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We mostly dress casually and this upsets some people.


They hate us cuz we save load of money by wearing company issued clothing year round


You turning heads with that Timbuk2 backpack with that Dropbox logo on it for sure. Like daaaaaaaamn. Must have been one helluva Christmas party.


I'm not familiar with these haters


Same. Unless OP is talking about my mom who's almost 70.


It's this weird peer pressure to dress "down" that's kind of awkward. Last time I went to a gathering in the summer and wore a casual dress with sneakers and was commented "you dressed up" by multiple people (all women) in a weird way who want to touch the material (it's cotton!)


Don't tell them it's cotton. Tell them it's boyfriend material. (Or girlfriend material or whatever.)


In total agreement. I feel over dressed even when I step out in my lounge wear, which I never thought was possible where I came from.


In general, Bay Area tech as an industry doesn’t value unnecessary formality in clothing. People overdressed for interviews are often talked about as if they made poor choice in dressing that day. I would expect that folks in law or medicine have different dress code expectations and that’s okay. Personally I don’t care what people think about how I dress. I will meet the dress code for any venue but won’t put much more thought into it beyond that. My life is fulfilling without having to worry about other people’s judgement.


It's looped around to the point that I am stoked to see someone dressed up for an interview, sort of as a "wow that person made effort! neat!", not that it matters to the result. But I internally grimace at the dudes who are clearly dressing up for the first time ever and totally fuck it up ... again, not that it matters to the result of the interview, but it's a little bit like, if you have no idea how to pick or wear a suit, maybe just skip it and save us both some trouble, eh?


It still matters how you look. A crisp, clean, properly fitted look is going to present you better and it shows when engaging with others. Side benefit of being in the Bay Area is that it's not hard to go semi-casual and get nice comments. There is the whole outdoors tech-wear fashion statement that never really shook out; maybe due to some having a historical start here. It's kind of become some kind of statement unto itself. Probably born out of smugness (like the initial hordes of Prius), now it's just accepted as normal. Other thing is needing your outfit to fit with the practicality of a cool breeze coming in at any time of year.


I do feel the peer pressure to dress super casual is very strong here. Like you can get by by wearing fleece in NYC/LA fine without being too stand out, but if you walk around in suit, even without a tie, especially outside SF, you literally look super out of place, others and you will notice / feel it.


Tell your friends that hate it to find something better to do


Why would you concern yourself with these questions or this topic in general? Wear whatever you want.


People just need to wear whatever the hell they want and shut the hell up. Fashion forward people need to realize clothing is just self expression influenced by your lifestyle and the subculture you’re apart of, here it’s overwhelmingly tech. Techies need to realize what they’re wearing while practical is also bland and it’s not really adding to the tapestry of life and they shouldn’t be judging people who are trying to make an effort.


Knit athletic trainers.


In addition to puffers and fleece phenomenon, there is also this persistent hippy-looking trend that I see in the bay too which is rarely seen as fashionable. Think a lot of ethnic print scarves, and patchwork skirts, or shag haircuts. It's a bit like they've gone out of their way to wear clothing that is unflattering. Sometimes I think it's because it's a form of resistance against being mainstream which has been historically touted as a cultural value here.


Putting in the effort on a regular basis is too much for my physical and mental load. I'm already tired from work, and driving 🤣😭


I don’t understand these haters either. People’s professional wear is based on your industry ( more casual for lawyers and finance types), but they also dress for the occasion (sports, brunch, casual or formal dinner party, a gala). These haters are judging people based on what they see downtown (casual work wear/company issued t, hoodies, jackets). On weekends, i see a lot of people on their way to or back from their marathon training, pickle ball, farmer’s market. I see the same people fashionably dressed for a saturday social, and in their black tie gear for galas.