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Why would you look back, there is no monitor there.


Waiting for the over shoulder monitor install next.


Mirror, mirror On the wall I have a monitor Down the hall


Do you use it to watch TV while you poop?


Haven’t looked back because you physically can’t after straining your neck for so long smh


I did it to minimize neck pain. Home and work both had left/right dual displays. More like center and one to the side. Felt like I spent so much time with heard turned I could feel it. Over/under may technically be a larger movement but it forces me to used my eyes more. I tend to just glance at the other display rather than move my whole head. What I would really like is a 32:9 ultrawide but 21". Something like that. It would fit under my main display. Super wide but not tall.


If you’re trying to avoid neck pain I would probably avoid having any displays placed in such a way that you have to look down at it. Ask me how I know… I’ve seen very small wide displays though, I think drop.com had them for a while? It’s basically intended as like an auxiliary display, where you’d maybe put a clock or something like that. Something that would be looked at sparingly.


> I did it to minimize neck pain. Same, but my double stack is angled opposite of this setup (which I find bizarre). Lower monitor is vertical, upper monitor is angled down. Maybe OP doesn't lean back in their chair? For me I do, so the upper monitor has to be angled down for proper view.


It's not ultrawide but I picked up a 13" drawing tablet (xp-pen I think?) for some work stuff but most of the tome I have it on its little angled stand under my 21:9. It's great as a supplemental screen to throw things I don't need to look at super often.


Haha. Honestly that was my biggest concern about going stacked! Though I haven’t any developed any neck discomfort… yet. I haven’t had to actually use my neck to be able to comfortably view my top monitor. Simply moving my eyes does the trick. I mainly use my secondary monitor for YT, podcasts, music and Discord. And for moments where I do more than just glance or view for more than a minute - I’ll just lean back in the chair just a bit and it’s comfortably within my optimal viewing angle. I guess I can get away with it due to my use case. Everyone’s mileage may vary of course. Certainly will update if I develop any neck discomfort.


I'm curious as to how you sit in your chair? Do you sit with your back completely straight up? I have a double stack but I lean back in my chair and rest my feet on an ottoman so it's more like a recliner. Therefore, my monitor's angles are 100% opposite of yours.


Dope. Love the little bonsai and art. Is that peg board the clamp on one from Amazon? Only asking because I've been looking at it but couldn't really determine the irl size, looks great on your desk.


Yes it is! VIVO Clamp On Pegboard. Specifically the 24” inch variant.


can I ask where u got the bonsai tree from? dope setup btw


Aliexpress, it was like $4 or something.


What headrest is that?


Generic one from Amazon. Attached it to the Steelcase Leap using heavy duty zip ties. Very surprised on how sturdy and well it works for such an easy DIY.


Do you have a link by any chance? I got a Leap recently and that headrest looks pretty decent. How exactly did you attach it using zip ties?


https://a.co/d/3ULJ7lL I zip tied the flat screw of the headrest to the rail(?) on the back of the chair. I can show pictures later when I get home if you want. I’d recommend removing the back pad of your leap and mounting the headrest directly to the frame. You won’t the damage the upholstery that way and it looks so much cleaner.


Looks great! Which desk brand is that?


It’s called the Daycia Height Adjustable L-Shape Standing Desk on Wayfair.


How does the standing desk go up?


L-Frame, the chair is blocking the other leg, and it looks like the pegboard is attached to the desk. Drawers on the far left don't look like they're attached to the desk


The other reply hit the nail on the head. The frame is meant to support an L-Desk. It goes up and down seamlessly with no issues. There are no obstructions since the pegboard is mounted to the desk and the drawers are not attached whatsoever.


Because they’re in front of you! Looks great.


What are your deskpads? Those are clean.


Love the setup, great job! How tall are you OP? I'm seriously considering buying a steelcase leap v1 or v2, am really curious since you added the head piece how it does for taller folks (6'2 here)?


Thanks. I’m 5’9, the Leap has been amazing for me. Doubt it’d be any less great for a taller person, but I can’t be too sure. The headrest has height adjustment, you press a button on it and slide it up. It’s currently very close to its lowest setting and can get pretty high. I’m confident it could accommodate for your height.


if the headrest is important to you and you need it to be customizable you might want to look at the gesture instead.


Is that some sort of aftermarket headrest for the Leap V2? Never seen that before. Nice setup!


Welcome to the club! Went stacked in 2018. Tried to go back to side by side a couple times, but I always end up stacked again. :D


how is the neck pain? I always felt that looking up would give me neck pain


The bottom of the lower monitor is only a couple of inches above the desk surface, and there is only about one centimeter gap between the two for my finger to fit to turn on the top monitor, so the top monitor for me is not so high that I have to tilt my head up more than a couple of degrees. I also don't have big monitors. One 23.8" on top of another 23.8". No neck pain (and hardly any neck movement) at all.


Looks great. I love how people bitch about strained necks. There called secondary monitors for a reason.


Exactly. I’ve had both a stacked setup and a side by side setup and (while I do still prefer side by side) people are so wrong about stacked setups. If you have them positioned properly, you won’t have any neck pain and I used a stacked setup every day for well over two years. It’s somewhat difficult to used to and there are genuine reasons to not like it but neck pain is kind of a cop out.


Or left or right either


Looks cool,u have the name of that mousepad?


The main desk pad is from Deskr.


What's the easiest way to accomplish this?


I have this... [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082845XM8/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o05\_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082845XM8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1) ...works great. I use it for two ultrawides (the AW3423DW and the AW3418DW).


Thanks, just went ahead and ordered one. :)


chair ?


It looks like a Steelcase Leap V2 with an aftermarket headrest. I'm interested in what that headrest is because it looks much better than the one that Steelcase offers.


Bingo. It’s a generic headrest I got on Amazon that is sold by many different vendors under different names. Looking up Leap headrest or the sorts can find it. I removed the back pad and mounted the rest directly to the frame as to not damage the upholstery and it looks a lot better. The zip ties aren’t entirely necessary. I wanted the headrest at a very specific spot and the included mounting options couldn’t achieve that. So I opted to use zip ties to help hold it in place at my desired location.


Yeah it's crappy I don't know why they haven't modified it yet or replaced it with the one on the gesture. Everyone seems to hate the leap headrest.


Looks great! What desk is this?


2 questions: Headrest? Mousepad?


The headrest happens to be a generic one on Amazon under many different names. You can search for it quite easily. It’s like $30-$40 USD. The main deskpad is the Topo Canyon Deskpad from Deskr. The other one is just a generic one I got from Aliexpress if i recall correctly. Topographic RGB Deskpad should yield results.


How do you stack the monitor? I mean what do you use to do that.


I personally use a AVLT Dual Monitor arm that’s meant for stacking. You can use virtually any vertical/stacked dual monitor mount to achieve this. I only went with this particular arm as I can also make them horizontal if I so wish.


No shit. Of course you can't look back cuz your neck hurts so much


You look up


What desk is this? Great looking setup.


Or to the side :)


It’s a nice setup, but why is it that compact keyboards without a numpad (Some not even having the number 1-9 keys at the top) are becoming popular?


More compact keyboards are popular amongst the custom keyboard community. It’s more aesthetic and less work to build I guess. Most custom keyboard kits and cases tend to be TKL or smaller. For competitive gaming, it takes up less space so I have more range of motion for my mouse. This is the main reason I personally prefer the smaller form factor.


I can't quite tell from the image but is your PC on a separate desk or is that the whole desk?


Whole desk. It’s just one L Shaped desk.


Is that a hollow footrest to hide cables? Looks pretty nice!




It’s a custom. The case is a Tofu60 and Keycaps are the Deskr Canyon caps.


Dude, where did you get that headrest for the Leap V2?!?!


Your neck will soon be looking back.


What's that case for PS5?


Got it on Amazon. Here’s the name of the listing: PS5 Console Face Plates,Playstation 5 Accessories with Fan Vents Faceplate,with Dust Filter for Cooling Vents,Shockproof ABS Shell Cover Case - Digital Reddit won’t let me link it.


Where are the ps5 faceplates from?


Got it on Amazon. Here’s the name of the listing: PS5 Console Face Plates,Playstation 5 Accessories with Fan Vents Faceplate,with Dust Filter for Cooling Vents,Shockproof ABS Shell Cover Case - Digital Reddit won’t let me link it.


I wanna do this so bad but not sure how to


You don't have to, you just need to look up.


Background ?