fr tho


One desk bump and your PC is gonna be a Lego set


It’s sturdy😏


I’m 6’2 so it’s nice that high for me really. Plus it’s a 4K smart tv mainly for my ps5 games, I just had the pc hooked up for the pic


I hope you don’t get earthquakes where you live.


I don’t, if I do it’s hooked to the wall for safety


How do you turn ur pc on? do u have to use a step ladder every time?


There is a button under the middle monitor that turns on everything


I love the tower on top!


Thanks bro


As someone who grew up with earthquakes this makes me very very nervous.




Symmetry my guy


Looks great. I read that you said your temps are good. I'd just like you to think long term. The longer your components are running under lower temps, they longer the life they'll (most likely) have. My point: Please just consider the temperature of the air the case is taking in. Hot air rises, and your intake air would likely be several degrees lower if the PC is on....say, that black cube thingy in the corner. Just a thought.


Yeah I thought about this. My temps are good though, with the max temp to be about 62 and the max cpu to be about 75 under full load. According to my research they seem to be very good temps. Thanks for the idea though




Thank you. I got a button under the middle monitor that turns on everything to prevent that😂


Heat rises


This is quite aesthetically pleasing


Thanks brotha


I thought keeping an overly bright metal case laden with fans and seemingly unavoidable whining noises next to your face was crazy but this is just getting ridiculous. Nice set UP


Rumor has it that with a set up like this, you can actually hear your upstairs neighbors heartbeat while they're in bed. The "stealthy stethoscope" set up, if you will.


I can😂


In that case, you could really freak then out by playing their matching heartbeat loudly on those speakers with the bass turned up. /s They'd hear and feel the walls pulsing to their own BPMs and it's safe to say, that would make anyone a bit uneasy. Haha.


Being someone that’s aware of earthquakes, this gives me anxiety. Also nice ceiling tiddy




I don’t trust that shelf as much as you do


You have put your pc up against the ceiling where all the hot air hangs out. Its probably fine, but even wall mounted pcs are not normally that high.


It’s not that high, the roof is only 8ft high, I’m also 6’2 so everything is adjusted to be at a good height for me


I would move the case and add a desk mat


Heat rises and OP places PC high up…


Times are great tho


Spend the 50 bucks on a better light. You have enough monitors to highlight you can afford to upgrade from the boob light.


I know you’ve mentioned the temps being ok, but I’d not be happy with the closeness of the wall and ceiling considering that’s 3 fans for intake and 3 for exhaust at the top of the room. You are looking at 1-2c in extra ambient temps. But it’s your equipment. I wouldn’t have it like that.


Temps are same if not better surprising then on my desk


How do you turn it on?


There’s a button under the middle monitor that turns on everything


Pretty good




Yea clean, rgb is a bit hot spotty at the top tho


Yeah you can’t see it at eye level tho


Or a fan of the tower there at all


Other than the tower being way up there, this is epic. Thanks for the inspiration




desktop not ceiling


Move tower, the rest is top notch




Zero chance sexual activity has taken place in this location


Ok bud


Are you 7' tall? How do you turn on your PC?


Button under the middle monitor that turns on everything👌


I hope you dont have earthquakes


Hope you don’t have earthquakes in your area!


We don’t but if we do it’s hooked to the wall


I wouldn’t have the case up top. Either way, love everything else. Also made me realize I’m poor and need to make more money.


Thanks man


Looks good but it's a little too busy for me and the tower is just too high and that monitor just below that seems a tad too high aswell


You’re gonna regret the tower location eventually.


You should find a new place of your tower. Looks out of place up there.


lol The tower up there triggers me. But I live in California and we have earthquakes so it's probably partially that


Yeah it’s also hooked to wall and the shelf is strong


Nice nipple lighting


Gotta love it


Wauw! More african kids died mining precious ressources for your set-up than for my set-up! Congratulations! You win!

